The fruits of diversity runamok once again. Anyway, this time from Hall county, 4 17 year olds killed a cop. Media is memory holing the event by not even remotely noting their origin.
Here is what has been found in other threads:
The fruits of diversity runamok once again. Anyway, this time from Hall county, 4 17 year olds killed a cop. Media is memory holing the event by not even remotely noting their origin.
Here is what has been found in other threads:
"Hector Garcia-Solis, the teenage murder suspect authorities say was the shooter in the death of Hall County deputy Nicolas Blane Dixon, was in jail as recently as a week ago, according to jail records and a Sheriff’s Office spokesman." news/hall-county-deputy-shot-and-killed-during-sunday-foot-pursuit-gainesville/
LOL right? i had to do a double take on the 2 on the right
my guess is one of them is 17 so the MSM can spin it as all of them are 17
death squads now
that one, the Hector guy is actually 19, the media is in full spin here
Why would the media lie about a thing like that? Are you sure you're not a conspiracy theorist, user?
Before someone says they were good because cops are shit, I have to go in depth about this.
Cops are the enemy yes, but we can still use black violence and crime as a good thing for propaganda. Don't support the police, they are tools of the state. But killing police is not a goal, it's a small and shitty target. In a case like this, support the man as a WHITE MAN over as a police officer.
Nah, fuck off nigger.
So this is why they never gave out a description when they were on the run. Police usually care about their own enough to use all resources to catch cop killers, but I guess Hall county cops are too busy injecting pozz juice. It's sad to see entire police departments bend the knee and prostate for political correctness like this.
Prolly a good thing, I don't like seeing invaders murder in our country but with even cops (the traditional scapegoat for stopping nigger crime) being too pozz that means we might finally be hitting PeakPozz
We need to bring back public executions, hanging preferably. We can even make it a gambling event by increasing the height of the drop, bet on who's head comes off, neck breaks, shits themselves, how long they last until they stop breathing, etc. We can even have kids throw shit at them while they're dying, turn it into a family event.
Jesus! Those spicniggers are fucking ugly.
You would be very at home in mexico
But that's cartels, he means the government should be hanging people
Cartels are the government in mexico and government in the usa is the cartels. There isn't any difference between them in either place. Do you think that the CIA lays down with the cartels every night and sucks their dick and is not also a part of them or vice versa? How is it that you don't know they are the same people at this point?
I'd bet on your neck snapping AND shitting yourself.
That was kind of my point, who wants the government hanging people?
I would be dead so it wouldn't matter to me, you fucking non-White nigger.
Yea, they'd hunt niggers like you down with dogs before you got to the rope anyway.
Fuck off, you don't belong on Zig Forums fucking spicnigger trash. The only place you belong is face to the curb.
is it true if you die by hanging you get an erection?
it's a search engine
Now answer my question
God damn I hate the United States and all its cuckoldry.
jesus you expect me to type out that URL?
You could have just said yes or no
what's with all these cryptic replies? Just tell me if getting hanged gives you an erection
i no, rite?
you aren't suggesting that illegal immigrant children lie about being younger to milk the system of resources for a longer period and get more favorable treatment, are you?
user, fucking try it and get back to us and tell us. Anyway, just more shitskins murdering people while the media covers for them, what a shock, but still good to document all such cases for future ammo regardless.
stop the useless replies and find their social media
i want to see if they're cucks or not
You might be on the wrong board, user. This is Zig Forums, not /bdsm/
find out for us user
Esoteric replies?
Someone named their child Colt Justice or they have a strong bond to their horse, Justice.
i went to school with illegals. most of them spoke no english and got straight F's. Honestly tjey are violent stupid and ignorant. They just sat in class not understanding jack shit. All they cared about was looking at my watch and asking if it was gold. And they said "you come from a family with means" I was just an ordinary kid from a middle class family and they thought I was rich. None of those dumbasses will be a doctor. The families they show on TV always speak English because they grew up here. But that's not typical. My parents told me that only whites were allowed in school in the 50's. Well my school had one black and several "hispanics". These were illegals allowed to attend school eat breakfast and lunch and their inability to speak english (this was in the 80's) was simply ignored. I doubt things are any different now. A 14 year old kid shows up….there's no way he can keep up. It's culture clash.
this country will easily become theirs unless we become MORE violent.
this country deserves to fail tbh for giving away our demographics, no other country on earth is this dumb, russia would never do this for example
You only deserve to die if you refuse to fight. You can change your mind at any time and try for the glory of Valhalla
In my school in a 90% white area, 35% of the students were illegals or children of aliens. out of 400, only 16 graduated. The rest were semi-retarded iq of about 80. They spent their days dealing drugs near the football stadium, stealing from the white kids and once a month or so stabbing someone.
