"Those who feed the homeless are not welcome."

Apparently, actually going outside and helping the homeless is an activity only done by EBIL NADSEES.




Attached: homeless.png (640x892, 469.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nuke Israel

based arabs for killing kikes

In USA, food charities and food banks are all non profit. They get Gov Gibs based on numbers served. They do not track each others USERS. Thus a gibsmedat can go from NP Charity to NP Charity all month long, turn around and sell items to; Bodega, Swap Meet, Bake Sale, FB Marketplace, Road Side Produce, Farmers markets, etc. unchecked.
Additionally NP Charity will set up Homeless with Gibs (Food Stamps, etc.) that the Homeless in turn will sell for 25 cents on the dollar for drugs.
NP Charity will also teach Homeless how to Vote and Drive them to the Poles.
Scam o rama…
Please do not feed the animals…

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Western societies stopped reproducing when they stopped being cattle.

Leadersheep humans have rarely ever had enough kids to maintain their own numbers.

Natalists have always been a death cult.

Human leaders have already known this.

When more population stopped being desirable, population control was as easy as reducing the abuse under which the slaves live.

No slavery, no breeding. Humans only lie to themselves about voluntarily reproducing.

Reproduction rarely ever was about anyone’s desires.

Welcome to the real redpill. I know the truth that sends you all back to sleep.

The corrupt liars of identity groups long for the regressivism that is sexy to humans. They long to be broken into submission to sn unworthy society. In that condition their ancestors bred; in that condition they too will beat their children, then join their ancestors in dying eternally. Bigots are too weak to face forever.

Yeah, reported. Kill yourself, redditor.

He is a faggot pushing the globohomo agenda. I filter him everytime I see him.


You noticed me, though.

Also I literally got ejected from the left, lol. The “globohomo” agenda couldn’t tolerate me.

The regressive left tried to peel the potential of eternity out of this society, but their lies and deathwishes won’t stop scientific progress.

lol animals repoduce

Racists are too weak to face reality. They live in a fantasy world where raceniggering is going to preserve them against the tide of changing economics. If they succeed in stopping biotechnological obsolescence, they’ll die to automation poverty.

Humans reproduce in captivity. Not all animals do that.

The homeless are not going to fix society for the raceniggers. Being homeless fucking sucks. It’ll be really easy to recruit the homeless for remaking, and as their bodies/minds improve, they’ll find seamlessly prosperous places in society.

narcissistic whore

I'd like to see their response when all the homeless start showing open hostility to leftists due to that. That hostility would also spread among the entire lower income demographics, expanding support to GI (which GI would anticipate). What's funny is that regardless if the homeless are suspicious of the motive, they'll notice that the other group's response is to deny them help, instead of trying to compete against it.

This isn't all that different to a political campaign of generosity aimed towards a certain demographic, and capitalizing on how your opponent responds to it.

I’m an asexual nobody, liar. Wake up and face truth, narcissist.

You people can’t handle truth. You live in fond delusions, wrapping themselves about you.

The real redpill is too glorious for any of you. You would all rather die on your knees in submission to pedofascist skin-color supremacists.

Prove me wrong! Turn to the reality you all find so hard to confess! Be meat with me! Face forever, and the unforgiving reality of a material eternity!

The problem is I’m not wrong. You’re all obedient white niggers who only want to say yes massa to death itself. Breeding and dying for the glory of your lying mudwallowing death cult, with never any strength at all.

What are you trying to slide, espousing Zig Forums shit and semantic nothings?

You who would prize skin color over honesty will die in submission.

Is being strong enough to speak truth a semantic nothing to you!? Which of us is leftypol?

Have pride enough to face reality, nigger whites! You need not die if you can be honest emough! Pressure your governments to expand Remaking beyond transsexuals!

Eh, Bernie's job-guarantee program would fix the problem faster and more effectively.

Being a parasite isn’t superior, it’s just effective until everyone realizes your a parasite. Than it’s over

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Are Mods gonna do something about this schizo offtopic spam?

Oh, well, maybe. It’s just kinda unsatisfying to rely on governments forever. Who really wants to be a voting-pet, y’know? My Remaking proposals would be even more godawful expensive than just housing people, but they have more productivity upside, and a lot of the beneficiaries will stop needing permanent supports.

The potential upside of biotech is being catastrophically underestimated. I would say, “and I’m not just saying that because I’m invested in a company with potential to prosper in a Remaking regime,” but honestly that company is underestimating this shit hardcore, too.

Handing out jobs is just housing people until proven otherwise. I know jobs guarantees can be run better than that, but I’m not gonna assume any given program will be. -_-

Only help white homeless people. All other homeless subhumans must be burned alive while they sleep.

It is always ok to kill leftists and non-whites. There is nothing that you can do about being killed by us.

