Hey random thought here guys and I want to hear what you think. Is vegetarianism/veganism just a Jew plot to ruin the fecundity of White Women? Because one horror I used to have when I was dating a vegetarian girl; part of why I eventually broke up with her was the image of her carrying my child in her womb and being
unable to properly nourish it was very unattractive for me. And that got me thinking could we find obvious Jewish routes to these
movements in Modern Western culture? Because it feels to me like more kikery to get more White children born with birth defects.
Is Vegetarianism/Veganism Jew nonsense?
Other urls found in this thread:
Veganism is Jew nonsense, vegetarianism is Aryan
What's wrong with eating meat? Unless you just mean that our ancestors used to eat meat more sparingly because husbandry was still coming along and we didn't have the kind of industrial farm system we have now until well the industrial revolution. And their ability to freeze and transport meat wasn't anywhere near what we have today limiting the logistical ability of the species to be entirely carnivorous. And of course being a hunter there's a certain caloric exchange that's just not worth it when you can also gather, to be a full time hunter. But please elaborate that's just my thoughts.
Veganism definitely is.
Watch these videos. These people have severe body dysphoria (among a plethora of other mental and physical health issues); Essentially, they're slowly dying of malnourishment.
One of these pussies literally SCREAMED his tooth out of his head mid-melt. I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in this video…
It's probably just another one of their infamous "joke's on the goyim" bits they briefly muse about after a long day of plundering, once again exploiting white people's compassion by making these gullible wookies willingly do a shoah on their own bodies…Probably.
Youre fucking retarded, I would beat you to death with a biology book.
We're on the cusp of better, more efficient alternatives.
It'd be nice if it were just Whites behind it, but this jewed world doesn't work like that.
Not an argument
Oh no no no
Stop eating meat for 2 weeks and see how you feel for yourself.
Anything that is lawful industry, is at least supporting jewish world industry. Whether that be paying for kosher certs on foods, or paying federal tax or excise tax on products made, or paying municipal or state taxes, or submitting a patent application, or buying source materials to produce your product for the public, or using social media to advertise your product… all of those things directly strengthen jewish world government and destruct the lawful nation. Fads are all controlled. A person is adverse to the idea of consuming an animal so he buys tofu which killed thousands of fish being shipped over, whose crew certainly fed on animals, the ship was made in a steel yard with imported materials, the tofu was loaded onto a truck on a dock which is a sea of concrete, the truck driver killed thousands of insects possibly birds, deer, dogs, squirrels or cats to transport cargo to destination, the driver had to get fingerprinted and must carry around a cdl identification card, be put into a database, the card expires and can only be maintained by paying a recurring fee, which if not payed results in a fine or jail, all the while refined jew gas and diesel was consumed, of which will be resupplied, all of which occured through the gatekeeping network of jewish world government. Every license paid, every material imported, every international policy adhered, every road driven, every dollar exchanged was stolen from and that excess was diverted to jewish world government. It is a monolithic despotism which has selected humanity based on artificial stimuli for the past 120 years. Support of the system isn't noble or woke, regardless of how many packets of soy purchased. Unfortunately, it is not possible to avoid altogether, but you can make a big dent in your life time. Move to a rural area, take a mortgage on a property with a home, find a local job, pay off the mortgage, have a wife and make children, dont register the children with SS and definitely dont have the birth in a hospital, birth at home, no pku blood test aka jewish dna database. You can get birth cert from state through a midwife. Grow food, learn about plants, save seed, make a small greenhouse for winter. For meat, personally I have a rule to only eat what I kill and process myself. Which isn't much. I cant stand the thought of mass slaughterhouses bringing life into the world only to be thrown in the trash by some migrant after he takes two bites from his mcfatty jewwich. Trees are great, you can graft onto rootstock and save years to get to harvest and have hundreds of pounds of protein rich nuts. You can also break down all your trash plastic into hydrocarbonchains rendering each fuel used, kersene, diesel, gas, they are rendered from trash with pyrolysis. You can live as nondestructive life as you want, you can easily flourish on a no-kill diet. But it is a stuggle, nothing is free, but its much more free than letting jews take everything from you.
