Let's talk about morality.
Instant shillstorm.
The usual Synagogue of Satan servants spewing their anti-Christ rhetoric.
Interesting. Not surprising, but, interesting. No logic. No facts. No evidence. Just "We hate Jesus Christ and here are all of our emotinall-biased rhetoric statements."
No dissection of how it is that straight, White, Christians founded the USA while escaping from the "I'm the proto-pope" religion of England.
No discussion of how, since Christianity has been largely abandoned in the USA, quality of life has plummeted.
No, just the usual hateful screechings of those devoid of truth.
So, sinners, what has your Enlightened Freedom from Christianity done to your lives? What has it done to your women? To whom has it made your children vulnerable.
Really? We are going to generalize God based on the imperfections of his followers?
That's like vilifying all men because most rapes are done with a penis.
No, The Bible, in its perfect form, is the fundamental and flawless message from God to mankind. Nations that heed it are exalted, while nations that deny it or attack it plunge into fast or slow death.
How did your precious (((atheism))) work out in Bolshevik Russia?
How is your precious (((atheism))) working out in China?
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
The Bible is the only holy book that recommends death penalty for child offenders. What did your god, Darwin, say about THAT?
I know they are shillbots, much of the time, but the moderators seem to have an anti-Chriistian bias, also, at times.
The Bible works. Christianity works. It produces safe, sane, prosperous societies.
Don't conflate the Mary-worshiping Male Child Rape Cult with Christianity. The Bible says it is a doctrine of demons to forbid people to marry.
Go with the Bible, properly interpreted, and you can't go wrong.
No sex outside marriage. 99 percent of the world's criminals come from single mothers.
100 percent of the world's crime is a direct disobedience of God's Word.
Yet, the shills shriek endlessly about how important it is to abandon Christ and all he stands for.
Hasten to completely anti-Christ nations, then. Don't waste your time here.
Attempting to have morality without the Bible is doomed to fail. All morality must be enforced on people by themselves, via the God who comes to live inside their hearts through the salvation that is offered via Jesus Christ.
I have noticed that the general tone always seems to turn into "Anything but admit that accepting Jesus Christ as my personal savior and living by the Bible" People arrive at that point in many ways, some more roundabout than others, but it ultimately demonstrates its source, because Satan has no fear of Buddhism, so his servants are not attacking it 24/7 in Hollywood, on this board, etc.
It works, which is why Satan and his shills attack it so completely, either using emotionally-laden rhetoric, dismissiveness, finding what few examples they can about dumb Christians, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Sure, you can attempt to have morality divorced from God. You can attempt to have green plants devoid of sunlight, too. But it is costly and artificial.
And "The natural law written into our hearts" stuff. Really. So, Jeffrey Dahmer, a famed homosexual rapist and murderer, who was following whatever was in his heart, as an example?
No, everyone having their own fascinating and creative version of how they are going to get their dick sucked and scam money off others while not getting caught does not work.
Only the Lord Jesus Christ and his Word work, every time, all the time. Zero percent of the disasters you all heathens have made of every country you get control of is due to Biblical Christianity.