I'v come to a point in my life where I realize that I'd rather die fighting the ZOG than to continue living. I guess I'll spare you the details of that realization, but I figure I have about 6 more months of funds before I have to either continue working in the ZOG, or start a one-man war against the ZOG.
I don't think I'll be posting a manifesto anytime soon, or going for the high score like Brenton Tarrant (at least, not in one going, anyway). My current vision involves essentially getting a gun, getting in my vehicle, and just driving around, killing random people, especially spicks, niggers, Kikes, faggots, etc, and taking whatever money/items they have on them for survival. I figure until I am able to secure some kind of home-base somewhere, I can just live in the car.
I'm posting this though, because I have some time between now and when that comes, and I want to prepare myself. Is there any reading material I should be aware of, on how to get away with murder, how to rob people, living out of a car, etc? Also, are there recommendations of guns I should buy, any recommended training I should do with them beforehand, any sort of survival stuff I need to know about to do this.
I have finished the Turner Diaries and I'm almost done with Siege. I figure I might pick up The Hunter, maybe some stuff by Harold Covington. Are there any other ideological materials people would recommend?
Assuming I survive this first phase long enough to secure a home-base, are there any other things I should know about? Any solid manuals on building explosives, making homemade IEDs/mortars, how to detect if you're being followed, maybe general internet/phone security type stuff as well. Anything you think would help me survive and kill more people in the long run.
Thanks in advance.
Ready to go
Tarrant was a muslim convert who had a bill to pay. He took out a decadent westernized population (sent them to Allah for judgment) and sustained the nihilistic war-narrative that Islam relies upon.
OP is too weak to live, and too chained to heal.
You won't do shit pussy
Shill first post as always
Lurk more nigger
This is the only information that should be allowed to ask for. Don’t have stuff myself.
As long as you understand that killing random passerbys, even jews, is mostly pointless.
Maybe. Maybe not.
If OP is just going to go around killing people who think differently, he may as well be a muslim.
What country do you plan on doing this??
If it’s the US good luck not getting caught in a few hours. You’re better off sticking around for DOTR. But what can I say to you that you don’t already know, Mr. Officer?
pretending like you've never heard of the anarchists cookbook shows you're either a fed, a (((journalist))) or literally too stupid to survive.
The main point is to sustain myself without having to work for the ZOG.
Oh, and especially Boomers. Old white pieces of shit are definitely high up there on my to-kill list, because they're the ones who did this to us in the first place.
No one is going to ever ask me "How come you're not dead?" Because I plan to be die doing this. I want to see how far I can get though.
I've wondered if I can somehow either get enough money to buy a cabin in the woods somewhere, or possibly just a storage shed I can build out in the woods or something, to use as a home base, something like Ted Kaczynski did.
If you have any ideas for me, please give them to me. Otherwise, I'm just gonna assume you're just another ZOG lover who doesn't want to see the ZOG go up in flames.
Research on Zig Forums and /pdfs/
stay away from my mummy you faggot
I've heard of it. I've also heard you're likely to kill yourself trying to use some of those recipes.
There is better stuff out there anyway, some survivalist guy wrote a book on it that seems well received by most people though, and his stuff is on archive.org. Name escapes me at the moment though.
Anybody who encourages you, or aids you with information in your purported endeavor is an idiot. If you want to make change, learn how to manipulate the media, and be the kind of person that others look up to, sympathize with, etc…
Eat shit. My RDX is just fucking great.
report all FBIposting
Totally organic and not fednigger'd at all.
I r believe yew anoon
If you’re real and smart, you’ll be able to find all the resources you need. Anything more is illegal for us. Also keep in mind you are spending your life by doing this.
Why not try to make it more of an impactful thing?
Anyway, maybe you’ll get far who knows.
God speed, if god will protect you on such a journey.
Asking here for recommendations is part of finding all the resources I need.
This is just a lie meant to encourage the cowardly, who already wouldn't have anything worthwhile to say.>>13484603
Hi, FBI, how are you doing today? It's me, NSA. You used to be a really cool guy what happened man?
