My old thread had too many posts, so I had to make a new one. I noticed that there were some new messages added to it which unfortunately I was unable to read in time. I have posted this so that we can carry on the discussion, regarding my religious community, the election, and things regarding the situation. So far, elections are near and everything is going smoothly. After election day occurs, we will be in power, and I expect the news to quickly take notice. So far it looks like everything will go according to plan.
Starting a National Socialist Christian Cult 2
Other urls found in this thread:
contradiction of terms
Christianity is complimentary to National Socialism. Christianity is about the private life, while National Socialism is about the public life.
Christianity was rejected by National Socialists, especially the elite SS. Monotheism doesn't come from Hebrews but Zoroastrians, and the concept of "Messiah" has the same origin. Christianity is Judaism for the goyim and a cheap Semitic knock-off of Zoroastrianism. This is why Hitler's own policies were against the Church while only his words played their game.
Our blood is our religion. Our faith should lie in our race and our ancestors. Read Myth of the 20th Century.
Hitler moved away from the Church. He even mentioned how he "should have just stuck with the Church" when speaking of Himler's occultism. Hence the Gottgläubig.
Jesus is not a jew.
Judean means jew, retard.
Holy shit, this lie is repeated again and again.
Do you freak out when jude means jew in German? Or how latin calls jews ludaea?
Why not an islamic national socialist cult?
Why try to force two dissimilar ideologies together, when there is another that is almost a perfect fit with natsoc?
You confuse the modern context, the text applies to the ancient times. Read again.
Fuck off shitskin, your (((religion))) is going down the grain along Judaism, same shit anyway you fucking semite trash.
Kill yourself moshe.
You have a different ID - not saying you aren’t original OP, but do you have any proof you are d97e4b from so we can verify this isn’t someone LARPing?
You missed the sarcasm, but my point stands. (Not shitskin or muslim, btw, I can't wait for all organised religions to go down the grain, or even the drain.)
No he didn't. Kill yourself dunecoon.
Jude still means jew in german TODAY.
You are absolutely brainwashed.
Don't make me laugh
Is there anything more cancerous than this?
This is the KULTUR TERROR poster in modern form.
If you can stop telling anons to suicide for long enough, you should study islam, and then the similarities will become obvious.
Why should I care what it means today if we're speaking about someone who lived two thousand years ago?
Words still mean the same thing today as two thousands year ago.
Evidence: your jewish Bible.
So you claim the Bible is mistranslated and not the word of jewish god?
What is the word of the jewish god then?
'meek, flabby' christianity - "thou shalt not kill"
Islam - "Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews We forbade them good things which were (before) made lawful unto them, and because of their much hindering from Allah's way,
And of their taking usury when they were forbidden it, and of their devouring people's wealth by false pretences, We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve a painful doom. " 4:160-161
It's "thou shall not murder" - ie. do not backstab and kill without purpose. Killing in war and in self-defense is perfectly justifiable.
Good job OP, ignore the shills, they are terrified of pro-white people gathering together and putting up a resistance. I think that all Christians should be thrown to the lions but I support your initiative to slowly unpoz yeshucucks. Prepare to be attacked by Zig Forums astroturfers and JIDF larping as pagans.
tip your fedora harder, neckbeard jew
Wow, typical NPC result.
Correction noted.
Killing in self defence is okay if proportionate to the threat.
War is stupid.
Oh. Why don't the jews just order muslims to stop killing them, then?
Oh, yeah. Because jews do not own or control islam.
I'm yet to see any legit criticism beyond "the pope is a kike so that we should ignore two thousand years of history and a true unifying force that is Christianity.", or "jesus is a kike because he lived where kikes live now, also no matter that real world kikes consider him to be enemy number one".
Where did I even imply that? All three religions have the same source and are equally as bad for Europe.
(((unifying force)))
Christ cuck
Glownigger thread
Yet, Christians united against a common threat that was Islam. With Europe divided with some petty paganic faiths, the united islamic menace would destroy everything. There's always infighting, no matter how similar or common the people are. Were there no fights among Ancient Germanic tribes despite their similarities? Didn't the Celts fight each other (Arvernoi and Aedui)? Didn't Hellenic city-states fight each other for influence or land? There's always a cause for infighting, in medieval Europe it was different views on Christianity, but you're forgetting that it's rulers who declare wars, not common people. People of Europe were open to each other because their faith unified them.
You fools desperately grasp to any dim mention of that religion in that period. All the while ignoring the swastika.
Of course they didn't just discard christianity, it was withering away.
< ‘But, even so, it’s impossible eternally to hold humanity in bondage with lies. After all, it was only between the sixth and eighth centuries that Christianity was imposed on our peoples by princes who had an alliance of interests with the shavelings. Our peoples had previously succeeded in living all right without this religion. I have six divisions of SS composed of men absolutely indifferent in matters of religion. It doesn’t prevent them from going to their deaths with serenity in their souls’.
—Hitler’s Table Talk, page 143
No. Mohammad drew inspiration for his cult from all the religions that were prevalent in seventh century arabia including christianity, judaism, sabianism, zoroastrianism, paganism and other nonsense. He claimed the earlier scriptures had been corrupted and everyone is muslim whether they know/like it or not, and refusing to accept that is a death sentence.
This much is correct.
Islam came about as a response to judaism, not as a sub-sect of it.
This is false. Mohammad was Jewish.
Gee.. Wonder why the US won that war.
Maybe. But that was long before he became an epileptic paedo pirate.
Mohammad was raised by a jewish uncle, and later married a jewess.
Islam, like natsoc, came about to fight against usury and jewish power.
If Christcucks were so anti-Islam why did they let them take over Spain in favour of fighting for Jerusalem and killing Baltic pagans?
Yes Pagan Europeans fought each other, but never just about religion and it took a dessert cult to create religious civil war and turmoil.
Because spain at that time was a collection of city-states and mini-kingdoms that individually could not resist the horde.
It wasn't until the reconquista that europeans finally got their collective shit together.
So they could organise (or "get their shit together" as you say) to go fight in the middle east, but not in Spain to defend fellow Christians? Shows their priorities I guess.
Spain, innit? Mañana, amigo.
You are fucking retarded.
Judea of ancient times was completely different in demographics than it is today.It was also full of white people among other things.
judean is not a term that describes (or that DID describe) race or religion, rather just a territory. It's like saying "American" it doesn't tell you jack s***.
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, got proofs?