why the fuck dont we make a ethnostate in Svalbard? it has no visas, anyone from any country can stay there indefinitely without permission, it has a population of 2700, 2700 people from Zig Forums could move and vote for secession. it is 65,000 km^2 of land, its not TOO cold, -20 Celsius in winter and 7 Celsius in summer. why the flying fuck have we not invaded this archipelago
Svalbard ethnostate
One does not talk of Svalbard.
why the fuck not? its the perfect location for a ethnostate
It's technically Norway, and those turbocucks would gladly get the UN, NATO, et al to knock down your doorstep and shit all over you for some technicality.
Still, it's a novel idea to at least try for it if shit hits the fan. Same with Greenland; northern territories are certainly the best places to flee to.
people need to actually have the money to buy land to create communities. Just buy the land and start bringing people in.
Why do morons like you pretend actions don't have consequences?
no this ethnostate would be for a few hundred thousand to a few million whites, this could be whites "israel" and we can use it as a stepping stone to retaking our home lands, we will take back our home lands but it will be piece by piece not all at once and we need somewhere to start
Yeah, if you want to go about it and keep the frothing cunts at bay, do shit as legally as possible if you intend to say "fuck it", for as long as possible until they come knocking on your door.
I'm not actually in favor of an ethnostate, though - there's too many corrupted and cunty whites for that to even work at this point.
secession is perfectly legal, and if we become the majority of svalbard with a population of 2700 Zig Forumsacks we use our right of self determination, a universal human right
lmao ill take treeless arctic homogenous ethnostate hellscape to shit skin filled hellscape any fucking day
Sure, but you can't just swarm the land and take it without buying permits, deeds, etc. Also, even if it's "perfectly legal", do you really think you'd still be allowed to do so without some kind of blowback? Especially if you seriously think "optics are for opticscucks!" and then shit yourself on the world stage.
ok im not coming id rather die murdering zogbots and shitskins where i was born
chans have a strange mix of Aspergers and schizophrenia. There is nothing illegal about buying land and settling it.
We don't get to have anything until we defeat the banks.
there is no surging the land, there are no permits for anything, its visaless, anyone can set up and live there in a shack if they so choose
lmao whites have blow back for literally everything, setting up a community on a island for whites almost exclusively is going to be the least of the blow back in coming years
All of Europe and North America is the perfect location for an ethnostate.
It's actually easier to take it all back than to run and hide and not be slaughtered.
this isnt running and hiding, this is setting up a base of operations to go back on the offensive, this ethnostate could be established within 6 months tbh is 2700 of us decided to move
If people did start moving there en mass there'd be an anti-white movement disguised as an environmental group set up in moments to present the new inhabitants as an invasive species. Be ready for that if you do it.
youre going to get a community full of pussys that run rather than the fight and nobody is actually going to go anyway. fuck off shlomo.
we will just live on the 1/3rd that is a nature reserve
lmao u a kike shill, u are afraid that when whites world wide see a group of whites establishing a crime free community of nearly whites only they will want to do the same and our racial consciousness will awaken, we will be a beacon of light giving direction in a world filled with ur kikery darkness
Good luck with the sausage fest, too.
establishing a base of operations for a GLOBAL effort to retake white homelands isnt fleeing u fucking mongoloid
I'd rather be alive to plant my seed and grow my roots elsewhere, than to wallow in filth and fire that threatens to destroy me.
pretty sure it wont be difficult to convince a thousand women GLOBALLY not to mention preference will be given to men who already have wives
The user literally used the words 'flee to'.
ur fucking retarded if u believe the white race can go from being subverted and destroyed for 100 years to a nationalist revolution without any kind of small scale consolidation showing the flock the way first
u are either a kike shill, a idiot or a stormfag
Hiding like small animals is what enabled our first mammalian ancestors to survive back when the non-Avian dinosaurs were getting BTFO'd by a meteor.
this seems relevant from a "behavior of Whites reacting to White nationalists" viewpoint
It wouldn't be a defeat for 3000 white racialists to go start something there. There's almost a billion of us. I think 3000 can be spared for the project, but those people should know what will come their way once eyes are on them.
THIS, holy fuck what dont people understand that this isnt the end goal, this is just the first step
We could invite some Japanese friends, they know a thing or two about holding an island.
How would the locals like that? Why don’t they get on board with secession without (((us)))? Do we redpill them, too?
