So I just got done driving my cousin somewhere and we were having a conversation about how whites are discriminated against by the government randomly when he mentions he heard online that the Jews were responsible for 9/11 and other related issues. I should just tell you guys that my cousin is not a history buff or political really whatsoever, and yet, he managed to get to this sliver of truth, and was genuinely interested about it. Of course that's when I dropped the next red pill on his path upwards and told him the Jews started ww1. But this is not the first person in my family and of my friends who have a higher power level then they are letting on. Who knows how many people secretly know now and keep it secret like the rest of us.
We have won. The normies are awakening. IT's over
Other urls found in this thread:
This Epstein thing is really helping. I don't see how they keep it in the bag at this point.
I was disappointed to see that Tucker didn't mention Epstein. Whatever gets put out on his program will be the line beyond which things don't get memory holed but even without Tucker I think we've got the public consciousness sufficiently alerted to the Zionist angle on the Epstein/Wexner blackmail.
I mean, thanks to the Internet, we will win, the Truth will win, the only way the normies don't wake up is if the kikes start some sort of technology that controls the brain.
Keep pushing the truth, even you have to expose yourself to the ire of establishment drones.
really? it's obvious. they eclipse stories like epstein or the stealing of 2.2 trillion from american tax payers on 9/10/01 with bigger stories which are also false flags. simple redirection. it's easy when your nation is a docile and trusting heard of cattle. not to mention the non-stop reinforcement of 1,000's of lies daily through the government, media, and education system.
also protip: people hate the truth and populations always choose the lie, just look at America
you need to understand that real winning is having a family. youre putting off forming a relationship and growing up strong white children. I believe this might be the hardest part for the "red pilled" to understand. No despair, the jews dont control your life. HAVE WHITE FAMILY
If you're a burger and in the proper timezone, jump on the Tucker livestreams on youtube and drop redpills in the chat. Easy captive audience.
It's one of the best things we can do. Bringing people into the world who would defend the truth is crucial. And you look less insane when you have a family.
I'm Hispanic and redpilled. It's ok if I breed with a white woman right? A lot of Hispanic women dont like me because I like Trump, but white woman cant stay off me. My stuck between choosing an Irish or a German girl though, not sure which one to breed yet. Maybe both.
white and hispanic seem to be compatible, dont get too stuck in race, dont breed with mudskins tho
Now I have to reply to him, because your dumb ass took him seriously.
Too obvious.
You know the kikes have won and the world is in total darkness when "the truth will win" means "a pedo story sells more Tweetstorm ads."
Sage for general faggotry. Thought it would be a nothing and it was.
Just kill yourself, in the future we will erase your pathetic nigger bloodline.
Sex is boring. Conservatives obsess over it because they’re literally the population that cares. The apparent perverts sometimes aren’t perverted at all; the apparent prudes tend to have nothing but sex in mind.
The purified essence of conservatism is the will to stalk others and judge them. Conservatives can’t imagine enjoying their own life, so they do what makes them laugh by attacking others.
Privacy by contrast is the foundation of sapience itself, and the font of all progress, for only in separation can we find new ways of thinking and being.
Conservatives hate sapience. That’s why conservative populations attack truth and lie incessantly. That’s why they retreat to ghettoes and trailer parks to pump out babies in poverty. They want to oppose the idea that there should be actual joy in society.
This post is incorrect, of course, but in which parts?
Drat, missed the sixual get.
Liars fight forever, but truth is actually really kind. The world of broken warrior tantrums sucks. We don’t have to submit to it. We can live forever if we defy humanity’s ancestral sociopathy and have strength enough to turn disloyally against those who hurt others.
Did you know vaccinations involve injecting diseases into people? The preceding sentence is literally true. Vaccines inject disease particles.
Does that thought inspire rage, terror, or curiosity?
Nothing about the reality is changed by how you feel about it. How you feel about it instead says something about what you expect of the rationality of conflict vs compassion. People who believe compassion is rational find it much easier to believe in vaccines.
Jews are unfairly maligned. There do exist evil Jews, and some of them are powerful, but Jews are mostly good and honest people. Look at Epstein. Antisemitism didn’t bring him down. He was ultimately vulnerable because Jews are good people overall.
Antisemitism is a chain that people are intended to submit to so that truth may be more completely purged from the world. It won’t work. Reality is true. No power is more true than the truth on which it relies.
They mostly are not, which is the problem. There are some decent jews but most of them are sociopathic.
Eh. Fix it, then. I mean, I don’t know if what you’re saying is true, but that’s somewhere between genes and culture, innit? Keep up the genetic research and do your best to make sure editing therapies are acceptable. Plus, child abuse often teaches sociopathy, so strengthen the child protection services.
