"And as the wind blew it carried the curved smoke from the vibrant factories, to the shining, screaming battleships, sailing across the bay. witnessing the loud cars driving across the bridges. The vibrancy creates a sensation on the eyes and skins of workers and artists, feeling a new revolution every day…"

Alright, I decided to create a Futurist thread since I don't see any here, most people are instead taking the eco gangs side. Most of this thread will just be copies from essays other places, enjoy.

1. We want to sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and rashness.
2. The essential elements of our poetry will be courage, audacity and revolt.
3. Literature has up to now magnified pensive immobility, ecstasy and slumber. We want to exalt movements of aggression, feverish
sleeplessness, the double march, the perilous leap, the slap and the blow with the fist.
4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing automobile with its bonnet adorned with great tubes like serpents with explosive breath … a roaring motor car which seems to run on machine-gun fire, is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace.
5. We want to sing the man at the wheel, the ideal axis of which crosses the earth, itself hurled along its orbit.
6. The poet must spend himself with warmth, glamour and prodigality to increase the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.
7. Beauty exists only in struggle. There is no masterpiece that has not an aggressive character. Poetry must be a violent assault on the forces of the unknown, to force them to bow before man.
8. We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries! What is the use of looking behind at the moment when we must open the mysterious shutters of the impossible? Time and Space died yesterday. We are already living in the absolute, since we have already created eternal, omnipresent speed.
9. We want to glorify war - the only cure for the world - militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchists, the beautiful ideas which kill, and contempt for woman.
10. We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice.
11. We will sing of the great crowds agitated by work, pleasure and revolt; the multi-colored and polyphonic surf of revolutions in modern capitals: the nocturnal vibration of the arsenals and the workshops beneath their violent electric moons: the gluttonous railway stations devouring smoking serpents; factories suspended from the clouds by the thread of their smoke; bridges with the leap of gymnasts flung across the diabolic cutlery of sunny rivers: adventurous steamers sniffing the horizon; great-breasted locomotives, puffing on the rails like enormous steel horses with long tubes for bridle, and the gliding flight of aeroplanes whose propeller sounds like the flapping of a flag and the applause of enthusiastic crowds.

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Most of the alt-righters that I have witnessed talk with little to no arguments, and almost no philosophical sense. The subject is violence. Their opinion is very primitive; "oh it's ok if we damage them, but its not ok when they damage us". That is something you would hear an African tribesman say.

But back to the original subject.

Violence in its beauty achieves a plethora. The most efficient direct actions are achieved, most effectively, trough violence. Cemented rule is gained trough a violent, vibrant and loud revolution. Violence manifests itself in the beauty of action and direct rule. It destroys, it creates, it influences. Violence is beautiful.

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A common sight i see is people reffering to themselves as both 'fascist' and 'right-wing'. This does not work. I will explain why the right-wing is NOT part of us. The right winger would praise pre-revolutionary Iran because he saw a few pics of girls in mini-skirts, but he is oblivious to everything else broken, that the revolution fixed. He praises everything in accordance to him, and all of them proudly describe themselves as "patriotic", "conservative", "christian", "reactionary", "monarchist", "capitalist" and more. Their hipocricies never end, most of them call themselves "fascist" and also "reactionary", and the rest don't know what "reactionary" means. Some of them are consciouss on the ((()))ish question, however most of them support Israel because they are "our greatest ally" and "le epic kebab removers xD". They indulge in discussing today's geopolitics, while lacking in knowledge on both the world today, and politics. You can see them praising capitalism and monarchy while still claiming that they are fascist because they heard this guy Pinochet was capitalist and he also threw commies from helicopter which is le epic. They call themselves proud ethnonationalists and christian, while drowning themselves in Richard Spencer's ideas, Ben Shapiro rekt dumb feminist video #3628 and PragerU on why it's so sad when people die, except if tuey are not Israeli. They claim monarchies work because "tradition is important now leave me alone as I fantasize over animated Japanese girls", while still mourning the deaths of French royalty during the revolution or the incapable idiot called Nicholas II.

Now some of you may be thinking, oh, we all used to think like that, and we did! Most of us did! But that, the praising of the right wing, is just a part of the path. Most of us were like that but we did not stop there, whilst they think that is their end. To them it is, but to us is not. That is why people who refer to themselves as "capitalist", "monarchist", "conservative", "christian" or anything along those lines IS NOT PART OF US.

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I am visiting Nietzsche's philosophical thought of the "Master" and the "Slave morality", as it plays a massive, maybe even pivotal role in my ideology, and all of those simmilar to mine (different types of fascism). As the main theme in his book "The Genealogy of Morality", it inspired me to dedicate my time thinking and writing about it, this is my result.

For the sake of easier explanation, I will begin with the "Slave morality". The "Slave morality" stems from weak human instinct, as it secures their survival under the Master. It lives in the present, and it serves the present, with motives and morals from the past. It is the basic, Biblical idea of utilitarianism. It doesn't aim to transcend, or to achieve, just to cement it's own instinctive status quo. It's main motives don't even stem from their own idea, it stems from something external (the Bible for example), and the "Slave" is expected to follow it, just like a robot. To the "Slave" is described what is "good" and what is "bad", and without thinking subjectively and independently, it follows the moral idea that is served to it on a plate. Instead of creating it worships and follows the already created. Slow, evolutionary action replaces the beauty of direct action and pity replaces violence. It condems and insults every forward-driving force. Comparable to the abrahamic, democratic, monarchist and female systems of thought.