I'm not opposed to raising crickets and mealworms for eating, but maggots? I draw the line there.
Just grow a garden, raise some chickens for eggs, and goats for milk, and everything ought to work out.
I developed psoriasis in college when I started going heavy leaning vegetarian and leaning vegan. Soy products, no meat, no butter, no cheese at times.
I'd binge on cheese as a fall back/failure, and I had duck once which was really the first time, and it was stupendous.
Ate fish relatively often in hawaii and it started to clear up. Started eating meat and it started clearing up a lot. Still won't go away unless I'm exercising frequently which I should be doing anyway.
Take some baking soda once a day.
to get alkaline?
Where, in my bathtub? Not everyone has even a yard in which to do anything akin to this.
Raw vegan is the highest spiritual diet. Not many can vibrate that high. Soy burger capitalism is jewish on the other hand.
Opinion discarded.
Federal Reserve banking I think has had a profound impact on population size. Using debt to subsist means people are having children they can't afford. Every generation becomes more indebted as they emerge.
Nonsensical if you have limited space but want loads of protein it's a good idea.
The diet you choose to live by must fall in accordance with the path you choose to walk in life.
Veganism and vegetarianism are for those walking the spiritual path in regards to Yogic tradition and other similar traditions.
Someone who wants to be a layman, a father, a mother, it is better to eat meat.
Regardless, meat should come from a respectable source, either hunted by your hands, or someone you know, the same can go for most things you eat.
If your people do not grow the food they eat, if your people do not make the clothes they wear, or build the buildings they live in, and son, then they are guests in their own nations, who can be put down or expelled at the whims of the foreigners who have supplanted them.
A wild animal from a healthy zone of nature will yield better meat, not only spiritually but in quality.
There is a logic to national socialism, and that is why through the logic garnered from its scholars and philosophers you can answer any question with enough contemplation and discussion.
NOT YOUR BLOG user; NOT Zig Forums
I am a vegetarian, user…I just get tired of the meatfags and reading the same shit over and over.
Having trouble controlling your emotions there, soyfag?
Thats where youre wrong. If you live in a densely populated area, your only priority should be to leave and move somewhere that the general public doesnt want to live, so you can gtf away from them and experience liberty. It will never happen unless you make it happen. I once worked in a city and made 50k usd, my wife had a degree, I did not. She worked for the municipality. We could never really have kids, it was never a good time, we were miserable, we didn't know it. Our take home was probably around 80k combined. We bought a house but it was regulated by the city, in the scheme of central planning, we were very well off. Expensive food, ordering shit from amazon, eating at restraints etc etc. But in reality, we had a home made of plywood and plastics, we had cars designed to require electronic servicing, our municipality charged huge tax, the feds charged the rest of tax, we had to go to jobs that we really didn't care for and listen to people who are hopeless slaves drone on about their shiny chains. Through luck I took a couple of new jobs, then really lost my mind in dissatisfaction. I sold a ton of my shit, and quit job moved to country and had a kid. My wife stays at home, she doesnt work. I now make 20k, we are below the poverty level according to jewish fema standards. Ive never been more satisfied. I go pick up shit people giveaway on Craigslist, I grow trees and perennial vegetables and fruits. I bought a framing nailgun and a cheap compressor and built a barn for chickens. We get a dozen eggs a day. The property I bought was unmaintained, I had to replumb the house, we were shitting in a bucket for about 4 weeks. I had my first kid at home. He is blonde haired and blue eyed and receives very good care from wife. He is big and mentally advanced, he doesnt speak yet but my wife communicates with hand signals to him while he listens to learn language. It is incredibly fulfilling. I read him books like aesops fables and teach him about the history of the jews and what theyve done to the world. You have to just go get what you really need, and be willing to fail and suffer without losing your will. The only person holding you back is you. Things are much easier now compared to when the frontier was first settled, much easier. Back then they didn't give faggoty excuses, they just did. The jews will never let you be free in a city. You have to go rural.
In theory no, but yes on practice.
