Riot at Disneyland, guess the family, read the analysis. Mods deleting all they don't like. No other alt-right outlet or even fucking twitter deleted the scandals. Only 4chan and 8ch deleted the threads. Peace. Freedom bitches FU TO THE REAL FASCISTS.
The chans are too easy to slide which causes everyone to get too paranoid about slide threads, mods over-moderate and lots of good threads get deleted. Voat doesn't have this problem. Instead of just parroting "le upvotes are bad because reddit is gay", think about how much better Zig Forums would be with the ability for the community to self-moderate with up/downvotes instead of depending on faggot mods and sage-bombing.
Robert Cooper
Sebastian Sullivan
This board is being actively sabotaged now.
Jonathan Nguyen
Mason Sanchez
If this thread is taken down it is clear 8pol is compromised
Post webm of video and make a replacement op because this one is shit do better but still good on you for being loud and pointing it out.
I just read that there was a brawl between families but now I want to know the significance. Related news, some (((child star))) Belle Thorne stated she was abused as a kid at Disney.
Christian Collins
I dunno I just watched the vid on live leak, nothing terribly interesting, just a minor nigger brawl in disneyland that some lame ass white people broke up instead of just letting them kill each other. Nothing terribly interesting and no different than any other ghetto brawl or world star video of nigs nogging.
Nicholas Gomez
All I could think after watching the video was "Niggers"
Christopher Brooks
> Niggers being niggers then. Put this in the Nate Higger's thread. Why does it need it's own thread?
Charles Price
Exactly. OP is a faggot. Put this in the Nate Higgers thread. /thread
Fuck MKUltra Disneyland and every fucking glownigger reading this
Eli Roberts
They should have a part of Disneyland called "CoonTown" with nothing but niggers in it. Whites would walk on overwatching platforms behind bulletproof glass as the swarms of shitskins below mutilate beat and massacre one another in teh streets below with guns machetes and broken bottles. I'd pay a lot to see that. The bloodshed would be epic.
Xavier Evans
The hate towards plebbits voting system isn’t just because it is plebbit. It stifles meaningful discourse by encouraging group think. Mods can potentially do this as well, but if shit mods/jannies fuck up a board you can make a new one and place competent people in charge. Or you can deal with the occasional bs from mods, as opposed to perpetual bullshit elsewhere. If you want that, then maybe you should fuck off to rebbit or one of its knock offs, image boards are not for you.
Oliver Howard
I'd delete this thread too, as the OP is so shit he doesn't provide any details.
Wyatt Evans
This board is a trash heap run by subversives who hate the userbase.
Chase Wood
The funny thing is that the whites at Disneyland are as repulsive and cretinous as the ham beast shitskin wenches.
Thomas Johnson
Zig Forumsis not alt-kike. Yeah, your definitely in the wrong place.
Haven't seen original vid but apparently mass chimpening
Brandon Rodriguez
Did you post it in the White Victims of Black Crime thread? Are you even trying or just kvetching?
Zachary Jackson
It's just a cat 1 chimpout OP, shit happens every single day.
Henry Diaz
Also, up/down voting is just as easy to manipulate as non-voting image boards, so you still need moderation. So now you really have two problems. I think a partial solution would be a harder captcha, at least that would take care of some of the low-hanging fruit currently being picked by programmers with some knowledge of neural networks and machine vision and a desire to spam shit threads and posts.
Asher Jones
Fuck you bitch. Why does Zig Forums need an entirely new thread to kill off other important ones just for a nigger fight at Pedoland? Kill yourself Star Wars faggot.
Isaiah Baker
This board is already painfully slow. If a thread dies then it's a natural death.
They censor to a degree that only communists outmatch. I've had dozens of on-topic threads deleted and posts banned by these fucks.
I think it's time we host our own websites free from this censorship.
Cameron Peterson
Aaron Cruz
Exactly. Spread Zig Forums research and National Socialism.
Benjamin Taylor
Why do you post this picture in this thread? Is it because there's a big ugly coon in the hot tub with her?
Dominic Walker
(((Disney))) runs a dating site for gay men and little boys in partnership with (((JewishCare))) Big Brothers Big Sisters and Employed Mass Baby Rapist Shannon McCoole. This fact covered up by the MSM
It was deleted because it shows stunk monkeys knocking women out. Rabbis are very careful about what white women from the donation class are allowed to see about their prized golem.
Eli Sullivan
It’s infested with everything from jidfniggers to glowniggers and all the niggers in between.
Henry Rogers
Shitskins treat women the worse than animals and are loved. The men who treat them well as hated. Maybe we should learn from the shitskins? Start beating women to near death and all their love will be yours.
Jayden Ramirez
It's already in there ,but retarded cuckchanners think every nig chimpout deserves its own thread. They think their faggot greentext stories deserve threads too now. They think every stupid three sentences separated by double line breaks is worth a thread and retards give these threads 100+ replies.