Legislation to reform how credit scores are created has received bipartisan support
pretty sure you got another 4 years
didn't we try this 10 years ago?
Yay more ways for the Kikes to give us our good goy scores. If I wasn't a dumbshit with school loan debt I'd be completely invisible to the bankers.
Haha what a joke. Re-creating credit scores to account for people with low agency.
Its the same as saying 2+2 = 5 because you can add an imaginary 1 to achieve "equality"
Having bipartisan support for something is basically Skaventongue for
The jews who are our masters say this has to get done so we're getting it done.
Same shit, different shabbos
Be entitled white suburban faggot like OP
Not understand that the majority of White Americans are behind on their bills and have shut off notices if not get their utilities disconnected
Not understand that Kamala is an AIPAC plant who can't win anyway so it doesn't matter
Not understand that the Jews want Trump to win
This, by the way, is what @jack wants to do with Square, Zucc is attempting to beat him to the punch.
I'm looking to sell to get the fuck out of suburbia and this (((blue))) state shithole.
The possibility that niggers waste mortgage payments on shoes seems not to have occurred to her.
So, thinking ahead. . . What are the odds of a civilization-wide chimpout when the increasingly crazy promises being made for free shit forever fail to materialize and niggers are just as stupid and short on cash as ever before? The way I see it, if they didn't go feral when Brother Barack got elected and immediately gave all our money to the banks, they won't do it when free money, reparations, education, housing and sheeeit fall through. Prove me wrong.
(((They))) redirected nigger rage into all the Onigger-era chimpouts; 'Occupy' activism was replaced with BLM shit.
I wonder what her LSATs were?
Remember how in high school the negro thugs always asked you to "loan" them some money?
Yeah, now they're doing it on a national scale.
That's basically double-dipping though, you pay your cellphone bill using your credit card, then pay off your credit card, twice the credit.
Aren't there already laws against people exploiting this by swapping debt back and forth between 2-3 cards? It's one thing to do that to avoid interest rates but to build unlimited credit by constantly paying off debts with other debts has to be oversighted SOMEwhere I would think.
That means my score in the 800s will be even more awesome.
Welcome to kikery.
Don't get caught standing when the music stops.
That's the name of their game.
>implying (((red))) state shitholes are any better
That's called a balance transfer, and it comes with a (((30%))) interest rate. It's the world's fastest way to bankruptcy.
Which is why there's so much payday loan banks in the ghetto.
lol cellphone bills and utilities will kill irresponsible people's credit.
Rent is the big winner cause 93% of poor people are on section 8 and their rent is paid automatically.
She just used to suck off Willie if she needed money for a new Prada bag. I suppose she figures everyone would do that.
Always scratched my head when people would let the power bill lapse and have it cut off. Then I realized that crack doesn't need power, but a computer does (plus a data connection).
It used to be called check kiting back when it took a few days to weeks for a check to clear.
basically free on welfare
most states have "emergency" utilities where that state pays for you utilities
>93% of poor people are on section 8
wrong only about 30% below the poverty level has section 8
Banks suck, but we do need to understand that banks are designed for one major purpose and that purpose is to make as much money as possible while minimizing risk to themselves. They're very good at what they do. Banks don't "discriminate" because they simply hate blacks. They minimize risk to acceptable levels, and the majority of blacks present and unacceptable level of risk. Changing a proven model for political purposes will lead to disaster. I can't wait!
Might as well include Walmart purchases.
meant to say wrong only about 30% of the population that is below the poverty level has section 8, section 8 is essentially a lottery
The ZOG is counting on you to bail out the blacks.
This. Also credit is a jew scam, our grandparents never needed nor took loans, they were thrifty, saved their money, cooked their own meals, did their own car and home repairs while living a comfortable but modest life.
>implying (((red))) state shitholes are any better
hi moshe
Cellphone bills can be and often are credit based. Prepaid is a different matter.
I'm surprised Democrats didn't get all hanged by OWS and Tea party and other revolutionaries last time for destroying the economy and working class through giving subprime loans to subhumans through Clinton and then bailing out all the banks and corporations through Obummer. I hope they do this time and it sounds like a good time to invest in rope companies.
The political left is a composition of centralising Power and political masses with either no political rights or property, or with significantly less political rights or property. We can therefore categorise the left as a breaking down of centres of Power to increase the rights, political property and capital of the societal Low which dovetails with the desire and political impetus of the High to increase its position vis-à-vis the Middle.
From this point, with no rational actor present to order the chaos, all growth of the central power is devoid of correction, direction or amendment. The only existent principle is the removal of judgement and its replacement with laws and rules devised in accordance with scientific, sceptical and empirical epistemology. Every action and thought that further rejects human judgement is selected; any countervailing position withers on the vine. Culture is always selected by Power.
Reason cannot be reduced, transcended, or improved. Any system that purports to do so is a lie is a formalised case of reason à la mathematics. A formal case of reason is justifiable by common sense as it reduces complex propositions to a series of obvious steps. As there is not, and cannot be, a mathematical definition of obviousness, there cannot be a mathematical definition of proof. Reason rules the right.
The fallacious “rule by formula” of the political left pretends that a government can be conducted mechanically whereby the character of its governors is irrelevant. It has fragmented the imperium among judiciaries, producing the constitutional solecism of imperium in imperio and cascaded, irreversibly and entropically from monarchy to oligarchy to aristocracy to democracy. The anarchy of Mogadishu waits.
The alliance of le rouge et le noir – the alliance of the criminal and the elite – is always against reason, judgement and human relationships unmediated by Power; and so, always for governance by constitution or protocol; it is, in a word, chaotic.
They failed to learn from the grave mistake about the subprime loan disaster.
Every day we are not working on a virus that kills all creatures with Nigger DNA is a waste of time.
I'd like to see how this bitch has structured this new sub prime scam so she and her fucking rich husband can cream huge gobs of cash out of it.
No, they learned from it, and well they did: whitey pays all.
You think this is really about credit? It's to crash the banks again so they can rob the country for the scraps left after 2008. The government will authorize a bail-in and the kikes will seize all deposits. What you don't surrender the ZOGbots will come and take, they're beholden to their (((creditors))) not to the people. Good luck with your "savings". There's a parasite sucking the land dry and it needs mass organization to purge.
Didn't you get the nigger memo, nigger? Paying your bills and debts is racist.
But the gimp in the other thread said they did this over ten years ago haha. Yeah Kamala the giant is losing so it's time to turn on the gibs tap. The stupid bitch isn't aware that they changed how credit is rated earlier this year? Everyone got a huge bump for nothing.
The kikes need new suckers to take inventory off their hands. They can't exit the market (and buy it back later for half price) if new suckers don't get in at the top. This is all old hat.