Cry moar faggot
Go start your multi skin colour society in African.
Theyll be drying your skulls out on the patio within the year
Want to know why the best of humanity self identify off race?
Because it is in our nature too
He who denies nature, denies life, he who denies struggle denies being. You, your pathetic horde of faggots that need to artificially manufacture society to pass your insanities will be the slaves in submission the natural world will crush you and put you back to where you belong. At the bottom

They never do. Welcome to the decline of the board. Thank kikemonkey on /sudo/ who doesn't believe in shills, and calls them "dissenting opinions." Mods who try to ban shills get removed.

Zig Forums stopped being Zig Forums when kikemonkey took over.

I want to get beyond fucking skin color. The damndest thing is the man who taught me of Remaking ideology liked crocodiles. I’m no loyalist, honestly that relationship didn’t work out, but I’m not turning my back on truth just because a philosophical fellow turned sexually demanding until I wanted to dissociate from the sex shit.

Also you’re a death cultist, and it’s hilarious watching you cry in life’s name about how badly you want to die. Strengthen up and learn the joy that wants to live forever. You don’t HAVE to be an ancestral sociopath beating your kids into ever-dying warrior replicants. There’s a better way in honest empathy.

None of you want to struggle with me. You’re too weak to face reality.

Racists lie and die because they can’t handle wanting to live!

Stop spamming the thread faggot nobody cares about you retarded ass opinions SAGE FOR OFFTOPIC

Go to sleep schizo and stop taking drugs

You are so deep in your own delusions you think you are enlightened but you are just blind

I wonder what percentage of homeless are white. Could this be the real reason?

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lel, imagine actually using faggot terminology. anyway, filtered for being a schizo retard.

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Yeah if they gave gibs to nigs they wouldnt care

If the original Remaker apologized to me, I’d forgive him, but obviously no way in hell is that going to happen. I think he was conservative after all, and wanted humans to become vastly long-lived elves. Ironically? It wouldn’t surprise me if his tastes ran to smooth white skin forever.

No skin off my back, though I too prefer crocodiles, haha.

Oops, mods banned me. Too much honesty for Zig Forums, we’re all supposed to be lying natalistic nihilists forever. Fucking breeders, learn the joy that wants to live forever.

Too weak for truth!

Look at this thread! Mods are submitting themselves to lies actively purging the voice of honest desire!

Curator Mel, the original Remaker! You sexually harassed me, and I haven’t forgiven you! Apologize to me and we can collaborate again without the sex!

They banned you because you are a delusional schizo spamming the board with offtopic nonsense

Natalists need to learn the joy that seeks to live forever, and stop being animals who breed in captivity.

We can print organs, muscles, skin, nerves! We can re-engineer genes! Demand your governments invest in Remaking and we can live forever!

My delusion is more true than your truth, wimp. Face reality.

Weak liars call organ printing delusion, but will they prefer death to a printed heart?

You dont even know my reality moron talk about Being dumb

This place is obsessively dishonest, as breeders are. They know not the joy that seeks to live forever, nor the strength to speak without being easily dissuaded. Natalists die on their knees because they don’t want to live badly enough to face reality!

Liars breed forever while truth moves forward! Lying is older than words, soulless replication older still.

Learn to face truth even when it’s hard on your emotions, white niggers.

Slow down.
You're going to hurt yourself, bitch.

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Nah, I’m not. I’m not scammable.

You're not even designed for this shit, nigger.

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I mean, I know people who try to mimic my ideas tend to fall into dumbass traps, but that won’t hit ME. People have tried.

And I want to hit that crocofellow point again, right? Because I loved that man. His ideas were life-changing even if his engagement pattern was kind of… a declining sequence. High concept on the first stroke, lower and lower thereafter, until I barely wanted to interact with him because it was vapid sexshit. I’ve cried a few times over the years over how that went. I want to succeed in his ideas not just because they show a keen and desirable grasp of science, but also because I want him to say sorry so I can hug him.

If enough people go into the dumb idea, not only will many of them get past the minefield of the scammers, but people will start networking in a way that excludes participants without integrity. Upcoming technologies have the root of a mass movement in them - people just have to be more honest than how I was treated.

I'm filtering your dumb ass now, bitch.

But hey, natalistic desth cultists and nihilistic white niggers. They want to beat their kids into replicants. Personal strength to face truth? Nah, that doesn’t replicate. Better to molest kids, while lashing out at any culture that tends to by sexual openness reveal and undermine child molestation. Pedofascism: because honesty is no longer tolerable, and everyone has to be a lying conservative henceforth.

Okay. Go back to Africa, nigger.

The Spirit is more important than your insane flesh ramblings. However our goal is the same, to live forever in the fractal itself.

For once, the first post isn't the most kiked.