Do you produce your own crops, does your race? Then your diet choices are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. You live off of borrowed time, and the one holding the scales is the jew or similar aggregate who directs the commerce and agriculture from which your vegetarian diet depends.
It doesn't produce healthy people. It doesn't produce healthy children.
I too am a vegetarian, and I have suffered for it, but my choice is spiritually motivated. We are a people at war, and meat is a necessary sacrifice to fuel bodies capable of warfare.
A vegetarian diet that can sustain you properly into old age is extremely costly, and won't work for everyone. Being angry others choose to eat what their ancestors ate, is similar to being a jew. If you want to be a spiritual jew, then I suggest you get the fuck out of here.
Alternative diets are an extreme intellect signal. People following them tend to be smarter or stupider than average. OP is revealing themselves to be essentially dysgenic by fearing the nourishment of a child under vegetarianism; they’re declaring quite loudly that they’re not smart enough to signal intelligence with an alternative diet, but would only (by malnourishment) be capable of signalling stupidity.
Aryan means white nigger, so no, vegetarianism isn’t aryan.
Arya means Noble.
This is nice if it's true
Some of them but not all of them.
What do you mean 'extremely costly'? Why would it be more costly than it was while I am young?
The jews I know are fascinated by india, where the availability of meat (other than human) is relatively low. Some hindus rationalize their malnourishment by religious means.
I eat a very strict diet for /fit/ purposes. And feel great, I have good veins and blood flow I enjoy balance in most things and I am at exactly where I want to be it's just a continued routine in maintenance. If I were to go off the grid my diet would be easy to manage nearly anywhere in the world. The main meat I eat? Roasted birds and seafood occasionally red meat like a nice expensive steak when I want to treat myself. You're trying to tell me that a human being eating a Spartanly cooked clambake or chicken roast isn't natural but you taking pills and eating leaves all day is? Fuck off with your pontification I gave you room to be polite.
That was why I'm afraid of having my child's potential be capped. If you're a shark you know it's every second and every inch.
I asked my question in a respectful manner you fucking sperg. Chill out.
It has nothing to do with how you asked it. But fine for now the meatfags (not you and you have no idea who I am talking about if you think I am talking about you) are not showing up to this party right now. This must be 'off the weekly agenda' right now.
disturbing, his tooth really just falls out.
Search for "vegan baby dies", you'll find on the first page or two half a dozen countries with stories on vegan babies dying.
Italy even made a law to make forcing veganism onto babies, young children and breastfeeding women illegal because it is proven to kill via malnutrition.
Vegan diets lead to sickness, universally. They can not live healthily without supplements. It's a cult.
It results in low fertility, weakness, mental decline and secondary illnesses and deficiency syndromes.
Vegetarianism, if you eat dairy/eggs/fish then you'll be alright.
You still lack some things provided by red meat, and you have to be more careful with your diet, but it isn't going to do the damage that veganism does.
A taste:
1. lab-grown, genetically modified, mechanically stretched tumours.
2. mass farmed maggots/insects that are fed on industrial waste.
Both completely bypass the eco-system, both rely on being fed something that will be partly artificial. Do you think nutrients come out of thin air?
Freak, keep your cult to yourself.
Your way is to have human bodies rendered down and recycled then shaped into burgers. Just kill yourself.
Guys, guys… it's me again, the vegan that always pops into these threads and ends up bragging about how I recorded myself doing humiliating sexual acts to a jewess to hang it over her head (I know I know, I'm trying to stop being a degenerate and I dont do that type of shit anymore)
I don't post much but boyyyy fucking howDY do I love shotgunning my two-cents at threads like these.
Sage because idgaf if others are vegan, I only want the disgusting practice of hellish factory farming to end, and uncle Adolf would agree.
Stop being a fucking ghoul, eating tortured animals whose happiest day was the day they were released from the maximum-insanity prison that is industrial farming.
Hunt for your meat, don't be a kikenig.
Oh and not only am I double-posting, I'm double-posting to tell you that I'm phone-posting.
