/realDonaldTrump /status /1148971885457285120
This is a real tweet lmao. He's talking about the deep state. I wonder if he even knows what the (((Deep State))) really is or that his own lineage has been corrupted by (((them))). Would be funny if someone accused him of anti-semitism for calling out the deep state.
Attached: 2019-07-10 (19_54_45).png (943x1835, 605.38K)
July 11, 2019 - 00:03
Who is this disgusting Ryan Hill mongrel?
July 11, 2019 - 00:05
Why would you waste half a second caring about a Twitter nigger?
July 11, 2019 - 00:06
He is a Media Matters alternate that was introduced when the Rothskisteinberg brothers were retired.
Attached: pineapple head brock.jpg (2000x1000, 346.62K)
July 11, 2019 - 00:10
It's hilarious we live in a timeline where the president is talking openly on his twitter about the deep state pretending to be some kind of underground dude who is fighting the good fight against evil.
July 11, 2019 - 00:17
all hail king blormph the leader of the free 56% world
July 11, 2019 - 00:20
My mom told me Twatter banned Trump
July 11, 2019 - 00:52
Wow, this thread got jewed fast. Delete everything after the 4th post.
July 11, 2019 - 01:41
holy shit David fucking kill yourself I know you read this
Attached: daivd brock skyscraping.png (2000x2000, 835.55K)
July 11, 2019 - 02:40
It looks like this arrest is in response to the Mueller probe being over. So Trump played invincible defense, now the jews are punched out and weary.
July 11, 2019 - 02:42
Trump is part of the Deep State.
July 11, 2019 - 04:39
July 11, 2019 - 04:42
The real "deepstate" is ZOG, and Trump is on their side.
July 11, 2019 - 04:44
Sorry imkikey we don’t support orange faggot anymore
July 11, 2019 - 06:05
I can't wait till all these faggots at shareblue and media matters get their asses jerry rigged in a federal penitentiary
July 11, 2019 - 06:42
You bottom-feeders don't support anyone or anything anymore…too busy jacking off to chinese cartoons and eating protein shakes.
The real world doesn't have room for you useless lumps.
July 11, 2019 - 06:51
fuck trump and fuck israel
July 11, 2019 - 07:33
Make a thread when he does something.
July 11, 2019 - 07:40
You’ll never be white imkikey, and trump is a traitor. Do a flip whenever you get around to it.
July 11, 2019 - 11:24
wait until the MAGA train starts rolling again for 2020 elections…
July 11, 2019 - 11:27
Yeah it’s not lmao. Trump might win by pure apathy alone but maga is dead you fucking shill retard
July 11, 2019 - 11:33
>fear intensifies
Attached: you're going back.jpg (611x258, 44.54K)
July 11, 2019 - 12:17
Please kill yourself Trumpnigger
July 11, 2019 - 22:38
Lmfao Trump won't get more than 1-5000 of these Spics max. GTFOH it's posturing for his re-election
July 11, 2019 - 22:39
Israel is the Deep State and Trump is their bitch.
July 11, 2019 - 22:40
July 11, 2019 - 22:42
Attached: wheresthewall.jpg (672x775, 117.29K)
July 11, 2019 - 22:46
The wall was an esoteric metaphor! We're getting a barrier as a bonus though.
July 11, 2019 - 22:48
Whatever else you think of him, you gotta respect his genuine accomplishments.
July 11, 2019 - 23:00
Attached: maganpccaravan.png (455x1000, 449.11K)
July 11, 2019 - 23:46
Please log out and meet Mr. Brock at the elevator. Security will escort you. Bring lube.
July 12, 2019 - 00:31
This means the roundup is underway.
July 12, 2019 - 00:31
Didn't this telegraphing already happen? You fucking maganiggers have such short memories.
July 12, 2019 - 01:04
Trump is under relentless attack for being heartless toward migrants while allowing a much bigger invasion than Obama. Are you tired of winning yet?
July 12, 2019 - 02:12
No wonder you sputter about him endlessly even this far out from the election. As for trump he’s fucking done this election for being an Israel cuck.
Also lmao you can’t ban me for saying that now, can you roachnigger?
July 12, 2019 - 03:41