New Facebook policy condones usage of its platform to coordinate violence against people it deemed unpersons

New Facebook policy condones usage of its platform to coordinate violence against people it deemed unpersons

Do not post:
Threats that could lead to death (and other forms of high-severity violence) of any target(s), where threat is defined as any of the following:

Statements of intent to commit high-severity violence

Calls for high-severity violence (unless the target is an organisation or individual covered in the Dangerous Individuals and Organisations Policy)

Including content where no target is specified but a symbol represents the target and/or includes a visual of an armament to represent violence

Statements advocating for high-severity violence (unless the target is an organisation or individual covered in the Dangerous Individuals and Organisations Policy)

Aspirational or conditional statements to commit high-severity violence (unless the target is an organisation or individual covered in the Dangerous Individuals and Organisations Policy)

Attached: policy.png (625x693, 65.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Facebook is compromised, so is Twitter, and so is Gab. You have been boxed into a corner Zig Forums what should you do? Maybe it's time to protest outside the social networks? Take to Washington and fucking protest YOUR GOD DAMN GENOCIDE. Or keep talking to controlled opposition, keep making chan posts.


Spread your propaganda or cease to exist!

Attached: moarpheus propaganda.JPG (819x850, 166.12K)

Protesting does nothing at this point

But meanwhile the government/jews get to do unlimited violence.
Shut the fuck up libertarian.

What a dumb fucking nigger you are trying to tell us to protest LOOOOL

Attached: u wot m88.gif (600x338, 6.38M)

Considering almost everyone is branded as part of alt-right/far right if it defies their narrative, they may as well be saying, "(unless the target is a dissident)".

Cutie pie.

However, Holocaust Denial is Kosher according to The Zuck

im too dumb to know how to use embed code but im working on it

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protest? no. just keep repeating the truth. give them their own medicine. they use lies. we use truth. keep repeating the truth over and over again until all nignogs become jesse lee petersons. keep saying "beta" and keep saying holohoax etc.

Facebook is condoning Antifa violence. Just another day in Clown World! Steve Wozniak was right, don't use MacBooks for their intended purpose: Facebook and Adobe software.

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Attached: screencapture-facebook-communitystandards-dangerous-individuals-organizations-2019-07-10-08_23_27.png (1104x3801, 709.28K)

These companies belong to the same cesspit as the media and should be dealt with accordingly. Persecutors of the innocent, harborers of the unjust and promoters of evil. All will perish under the weight of their deeds. We will see to that.

You think this world something it's not. If it was fair, non-violent, good and Heaven-like..what would we learn? Would we become bored? I have come to the realization that this world is but one of many realms to learn certain things to do certain things. Grok.

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Well, since FB is
a hate organization defined as
you can openly threaten them with violence.
Surely they'll apply their rules uniformly and evenhandedly, r-right?

Can a pile of ash take action for or against a living creature?

Are you mixing up your scifi?

where's the thread about ending faceberg for good?
was it slided?
(((it)))'s afraid

Pretty much if the government wants the average person to believe you are subhuman they can slander and defame you, The government can use the media to demonize you as a subhuman, so that the masses can then attack you like rabid dogs. Since the government/nwo/ (insert your name for the rich and powerful people who control the world) have complete and total control over the media and education, the government can brainwash the masses however they see fit. And if someone controls the media and all of the news and information the masses get to hear, they pretty much have complete control over the masses.

Attached: image.jpeg (720x566, 82.68K)


You do realize this is about a judeo-bolshevik run billion dollar internet company allowing itself to be used as a platform to organize assault against people they deem okay to be assaulted and not about Zig Forums posters having a fucking faceberg account?

The "it's a private company" argument doesn't work on facebook. They control a public plaza and such places, even when virtual, should be considered just that, public. If they charged for entrance, then by all means, they can do what they want. But something tells me they won't do that.

Whoa I am surprised they are being so blatant about it now that it is even in the TOS, they have gotten rid of all plausible deniability.

Attached: 1436918587667.jpg (1395x1080, 151.12K)

Okay. And? We have known this since it was founded. None of that matters to us. There is nothing to be done about it. You will do nothing. No one else will do anything. Stop whining about it.

If you tell a truth big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it! This is the white pill. We must never slackin, never tire and keep on pushing non stop. This is what the Natsoc’s did to awaken their populace, so must we!

Gotta love those Talmudic double standards.

like Zig Forums isnt??

Attached: feds on 8chan w archive pol fbi hghg.jpg (400x400, 56.82K)

doing nothing does nothing at this point

Wow dude.

Jesus Christ this board has gone to shit along with everything else.


Objective definition of dangerous individuals published when?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1207x1294, 119.94K)

8 hours ago

Attached: WhenIWasHuman.png (567x430, 384.35K)

Protest in Washington?

They'll just sit there and laugh at you, or ignore you, or gun you down.

Go ahead somewhere else and protest but you think Washington will be moved by it?

t. Pacifist Kike

Oh wait this is potentially fun.