Whoa there bucko, it's time to get off the ol' computer.
t. Doesn't have a god damned clue
The Impossible Burger uses plant-based material - not test-tube steak. Learn the basics of a subject before posting next time.
Those fucking piercing eyes bro
It's all fucking gay. You should kill a bear with a goddamn javelin and rip its heart out and eat it in front of a bitch to get her wet as hell mah nigga.
Veganism is peak kikery, not only it makes the goyim eat literal pig food like soy and the stuff that falafel is made of, it also turns them into malnourished, sick, hysterical slaves. You don't have to buy a car, or a stereo system, but you have to eat. Meaning that vegan food is (and will not be) much cheaper than real food. Meaning that kike food conglomerates can have MUCH higher profit margins. Why bother feeding them with rotten, bleached, low nutrition factory meat mixed with corn starch/soy and a cocktail of cancerous chemical additives when you can just make them eat grass and pig food with artificial flavors.
See vid related, goyim are literally branding themselves :DDD This is your mind on veganism. Also, the great majority of vegans are also SJW scum and subhuman enabling neo-Marxists.
You are more "spiritual" in the sense that you get yourself closer to death and release from your mortal body. Which has nothing to do with spiritual ascension, it's just one big cope. We have to nationalize food and pharmaceutical industries, that's the only way to stop the kikes literally poisoning us.
*is not much cheaper
Food is culture, culture is blood, blood is honour.
The Russian, French, Italian and even English kitchen are vast and diverse in recipes. Incorporating many flavours, many spices and ingredients. Europeans traversed the world in search of new materials to use - in the kitchen too.
Food and dishes have a rich history, are rooted in your soil and connected to you by blood. Whether your diet consists of fish, meat or vegetables; If you live in a landlocked area chances are your blood favours meat, if you live on the coast, chances are your blood favours fish. History, the history of your ancestors, it matters in more ways than one.
Read Escoffier, see how rich a heritage your food and dishes have. Appreciate it, learn to cook. Anything is better after a great meal. Food is important to stay healthy, to stay fit, to socialise, to relax, to encourage, to nurture. Learn to cook.
/thread. You're not spiritual because you read Lightning and the Sun and decided to imitate street shitters.
It makes sense though. Nobody would put themselves through either veganism or SJW-ism unless they had been thoroughly convinced to despise themselves.
She was right about many things, but veganism was not one of them. In fact, it was a historical misunderstanding. If you read Vedic texts, you will find that they are full of mentions of animal sacrifice (but ultimately deem them completely unnecessary and stupid, which I agree with) and those following proper virtues being blessed with plentiful cattle. Now what use would vegans have for plentiful cattle?
Vegetarianism/veganism as a spiritual practice was a later development and a major corruption, being invented with the sole purpose of controlling the lower castes, like it is being used today. If animal-derived food is scarce, and you are outnumbered, what are you going to do to prevent the angry mob from stealing your cattle?
They despise other people, most vegans/SJW's that I know are misanthropes and anti-humanists. They are wannabe wolves in sheep skin, but you can't turn a rat into a wolf.
To be fair, user, the people in the "vegan fail" videos are invariably weirdos doing extremely restrictive versions of a "vegan" diet like just eating fruit or avoiding complex starches or not eating pulses. A lot of these folks are new age crystal-wearing heathens who've fried their brain on psychedelics and don't care about scientifically informed diet plans. Plus a lot of the women are insecure anorexic girls that became vegan to make being skinnier more easy for them.
Cherry picks the worst examples of the most outrageously retarded vegans and even uses deceptive pictures when presenting some other vegans.
Yes. Real food comes from animals. Humans are at the top of the goddamn food chain, so there's no fucking reason to eat plants unless it's to garnish a piece of meat.
Hitler only went vegetarian shortly before the war, and his health steeply declined until 1945. Not only was he eating very little animal products, he was also eating an abundance of dessert foods. He is not the poster child for vegetarianism you think he is.
Humans thrived due to agriculture… in other words farming AND husbandry. I don't advocate a vegan diet, but you have to be blind to not realize that we are over-consuming meat. People rationalize gluttony with weak facts like meat is a good source of protein. Well, how are you going to explain the abundance of muscle in plant-eating animals like bulls?