Go gin up a Joosh controversy against CPS if you’re telling the truth. Sociopaths are bad with kids. Exceptions do exist, but they don’t notice CPS at all, and their children don’t tend to become sociopaths.
Pure Literal Unavoided FACT. Absolute fucking Golden Righteous. BUMPED AS FUCK. The Kike Stain literally has Zero direction of Turn
Good, good. Our role is to accelerate the process.
Ok… what did YOU told him about 9/11?
Nothing kooky I hope.
Sociopathy is boring.
I don’t mean to other people. Sociopaths are scary exciting to people other than themselves.
I mean to sociopaths themselves, existing is almost synonymous with boredom. Being a sociopath is persistently boring. A fraction of a fraction of that population finds something so exciting it absorbs their whole attention without destroying them or anyone around them, but mostly they’re an impulsively criminal subset of the population.
Why are they so uncontrollable? They’re impulsive because they’re existentially bored. They are exciting to others because being like that almost manages to excite them, too. I understand there’s historically nothing to be done about that, but we live in a changing era. If you can’t sell transformation and boredom-relief to the most desperately bored humans on the planet, I don’t know what to say. We can find least-sociopathic geneplexes and start altering neural genes.
Successfully proving that some population is mostly sociopathic wouldn’t justify hating them anymore. Sociopaths who understand their own condition shouldn’t want to stay as they are. They of all people should be able to understand the torment of stagnation.
Sociopaths are scattered scum. I know from conversing with a few that some of them think of themselves as change agents, but really society just keeps having to clean up after them. Again, and again, and again. Far from being a valued froth factor keeping out stagnation, they’re an irritating loop factor that wastes resources which could fuel real changes.
This post is to you. I gave it a bit more thought, since you were so quiet in your objection.
You'd be surprised how many people are aware of those rats and their schemes
You should ignore the mentally ill kike, it just spams the same idiotic garbage in any thread with potential. I usually don't use filters but in this case it helps. Don't expect it to hold up an argument, it's here to waste your time and fill the thread with mental diarrhea . Every time a rat gets kicked with reason, it quickly runs off to another thread. They know that they don't have any arguments, they never did. It's all about making more people believe in lies than there are those who know the truth, so they can set up the norms and put social pressure on bad goyim.
Ah, those "compassionate" socio-psychopaths, true friends of the people :>)
how does this work?
You sound awfully scared, chaim.
You’re not going to survive the encroaching global pogrom. Your time is up, kike.
Sounds as though the Feds caught your 'cousin' diddling kiddies, and 'turned' him on you. Be careful son.
How new are you? For the past several hundred years essentially every war was funded or directly started by them. The American war of Independence was freaking funded by the City of London. History is not what you were taught. There is so much more to it.
Kill yourself with this self congratulatory bullshit. Nobody won. The fight barely even started, and you faggots keep calling the people fighting "mossad agents". Call victory when the jews are kicked out of power and exiled and the white population is secured.
the Jews will destroy this world, but their annihilation is also inevitable.
Just fuck off with your retarded blog that doesn’t matter to anyone.
If you look like that Lopez "comedian" then no, if you're a castizo then I wouldn't have a real problem with it, though I would prefer you breed with a fellow White looking hispanic.
You get the rope for promoting mongrelization with part niggers in the European people.
Well that's what Hitler was trying to do by putting them into concertration camps not to work them to death for the war effort, but also to re-educate them so they steer clear of Tamudic thinking, ingrained into them for generation upon generation. But it would only have limited success as like the Blacks their behaviour is both from genes and culture.
Lads, does anyone have those old stills from I haven't seen it since it came out but want to know if there are clearer stilla or even juat the originals.
Imagine being a jew or jew servant that knows how many assassins are at your master's disposal and you want to sell out. None of then want to be made an example of. But the longer this goes on, someone will risk it.
When shit hits the fan, you will see jew on jew on jew servant infighting. That will be the best time to strike. Protip: never trust a sellout, they would have happily kept backstabbing white men but felt their deals with the jew was too weak. Use them only in ways that cost no risk, and then hang them too.
I'm around 1/32 Spanish, have blue eyes, pale skin & had blonde skin at 3yrs old who could pass as a German. There are still many Whites in South & Central America. I'll put the figure at least 50M in Argentina, Brazil & urgay alone.
That the civic glory of Latin America be recreated again throughout the world. Mutt Pride!
Right and they're not currently teaching 11 year old boys to dress like strips and dance for grown men.
Not by DNA testing. Stick with your own kind FAGGOT.
Hispanics are fucking part niggers, user. They are not compatible with Whites/Europeans at all.