On the other side, the "Master morality" shines. The will of the strong and their action and driving force characterises it. It is the polar opposite of Kant's theories, aswell, it doesn't weigh actions and influence on "good" or "evil" described by instinct, rather it weighs them depending on it's consequences and influence on the future of the individual, the master individual. It's essence is nobility. What is bad for him is just simply bad, bad in itself. It's own independent thought creates his own values and moral system, a system that will quench his "Will to power", but that is a story for another time.

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Why does power and control feel so good?

Time for another Nietzsche essay (don't worry this is the last one). Power desires violence and violence desires power. Violence is used to cement and entrench power. But back to Nietzsche. Will to power, or Machtgelüst, is best described in his book, "The Gay Science". The first level of the macro-desire, or the general desire of a populace is will to live. It is not weak, it is natural, that is why we need more, we always do. Will to power is the driving force in humanity, what propelled us as a species, and what differentiates us from animals (though some animals we percieve as "noble" show elements of the will to power).

The strong will risk their lives for power, because will to power is stronger than the will to live or survive. Schopenhauer was right about will to live, however he wasn't complete. Will to power is stronger, while will to life is instinctive and utilitarian. Instead of keeping its status quo, it is dynamic and circular, better reffered to as "eternal reccurence of the same".


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what the fuck else do you expect. its not ok if we damage them but ok if they damage us? or its not ok for either to damage.

Why are those who firstly insult your ideology more worthy of it than those who blindly accept it? I'm talking about the line between stubborn and naive. The line is finely drawn and few see it. Those who do retain their own personal originality. They are not your slaves, and they don't want to be.

I will always shrug off those who don't criticise and insult my ideas and just start blindly following it. They are naive and not worthy of it. I'm not looking for slaves and blind followers, I cherrypick on purpose.

Same counts for those stubborn, not willing to even see it. They don't want their broken, molten ideas to be shown to them, they follow it with no basis. They are people who can not accept that they are wrong.

Trust me, be wary of those that blindly follow your ideas, as they can be equally ignorant as those who don't even consider it.

What do I want from newbies following me? DON'T FOLLOW ME! Or atleast, don't follow me yet. I want you to dismantle and attempt to destroy my ideas and systems. Digest them as strong as you can. If you manage to destroy them, I'm sorry, but I failed you, yet i owe you nothing.

What do i want from educated individuals? Be cautious about educating those around you, for some aren't worth it, and others are a lost cause.

Violence is beauty

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A prevalent topic is the one of "tradition".

Tradition is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing we must take, and a curse that will doom us. As fast as modernity and degeneracy is, limits are to be had, those limits are tradition.

Tradition is needed because it is a pillar to the nation. Something that makes it special and different. Besides that, it is a joint worldview of a people, that keeps them on track. But if they stick to strongly to it, it will stagnate them. Tradition is like a shield with thorns on it, it will hurt, but you have to hold on.

However don't let it mold your future, just let it keep you on track. The future is more important. The utilitarian nature of conservatives makes me just look at tradition as worthless but it has it's worth.

So don't stay in the ambis. Make a choice. Don't have one? Create it. When society collapses lead the cultural and traditional revolution. Plant the seeds on which later generations will learn from. A new tradition is needed, one that glorifies the future, the youth, the destruction and creation, not worshipping foreign gods, not opportunism and utilitarianism.

To conclude, tradition is important, but a new one is needed. And a new one can only be a achieved trough an avant-garde and violent revolution.

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Clear your mind, just for a split second, now borrow it to me. What comes to your mind when I say the term "war"?

Large, vibrant battlefields of men eager to fight with bayonets, guns, artillery, ships, armored vehicles, planes? The spirits of soldiers in muddy trenches and snowy mountains? The colors and noises of a rifle, and the power it wields?

You are not wrong, but yet, you are not correct. As there is more to war than just a soldier's fight. Because war is not just a soldier's fight, it is a worker's fight, an artist's fight and a mother's fight. For the soldier is just one piston in the factory of eternal war and revolution.

Oh, children of the future and of revolution, rise from your eternal coffins and create. Create art, noise, smoke and make those fields and factories vibrant again. For you are the one in whom the beauty of direct action manifests. What stands before you?

Insulting and weak ideas of reactionarism, equality and perpetual peace. The bourgeois, lazy and stationary ideas of liberalism and reactionarism. Ideas of the "last man". Ideas that wield nothing but "morals" and "utilitarianism".

However the united front of workers, soldiers and artists is manifested in the beauty of anarchy, action and destruction, for destruction is what creates.

In a society that I wish, war and peace are one, the worker and the soldier are one, the tractor and the tank are one. A world in which man is united in combat against a common threat. THE CULT AND SOCIETY OF TOTAL MOBILIZATION!