Sure, meat can be healthy, nutritional and even vital for growth and development. On the other hand, most meat products that people consume every day are proven to cause cancer and obesity.. hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken nuggets. The list is so long.
I say Vegan-ism is great with a healthy doses of cheating.
Any claims of
Should be met with disdain
I survive primarily on dairy and eggs and good saturated fat red meat
Not on beans
Not on nuts and seeds (which are good for you compared to grains)
Not on vegetables and fish or chicken
Lactose intolerants cry every time
We aren’t cattle
Bulls are cows and digest grass and weeds
You can’t digest grass
You only have one stomach
The current practices for large scale animal (and plant) agriculture are terrible, but that doesn't suggest over-consumption of meat.
Ruminant animals have a chamber called a rumen, which is full of microbes that digest plant matter and produce fat. The fat is what the animal actually uses. Humans are not ruminants.
Low quality meat covered in stuff that isn't meat. Doesn't help your argument. Studies that try to conclude anything about meat when abundant plant matter is present are useless.
He definitely was never vegan. Anybody who says that has not read the definite works on Hitler.
Most Europeans ate very high quality rye bread with accompanying dairy as a staple, and if you look in Weston Price's book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" you see he found little to no tooth decay in the people eating in this manner. So I'd say, "grain" being a pretty large umbrella, cannot be said to simply be bad, or worse than nuts and seeds. Of course everything available in stores is trash.
Source for him being a sugar fag please. You don't get to slander the demi-god without sources.
Why do you worship a man you know nothing about? Read "Hitler's War", or "The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor".
No, nigger, consumption of animals is. The best diet for a normally functioning human body is meat and fat. We evolved to consume it. We need it for normal hormone function and to achieve proper vitamin and mineral consumption absent supplements.
mentions 'alternativeS'
lists 'alternativeS'
nice try kike. keep your tumours and human corpse-fed maggots to yourself.
Grains have no worthwhile nutrition.
and he's still obese
You're a Jew pushing Jew propaganda.
There's nothing more efficient than eating animal products. Vegetables and grains and whatnot provide next to no readily available vitamins and minerals, so a diet of these things requires supplements. A diet of quality animal products not only feeds more people year round more sustainably (when done right), it also cuts out the need for lab made vitamins and all the waste that goes into making them.
The majority of vegan and vegeterian protein sources are highly inflammatory, disturb the microbiotic balance of the human body and give rise to immune issues.
veganism is a cult. sjw is a cult.
homosodomy is a cult. feminism is a cult.
wonder if any of them had blood infections from the burns.
Since dumb-fuck vegans like to attribute the standard Western diet and its outcomes to "meat eaters," let's make sure to point out that most junk food today is vegan friendly. Nearly all candy is vegan friendly. Nearly ll pastries are or can be made vegan friendly. Nearly all sweetened drinks are vegan friendly.
Hitler went vegetarian in the early 30s. His health declined because he was working 22 hour days. Thinking about it, I'm not sure how much his health even declined, because apart from Irving, every other source describes Hitler as lucid and energetic even in 1945. His military conferences do not have any hint of man suffering serious ailments.
then why do they exist.
that's like vegan cultists saying meat has no nutritional value.
humans are omnivores. humans can thrive on a 100% meat diet, humans can thrive on a meat+vegetables/grains/dairy/fish/seeds/nuts/fruits diet.
humans can not thrive on a 100% vegetable diet.
agriculture was one of the greatest achievements in human technological evolution, it doesn't mean meat suddenly became useless. on the contrary, the theory states that human language and intelligence developed because of the condensed energy and nutrients that meat provides.
that does not mean that grains are defunct.
even wolves and other predators eat vegetation, directly or indirectly.
wolves regularly eat berries, bears fatten up off them for hiberation, predators eat the stomach contents of their prey and gain essential nutrients from it.
before 1990, vegetarian meant you just didn't eat red meat.
in most parts of the world it still means that.
go to most countries outside of the sjw-heavy shitholes, and ask what vegeterian options there are on the menu.
they'll give you fish almost all the time, and other times chicken too.