Plus, we’d need skilled people going, I’m talking about tradesmen and farmers. And resources are needed too. Can’t just show up and expect a nice home and food in the tummy.
its only 2700 people, they are all christian Norwegians and a few Russians, sure some wouldnt like it but they would leave there are no family ties i Svalbard, no graveyards or family estates ect, not so much farmers more hydro engineers and botanists for hydroponics
they wont seccede because they are super dependant and are just fine with being Norwegian citizens
Because melting pots are fucking retarded and very few of you are nords so you shouldn't get anywhere near it.
who said anything about being nord? Svalbard was first recorded by anglos, svalbard is anglo-nordic clay
And the US and Canada were first recorded by the Norse, it is nordic clay.
This is stupid. Focus on where you are, what you have and stop with the unrealistic larpy daydreams.
Good idea OP, disregard the kike shills, the very last thing that they want is for racially aware whites to gather together, especially if they are Zig Forums - tier.
It would be very difficult though, first they would send tons of glowniggers to sabotage the whole thing, then they would make up some lies and spin them in media in order to convince countries to sanction us or militarily intervene, then they would try to find a way to flood us with subhumans and start building synagogues.
If something like this is to ever work, we need a very serious strategy and some very capable people. Our goal would be to purge the ranks from enemy informants and obtain nukes as soon as possible, closing up any potential attack vectors. Think of becoming a white North Korea.
Also, most people on Zig Forums either ignoring such initiatives or being against them prove this place to be a containment zone where most posters are either JIDF or feds.
They plan to genocide you, and they will order their subhuman hordes to murder you as soon as conditions are right. Look at S. Africa. This is as much about personal survival as it is about preserving the race.
it is not nordic clay
Ok autistic nerd. Stop daydreaming
C'mon, what the hell.
explain how svalbard which has no native people and wasnt discovered till the late 1600s by the brits, is nordic clay
You utter retard, this was never the point.
Choose one
Con pito
Es mas Rico
The dick
Makes it better
Attack Male conservatism
Hispanics become Anglo
Many Aryans (from Mexico) should go live there instead of the US
It was an Iwo Jima joke, you concave skull ape.
And unless you're talking about making it into a sub-Racial ethnic state (IE purely Hungarian or Norwegian etc.) your comment makes exactly zero sense since the Japanese are White.
fuck off no one from burgerland is allowed in this ethnostate, only nordic and australian/new zealanders
Why have we not heard of this before. It sounds perfect
So was the south seceeding from the North. Turned out well for them, didn't it?
Legality means nothing. "Rights" mean nothing. Only power.
Because 2700 people isn't a viable country? Because nobody wants to live on a shitty arctic island where self-sufficiency is very limited when every country on the planet will put a trade embargo on you?
I've been to Svalbard is a hostile hellhole were one needs to go around with a rifle in case you met an ice bear.
It is owned and populated by Norway. And…it's in the North.
who knows, maybe (((they))) have been suppressing the information ?
u are a kike shill working against the first realistic ethnostate
well technically it would be 5400 in total including people already there, there are reindeer and walrus to hunt and seas to fish, plus hydroponics, plenty of coal, as much fresh water as we want from glaciers, i could definitely see 5400 people living quite sustainably very easily with the correct funding
It's a literal arctic desert. Nothing grows there - not even trees. You could probably make a list on the front and back of a single sheet of paper every species of plant and animal life that exists there.
That means that everything - literally everything - comes in on a supply ship. Food. Medicine. Clothes. Building materials. Gas. Oil. You name it. You think it's expensive to live where you're at now? Wait til you have to pay eight bucks for a liter of milk or some fucking thing.
And how do you propose to pay for it? What job are you going to get in Svalbard? The only three industries are Coal Mining, Tourism, and Research. If you already work for NASA (which I'm guessing you don't) you could maybe request a transfer. How about mining coal? Ever try your hand at that? No? Well surely the local fishing guides will be happy to see you come and set up shop and drive them out of business, destroying their livelihood and will welcome you with open arms.
This is one of the stupidest wet dream ideas I've ever seen here.
Yes, 5400 people could live there sustainably with a poor quality of life. But you would simply be rounded up and tossed in prison because 2700 people aren't on your side, and 2700 people that are isn't enough to defend yourselves and be an independent nation.