The worker is not just the anvil, for he is the hammer to his anvil. And that hammer will crush the feathery class differences, for even in rest, the worker still is laying in the caring arms of productivity and technology.

The dusty hands of the worker, the beating chest of the soldier and the free head of the artist is what not only destroys time and space, it creates it anew.

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global report fedposting

While majority of fascists realise the dangers of communism, not many people know that our main opponent, in fact is capitalism and many capitalists too do indeed call themselves fascists. They could not be further from truth. The way of capitalism, is the way of material, it is the way of money, it is the way of selfishness. While communism has caused shortages of food and goods and even starvation sometimes, leading to the mainstream stigmatization of the ideology, capitalism has managed to do much more, undetected. The true danger of capitalism lies in its shadiness.

Unlike the very visible tumor of communism you can very well see before being killed by it, capitalism is like cancer, approaching slowly and undetected rooting you over time and draining you from your life until you remain only a tortured torso of your former self, before ultimately putting an end to you. Unlike with dangers of communism, people tend to overlook all negative effects of capitalism as it seems less radical and dogmatic and is considered economicall system asociated with ideologies such as liberalism rather than ideology itself, while the mistakes happening in communist regimes do admitably get associated with the ideology itself, in capitalist democracy, due to its decentralisation people always blame the compay and tend to look no further as they see no association between the company itself and the system that allows the company to operate this way, as like with democracy to people everything lies with the individual itself, not with the hand that feeds them. Lets examine this more in depth. Even though mostly associated with communists the main principle capitalism works on is internationalism, while less dogmatic about it capitalists rely on the idea of international connected world more than anyone else.

Let us see few examples of this. While stubbornly denying it, to work capitalism requires unlimited movement of not only goods, but people too, as the goods do not trade themselves. The other example being the wage labour, which also shows the hypocry of communists as people who call themselves "National capitalists" alike. While opposites both ideologies tend to overlook one fact, immigration means low wages. In fact it is in the best interest of capitalist to encourage immigration to bring the wages as low as they can, effectively prioritizing foreiginers, many times illegal before their own people, in fact in capitalism, more the immigrants the better. It however does not only stop there, as another profit of capitalism comes from importing foreing cultures causing even further globalisation and selling anything people will pay for, many times fullfiling even their most twisted and perverted desires, while like democracy again pointing at consumers as the ones responsible.

Another subject is the efficency of capitalism, many people claim it to be the most efficient system, while many of the products are designed to break themselves, so new ones can be bought and the process repeated just for their authors to recieve a souless piece of paper and some numbers on their monitors. While also in fact it has been proved the economy works from crash to crash, accepting economic crisis as legitimate part of the system instead of trying to ensure people always have job and "something to eat", this very concept is Jewish in nature, as the capitalist lives from what is now and accepts the material reward instead of spiritual reward such as European people in ancient times.

Again like with democracy, why are people happy under capitalism then? Are they? No, in fact many people today turn against the system that is itself inherently collapsing under its own weight, with the cultures of the world destroyed, the spirit of the people drained and the people themselves twisted and poisoined, living only out of "empty balls and full belly", becoming increasingly overweight, more and more people again in the Weimar style move towards either the third position or the socialists, and as the rotten skeleton of this disgusting ideology falls apart, the clash of these two revolutionary ideas draws closer than ever.

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Have you been thinking about a solution? A cultural one? Culturally, we are dead. Completely dead and motionless. Why? It is not my fault, certainly it is not yours, so how do we fix it?

Look at us, we nearly have no culture. And if we have no culture, where is our identity?

We have a bigger problem. The reactionaries and the conservstives. They believe that our current culture is fine, it just needs fine adjustement. Of course, our utilitarian culture, topped with our sand religions. Almost all of our current culture is hedonist and utilitarian, nobody cares for the greater good, and the future, what is important is that we enjoy life, right?

Some people see this problem, and say "let's focus on our ancient cultures and religions". And then what? How far will that get us? Identity-wise I don't see any point praising dead cultures. And I'm guessing that I am not the only one that doesn't want to live in one time period my whole life. I'm looking for change, for dynamism!

That is why we need a cultural revolution. An eternal revolution achieved trough direct action and violence. A revolution to root out and destroy all utilitarian and reactionary elements. A revolution to destroy our culture, to destroy all the bad within it. And then, we build a new one. A new culture and a new way of life. One that will focus on the greater good, the artist, the worker and the soldier. A culture to laugh upon our previous cultures.

"Let the good incendiaries with charred fingers come! Here they are! Heap up the fire to the shelves of the libraries! Divert the canals to flood the cellars of the museums!
Let the glorious canvases swim ashore! Take the picks and hammers! Undermine the foundation of venerable!"

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It bothers me greatly that our movement often is often misunderstood and incorrectly associated with schools of reactionary thought, if you ever did this, you couldn't be more wrong.In fact there is no single ideology, not even revolutionary socialism, that would be in its very core and in everything else as staunchly opposed to reactionaries as fascism.