Why do you want to do this? Died you not learn the lesson of the IRA in the Troubles? The moment you perform pointless acts on the general civilian population, you destroy the movement you’re trying to represent. Nothing beneficial is gained in the eyes of the citizenry from you doing this. Does that make sense to you?
When you guys scrub this board for IPs, please just remember that I'm willing to work for basically peanuts to help y'all. You have my resume. Let's talk.
Killing random nobodies just makes life more difficult for the rest of us. You're not helping. The best way to piss them off is to keep living and keep red pilling instead of giving up.
When you are killing your enemies, you are redpilling everyone around you.
If you read Siege and the Turner Diaries, you wouldn't need to ask this question.
There is no movement. Read Siege. There are only those willing to fight and die, and those who have made their peace with the ZOG.
You should turn into a liberal faggot nigger-loving Kike, then things will be even easier on you.
I don't want them mad. I want them dead.
Steal the wallet of someone that looks like you and register a car in their name. then you have a car that you can use in crimes and if you think you were caught on camera just burn the car, steal another ID, and get a new car. Cut a whole the back of the car and turn it into a crouching area like what the DC snipers had.
Nice try, glownigger.
No you aren't. Senseless violence always backfires. BT the coward tried to rally whites agianst muslims, was only able to take gun rights away from new zealanders and was able to get Muslims permanent residency.
The Oklahoma City bomber delegitimize pretty much every militia movement in America when he bombes that Federal Building.
As an user already said, the IRA shot themselves in the foot when they did needless violence in the terrors.
A couple of idiots were able to delegitimize the entire Sovereign citizen movement when they started committing felonies.
When you start doing stupid shit like terrorizing the public you actually legitimize the need for the establishment you hate so much.
You want to have live free and escape the ZOG? Learn some hunting skills and move out into the vast wilderness. Learn to live off the land. Terrorizing random people will only make you a nigger.
Better kill yourself. Just do it faggot. Another psycho larper.
And what Brenton Tarrant's stunt accomplish? Mass censorship and gun bans in New Zealand. Yeah, real fucking helpful.
Jesus fuck, can you glow any harder?
Good stuff. Keep it coming.
as long as you are driving around in cars registered to other people and are changing them every so often, it will be next to impossible catch you.
Mass censorship and gun takeaway lead to police state, which leads to decreased living standard, which leads to revolution.
Your "redpilling" changes no one and nothing because people are still living comfortably, thinking the guns they own BUT NEVER USE are gonna save them.
Network right now. There are millions on the verge of poverty like you all over the western civilization and you can avoid the worse by joining together. Find each other, and bunk together, then work together towards a self sustainable lifestyle. The entire western economy will soon end, and everyone will lose all the money in the banks. Prepare for war, and work towards creating your own nation states, by any means. Once the shit goes down, the violence will be tremendous, and each and every last one on the right side is needed to secure and defend. Don't fall into despair now, group up!
Glownigger is the best meme Feds have invented.
Any armed resistance? Call it a glownigger and watch it disperse.
I learned about using stolen IDs to register cars from the guy in pic related. he always had cars in other people's names and it was always impossible to track him down even when he was a suspect because nobody knew what names his cars were under.
The problem is when?
No one can give an accurate prediction.
You might as well till you are 60-70 for it to collapse.
Accelerationism is the opposite of despair, it's forcing the situation to move on a faster pace.
Good luck to you OP.
Screw your optics
Sure rabbi, we will save the white race by accelerating the jewish agenda. Brilliant plan. Why didn't I think of that? because it's fucking stupid
If you really think about it, if you do nothing, the outcome will be the same.
It's out of all our reach to predict what criminals do. What counts is us, and what we do drive them out of our existence. Self sustainability, networking, training, creating a strong collective etc. are all mandatory to survive in this jewish nightmare of a world. Preparing for whatever comes means adaptation to survival and is always a net positive.
Yeah, the jewish agenda is violent revolution, and not sitting your ass "redpilling" niggers on the internet i.e. doing nothing.
So you are gonna become south africans.
Network, strong collective but ultimately get slowly genocided by nigger birthrate.