Spics ARE mudskins, you IP hopping, spicspamming nigger. You really should find somewhere else to peddle this retarded shit. You will never not glow, nigger.
Don't lie. Hispanic simply means Spanish or Portugese-blooded. If you were perhaps maybe a German and a Spaniard, then you would be a Hispanic, no?
Both of these are mongrels if you look at their DNA. I was horrified to find out that Portuguese are almost as mongrel as the spicnigger at 10-30% nigger DNA. 'Hispanic' means mongrel trash to me.
Slow boil.
Game theory.
Many tv people like Whoopi have skipped over the topic because "it's too soon and too few details" as in they don't know how to spin it. They're either going to have to flip live or retire.
user, this isn't zeitgeist jeopardy…your fucking bloodline, family, race, culture, country and civilization is marked for destruction.
Tucker is the shit.
Too obvious. Bait your hook next time.
I only see Aryan
go. back.
Fucking this!
Kikes on suicide watch, no more brothers wars!!
A DACApede?
Worse, a boomer.
Another thing is, the kikes always used to have a strong Aryan nation under their control, which they could sic on another one that they didn't like or that was acting up. But now, with their global push of poz and "diversity", there is no such thing left. Who's going to be their attack dog once whitey starts slitting throats? The US niggertranny Army? The jews are FUCKED.
It's a sliding scale.
Japs>Chinks>Whites>Spics>Muds in general>Nogs
Lest we forget, we're all east Asian white supremacists, unless you're not white. If you aren't an east Asian supremacist, lurk more.
Hispanic is a language category. Until mestizo/castizo goes mainstream, you're all Mexican. Speak English, recapture the former glory of Spanish imperialism or gtfo.
I know this is bait but East Asians might be better than Chinks, but they're still not even comparable to aryans.
Sure thing rabbi.
A lot of people feel this way, but they are afraid to speak out. Which is why liberals hate free speech so much. They know the silent majority would put them in their place instantly if they could speak freely and not have to worry about losing their jobs. It's why you don't see it so much in countries that don't have free speech.
China should be as a warning. People could somewhat speak freely about what the government was doing decades ago. Obviously it wasn't nearly as good as in the West, but it could happen. Then Chinese government starts clamping down on free speech, terrifying their citizens into keeping quiet no matter what. Then the next generation never hears of how things really are, because the older generation has been silenced, and the new generation assumes the new bullshit is the new normal.
The only way to win is to give all these people who feel this way but are afraid to speak out the freedom to do so.
youve been kicked out of hundreds of countries over time, and you honestly believe its just because the goyim are anti-Semitic. I dont think a jew has ever paused for a moment and wondered if maybe their own behavior within a society is what causes people to hate them.
Fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me
fool me 300 times, fritz get the flamenwerfer
A thread telling you to rest easy and stop caring because you "already won" begins unironically shilling for racemixing. (((Natural and organic.)))
The absolute fucking state of this board.
Wrong. Jewish evil is genetic.
there is no way to have children except getting some whore drunk and shooting a load in her when shes passed out
this is how 95% of our society is made
there are no women left that want to make families. they have been completely brainwashed into the jew THOT programming.
lol no. dumb goy, what media do you control?
No. It hasn't even started. Going from unaware of threat to threat-aware is like going from -10 to 0. You still havent seen a public catharsis, which would only be a moral victory. At that point it still requires people to understand that money is a weapon, to be overcome by honor, that will be a big challenge. Once thats achieved then you have to understand the jews still have all the ancient tools of tyrants and despots, death and destruction. Once victory is achieved over that, then the jews will have to be dealt with. Thats a very brief synopsis, there is a lot of suffering between the lines. Declaring its over is premature to the extreme. When the jews take off their mask and stop pretending they arent the world government, that will be when you know its started.
Dehumanize yourself, and face to bloodshed.
The very fact that you invented a word to slither around your parasitism, and attack anyone who points out your shittyness, is all anyone with a half functioning consciousness needs to recognize. You're gross, kike cunt. Your arrogance about it makes me feel stabby.
what's the difference?
This user sees this glowing, lava hot nonsense from space. All over every damn board. I got banned for an entire week for pointing out THESE SAME SPICSPAMMING NIGGERS, as they continued on, shitting up EVERY THREAD, EVERY DAY, with impunity.
This place is so fucked. Sad.
kek. Hate to break it to you, but no normal person is "waking up".
Daily reminder that only need 10% of the population need to believe in an idea or support a political action for that stance or notion to become effectively unstoppable and snowball into the mainstream. You only need 10% of the population to believe the Holohoax was a pack of shit for it to become an unkillable and uncontestable mainstream sentiment. You only need 10% of the population to be willing to revolt to overthrow a government.
