Rothschild Heir Bumped off
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red hair and blue eyes is the rarest combination.
she was beautiful.
i'd rather 1,000 million shitskins had died than her.
Dont be too upset. Rothschilds are scum, this is great news
It was a fucking jew you disgusting jew lover
Shame. She would have been a nice sex slave after the DOTR.
Somerset is too good for her and her ilk.
she wasn't black enough
so you'd rather have 1,000 million shitskins on the planet than her?
All jews are shitskins, no matter what genes they've stolen.
Yea but I think hes saying would you rather have 100 million of them or 1.
1,000 million.
almost the entire population of africa could be purged.
it would waste 100 years of their 'project' in terms of bacterial-like population expansion in the dark continent.
rolling to change the timeline.
We are a hot as shit. tnx
This is a huge waste anons she looks good and is redheaded
Remember that any jew supposedly exhibiting white features is using a facade of biological and supernatural magnitude. It is no more authentic than a party mask.
What a young cutie. I wonder if this was a cleanup detail.
Let's hope she suffered tremendously. Rat faced demons of despair.
It is a pity that no one has been killing these genestealing kikes already.
To the topic of the OP, this is good. Killing and ridding the world of these kikes' inheritors makes more sense, than just killing those old dying kikes. May the accidents continue.
Everyone knows quad bikes are killers. Paying a safety specialist £1000 fee to tell them something they already should know would have saved her life.
Quads, bikes, cars……….pic related.
Knowing the RKM, they probably raped and sodomized her and tortured her to death and then ate her.
With jews, you lose
You have to target their breeders since this is what they have done to us and our people. When their breeders are gone they will no longer be a 'people'.
It would be poetic justice since they have imported cannibals and rapists into our nations. But seriously, what is wrong with people; bullet to the head and move on.
Agree, I hate torture. I dont want to teach the next generation torture, its degenerate semetic dirty joy.
Yeah sure, for the plebkikes. But those are not the priority right now as it's simply too unrealistic (but in the future it might be a viable thing to work towards, I certainly hope so. I hope my children will have the honour of partaking in the fizzling out of their unnatural blood)
If you get rid of the old wrinkly kike in charge, a younger kike will take over. And that won't really do anything, it could be worse or it could be less bad. Never "good."
Better to stick with the kike you have and kill all his inheritors so inheritance conflicts can boil up when the wrinkly kike dies. I'm real fucking sleepy so I apologise if this is incoherent user. Going to head to bed now
i can restrain a single, attractive shapeshifting monster, with an ankle chain and a remote cabin. there to be used as my fleshlight.
i can't restrain 1,000,000,000 negrus criminalus bio-weapons that replicate like bacteria on dogshit.
neither is not an option because i stated a 'i would rather', instead of asking you what you want, you self obsessed faggot.
The little jewess didn't rape or cannibalize anyone though, but it most likely happened to her as a stantic pedo-rape mind-kontrol ritual and she might've wanted to speak out against her attackers in the age of "metoo" and was punished for it (killed and eaten). Imagine her going to the cops to report being drugged and raped for hours in a dungeon by her own family, but almost the entire police dept where she tries to report it is human-corrupted or threatened with their or their family's death by the RKM so the head jew of the cop dept just narks on her to her abusers and they give him cheese pizza in return.
It was fine.
I agree and it is a punishment on them for what they have done to the Earth to take away their inheritance one by one while they are still alive and can witness it.
if she wasn't adopted, she has about 10% juden-strain in her at most.
i'm willing to take that chance.
Still not understanding that it is a genetic programming issue? She hasn't get but when that moment comes and she can make decisions, she will make the same decisions as all her predecessors did on this planet and make a mockery of Life because it is her DNA/genetic program to fulfill the role of parasite, murderer and sexual deviant on the Earth. She would have voted for the continued rape and murder of your own people.
Your compassion is utterly misplaced here user. It does not belong when we are dealing with genetic programs.
*She hasn't yet
Fuck you, clown world, if the jokes come already written it's not fun.