And all the white girls probably thought they were super cool and wanted to fit in with them. Don't tell me I'm wrong. I know how pathetically fucking stupid white women are.
No. No woman wants a retard. None of the white girls wanted to be anywhere near them.
Sorry spic. The girls are not into you.
I'm white. I grew up in Philly. I know how white women try to be like non-whites to fit in. It's simply a fact. White women are trash. Good luck finding a white woman under 30 who doesn't listen to rap.
They were 17 like 10 years ago, 5 years before they left their shithole maybe, but wanted to be let in as minors
There is a lot of indoctrination, but they still don't want to be around ugly retards. Look at the statistics. The white women say they would be willing to date a spic or nig, but they only do if the spic/nig is a professional athlete or has somehow become wealthy. Don't buy into the false (((media))) propoganda.
I hear more and more gen Z whores speaking ebonics, listening to rap, and trying to be like niggers than ever before. I went to the grocery store the other day and saw a young white whore walking around with her nigger, baby in the cart. I'll tell you, nothing makes you hate white women more than that. I can't even imagine what it's like down south. Jesus christ, everything I see on social media gives me the picture of southern white women having a preference for niggers over whites. I can't tell the difference between a white woman and a nigger when it comes to southern white women anymore. They act like niggers, they dress like niggers, they have that niggerish dialect, they pose like niggers etc. I see more pictures on social media of southern white women (gen Z and late millennial) with niggers than white guys. Social media is filled with dumb white whores trashing white guys. Ever hear of the "#saynotowhiteboys" hashtag? White whores virtue signaling to non-whites. How the hell do you not hate them? That's the real question. So far as I can see things, white men can only trust and rely on white men in this world. That's how I see things, and it's how I'll go about life. I will only ever trust a white man to be honest with me, to have my back, and to support my positions.
Do not lose sight of the real enemy behind the proliferation of illegal immigrants and all other evil entities (nigger/drug "culture", LGBT, feminism). Cops are the enforcers of this proliferation on a local scale and deserve no more pity than a fed or politician.
I'd prefer to see firing squads.
Funny way to spell Jews.
Cops enforce the laws written by jews. They are not exclusively jews, but rather clay golems carrying out his master's will.
I have known a lot of southern white girls. The southern girls are all extremely racist. They hate the blacks even if they are athletes.
The big problem is the media has convinced them they should feel bad about rejecting black guys, so they get in bad situations or they get worn down over time into thinking they are safe or blacks are normal people.
Cops want to get the aliens out. They do not want to lose their jobs, so they obey the politicians.
yes, women are sheep, and yes white women are heavily brainwashed. Reminds me of my blueish pill days, threw a party, one of my nigger friends stops by with his "crew" and he had brought a white girl with him. She no shame looked at the party and derisively said "I want to leave, this feels like how white people party". Even my black friend was aghast in surprise while I just stared at her dumbfounded (whitest bitch youd ever seen).
Yea basically, if this board wants any real chance of success irl its gonna have to set its sights much lower. We aren;t gonna be able to save everyone, and not everyone deserves to be saved. Much of our "people" are gonna have to be donated to the multi-cult (they will volunteer anyway) in the brown slave city's. We need to keep our sites set on who and where we can make a difference (EUROPE COMPLETELY and rural areas in America/Africa/Asia/Australia)
Mark my words, the ONLY way to save America demographically (besides the removal of the already exposed cockroach) is a thorough program of 'dehispanicization'.
- English established as the one and only official language of the United States of America and its territories, extending to the prohibition of dual or multilingual signage and material originating from government (state or federal) departments
- Compulsory and timely deportation of firstly all illegal immigrants, followed by all foreign nationals of Latin American origin; with resistance to be met with detention and execution
- Ban on the importation, employment and support via outsourcing of Latin American workers, skilled or unskilled, by any business operating in the United States of America or its territories; with severe financial and/or operational penalties incurred for violations
- Conversion of all Spanish place names to English equivalents and restrictions on the public display, participation in or promotion of culture originating from Latin America
- Formal suspension of diplomatic relations with Latin American countries and demolition of their embassies within the United States of America and its territories
It won’t affect the crime statistics
That is a big problem. I remember when they pulled that shit to consolidate those groups and I knew this would happen. I just don't see how the two can be seperated at this point.
Poor kids are going to have a rough time.
Many of our people will be pruned but what comes after will be stronger
most of that is (i believe) kikes trying to brainwash in up-and-coming apps (whisper, instagram, etc)
though i do agree with the rest of your post about the south being completely niggerized, most of what you see on social media are lost cause women anyways