10% is the magical fucking number, and we inch closer and closer to that with each passing day.
kikes aren't normal or people
I had a similar experience today (and also last week). More people are waking up. But we can't get complacent and loose momentum. Keep dropping those red-pills. Godspeed brother.
We literally have thousands of years of history proving the opposite. Kill yourself rat kike.
Nice try, yid. I dropped in on Twitter today to see if the current stir was bubbling up.
Epstein Pedo shit.
FF Iran shit.
Pizzagate/Clintons tied into Epstein.
Q morons know enough, and still haven't been censored, and have been waiting for this moment in this case.
Allyssa Milano, and all the rest, BTFOd!! In front of their NPC audiences.
They never saw it coming.
No one can deny what they've been hearing about for years now.
There was even resurgence of 9/11 shit!
It's all falling apart.
It's glorious.
You're trying too hard.
"NUH-UH!" never worked around here, dipshit.
It must really suck to be you, and your friends, getting drunk down in your rat holes, knowing, that all over the world, we're coming, and there's nothing you can do to stop it?
I feel giddy.
You have a moral responsibility to steer them toward white males. Do so and we will steer the Latinas you should be with toward you in return.
Or simply rape the Latinas, your future children will appreciate it.
lol pic
Yes. But that is even more reason to hunt down all of our enemies, and kill all of them. Starting with the jews. Then, go for their pet parasites, such as niggers, leftists and faggots. Never again shall they be allowed to exist.
(((Mods))) insist on leaving this spam thread up. Look at this screencap. You really think anyone has won but the kikes? LOOK AT THIS. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE WINNING?
but you have to understand this is part of the programming. You have been convinced there are no women worth breeding with, while there are ton. THIS IS ONE OF THEIR TRICKS
The nigger golem will keep us occupied while the real golem (the Chinese and Muslims) with their stolen military tech will easily pick us off as we try and fight a 3 front war.
I honestly do not see how we could defeat this Jew golem. Maybe if we didn’t have niggers in our country but unfortunately we do. The world is doomed to becoming an Asian/nigger hellhole unless we somehow are able to win a war in which we are outnumbered 5 to 1.
reddit tier story from a reddit tier person
(((Yes goyim, you have won! You can rest now, you earned it. All is well.)))
Proof positive that accelerationism can only be a viable tactic when the normalfags are awakening and pnly then will the jews never see rest.
Good! Now we can open them up to Pizzagate and spoonfeed them the seeds of doubt. Don't be remotely hostile, just walk them through that shit.
As cleverly demonstrated by E-Celeb drama like ProJared and James Charles, people love their drama and dirty laundry aired for the world to see. Just look at all that villainization porn done to the nazis by the History channel - it doesn't matter if it's true or not although in this case it does, so much as how it's formatted or portrayed.
You niggers need to learn how to entice normalfags into buying into your shit instead of these weird gayops like flashdrives in the middle of nowhere and shit.
This entire sentence is nothing but (((weasel words))) Mr. Shekelstein, add some weight to your words or STFU.
The normies have awoken hundreds of times in the past. It's not over until we find a way to stop them from going back to sleep.
You are all Americas greatest generation since the founding fathers.
Walk the Qoomers into the Redpill.
The massive deplatforming of everything off jewtube last month shows how scared they actually are. More and more normalfags are having redpills slip through the cracks, even if its through mainstream shit like Tucker or Joe Rogan. We need to get in there and encourage these fags to do more research, and stop some redpills without sperging and trying to cram it down their throat. Dont rest easy but dont despair either, just look at everything as an opportunity to reach the masses
I'm personally tired of jumping through the hoops to open fresh accounts, just to get them shoah'd after 3 redpill posts. I no longer have ANY reach. These fuckers even burned my website for my business. Gee, I love always starting over in a world that my Ancestors created.
At any rate, I propose a series of "Curiosity Challenge" memes.
Aww, fuck it. I was trying yo make a meme for an example, but who am I kidding. I don't even have the energy to make memes anymore.
No one is listening.
If they aren't awake yet, they won't be in enough time.
Everyone wants violence.
The kikes keep pushing.
We are rapidly approaching our moment, lads.
Keep your powder dry, Your axe sharp, and do your fucking push ups.
Normies aren't waking up, shits just getting worse and worse
There is no such thing as hispanic. It was created by New York kikes to describe brown people who speak Spanish, so they can sell them shoes and soft drinks.
The real question is: are you actually of Spaniard descent and therefore white, or are you some kind of majority shitskin mix. Every moderately sucessfull "hispanic" country out there is a ran by a ruling class of Spaniards. The castes become more brown and retarded as they go down to the lowest. Stay in your caste if you want a happy marriage.
Sorry, but that is the truth.