The chink gibs meme on the chans can finally end

Oh noes, the chink savior of the gibs seekers has kicked them to the curb. Notable, telling the truth about jews and knowledge of world history and biology is on par with jew and mud rapists.

Attached: ru1m42.jpg (600x600, 42.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just start killing these fucking people. Roll right up to their rallies and start shooting.

whoa calm down their mr federal agent

You're a faggot. Don't take this personally.

He would've also denied money to Hitler growing up in hostels in Vienna for we'll know Hitler was a vegetarian that banned vivisection, who outlawed Kosher & Halal slaughter of animals who loved blondie & I bet he wouldn't be too fond of this chink eating fresh baby, dog & cat meat after being boiled alive. That's White supremacy for you: the ability to see reality and not sugar coat it.

Deport Yang back to his smog infested shit hole. An invader shouldn't never dictate which the people who built the country can't have. The Chutzpah of it is on par with the merchants.

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As Dr William Pierce said the internet has created a society of cowardliness. You've to have no soul to not be indignant at the chutzpah displayed by someone who's family have most likely only been here for two to three generations to those who had families cutting trees in Oregon with primitive tools to house anti-White scum like him.

Attached: Nation equals the tribe.jpg (750x747 28.06 KB, 40.73K)

I like to believe that anyone who does shit like this will be reborn in the bodies of each of the animals they tortured. (Time is irrelevant in the context of birth and death, entering and leaving a body/consciousness.) They will be forced to experience the pain they inflicted.

Yang is a gook and has zero chance.

this retard not only scuttled his campaign, but he made UBI impossible to implement without the supreme court torching it.

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I'm y-ying for Yang still, heh. 4d chess

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What a shock!

Chankoro Dog!

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Do these evil white supremacists still have to pay taxes, so the Freedom Dividend can be paid for? What are the consequences, if someone refuses to then pay taxes? Is Lon Horiuchi going to murder someone with impunity?


you guys need memes

His gibs plan merely expands the gibs plans already in place that steals from Whites and gives to non Whites that Whites aren't allowed to have, and if you don't let them steal from you they will throw you in jail and if you refuse to be thrown in jail they will kill you so that's already the case.

Good point it will be unlawful to deny dividend monies to all tax payers, especially since it will also go to those who generate no income to have to pay taxes. A flat rate would fix that, though. You can deny it to those who are not residents for most of the year. Look to Alaska's mining/logging dividend program.

Yeah, he can't discriminate with gov gibs. Dumb fucking bug can't even get the basics.

It's fake, you double niggers

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All it would take is a #metoo to have to compete for housing against black couples that make $24k over you? Surely nothing could go wrong with this flawless idea.

Anyone have that photo of Yang getting married in a jewish style wedding?

Yang isn't going to be the nominee, but he is bad news regardless.

Usual consequences:
Finally killing.

How are you going to know and confirm that? How are you going to legally prohibit someone from receiving in the context of their political views?
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is a criminal.

So why is it still here on the board?

Jesus Christ this place has become an absolute shitshow.

Yea like cross posters from cuckchan shitting up this board with there shit tier threads.

More like shit moderation having destroyed the user base.


>(((yang))) lumps in pro-white and anti-jew ideals with pedophilia

Tying White supremacy (which all races see themselves as being superior) to paedophile? They only do this for Trump got Epstein arrested and then have the nerve to call Trump a predator. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's play book.

The means always justifies the end and that end is the dispossession of the people who created America, so they can dominate it for themselves. Disgusting chink who do you think created those memes?

Attached: a-wyatt-mann-chinese-dog-eater.jpg (1000x480, 161.3K)

Get the fuck out.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes that illegal. As someone who identifies as an Anti-Semite I'd have to sue if my Freedom Dividend was withheld because of my beliefs.

That's because you're highly biased that has no true principles. What's the best option then in your eyes not to arrest a Jewish pedo for he has been sent down by someone you're not fond of? Get out of here with your stupidity.

Attached: quote on bias and principies.png (653x675, 329.62K)

Get the fuck out.

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Is that why the arrests have tripled in arresting snuff porn demon producers since his administration? Who hinted to Fox news Bill Clinton is also a pedophile for being on his island. Learn to do your research before speaking a lot of tosh.


A person who attacks his allies and sides with his enemies because of an idea is guilty of treason, you useless boomer nigger. Ideas are not real. Blood is.

Get the fuck out.

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It feels like satire but it's not. Being white and having a nation for your own people is no longer considered a core ideal?

Did you even read the quote I posted, parrot? I thought it should be obvious where I stand on Trump overall. Even a 7yr old would figure that out.

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Of course National Socialism is an idea, it adheres to the principles of the natural order. You're as much as a lemming/NPC as Trump supporters & liberal normies if you really believe that.

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So you're an one dimensional character? No wonder then the Jews & non-White leftists can pick you'll off one by one.

