So, why are all the big budget movies that take place within the Roman Empire/Era all made by Jewish American directors? There are other movies about Rome, but they are not that good when it comes to acting and set design. I'm tired seeing movies made by Jewish people focusing on their selves (Ben Hurr) or Christianity. It honestly annoys me that they over conflate their importance in Roman history. It would be cool if there was some Italian or Western directors that sought out to create a movie (or several) within the Roman period that isn't overtly sexualized or related to Jewish involvement.
Jewish Directors and Roman Movies?
Yeah, Ben Hur is a great movie. Too bad it isn't /our movie/.
Italian directors are all over the place. I don't know about any Roman era epics from them, but Heaven's Gate, by Michael Cimino, is a remarkable American epic. The amount of care and craft that went into is fucking ridiculous. One of my favorites.
Most of the English language, Roman-era epics were produced in Hollywood. Hollywood is run by jews. That's why they were all directed by jews.
Whatcha slidin', Moishe?
Because Hollywood is jewish. Worthless thread
Would the 2000 film Gladiator directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, The Martian) starring Russell Crow qualify? It's been over a decade since I watched it so I can't remember how sexual it was. I know he had a nigger sidekick but besides that I can't remember anything offensive.
I think the praetorian guard are wearing more exquisitely expensive purple than the emperor himself.
Rosebud?! My sled is slidin' away.
Because kikes really wanted to make sure to re-write history to make them look "sympathetic". It's all kike lies unfortunately which is a shame cause I used to like it
Maybe so,they have a last say on most things. It strange how these middle men tend to become a controlling group. Ever notice that its really easy on tv to poke fun of Jesus as being anti-religion, but rarer for them to make fun of Moses or other famous rabbi. Usually the writer is of the group, descended, and/or married. Like even going way back with life of brian, now knowing of the Talmud it seems to ring alot of bells.
Well I mean notice in Ben Hur it's just the Romans who killed jesus, never any mention of the jews who actually wanted him dead and went kvetching to the romans do murder him because he was shitting all over judiasm
Back in the era of "famblie entertainment" when there were actual families and not just a pack of whores who got half breed niglet curs sired upon them by their worthless lazy shiftless black bucks the jews saw a viable market in catering to a Christian audience, many of whom were Irish Catholics. That's long gone and the vast masses of mongrel mutts are morally depraved shit heels. They want rap, they want "bitches" wiht "booty" and they want huge splashes of blood on the wall when gangsta #1 blows away gangsta #2.
In Barabbas with Anthony Quinn it's definitely the jews fault. At least that's what I remember of it. It's been a loooong time since I saw it on TV. Like 1965
Jews aside, Jack Palance was always Mr Psycho Evil. He was so cool.
Check out HBO's Rome if you really want to see what they're doing.
They make the mother of Octavian, renowned for being one of the most virtuous Roman women, a depraved slut who lusts after her Jewish servants and an incompetent backstabber to boot. They make Octavian an incestuous autistic dweeb. They make the best Roman soldier a violent psychopath who gets cuckolded, and his cheating wife (whom he had described as "as Roman as they come" while excusing his own "Gaulish look") was portrayed by an Indian woman with a giant nose. I could go on, but basically every character is some vile twisted version of the historical accounts.
It's all done as an excuse to shit all over Aryan history. Game of Thrones is the same, only it's given the fig leaf of fantasy rather than medieval Europe. The idea is to take whatever fault the kikes have and project it hard onto Aryans, and to portray jews as the righteous and scrappy underdog.
ikr? This movie is a comedy of out-there historical inaccuracies yet I still liked it.
This; heebs are surprisingly adept at film, probably because it doesn't involve manual labor.
I still feel like Romanity is so powerful that even kike directors just can't help it but depict here and there their complete antithesis and the greatness of the Urbs.
As for non-kiked movies, I guess there's the recent "The First King", from Italy, all with Italian actors and director. Through it's more about the mythic foundation of the Urbs and the divine twins. All acted in reconstructed proto-Latin too.
btw, was Miklos Rosza a kike too?
because jews are still eternally buttblasted about having the shit kicked out of them by the romans that they feel the need to portray romans as being degenerate niggers
Gee, it's a mystery OP. Must get Sherlock onto this one. Maybe he can find your intellect once he's spent the 10 seconds necessary to solve your pointless post
Same reason all the WWII era ones are. Have to control the narrative. Egypt, Rome, Germany. America is next.
In a society run by jews who have inflated nudity, sex, niggers, drug use, addiction, degeneracy and promiscuity on the silver screen, OP, despite all these obvious details has a problem with films made before he was probably even born. When last did you see a Jew in the movie business be pro-Christian enough to seek accuracy, enough to spend money on at least without being devious in some ways.
Never post again.