You can be murdered with her then. Look at her father…that man is fully jew. I wouldn't be surprised if she had plastic surgery to 'correct' her natural dysgenic looks already. They are undergoing facial circumcision at younger and younger ages now to HIDE in plain sight from the goy.
I'm just calling it as I see most likely. Anyone who speaks out against this cabal is brutally murdered by these people and they always make it a heart attack or crash or accident or suicide with the help of corrupt coroners and police depts. Look at what happened to Amanda Bynes and she wasn't even close to the RKM upper echelons from what I could tell, just another victim to the satanic mind-kontrol employed by the cabal which permeates throughout pedowood.
That isn't her actual face, so don't be fooled.
According to survey data theres 700 million Africans who would move to Europe today if they had the opportunity.
Thats around the same number of people who are in europe at the moment.
The same can be said for Keanu Reeves, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Momoa, Evan Ross, Wentworth Miller, Jeremy Meeks, and other abominations. Subhumans will burn in hell. Heaven doesn't allow animals to pass through its gates.
Little girls like this would make that all possible in a few short years. People in this thread should be celebrating that she is dead and that another heir has been taken from our mortal enemies future.
I live in a place that has ticks. Every time I crush one I know that I have ended the life of 10,000 future ticks. I get great pleasure from destroying parasites. There is nothing different between this and that on a fundamental level. This was a parasite who would grow up to murder our people and ticks are bloodsucking disease bearing parasites as well. End the line of a breeder and you end the line of many future offspring who are going to genocide our people.
Her outward appearance isn't even real. It's a facade to trick us into not harming it until it grows into a full jewess. Not anymore.
She's probably the most attractive jewess I've ever seen.
Some of those jewish women must be screwing the Aryan pool boys or UPS deliverymen or something. Those jewish guys are getting cucked!
No, user, it's magic. An illusion. Besides, this is her until becoming a quad pancake. I wonder why they keep using her younger years disguise photos…
You are a nigger so fuck off.
pic related - when it comes the time for making the big decisions, they will step up for the good of their tribe only.
Learn to read, shill.
You kike loving scum should be castrated with a rusty screwdriver.
the only truly free speech left on the board is /qresearch/
that is all
I'm not a nigger, I don't believe in animal cruelty.
no searches come up with anything
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Anything economic related on the planet is basically controlled by the Rothschilds since they were the ones who established central banking throughout the western world. Their total worth must be in the trillions, they're more financially powerful than most of the nations on Earth.
The Rothschild agent, Adam Weishaupt, started the Illuminati organization which eventually was broken up. Later on, former Illuminati members infiltrated the Free Mason organizations and eventually took them over entirely, creating a secretive society within an already established secret society, and they also infiltrated and took over many college fraternal organizations like Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key, etc.
They have control over most of the important educational institutions, the media companies, the banks, and the governments – since govs are beholden to the banks. They essentially control the world.
Was this one caught hanging out with the black niggers too?
In the old world before we were invaded by the semitic trash people we would have called that 'a glamour'. It is a specific spell that keeps men protective of it based on an unnatural attraction to it and loyalty to it. I understand men can't help themselves when they experience a glamour and it really pisses me off that we have to be slaughtered over and over because they are so susceptible to MINOR MAGIC and cannot even work their way past that.
Yes, the best face and body money (and other means) can buy.
She was abducted killed and eaten by niggers…yes. I guess some people might qualify that as 'hanging out'.
One down; how many to go?
How accessible are they in Bongistan, anyway?
What you want:
What you will get:
I'm more referring to actual magic, rather than physical alteration, but that too is common.
Just realized I've never heard of a Rothschild dying before.
People like you are the reason jews survive. She's a shape shifting chameleon descendants of the inventors of islam, communism, and christianity, but as long as she looks sufficiently Aryan you give her a free pass. Goodbye white race, youve always been retarded.
She's not even cute.
This sounds fine by me. I can't stand the heat for anything, I sweat profusely at 80°F let alone 100+, but if whites get a chance soon to take Africa, somebody get me a ticket, I'm in.