What does then fascism stand for? Very much like communists, we understand the status quo of our society needs to go. We understand it and want to violently destroy it and anihilate everything it produced, abolish its tennets from the very bottom-up. To destroy it and replace it with something new, something different, society based on everything the old system despised. This by the very definition makes fascism revolutionary.

We could very well talk about what communist revolution differs from our in but the fundamental fact is, it matters not why we revolt, nor what we seek to achieve but how we carry it out, and in that we can agree. The revolution needs to be violent, fast and bloody, it needs not to abolish, but to destroy the system. Revolution is absolute, it needs to "happen over night, and take lifetime to undo".

This is the beauty of fascism. The very essence of the ideology and the concept of the revolution, the youth. The athemn of PNF praises "giovinezza" (the youth for a reason). While often confused it is millenials like me or even you, who account for the rebirth of fascism from the ashes of the Second world war. Youth is the future, as they say. Often rebelious in nature and disatisfied with the errors of their fathers, often looking for a new direction is the ideal vanguard to accomplish this goal. Thec very mindset of the youth is the revolution, as the true spirit of the person is set aflame when they go against the evolutionary standarts, against the useless and ancient instincts that our ancestors left us. And as we know, the young always replaces the old.

Now, that we've hopefully clarified fascism and revolution, let's talk about reactionaries. While conservatives often dream of societies of the old and want to keep us chained in status quo, reactionary schools straight out want to regress us to these times. This idea fails forvmultiple reasons. Where do they want to regress us to? When was the time the society was perfect? Which exact year? And how would such society adapt to ours, which has many new problems the old one didn't have (thats why we progressed anyway, new problems need new solutions). Actally its quite lazy, if you have problem that has just recently emerged, Why do you look for solutions to time when it didn't even exist? Why not use your head to find actual solution to the problem itself instead of trying to compare it with the past? Thats even more illogical than traditionalism.

Now, trads are often afraid of revolutions as they belive they could destroy the civilisation. To that I have to respond with a question, Are you any better? No in fact much worse. In revolution, victory means end of our problems, and so doess loss, with the fall of the society itself. In reaction, victory only means restart, you do not annihilate the problems, you just reset the cycle, let me explain. Ok so you are back in 1850s, how do you hold this order? Did they not try to maintain it? Yes they did, yet we still got to this point, believing your efforts will be any more sucesfull is laughable at best. Regress is only setback, the problems of society are not destroyed, thats why they come back and as much as reactionaries do not realise all the problems we have are byproducts of their old order. Thats why we always win.

The revolution is the way, it destroyed the old absolutist order in months with it never recovering and its reactionary ideas send to dustbin of history, this shall happen to our society too, but only if we realise the power of the revolution, and the reality reactionaries are as, if not more dangerous to us than the system itself

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Fuck off, commie.

It's like you want to be cucked.

You glow, bitch. Begone.

Friendo, Commies want Class Warfare. They are fundamentally opposed to Class Collaborationism.

Hell yeah.

But don't say "friendo".

What makes our movement distinctive from others is a sense of aesthetics, a sense of natural order poured into art. Just like a wise man once said "the beauty of speed, the beauty of war, the beauty of death", these values manifestate in both nature and art.
Countless times we've seen italian futurism on this page, so i want to present you something other, something nearly forgotten by most of people - works of Stanisław Szukalski.
He was polish sculptor and painter, his art is original mix-up of pre-christian slavic imagery and futuristic fervour. He created a symbol of "Toporzeł", which, as Szukalski wanted, would be a symbol of new polish nationalism, that take root in slavic traditions, and not the christian ones. Nota bene, the symbol of Toporzeł is officialy banned by FIFA for being "racist" and forbidden to show on football matches. Szukalski was inspired by italian fascists, and because of that he dedicated one of his sculptures to Mussolini himself (the last sculpture in this album). What's very interesting, after the 2nd World War, he did not stop with his work, but because of the situation in Eastern Europe, he moved to the USA, where he met Di Caprio family, and eventurally became nearly a godfather like figure for young Leonardo Di Caprio.

finally, a non fed reply to this thread. and yeah I personally think archeofuturism is more likely, all of these are just essays I'm getting from places online I think could be spread here

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Today is the anniversary of Spanish Civil War. (8 days from today)
Regarding this fanpage, we will not show any admire or worship to Franco's Catholic reactionary ideology, but a Spanish Falange. Also, i must say in the first place that desrcibing this movement only through prism of Primo De Rivera would be blatantly ignorant. There were two major figures in Spanish Falange that made them a significant movement - as already told, Primo de Rivera and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos.
The latter, unfortunately isn't well known for bigger audience, which also surprise me a little bit regarding his major role in the party. Ramiro Ledesma Ramos was a constructor of whole Falangist imagery - from the yoke and arrows, through colors, mottos and big part of ideology and phalangist economic program.
His early years formed his political and economic views. Back in 1931 he was a publisher of La Conquista Del Estado, where in one of the issues, he showed admiration for syncretism of Nationalism and economic Syndicalism. His views however changed just a little bit through years, he was, let me put this in these words, some kind of a bridge between Mussolini and Hitler, and both of them Ledesma admired.
Also in 1931 his group merged with like minded Junta Castellana de Actuación Hispánica, which created Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista, which eventually fused in 1934 with group of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, which obviously led to the creation of famous Spanish Falange.
In the summer of 1936 he was imprisoned by Republican Forces in suspection of espionage, and executed eventually in the very same year.
Ramiro Ledesma wasn't only an activist, an silent co-creator of famous movement, he was also in love with futuristic art and mindset, which resulted in his love for motorcycles.
After his death, and after Franco's win and despising most of falangists, figure of Ramiro Ledesma became a part of Francoist propaganda, depicting him as mythical martyr. What's interesting here is Catholic Church's reluctance of this figure, Church even threatened to censor his works.
"Revolutions are not made alone, but require and need men of temper, revolutionary men. Our groups have to possess revolutionary mysticism, that is, firm belief in the capacity for construction, which follows the national masses when they impose and manage to conquer the country in a revolutionary way." ~ Ramiro Ledesma Ramos