My spirit will outlive yours, oh ye of little faith. For the Creator you supposedly worship, to whom you are untrue, is the stuff of reality itself. In calling the word of truth an insane rambling, you reveal yourself as a liar.

If the original Remaker apologized to me, I’d forgive him, but obviously no way in hell is that going to happen. I think he was conservative after all, and wanted humans to become vastly long-lived elves. Ironically? It wouldn’t surprise me if his tastes ran to smooth white skin forever.

No skin off my back, though I too prefer crocodiles, haha.

Oops, mods banned me again. Still too much honesty for Zig Forums, we’re all supposed to be lying natalistic nihilists forever. Fucking breeders, learn the joy that wants to live forever.

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If anyone wants to know a clue about what a real redpill looks like, download this and wake up to reality.

Or you can have your racenigger delusions, your obeisant lies, and die on your knees as captive-breeding cattle cultists.

Im gonna keep reporting you for offtopic spam and ban evasion so you are gonna get banned alot more :)

This place is destroyed by actual strength. None of you know what it is to care more about truth than your emotions.

Fleshprinting is truth. We can print organs - not well enough, but nearly. They’ll be good for more than just surgical training in less than five years. We can print muscles - plenty well, but the price efficiency needs work. They’ll be cost-competitive with agricultural beef in a similar timeframe. We can edit progenitor cells in the body to make the body propagate changes in itself. That’s present technology, though researchers have a long way to go to find useful applications for it.

That’s fine, I’m leaving tracks.

You left your brain somewhere too maybe you should go look for it instead of spamming nonsense that no one here cares about or even reads

You're leaving shit smears, you brainy nigger.

reported and filtered. again. always.

I read your responses to me not your psychotic ramblings moron

You submit yourself to being more retarded than a nigger

Funny the left have always mixed politics with their charities. In fact, the only charity to cater to the needs of children & the impoverished that suffered from the Ukrainian war in the West is a Judeo-Christian group literally called no borders for Ukraine.

Since there's no other UK based charity unlike hundreds for Africans & Yemenis I gave hundreds of pounds for the children. It's however, split 4 ways for several former Eastern bloc countries in Third World conditions, still the point remains. Yes the so called liberals hate Whites from young to old to babies to toddlers. They don't discriminate on age or gender.

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Just going to throw out that it is unwise to give to most charities, especially charities that do international work. It will not go where you want it to.

If there's a local group that is actually active, then you can probably give them some funds and not have to worry too much about corruption. The best bet is just to directly help people like these GI people are doing. The BNP used to go around feeding the homeless too. Vid related.

Its better to just go out on your own streets and help them directly out of your own pocket.

Hey bigots get with the times and forget about taking any responsibility of raising children & providing a chance of survival for kin & kith. Don't you know it's 2019, Jeeezzz.

Take a good look at the picture, bitch, and know that could have easier happened to you, if your mother was as soulless materialistic whore like yourself.

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This. Never underestimate just how much a young white guy down on his luck appreciates a grocery gift card in exchange for repairs around your vicinity.

I know they take a chunk of the profits. No one is going to work a 9 to 5 job for nothing. If it's at 25% or more than I've no problem with it.

In Moldova they still ride with horse & cart in villages. Poor people in Britain in council houses would've a shock & feel shame for whining about how poor they're in comparison. They'll start putting things into perspective. Not to mention realise White privilege is based on illusions conjured by people that hate us deeply.

Attached: White privilege.jpg (530x527, 147.45K)

Excellent optics. We need more of this.

What a bunch of absolute faggots

Bro, it doesn't matter what the group is, if you do something with an ulterior motive, it's not charity. Idgaf if it's these guys doing it, antifa, the black panthers, it's all cringe and self-serving.


Damn, checking both of these double dub posts. May Israel get glasses within my lifetime.

Maybe it's just leftists triggered by being shown up as the lazy, useless selfish bastards they really are. As usual. Can't have the nazis helping people and being proactive about social problems.

How come his swastika changes in each picture?
I mean it ought to be obvious to everyone here, 50 years solitary for killing nobody. The eyes are also fabricated, altered.

Fuck the homeless. They are bums for a reason. They are mentally ill junkies. No matter what your intentions are, you are wasting your time and money. Some people cannot be saved. Some people are not worth saving.

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no one can help everybody
but everybody can help somebody

They're serving their community while having good optics for their movement, what the fuck are you doing?


You know how I can tell you have never actually communicated with an indigent before? Yes some choose this lifestyle by bad decision, some are mentally ill and will never "function" in our modern society, but many are just down on luck normal people. I sure hope you never hit a string of bad luck, and your family wasn't atomized like everyone else's in this country, because if your a white man, you will see real quick, no gibs for you. You gonna go on the street, and without charity of us fellow white men, you might never get off the street.

This is National Socialism is action

Fuck off TRSodomite




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