One only needs to look at a fucking map. This thread is trash.
pelts, ivory, clothing, tax haven, selling water like voss or icelandic, tourism, realestate, tech related services and servers because air conditioning is effectively free, u have literally nigger tier imagination of possibilities
why poor quality of life? its very much a similar situation in the faroe islands and they have a comfy lifestyle tbh
Fuck off.
its not running away, its finding a place to set ur roots and consolidate before going on the offensive
the thing is u DO NOT NEED PERMISION to set up a business or move to svalbard for any of the things i mentioned i dont need permits or to be transfered from nasa or work at one of those three industries, if i choose to move to svalbard and i can economically set up a server business then no one can tell me otherwise, likewise i could make a clothing business or belt business there, or fresh water taken from glaciers
if a job or industry doesnt exist then u do what ur fucking ancestors did, you fucking MAKE ONE
Nice plan dipshit.
Because living off of walrus meat is a shitty life. The faroe islands are dependent on trade for their "comfy lifestyle".
That and don't forget that the EU literally gave away all of Sweden to the Uygers. They said that it was OPEN BORDERS for anyone who was Uygur if they wanted to go live in Sweden and destroy it for the 'gibs' and raping.
Sweden is to grant refugee status to all Uighur Muslim asylum-seekers from China, prompting calls for other Western governments to follow suit.
all Uyghur Muslims; all of them can move to Sweden at any time
Noway isn't in the EU dipshit.
It will be. Once the niggers and muslims 'vote it in'.
reindeer meat and fish would probably be the main types of meat, this is fine? ever tasted reindeer? i have its like venison but beefier
It boggles my mind that people don't really understand that this is a plan for a violent and murderous GLOBAL THEOCRACY….there is NO PLACE TO FUCKING RUN IF YOU WON'T DEFEND YOUR HOMELANDS AND PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING.
holy fuck i have said it so many times in this thread, this is not running away this is just as a few thousand of us setting up a little country for whites around the world to use as a template to push their countries towards
read this comment u nigger
This is the pipe dream of cowards
how the fuck is this a pipe dream im talking about a small community of a few thousand living at faroe islands tier lifestyle who live primarily off the land on reindeer and fish?
Because we’re not jews. Kill yourself.
Enjoy being killed by whites, jew.
lol inhospitable, greenland is colder tbh
Bigots long only to die.
K, see you later. Enjoy your ethnostate.
No, it is not fine. Yes, I eat caribou. Along with dozens of other things. Living off of 2 things is fucking awful. What kind of braindead nigger would want to subject himself and his children to such a shitty life for absolutely no benefit?
most people live off beef and chicken exclusively in australia and maybe lamb and pork on occasion, how is living on deer and fish and walrus/seal any less varied?
veges will be grown hydroponically enough to support ourselves in a pinch but alot will be imported too, veges will cost more than normal and non native meat products will too but not drastically so, probably less than canadian instore prices
No the don't you fucking retard. They eat all kinds of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, etc.
With what? Pixie dust? Hydroponics isn't magic you moron. You need lights, power to run those lights, and fertilizer to make the plants live. You can produce the fertilizer from fish shit, that's it.
i was talking about meats.
actually there is literally centuries of undecomposed reindeer shit u can use, there is plenty of coal to power the lights although u wont need it for most of the year u will just grow during the midnight sun and stock for winter as iceland does
there is literal piles of reindeer shit, limitless fresh water and coal, and a midnight sun u can use for constantly growing plants like grasses and wheats, lettuce, cabbage, and root vegetables
sterling generator for the electricity and sulphur based polymers for the plastic tubing and u have all u need right there, svalbard actually has plenty of metal, iron ore as hematite, lead and zinc as sulphates nhm.uio.no
polvol thread #2364879
No there isn't. And you can't use reindeer shit for aquaponics you retard.
And you are building a coal fired power plant? And a light bulb factory? What kind of bulbs, and where are you getting the materials?
Yes you will, because the midnight sun provides way too little solar radiation you fucking retard. Plants don't want 24 hour sun, they need to rest too. So you have to shade them for 8 hours, and during the other 16 hours you don't get enough solar energy for good growth.
Iceland doesn't. Iceland imports virtually all of their food. Stop telling other people to do stupid shit when you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
You are going to make a horribly inefficient generator because…?
Lets see you build a sulphur based polymers plant first, then you'll show us how viable your idiotic nonsense is.
Yes, let's put them all there…the entire continent.