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New people, to our movement often ask, whether the concept of revolution is really necessary to the said political doctrine, the doctrine of fascism.

Now I have few things to say here, but what I consider important is to start with, is it really needed and how it helps, what is it needed for anyway? The answer is simple, while we can see capitalism dying, the society of the old is very firmly entrenched in the world, with all the decadency, hedonism and utilitarianism being production of centuries long process, process that lead us to become but a shell, a torso of our former body, tormented soul in a dead torso. However this was not the death of our society, the society is with increasing speed decaying, with now not being too far off from the peak.
"How do we solve this", you may ask and "the process has been going on for hudreds of years", is also another good remark, well thats exactly how. Many people think so long process needs to be solved with reforms, that "it took too long to be destroyed by one blow", but in fact the opposite is the truth. Reforming this thousand year long process, might first sound like safe and good idea, however the said reforms would take another thousands of years, being undermined by our enemies on every step. And this is where revolution steps in. It is only logical, for destruction of vasps, to burn down and destroy their nests first, as simply killing the wasps would take too much resource and would be inconsequential, as for every wasp killed, more would take their place and even more would be born, this is why we cant rely on reforms, but take a broom and sweep this filth away, to take direct action, to break the pillars that are holding this society together that is the goal and in the process to sweep away every obstacle, so nothing can threaten the new order than comes into the place, that is the revolution and that I think is quite clearly why we need the revolution.

Other people will respond by reaction. "Why cant we return to the old order, where things were great", you may ask. And to that I will happily respond, as said before, what we have today is long process, one that has taken us into this decadent period of humanity. This process went through even the ever so famous American 50s or the previous two centuries that are so staunchly idolized by the western reactionaries and traditionalists. I think I have already somewhat provided an implication to the cause of this problem. Indeed were some of the things better than today but yet even this period ended and was replaced, as it has been planned for thousands of years, the downfall of this society was inevitable as its disease had thousand years old cause, and that is again why reaction is no solution in my opinion and revolution is necessary, only way to stop the tumor is not to pull it back, reduce its sympthoms and for a short while just return to "good old times", the tumor needs to be cut out and new age started, a new age where we can plan and dictate how the society will develop for another thousand years, here we can study the progress the previous society had, to find the best wayhow to organise the society to prevent this from happening again, this will only be achieved by the revolution,as only cutting the tumor out can stop this ancient disease from spreading and will allow us to fill its place with something new, where we learned from the mistakes of our past, something which will not only cover the hole but strengthen the whole body and push it higher, to cure the past and prepare it to withstand the future, that is why we need a revolution.

You already know that the revolution is born quickly and that it equally quickly strikes, so let me again borrow your mouth to ask a question, you might be thinking of "Where will the revolution come from". And yet again you are right, it should happen as quickly as it starts, and as the revolution has no roots in the past, how does it happen? Well the answer is simpler, the youth. As I already touched on in one of my previous posts the hearths of the young are breeding ground for the revolutionary fervor, it is and always has been, in any regime the youth, not the old ones in positions of power or with their experience, who turned the future of their country upside down. It is no 60 years old politician, not an university profserros, these people while being alive thrice as long, in the end fall to the youth. Now, this can tell us two things, first of all who always carries the torch of the revolution, who always carried it and who always will, but most importantly it is an alegorical example of what I mentioned before, the fall of the system needs to be born from something new, as I said before from revolution, which again will be born from the youth and so it will happen again, such is the beauty of change, and most important it is why we need a revolution…

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When often confronted with fascism, people's natural answer to why this movement is "bad" is so called opposition to "freedom" and its repression, that it is attack on humans natural rights and on his nature in general and that "enforcing" anything upon anyone is fundamentally bad without slightest consideration of what the subject is.

So indeed today I would like to dive into the topic of freedom. Now we shall soon delve to what it means but to do that we first need to understand one thing, the liberal definition of freedom and their take on this very abstract and broad subject that they so dogmaticaly defend without even having clear definition of it, it is something they would kill for yet cannot explain it, however not in a way of spirituality where you kill for something higher that is above the material, this concept is in fact very material and very earthly.

