Should Trump intervene in California's Skid Rows?

Donald Trump is threatening to take national action into San Francisco's and Los Angeles's homeless problems and skid rows. Are you in favor or opposed to Trump doing this?

I am in favor. The state or national governments may need to get involved to break down both the drug problem, as well as NIMBYism and zoning problems that 2 of the most important US cities face. LA and San Francisco seem like they are incapable of reworking NIMBYism, zoning law, and drugs. I do think they NIMBYism and zoning laws of these cities is violating the freedom of renters and businesses in the city.

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C o n t a i n m e n t

Nope. This is a problem of their own making. State's rights and all that.

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Here is what I'd do.

Sort them out into three groups:

Group 1: Illegals & Non-Whites. Action: Deport them all.
Group 2: Druggies and sick. Action: Send them to rehabilitation.
Group 3: Down on their luck (don't have substance abuse issues). Action: Give them free or very affordable housing or at least bring them to a campsite with proper water and bathrooms and let them live there in an orderly fashion. Also inform them about programs to help them find gainful employment and offer services they might need such as some way for them to actually get to work each day.

What's what I'd do.

Is OP a nigger? He types his sentences out the way a nigger talks.

I'd vote for you

Get out, yid.


Let them suffer in the filth of their own makings.

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Imagine how that would look if it was clean.
Now imagine how that would look if that city was clean of spics.

Leftists own it, let them enjoy it. And fuck you for even wanting to help that leftist shithole.

jfc what a shithole
bet those faggots are paying $5k/mo to live right next to it while stepping in literal human shit

Down on their luck (don't have substance abuse issues). Action: Give them free or very affordable housing or at least bring them to a campsite with proper water and bathrooms and let them live there in an orderly fashion. Also inform them about programs to help them find gainful employment and offer services they might need such as some way for them to actually get to work each day

but then they are too far away from anyone to beg money from…. gainful employment would be a good start, pity all the multinationals killed all the domestic employers and offshored all those jobs, huh

They should all be given free heroin and needles and encouraged to shoot it on up shoot it up

They should all be sent to forced labor camps until they've paid for all the negative externalities they've imposed on society.

Trump can't intervene in anything. You might as well make a thread about "Should Trump have intervened to prevent his daughter from marrying a jew?".

Would you intervene to prevent your daughter from marrying a jew?

He technically intervened in the Iran "attack" after the probe. But he started that too so it likely doesn't count.

No. It would set a bad Federal over State precedent. It's LA's problem first, California's second, then federal third. Shit has to filter up.

All you people thinking he shouldn't intervene are being too short sighted. Could you imagine what would happen if Trump came in and solved the homeless issue for good?

He would, in one fell swoop, highlight the inefficiencies of these leftist governments and secure so much more votes. Enough to turn California red? Doubtful, but I'm from Southern California and the homeless issue is something on everyone's minds because of how prevalent it is. This could be the issue that opens people's eyes to how shitty lib governments are.

Trump won't intervene unless it's Israel.

Need to let them see the physical, real results of their beliefs to convince these hard hearts OP.

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No. Let that arrogant shithole wallow in its own filth until they choke on it.

No. The state of California should be left to its own, to become the biggest hellhole and cesspit this country has ever seen. It's a minority white state, whose population wants to destroy our constitution, and institute marxist socialism. They are anti-white, they hate our heritage, they hate our culture etc. California is a member of the union, but its population is no longer of our concern. They're not a part of our nation, and they should not receive our help via the Federal government.

Fuck Central and Southern CA
With luck a big earthquake will lop off from Sacramento South and let the broken dams cleanse the remains.

He wouldn't secure shit. Non-whites don't vote based on policies that benefit the country, they vote based on policies that benefit their in-group; hence why diversity was introduced to begin with. Merge marxist class divisions with race, which melds perfectly as in-groups compete for power naturally, and thus they see the promises of marxism, under the guise of liberalism, as a means of tearing down whites to achieve more power for themselves. They will never not vote to the benefit of their in-group specifically. That means, no matter what you do for them, they will always stab you in the back to the benefit of their people. You, and I, are the enemy of their people. Group competition is inherent and eternal. Bolsheviks invited diversity to ride the tide of in-group preference and group competition democratically into office to democratically destroy our constitutional republic. We should never do anything to assist minority white areas of the US. Never. We should be finding ways to financially deprive them, and to weaken their voting power.


Your problem is that you think we should give a shit about California. We don't. We want that entire state to suffer. Everyday I hope that the big one rips that entire state right off the map and drowns all that leftist filth in the Pacific. There's no fixing this country. There's damn sure no fix for California other than oblivion.

So fuck you and everyone in that state.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail and LA at least is damning evidence of this. Poorly planned, poorly executed, over populated and filled with low quality inhabitants. Intervention is pointless without ethnic cleansing and repurposing for human use.

I went to LA in 74. It was crazy but not like this. Everything was gleaming and perfect and new with no garbage anywhere. Everyone looked good. A lot of people, like whole families going to Dodger Stadium for a baseball game looked awesome. Beautiful people. Look what the jews have done to you. It's tragic.

SF and the Bay Area are the biggest redpill around. Shit and needles everywhere, wildings on public transportation, 5k/mo for a 1 bedroom, hepatitis epidemic incoming .etec. One month here and Zig Forums starts to look like the voice of reason. Just let it happen.

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Derr derr what should CA do with all the Homeless that are a majority of CRIMINALS; Illegals, Drug Addicts, TRESPASSERS/Squatters, Aggressive Panhandlers, etc. (Alcoholics, Mentally Crazy, displaced)
Charge them accordingly, punish them for their crimes.

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Learn to read nigger.

The more California fails, the more liberal whites and nonwhites will flood out into other states to vote left in their elections and make them like the state they are refugees from.

Hows he going to do that with out death camps?

Why not do what Austin did? Just make it illegal to remove them from private homes. If every white family had 2 homeless move in with them and their daughters, the problem would be solved, and Trump's handler (Kushner) would call it a day.

needs moar fire
never enough fire

He'll find some point of noncompliance that excludes them from federal aid and hit them in the gibs. ezpz

Sounds pretty good

Who gives a shit, this country is going to collapse anyway, voting is irrelevant. And when the happening starts, those CA refugees will be amongst the first to swing from ropes.

Sometimes you just need to clean up your house. I say burn it all down, just this once time. Just to clean up the streets once.

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When the crews move in to take away the shit filled tents, dirty heroin needles and heaps of garbage the Marines should go with them and take anyone with needle tracks on their arms away with them. These individuals will never be seen or heard from again. If it's good enough for Panamanian labor union leaders then it's good enough for American junkies

Yeah, NorCal is cool though. Literal faggots, tech-yuppies, limousine liberals, Berkeleyites and hippies hella rule bro! Doesn’t San Francisco have more street shitters per capita than Mumbai? And more junkies than Glasgow and Edinburgh put together?

Fuck California and all who are there. America should build a wall around it with mine fields and automated sentry machine guns to kill all of the Cali fucks that try to get near the wall. Expel all Californians that fled their shit hole they made to spread their social AIDS to other areas of the country. Cut off all Government $$ and nature will take care of those pieces of human shit.