Why do trees exist? Moron, go look at the nutritional profile of grains. They have next to nothing in them. They do nothing but provide the body with immediate energy.
Why does dog shit exist if it's not nutritionally sense, idiot.
Hitler didn't eat meat though. We don't know if he primarily did so because he thought it gave him health benefits, or if he simply didn't want to hurt animals for food. He proclaimed both.
Why do you exist when everyone wishes you didn't?
He took a bullet to the gut in WWI and it fucked his digestion.
Fuck off, and lurk 2 years, faggot.
Why do you worship a man you know nothing about? Read "The Talmud", or "The Torrah".
Odin is a vegetarian and Hitler is a vegetarian in Vahalla.
Well said user.
Polite sage.
If you're not Germanic you shouldn't even be talking about Odin to begin with. That said, Odin doesn't exist and Valhalla doesn't exist. Also if Odin existed, why the fuck would he eat anything? Why would a god need to eat?
If Hitler was a vegan it wasn't because he wanted to be, some people can't digest meat properly, it's a disease that does exist but you can substitute other kinds of meat which is what Hitler did
Dr. Carey Reams knew all the science of nutrition. He lived among Seventh Day Adventists who are vegetarians. He opposed their stance, stating they were often malnourished. He did, however, teach that we eat meat too often - that we should only have meat at three meals a week. Learn about the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization.
Hitler was exceedingly wise in some things, and exceedingly foolish in others. Above all, he was too soft-hearted. His veganism, not actually exterminating the kikes are two good examples. We can blame some on it on the fact that he was largely self-educated, so rather scattershot in the topics and quality of his learning. Of things he did not know he exposed pure stereotypes like gospel truth.
His big plan was to replace meat with soy, reich-wide.
Imagine it. The thousand year soy-boy reich. Some glorious future. We evolved ever bigger, more powerful brains on account of hunting ever bigger, more powerful animals. It takes a lot of energy to feed them. Energy dense fat and muscle more likely source than wild vegetables. It took millennia of farming for the calorie rich vegetables of today and their year round availability. Our ancestors drove the saber-tooth to extinction and the lion out of Europe, and it wasn't due to a grass-only cow diet.
Learn more dude.
Don't you enjoy eating? Valhalla is a feast every night after a day filled with combat.
Humans have always been putting their fetuses at risk in some way or another throughout the ages. This is probably just the latest unforeseen consequence of a popularized habit.
People are still going to eat meat and be skeptical of this til sometime possibly in the near future where more evidence against it is presented and spread to the general public. Meanwhile many vegan restaurants may only have life for as long as they are able to maintain their trendiness among their niche consumer base.
Atheists don't belong on this board… also do you know what Gemanic even means. Most of North, West and Central Europe can be considered Germanic.
Actually I have to double post. You fucking fedora tier faggot. Are you that stuck in the modernist Judaic mindset that you cannot fathom the idea of a spirituality outside the scope of Christian faith in the literal existence of Jesus. Are you that nigger tier that you th ink our ancestors actually believed they were going to a real place called Valhalla instead of teaching their Myths so to instill Eugenic and honourable ethics in life. You fucking kike faggot, kys.
He went vegetarian after the death of his niec, which was 1936, I believe. Not early 1930s. Irving compiled the most detailed moment to moment research on Hitler ever done. If any work has an accurate picture of the man, it's Irving's. Don't discard what he says because you don't like it. The man went to prison because he wouldn't lie about what he'd discovered.
Regarding health, tons of people work themselves to death while eating shit food. Hitler was just ahead of his time.
This is a slide thread.
And how do (((you))) suggest a human being on a plant based diet gets the fat soluble nutrients?
The moment (((you))) say any pill (((you've))) lost the point.
You mean where more lies are presented. There's irrefutable proof in current populations that meat is good for human consumption, but that's not being presented to the public, because kikes have all the loudspeakers. Look at Monolia. HALF (formerly all) of the country eats exclusively meat and dairy.