The liberal conception of freedom is one of nihilism, extereme individualism and ironically exteremely and violently enforced apathy. In fact to care is a crime in this society, to help is to murder, to teach is to limit individuality, to preach higher goals is fanaticism and the preacher who praises brotherhood between men is called insane, looked down upon and even locked these days not even between madmen anymore, but downright between criminals, between thieves and murderers, in short be individualist or your individuality doesn't count.

There is no larger hypocrisy, in fact it is not us who live under dictature but these people, divided by their individual egos so the big businesses and the powerful can exploit them one by one, divide et impera. They shall praise you, tell you that you are unique and you are free but in fact they put you in chains, they replace your values with consumerism and fulfillment of your basic desires to blind you, to keep you from each other to secure the status quo is maintained. What freedom is in this? What freedom is in being torn away from our brothers, what freedom is it if we do not take care of each other, what freedom is it being slave to consumer society, there is no freedom in this, we are not free.

Then the famous and magic word, the word Nietzsche complained about countless times in his books comes up, "me". This god, this skeleton, this spectre this vile demon is worshipped by so many cultists, it is a death cult, consume until you die, fulfill your needs and just look the other way. And this exactly is the problem, what does individualism find in his own pleasure? Only ignorance? Why should he care about someone else, why should he care about politics or the establishment itself? "I have everything I need?", yes this is the tactics of the devil called individualism, to scare people of, make them run at all sides so you can kill them off one by one, but why does the demon need to do this? Because otherwise he'd be overwhelmed.

Yes that is how it indeed is, it is in unity where our strength lies, it is in unity where we will find true freedom by destroying this fake abstract concept, and only by helping each other, through unity can we even afford our freedom. However they wont listen, people will rather pursue their own interests, this is why it is so easy to transfer to democracy, people will quickly get used to getting stuff handled to them, to living in comfort of fake self fullfilment, however we already all start to realise this, there is something wrong. This is no true self fulfillment, blind pursuit of material gains just leads to destruction of ourselves, in fact it is the collective in which the true individuality lies, in brotherhood not in consumption, in effort to further your own strength, not desires.

If you are not yet convinced just look at who is running this, I have already mentioned them couple times, as before in plural, isn't it something to think of, when those who rule over us act in collective while those who obey when getting handed their pornography and BigMACs act only as individuals, this is how you achieve goals, might has never been built by individuals, while they always served as the guiding hand it were soldiers who ran at the enemy on the orders of Caesar, not Caesar himself, that is why we need hierarchy and why we need collectivism, build by the collective on the behalf of a great man, that is how our societies were created, by men who applied to greater inner desires of the people, and lead destroyed by individuals lead by a collective, that is how our society was destroyed, this is both a historical fact and a natural conclusion.

And indeed today almost everywhere and in my country specifically it is a trend to become lawyer, to make money of peoples arguments build a house and die there, and what happens then? Well nothing, there is no point in such life, you must admit, where will your name be written? Only on your grave, but most importantly what legacy will you leave? Man who has not built anything, that is the problem of our society, and in fact even the lawyer can contribute, but that will not happen until we are united as collective as individualist builds his building to be tall leaving all others to live in his shade, while collective can build a city of such buildings, from colletive labour and brotherhood, not from "freedom" and consumer goods.Liberal live and let live is a suicidal thought.

To conclude, as I have said a lot here already, freedom for the average person is slavery to the corporations instead of service to the state, it is to refuse any purpose but to soulessly take, take and take, to satisfy your inner needs but not to advance your spirit and satisfy the deeper ineer needs of everyone, as if you take good care of yourselves you can have golden necklace in your grave after your disease brings the end to you but if you take care of others, you can instead treat the disease and live, we all are dependent on others, we always are and that is good because that is natural and that is what connects us, thats what we are build for, and by this statement I reject the "freedom" of consumerism and selfishness and accept the freedom of care, the freedom of brotherhood and the freedom of my spirit, of our spirit.

Today I'd want to touch on the most important part of our ideology, of our way of life, and that is the way of the spirit

Now this is something often lacked by modern "fascists" who work merely as reaction to the current events, which is for sure where many if not all of us started, but there is a problem, fascism is much more than politics, fascism is religion, even more it is an idea, universal idea.

What exactly is fascism then? Isn't it invention of Mussolini? Or wasn't it perhaps created even before by early national socialists? No certainly not.

The term fascism as it is, is not merely a doctrine, it is a description for natural truth, for the universal idea, something above stars, above human above our very existence. In fact it is not even just historical truth, it predates history and floats over us, ready to enrich those who open their hearths to this truth and those who are intellectually worthy to endure this process.

This is what makes our thought stand out, we are not regular political group like conservatives or even communists and neither are we reactionaries wanting to reset the time and have our children repeat our mistakes. No fascism is different. It is nothing earthly, it is cosmic energy that manifests through human in its doctrine, that shines through him, that embraces him, it is the rule of the nature, the truth of the universe, other beliefs lack this, this is why they fail this is why they will perish, as their goals are bound to earth as their source is rooted in it, our isn't and thus we shall one day conquer the stars.