Imagine being so desperate you have to literally bribe the world's third-largest country to not talk about how good white people are or get wise to the evils of the Jews.

Imagine also being a chink.

Attached: Chinese_Beating_Dogs_to_Death.jpg (900x900, 100.24K)

Yeah because only Jews are highly tribalistic. Non-Whites are seeing the White man on his death kneel & they're thus trying to pick the scraps from the rotten corpse of America like a pack of vultures.

fuck all anti-Whites

he's an anti-gun, pro-social credit system, anti-White, commie chink who wants mandatory sentencing for "misgendering" trannys.


Attached: yang gun fines control manufacturers.jpeg (358x329 807.78 KB, 57.03K)


fbi pls go

This guy is an enormous idiot, judging by these posts.
What about black supremacy? Or asian supremacy?

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Attached: How_to_be_Black.jpg (422x611, 39.93K)

hey there FBI.
if you wan to kill anyone, you need to go for the actual lefty politicians, not their supporters or rando chinks in a spectacularly failing presidential campaign.

Ok why do you glowies like blacked and tranny porn so much, you flood every place with that shit.

I can watch footage of people being slain and broken and mutilated all day. I don't particularly enjoy it, but I see a value in normalizing such sights and concepts in my mind. But the atrocities committed against dogs I can't stomach. They are the most loyal and affectionate creatures on the planet, all they want is to be good boys and girls. Anyone who can callously harm them in such a way deserves the worst of the thousands of years of white rage pent up inside me. I'm going to the fucking gym, fuck this thread.

be in or assume a position in which the body is supported by a knee or the knees, as when praying or showing submission.

Try again clown face.

What happened to those shitted threads and statistics showing Africans having smaller penises than Europeans to counter it?

You aren't fooling anyone, nigger. Go back to Zig Forums.

Nigger I'm getting $1,000 and you're getting raped in prison.

waste of quads. his campaign is dead. you're not getting a dime.

Then I'm getting more than what Trump gave me.

You, in fact, are the clown face, nigger:

death knell
/ˈdeTH ˌnel/
the tolling of a bell to mark someone's death.
used to refer to the imminent destruction or failure of something.
"the chaos may sound the death knell for the peace plan"

Death Kneel? Fuck yourself, retard.



They think white people believing in their own survival is as good as crime. Aka, "white supremacists hurr durr"

Finally an end to the idiocy.

leftypol btfo

so if his tweet is faked why is this shit still being bumped?

I like OPs better


What do people do in must cases in times of despair in war? They either get killed from an heroic death or surrender & submit to slavery in leg irons? Learn your fucking history.

practically making them eligible to commit crime


There's proof that Yang is an anti-White maniac with total disregard of people that honour the sacrifices made in building this once great nation to a large degree who has been on video saying things of similar things & hinting at this.

Attached: nnnniiiiiiiiigggggeeeerrrrrr.jpg (600x422, 85.03K)

Oh no they're going to find me on the White Nationalist superstar and kick down my doors before I can use my freedom dividend to stock up on supplies

Clownface, as I said learn some history. Like in the film 300 Leonidas kneels down and gives off the illusion to the Persians that he has submitted himself to enslavement at the time his nation & comrades lives hang in the balance. Do I really need to put two & two together for you?

Like she said, ignore the infantile freaks like you. Wise words, indeed.

Yang probably hates the Japs so he'll put all the lolicons on the registry to take away our gibs, wizards will unite against him to protect the coexistence of bux and waifus.
he went back on his word

Attached: Yang will take them from you.jpg (1280x720, 99.55K)

Well. I am not in Yang Gang anymore. Any free seats in Trump Train?

Omar only said the first line (hope/nightmare) she didn't say the 2nd part about putting white men in chains. You have no proof.
You are a Jew trying to make us look like liars/idiots by spreading memes which were disproven back in November.

Truly the worst race on the planet.

yes we know, but faking tweets isnt the correct way to go about it

this is

you're dumb. reported

but everything else A-OK

Medical (((mistakes))) is the #1 cause of death in the US. By a lot.
I don't even think guns make top 10.

animals are food, stop being a pussy

Gun violence counts suicide which almost a million a year kill themselves a lot probably with guns.

Thank you for reminding me why our cultures are incompatible.

Oh man, it's almost like this shit-tier low-grade shilling on here wasn't obvious. The only support this faggot ever had was from paid shills.

oh no!!!!
yang no likey me
me velly, velly sad
me luv yang long time
me no likey yang now
woo is me!

Some People Basic Income doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it? The chance of the Yellow House happening is already dwindling.

He looks like a baby coming out face first

This is 90% of society. We've moved away from things, institutions, belief systems that instill values and principles. It's degenerated to a moral relativism, post-modernist, "no absolute truth" cesspool. Thank your local Jew and Marxist for that.

Remember Kids.
Every form of goverment is opression of the individual.
No matter the freebies.

Not dogs, dogs are a utility animal. Gook scum.