Good news, it WAS a shitskin.
Iran executed one for Fraud.
they die
especially the young bastardish ones that they dont wanna give any money to
isnt he the one who got ousted by the rothschilds and married off to some pakistani royalty or something? all these names are "gold" or "stein" or "smith" it gets really confusing
youre forgetting that shes a literal spawn of satan
that family is one of the biggest scourges to the planet. if any of them are still around, there will be no change ever. theres too much money and power there and someone will just hijack it. its like an invisible monarchy that spans the entire world
Everyone loves redheads you midwit, but it's a god damn Red Shield we are talking about here and nits grow up to be lice.
What the fuck is wrong with her eyes.
Horseshit, they nailed one of their own, Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, not a fucking rothschild.
First of all consider that all you know is that she's dead.
1) It may be a real car crash.
2) They are known for Human Sacrifice of their own. A car crash would cover for that.
We're so fucked if we have to depend on guys like this to save our race.
You're fucked if you think you can depend on anyone but yourself, nigger.
The Fuhrer did it.
the influence of cuckime
im interested in how easy it is to commit fraud within the iranian banking system. i was under the impression that their banks operated quite differently from the rest of the worlds
wonder where that money went after they lopped his head off?
Most Jews are white, no matter how much you don't want it to be true
Poor girl must have been too kind hearted/naive/honest to be allowed to inherit anything. Or maybe she just didn't want to whore herself or otherwise be an asset.
Kate Middleton is a goldsmith. That is why William married her. Other than them being kikes and corrupt as fuck (and now bankrupt due to the Queens fiscal malfeasance with the City of London; so technically completely irrelevant now) I know nothing else about them.
Beats me but he was trying to bring the jews (and their banking) into the country which is why he was killed. Sadly they didn't actually get one of the fucking jews. They all operate the same way and the only reason they don't want the official jews there is because they are just another tribe and they pull the same semitic games.
Remember to say a prayer at temple.
No jew on the planet will ever be white, yid.
Daily reminder we don't have decent mods that ban and delete 1st-post-derailers. Daily reminder that kikemonkey prevents the mods from doing basic cleanup. Daily reminder that kikemonkey's rules have done more damage to Zig Forums than ~4 years of kikefy and coonman.
"potato nigger" "sand nigger" "fag nigger" "cucknigger"
Whatever, kike. We know, that you intentionally post retarded extremism to make us look bad.
For them to bump off one of their own family, she must have done something really nasty.
Now read it. Their "rothchild billionaire" is the fucking shitskin I named who was working for them.
It's a fake news blog sensationalizing the story.
Eat shit and die you jew sack of shit.
Still not understanding genetic programming, are you? There is no such thing as a ‘good jew’. This is why Jesus called them the sons of satan. They are all evil, every last man woman and child. If they were fucking evil as sin, they would still be our MORTAL ENEMIES who are doing everything they can to genocide our people and destroy our nations. FUCK THAT BITCH I AM GLAD SHE IS DEAD AND NO LONGER CAPABLE OF SPAWNING MORE JEWS.
Careful, your "extremism" is making the jews look bad. kek
Give me a reason that jew should live and spawn more people who murder our people…do you argue that because she doesn’t strangle people with her own hands (similar to that kike Ivanka who only orders her daddy to murder people based on YT videos) that SHE IS NOT A FUCKING KILLER and running the program of her DNA which is to facilitate the murder, theft, rape and torture of our people. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH TOO YOU FUCKING KIKE.
Don't come back.
Fuck off kike.
shes basically for all intents and purposes a bastard to the throne. no doubt they saw her has nothing more than something that must be eliminated at all costs
just take a look at what happened to her pops
>considered german jews obv this was simply the first time they started using surname
>marries some ex lingerie model jewess beneath his class tho at least shes not a literal satan spawn like the last one whose family owns a catering business
womp womp
lol press S to spit on the broken cucked shambles of bens life