Fascism is immaterial love, greater emotion, to love something you can't touch that is how you transcend from the reality, how you tear down the chains of the decadent material word that is binding you, that is how you shall ascend further, push yourself from human to something higher, as the natural and universal truth of fascism preaches, pushing beyond limits, as what starts in stars, above the ground is bound to end up even further in the sky.

To conquer is the mentality, removing all the earthly limits, taking the hand fascism offers you, to pull you up from it and even further, to fly among stars to go beyond, into the cold darkness and to bring the light of fascism with you, to tap into forbidden, to explore the unknow, true Faustian spirit, true Nietzsches superhuman, our idea is to go further, to jump higher, to dive deeper, to do what none did before us, that is how we root ourselves to the ground and legitimize our position, this is how we will prevail, as the natural truth is on our side

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Great thinkers of the past often wondered what is "death" and spent long hours trying to find an answer to this question, rightfully so, as death is the only thing that is certain in life, however with that I shall deal some other time, to me it seems one elementary question, that is in its core even more fundamental to human beings is, "What is life?"

What is life then? While this question is extremely complicated, one thing stands clear, life is what you make it. It is only your will that moves armies, overthrows kings, changes governments, all of this is locked inside you, in your will, sealed away for your own safety and the safety of those around you. With that clear I shall finally reveal the true question that shall answer the the former by applying the universal truth of fascism to the problem.

Not what is the life, but what should we make it. Our willpower has capabilities to shape the world, and such shape our very lives, the man is author of his destiny, however in true word, unlike liberals would want you to think, no man exists alone and thus we must work to shape our life to fullfil the destiny of not only ourselves but all men. And because of that, the question what should we strive for?

We believe the true and correct conception of life to be fight, a struggle for your life, both in non-literaly and literaly way alike. Life is to be fought, very much on the battlefield, where your capabilities determin yours survival, and your merit, how big the tent housing you will be.

We do not push for enforced equality of communism, nor for corrupt the meritocracy of money of capitalism, we strive for something greater, life that is not lived as its own reward, but life whose only purpose is to earn the reward, life that is not comfortable but one that pushes you to the very limits, its a gladiator arena but instead of spending meaningless time on tribune, you fight inside the arena to earn your glory, to earn the merit of your actions, merit that can be far greater than what communist hands over to you for free, as you are the one who creates it by breaking his limit, by crushing the prison of his body and releasing the wild, fast and destructive willpower to crush any obstancle standing in your way.

This is the true equality, equality of oppurtunity, where no man shall be limited by mistakes of his parents nor by enforced equality, where the man is free to push himself up, like in the ancient sagas of the North, man has to fight die in a struggle for the gates of Vallhala to open before him whereas the coward will forever wander through cold and dark plains of Hel.

This is the true individualism, individualism of will, taking life as a struggle for comfort rather than taking it as comfort itself which will lead to hedonism and destruction of self, this is what truly defines you as individual, rather than a unit disconected from others as a builder and conqueror that shall prove his uniqueness not by merely being born but by his will and his power to excercise it upon others, this is the way the life should be lived, life of war but also life of victory, life of means, not the ends, the life of action not reaction

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To discover, to learn, to conquer, those are the true virtues of man

While in modern society these qualities are virtually absent and often even frowned upon by the ignorant general mass trapped in the rotten shackles that is the system, we must naturally look into the future.

We have already in the past established, what the foundations for the new man are, however what will be his goals? What is it, that the new man shall live and die for, what will his goals in the society rid of material boundaries we have now be?

In my view that comes from Schopenhauers conception, the view that is share, all of this history is but a biproduct of the will of the living beings to survive, this has always been the case and as life got easier and easier, we can equate term "to survive" with the term "to live".

As human naturally developed to the last stage of his kind, where he was to cross the line and finally become the superhuman, that he was and still is by all laws of the evolution and the nature to develop to, he however fell prey to all the pleasures that were created during his earlier developement.

What human later became is the human of today, easily controlled, self-proclaimed individual who dares to consider himself outside of the society, yet at the same time, just one of the extensions of one united dumb being called the mass, which in fact feeds of their individuality and destroys any last remnants of it.

But that,I am sure is nothing new to any of you, my goal here however is to establish what a man will be, once the revolution suceeds and cuts down the head of the snake, the rotten establishment.

The true nature of man, the one that the new man will fully embrace after we finally win the battle against materialism is commonly known as the "Faustian spirit", the unstoppable, unconditional and obssesive lust for knowledge, to discorver, to learn, to conquer, seemingly for no reason at all, humans have since ancient times undertaken this quest, often at the expense of their lives.

Sailing through huge oceans without knowing what is it, that is waiting on the opposite end, being shot into the endless void of the universe, stepping on the moon for the first time, man in his deeper self has always wondered, before there even were money and even if it will one day dissapear again, from his deeper desire, man will always go out to conquer the unknown, to wave his flag on a new continent, or a new planet, this is what great men have always done, and what the are destined to do.

This shall be the primary aim of new man, for the new man cares not what the obstacle before him is, but rather how to overcome it, in a battle he sees no terrible foe before him, as his eyes are blinded by the glory that is waiting for him while they face each other on the ground between them.