So, who all cannot have a presence or who can violence be called against via this reasoning?
It seems to me a lot of anti-White jews are going to be viable for dismissal from their platform.
The Catholic Church, and many christian and muslim organizations, too I reckon.

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The law only exists to punish whites and is not applied to anyone else. That is how it will be done.

It's just pilpul. Nothing new.

But they clearly realized they fucked up.
Which makes me smile.

Only their semitic circle gets to weigh in on applying the definition. You might make a post on here about how their rule should apply to Jews calling out rioting Ethiopian Jews, but any attempts to confront them directly on it will result in them laughing at "the chutzpah of this goy" and it being like you never noticed it in the first place.

The only solution is to break up big tech's legal monopolies.

Attached: Faceberg Pilpul.jpg (2472x8688, 4.16M)

They re-wrote it entirely. The OP version does imply that Facebook considers some groups legitimate targets of violent rhetoric. Honestly, it was probably written by a negress or an illiterate spic. They finally had the last white man who still works there rewrite it as just boilerplate corporate policy.

Its just their echo chamber. Don't let them know who you are end of story
watch their shit cause they get 0 feedback unless outsiders sees it. realize their all paranoid and idiots. so when they expose themselves just post them on other sites. get to know them. and then go take them out.

they post that "misinformation" that contributes to imminent violence
but watch my 4cuck video they consider talking about anything contributing to imminent violence

kind of how buying niggers from africa led to slavery but someone would of bought them anyway. making it illegal doesnt stop it from happening anyway. we thoguht through that when we MADE SLAVERY LEGAL now a bunch of DUMB FUCKS who think they know better than everyone else is runing their fucking mouths.

Attached: 4cucks.webm (1920x1080, 10.18M)

what they mean by misinformation is shit not posted by the government, as in that guy from portland last i heard hasnt even got arrested and they dont say nothing about him.

so fuck you guys and anything you say if you dont fucking shut the fuck up and do something abou this. really fuck you, fuck anyojne who claims they are the government. terrorists are let loose. if you do nothing about this there is nothign you will do anything about ever.
when your free speech is taken you jew loving pieces of shit will be happy and the world will fucking rot as it was built by a country that has free speech. nothign else has anything.

what they mean by misinformation is shit not posted by the government, as in that guy from portland last i heard hasnt even got arrested and they dont say nothing about him.

so fuck you guys and anything you say if you dont fucking shut the fuck up and do something abou this. really fuck you, fuck anyojne who claims they are the government. terrorists are let loose. if you do nothing about this there is nothign you will do anything about ever.
when your free speech is taken you jew loving pieces of shit will be happy and the world will fucking rot as it was built by a country that has free speech. nothign else has anything.

Attached: portland_attacker.png (1480x876, 2.56M)

Close your Facebook accounts and ghost any family or friends that refuse to contact you using other means. You should have done this 8+ years ago.

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That has nothing to do with these rules. (((They))) can literally post all your information on kikebook and tell people to go to your house and kill you or your family and burn it down without repercussions. Whether or not you have a facebook matters none.

Fb account is a bundle of vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited
Yes obfuscation does matter

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My sockpuppet account got mouth long b& for no explained reason, l can't see what a posted that violate facecuck terms anywhere.
They also don't let me submit a revalidation request.

Did we >>13486318 literally get them to change it in a day?
Too bad, it could've been…utilized.

i dont know why they dont go on ahead and just say

thats all they are pushing it is the central theme and im fucking sick of hearing it anyway. why are all these retards thinking somebody gets to tell eveyrone else what to put? who the fuck are they and why do i or anybody else care?
noone does. they are paid shill.s

i dont know why they dont go on ahead and just say

thats all they are pushing it is the central theme and im fucking sick of hearing it anyway. why are all these retards thinking somebody gets to tell eveyrone else what to put? who the fuck are they and why do i or anybody else care?
noone does. they are paid shill.s

i dont know why they dont go on ahead and just say

thats all they are pushing it is the central theme and im fucking sick of hearing it anyway. why are all these retards thinking somebody gets to tell eveyrone else what to put? who the fuck are they and why do i or anybody else care?
noone does. they are paid shill.s

My love
My queen

Last time I accessed Faceberg was long ago. Left it up.

Perhaps its time to retaliate against kikebook? Lets pick out a random employee and make his life hell.

Speaking of faceberg,Has anybody noticed the nigger spread ,litterally every group I join in has niggers or shitskins posting dumbshit and havîng white cucks trying to rationalize with them, I got banned from sevral group for calling this shit out though

What's hilarious is that your average NPC is so used to the double think they won't even blink twice at this.

Think of it this way, it opens kikebook to liability.

post to fix formatting

Do violence. Kill all jews and all leftists in America, as a start, to even begin making everything change for the better for the white race.
Always kill your enemies. Violence solves all.

wait… wtf is this supposed to mean?