Ok schizo
That is exactly what the feds are doing.
They call everything a psyop and the dumb schizo boomers trust their every words.
Then make fucking babies, and while you do this you build your fucking defenses, and you arm yourselves, and speak truth to each other, and you grow your own food, and you work with each other, and you teach each other, and you get away from the beast system, and you oppose anyone that tries to take that from you. You cannot kill your enemies if you have no backup, but you can kill anyone if your backup is strong enough and you're motivated by protecting your own.
Sinn Feinn is considered a "legit party", and the ROI is not part of the UK.
Frankly, the only thing the 'Ra didn't win back was the north. As 'tis full of black enamel protestant bastards.
Sounds like success to me.
Another LARP club.
How do you do this in a ZOG controlled country?
You niggers are gonna get waco'd by the cheering of niggers.
Go away rabbi, Zig Forums is a board of peace
Go away, rabbi, Zig Forums is a board of action.
If every Western man were as worthless and evil as you, then the jews would be absolutely justified in their zeal to exterminate us.
If every western men were as brave as him, we wouldn't be having the jews problem in the first place.
Might is Right.
Read all utopias/dystopias, don’t be dumb nazi, act like a posthuman anarcho-{your_preffered_worldview}.
What an eager little beaver you are.
Spoken like a true nigger.
This is what you already believe, which is why you love kikes.
In any case, the only people I'd spare would be young white people, who don't deserve what happened to them. Everyone else is fair game.
However, by the time you're 30, there is no excuse anymore, and the geriatric Boomers most definitely deserve what is going to happen to them.
Nigger you make my blood boil get the fuck out of here.
Nigger what?
It's evening here.
And might makes right, and this is how niggers replace you.
THAT'S definitely a fed right there, suck my cock nigger.
You just do it and stop being afraid of everything that happened in the past. A waco now cannot be buried in the news anymore, because the jews are losing the media narrative big time. All their censorship is breeding hatred towards their crimes. That's real acceleration and it came from speaking truth. After the global jewish media cabal refused to show anything related to the yellow vest movement, they became public criminals and liars. Nobody can stop the jew narrative now, it's all out war for them. Do your own thing, user and get your neighborhood under control. We won't have one waco, we will have thousands, and every attack on one will radicalize the others. Create for your people, for your race, for your blood.
enjoy your IRL ban
This is so lazy and does nothing.
The leftist politicians are our real enemy, but everyone god after soft targets because they know they’d just get gunned down by their security detail.
Anyway, user, this won’t work and you’ll die for nothing. Better to keep working and wait if a big happening you can join, otherwise we won’t have the numbers for a counter revolution.
Actually, the yellow vest movement spiraled out and got lesser support days by days. And who became public criminals? The jews? They are only driven out by the slims in France.
You will create a thousand waco by encouraging a police state to take over guns. And this is good.
Fight and get over it, don't stand there and posture.
Who are you quoting?
Talk less, shoot more.
*goes, not “god”.
And btw, I’m not advocating you for after leftists politicians, just pointing out the reason no one does the one thing that could actually make a difference.
You first, officer.
OK, rabbi.
Stupid niggers commonly get away with their crimes. Being retarded and intellectually inferior doesn’t take away might.
What is evil and good? Good is what we feel morally and physically benefits us while evil is the opposite. If the one with the most mightiest tramples all opponents and installs rule, what is good for the annexed man? What is good for his master is good for him because if not the master would kill him.
Good had might when strong men were compelled by Justice. Not anymore, it turns out hedonism is rampant and Vice is pleasurable. There are many ways to show might/power. One of the strongest power plays is through killing opponents.
Death is fear, death is power, death is what rules men.
You are already under something way worse than a police state…you're enslaved under a criminal syndicate using the disguise of lawfulness. After reading the protocols there is no place for any human being to believe in laws anymore…and those were released 120 years ago. All human existence must be to fight the jews or face wars, poverty, slavery and extinction. There are no excuses for not building defenses, and offenses are not yours to decide upon as long as you don't work on defenses.
A lot needs to happen first.
Hitler didn’t just take over Germany overnight and he didn’t do it on his own either.