This is the new pillar of civilization, the progress of the world does not lie in transforming and perversing this planet into one large melting pot, or sucking all the resources away from it, our society indeed needs to advance but no equality will ever achieve that, only if the man himself advances and raises above the material , only when he looks into the large deep unknown before him, that the society will progress.

Only human advancement itself, no equality, no market will ever achieve this, this is why we can never betray our ideals, they will go against us, they will demonize us, undermine us, but we can not let oureslves be tricked by their lies, nor crashed by their fist, as we have the responsibility to society.

None was ever as reactionary as the people trying to stop us, who ironically say it is us who should carry this label, for the sake of humanity they so much praise, we must defeat them, as well as defeat ourselves, as those two points are in fact the key to our survival, as they are key to our future.

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I think that's gonna be all from me tonight. The other essays from this guy are just a half finished one on the french revolution and one on eco gang, which seems good enough for tomorrow. Want some natural discussion to occur. night brahs

Your taste in art us fucking terrible. All this shit is abstract and very reminiscent of Soviet era propaganda art. Absolutely jarring to the mind.
And judging from what little I managed to digest of your blog post, you are an idiot in general. I guess this explains your artistic preferences. I seriously cannot fathom sa ing any of the shit images you posted here. You should be ashamed of yourself.
But your kind is numb to shame… a large part of your problem. That and your adherence to asshat philosophers. Philosophers are men who prefer to criticize while never participating in life. Ivory tower fuck-wits.
And here you are parroting them as if they had something meaningful to say.
Shameful indeed…

Futurism never went away. It triumphed.

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You sound incredibly Jewish.


Dude lmao if you're worried about black people just imagine the cosmic horrors that will come after genetic engineering spirals out of control xD

wow are you going to make an argument or what?

wew lad. he's talking violence in terms of all things violent. not fedposting violence.

violence in the sense of an internal combustion engine, an airplane's landing gear making contact with the runway, a worker's mallet hammering in a nail, the action of a flag being hoisted or a boot making a mark on soil.
It doesn't have to be that sort of violence futurism / dadism glorifies.

this board is full of paranoid boomer faggots who are spiritually dead and closed off to anything that's antagonistic to modernist american "culture"

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I do not see why anyone should take your ideals of ‘futurism’ seriously when you failed to even briefly talk on the subject of the blood and potential we share as a people and how it fits into this worldview of yours.
It’s a shame because while I do think that a large portion of your posts are nothing more than eloquently-written bullshit, I do think there are some excellent points that should be taken and combined with the ideals of National Socialism in order to synthesise an even greater worldview.

OP is a retarded primitive. That policy program is stupid as shit. Go back to Africa.

Warrior slaves can’t be futurists, you “geniuses”. You can’t punch your way to truth. Tardragers cover Africa wall to wall already. It’s the ultimate nigger submission that creates only ghettoes.

Not that any of you liars can be turned gowards truth. You’re obsessively hostile to it.

Most of what you have written in the OP is just feel-good trash.
All of these things sound very nice and beautiful but there is barely any meaning behind what is being said here. All these points can be combined together and simply be summed up in less than ten words, yet what you provide instead is just wordswordswords simply for the sake of sounding poetic. And this is regardless of whether your point is good or not, this isn't about the fancy ideas you are dreaming of. This is about you making a blogpost where you engage in something that is at best mere mental masturbation with concepts that you could very easily communicate through other means.

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Giving up pacifism for science works in Nationstates, but reality is not a videogame. In the real world, pacifism is the redpill that people choke on when they aren’t strong enough to face every aspect of reality.

futurism isn't a political ideology. it's a spiritual and creative one. its ideas can be applied to fascist and national socialist models to create art and dogma that elevates the volk.

no shit, sperg. it's a manifesto on how to create art which invokes uplifting emotions - not fix broken political systems. read evola and read his other posts.

pacifism only works in populations that understand pacifism.

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Thinking about this a little more, if you “guys” want to give culture and science over to primitive violence like this, maybe that explains why there isn’t enough will to live in this space to celebrate biotechnological signs of immortality. I know when my own pacifism hit its historic nadir, I peaked for suicidal ideation. My will to live is too strong for such an internal contradiction as potentially violating the life of any other.

"Yeah, I'm a traditionalist, y'know. That's why I want to preserve the nuclear family."

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WTF is wrong with the Amerimutt mind?

How the fuck doesn't this board realize the fascistic worldview and art go hand and hand.

Go make another about Aryan Feminism or some shit.

I am afraid that you are simply a failed art student. Not the specific type of art student that became a soldier after being rejected by art school and then became a politician after having been living in the streets selling postcards to tourists for cash. Just a failed art student, nothing more and nothing less.

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Print your faggotifesto onto 40-grit aluminium oxide sandpaper, roll it up and go fuck yourself with it. You sound like a liberal arts dropout with delusions of adequacy, just fucking end yourself before you do something stupid, like invade poland.

Disappointed how few people have a sense of higher purpose. Do you not dream of being a man among men, a hero of your cause? Are you so dead inside you can't even fathom a light at the end of the darkness we live in?

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This is some nigger, Islam-tier shit. All of our future is built upon the knowledge of the past. GTFO with this garbage.