It would seem we have some newcomers on this board or the shilling and slide threads are just getting out of control. not sure. either way Dump your vids, pics, and sources of Jews openly pushing white genocide for the lurkers, newfags, and reddit cucks.
Jews openly pushing white genocide redpill dump
Other urls found in this thread:
"we will not be silent"
Neither will we.
This deserves a bump
Fuck up all rat faced kikes everywhere
White people won’t be white for long, niggers.
We’ll be white GODS
Here's another redpill.
considering who controls the media
Nice thread, OP. I wanted to do something similar last week, but the thread died quickly. I like to see that this one has content, have a bump.
Bump, great thread
Good thread guys many pics saved keep it up.
Never forget Jews are shepherding literal subhumans to only white countries to achieve the Kalergi Plan.
Nice. This thread should be stickied and be mandatory reading for new face.
Can anyone give the source for Abe Foxman? I can't believe he actually said it. everything you have and link them in your infographics as proof. Link archived sources to the infographics (that is, the material referenced in them) so that there's some credibility for lazy fuckers to spoonfeed themselves.
Yeah, I know, spoonfeeding is for faggots, but having a few normies with connections on your side - including the boomers and a few nogs - are useful whether we like it or not.
The Sausage King of Chicago?
What's causing the refugee crisis? hmmmm
This and the CIA installing right wing governments in South America.
Realize our entire defense budget goes towards establishing Global Jewish Hegemony.
$3.8 billion my ass and our kids will be stuck paying the tab. Try to wrap your head around that much for defense when we have no real external enemy.
I was just reading Trump's going to replace the Dir of National Security with one of Bolton's buddies. He's like Bolton and Pompeo, has no problem getting on TV and telling the most blatant lies about Iran. All the key posts will be filled with ruthless traitors.
don't phonepost and then call out newfags m8
bad optics