Since we are goys we should buy from a brand called Goya. These make food products catered to the hispanic community and are sold in all supermarkets. Buy having Goya food stuff displayed around our homes, we are signalling to others that we are Goys. Step one= boycott kosher, step two= buy Goya.
Buy Goya Food Products
Thanks I shall buy.
Bumping for potentially great thread.
This could serve as both a shield and a spear against the kikes.
Imagine knowing what goy means and calling yourself a goy. I'll stick to Aryan thanks.
Are you retarded?
Actually, I really like every Goya product that I've consumed.
They seem to meet a high standard of quality control.
Solid company.
Another zero effort slide.
only jews pretending to be non-jews say "goy" and "goyim" which translates to "beast". It is combining jew statements about "non-jews are like beasts" and "beasts exist to serve jews" that the "cattle" translation arises. The Fed profits from your labor in interest paid on monies lent to your govt and since the Fed is owned by jews all non-jews are "slaves" or, to be politically correct, indentured servants, since "slave" evolved from "slav".
I just want to remind Zig Forums to be careful with their memeing so that "Square-Enix-Goya" as predicted in Shut Up and Jam Gaiden doesn't actually happen sometime in the future.
I generally buy from Aldis because they're German. Not that I'm one of those weirdoes who fetishizes Germany.
spicspamming nigger is getting tired and lazy.
Quit this dead end shill job, nigger. You aren't effecting a single Aryan Mind here toward your race-mixing idiocy.
You will NEVER be White!
IP hopping spic spamming nigger glows on the fucking Sun.
I'm fairly certain most anons se it by now, but take note of this asshole, and report and filter every time.
…after ripping her ass a new one first.
Goya is kosher you fucking retards
It's pretty hard to boycott kosher, and kosher doesn't really mean that much. It doesn't mean jewish owned it just means it fits into their fucked up dietary laws.
Boycott things from Israel. BDS!
Kosher is their code word for in-group preference. In high population areas like New York, this is how they keep their money amongst themselves without being labeled "racist".
We should simply do the same.
Fucking wrong.
Kosher is just things that fall into their dietary rules. Doesn't mean a fucking thing.
But the numbers 729 at the beginning of a barcode means the product is from Israel.
Don't buy a single thing from Israel.
Fucking wrong, yourself, nigger.
It's both.
They claim religious freedom. Their religion is racial.
Like everything, they hide behind OUR altruistic rules and laws to keep their in-group preference strong.
How do you not know this aspect of "Kosher", you spoon?
I like their negros.
What percentage of insects do they allow in the goods? 2%?
Did you know that except where they use prohibited ingredients Goya foods are certified Kosher?
Idiot. Goyim means "nations/religion/tribe". Jews in fact refer to themselves as Goyim in their daily prayers.
This is quite possibly the stupidest thread I have ever seen.
Reminder to sage.
Step three=put a bullet into a White Nationalist's head.
Look up what kosher means.
It's dietary laws from Leviticus.
Meanwhile boycotting Israel can break it.. and you seem to be fighting that. Why?
Fucking lie.
Goggle says it means "non-jew"..
Dig further and it means "cattle"