All you would do is help Zog kill another white man (you). Even if you killed 100 of their golems (you’d maybe kill one to ten before someone took you out), they have billions to replace them with. Without mass resistance, there’s just no way to make a difference
This is literally what a dumb animal thinks.
poor mans james bond? good luck to OP btw
Actually animals are smarter than that; even they will pursue meaning and order in the form of procreation and protection of their young. You are dumber than an animal.
You're so cool man. I want to be just like a fed when I grow up… I mean just like you. I totally get you're 100% legit and not a total faggot. I mean, terroristic violence has always worked in the past for.. uh… you know… Those guys that.. Uh… Hmmmm…
Why are “subhumans” ruling the world right now user? It isn’t necessarily because they have high IQs. It’s because they had the might to do so. They had the audacity and courage to attack us. It doesn’t matter what you think a “dumb animal” thinks. We are animals, and we are driven to reproduce and survive.
Using death as a power play targets the victim on a biologically emotional level. Using your might to entice fear and awe isn’t new and is what’s happening to us.
Let me ask you this user, if you are not afraid of the Jews, why don’t you attack them directly? Is it because your well-being and survival is at stake? Maybe it’s because you don’t have nearly as much courage and might as your enemy, the enemy that is rewriting our moral code as we know it.
The mighty are currently changing morals and perverting them.
Might is Right
Violence is Right
100 deadly skills.Anybody knows if Murderbox is up somewhere?
doesn't sound like too bad of an idea. I think the same stuff often and I feel like I'm going down the same path as you. Driving around and killing niggers and jews, burning/bombing shit. But even if you manage to kill a good number things will pretty much be business as usual for Sally Soccermom and Joe Sixpack. A better idea IMO would be assassinating select targets while using munitions for other purposes on the side, yet being extremely careful as to not get caught. One idea I had for getting a gun is breaking into an empty police car and breaking the AR-15s they have off of the rack
Remember, shills love gaslighting and advocating violence; pushing mentally unstable users to their breaking point
Literally dumber than an animal. Even an animal starts a family. Why are you too stupid to figure it out?
Falafel can wait, gotta incite those nayzees to violence
Jews are not very frightening, at least not on a "biologically emotional" level, you are contradicting yourself glownigger
Sage for coordinated fedposting
Fuck off shill cunt
Good lucky user, make sure to make a highscore ranking in the thousands.
They are not physically threatening when it comes to strength of course. But I feel as if you are jumping over my point. America is a Jew state with an army to impose its will. If you are scared of being shot in the back of the head by your tyrant’s army then you are scared of the Jews. It’s their power and money that makes them “mighty” per se.
Starting a family is physical and involves avoiding might for the protection of your family. If you have no protection why start a family? (In our case, why have white children if our death rates are higher than our birth rates.) If your enemies are mighty it’s hard to thrive.
If you don't have children, you don't have a family, idiot.
What are you protecting if you have no family? You're just trying to glorify yourself and have your name in a headline; you've put no thought into either the pragmatics or ethics of the situation. You are totally self-absorbed.
Start a family.
Raising a family, though noble, isn’t not a show of might. If anything, it is vulnerable.
I don’t disagree. I don’t think I stated families don’t have children.
You need a safe environment to raise a family. If it isn’t safe and will not last in the long term, you must make it safe.
People who raise families for their race in a ZOG country accept the safety and might of their enemies. People who are trying to change the system, dedicate their time to making the environment safe to ensure a future for their race. You could juggle these things, but you would not be as an effective revolutionary and will be more vulnerable.
Nah you're just an idiot. I hope you blow yourself up and nobody else gets hurt.
Nice conversation, you inferior kike.
this is why you don't take SSRIs lads
Ahhh ha ha ha I saw your copy-pasta on voat.co/v/Zig Forums. Glow harder… Oy to the vey.
If you were serious about this you wouldn’t be posting it on the Internet of all places. Brenton achieved what he did because he kept his mouth shut and planned quietly.
op, i can save you a lot of time and energy looking, you can do massive damage to faggots if you kill yourself