Literally all of his supporters are being completely silenced and banned from social media
It’s the boomer version of “BTC 10k by end of month”
Let's pick apart your fecal fling of a post, OP. The fact that you care about social media says more about OP than POTUS; they want an echo chamber of liberal feels, let them have it. Social media != real life. "War with Iran" has not happened, yet. Relations with Russia being worse is disputable; They are a power, we are a power, we might cooperate and get along but a little sabre rattling from time to time is healthy; otherwise one nation would just be cucked. The only legitimate complaint on your list is the rising tide of mud people. Hopefully the deportations will start soon.
Buy me a keyboard now.
kabbalist says he is going to build a wall and shut the border
kabbalist does exactly the opposite
what a su-prise
My Boomer Dad is telling me all about it right now as I post on Zig Forums.
You should bully that old faggot until he either sees past that gay shit or dies willing his boomer treasure to you to exchange for sloots and funs.
Imagine caring about the stock-market and Jewish money-shifting. Materialist retards will die on the day of the rope
btc is ~$12k rn
Tell him he should have invested in bitcoin.
Tell him he wasted his monies giving it to jews.
Tell him everything is his fault.
And then ask him to bum 5 dollars.
Wow, American financiers are orchestrating yet another bubble.
Hahaha you are pathetic.
It's not too late to get in on this bull market! Don't wait. Don't miss your chance to double or triple your savings.
and the DOW is up, you're both missing the point that being so happy about having a bit more shekels while your entire civilization is destroyed around you is fucking retarded
Plunge Protection Team is buying DOW Jones futures over at CBOT again, at a record pace I see. Somebody check the Fed and see how much money they're printing right now.
All that kike cares about is bailing his kike friends out of jail and giving jews the keys to the country
Private wealth is one of those things "being destroyed around [me]" by jews.
No matter the monies jews fail always.
Only Europeans can use monies properly to create.
Or to destroy.
Everyone who enjoys thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed. Herein lies the difference between them that create and them that enjoy.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
When coin values go up (increase), what equates to the seed ?
Quite jewish if you ask me.
My fren
I was thinking, how do we hang bodies from power lines? I wanted to make an artistic statement on DOTR.
Social media is one of the new mediums as tv / cable dies. That's why you see NBC / CNN / etc anchors and reporters posting all over twitter and facebook.
And to all the leftist trolls who love to spout about how the 1st amendment protects you from the govt not from private censorship.
==Fuck your bullshit. If the roles were reversed you'd be pissing and moaning forever while NGOs paid for antifa protests against such a thing.==>>13489558
goddamn site is being retarded again
This site used to be fascinating but it helped me be a step above wannabe anarchists, at least.
Now i like hitler and stalin and castro lel
tfw at least you got some tax cuts
to be fair id rather have btc than stocks in a SHTF situation
his tweets are funny though
Most Aryans are born tanned… that's why white women (I hope (((you))) are not MGTOW) call it Brazilian tan!
Fuuuukk. It was 10,400 just 3 days ago. I fucked up once again.
I was born white. Must not be “Aryan” then. Based Brazilian master race when?!?
Some rope, a snatch block and several years of rigorous back exercises. Remember only touch one cable at a time and stand on several inches of rubber. It's the extra effort as well as the increased danger that adds to the beauty. You could just simply hoist the Jewish parasites onto street lamps but that is nigger lazy and uninspired.
It's very simple. To destroy the virtual prison, take out the wardens and guards.
Don’t post here again retard trump cuck
spicspam nigger wants to be White so bad.
This, I know my wife did.
IP hop spicspam agreeing with itself is definitely a fucking bot.
You fucking Fedfags are so retarded.
Are you scared yet?
i want you to know that feelshit was always gay and retarded, but you're just a newfag zoomer who does whatever murdoch and murdoch tell you to think. newfags being led by newfags. sad!
DACA check em
pathetic, spic spam.
And you're still likely going to vote for him. He's going to build that wall, deport some immigrants, and finally get himself re-elected while continuing to undermine the U.S. high-tech sector and kissing BiBi's feet.
Fuck of fedfaggot. Which one are you, an idiot or a fed? D&C. Lets just generalise an entire generation of our own people? Gee that sounds EXACTLY like jewish D&C thats destroying europeans ability to create solidarity and organize a defense.
Aren't you clever?
I'm not you, spicspam. You're fucking ridiculous. It's a real shame you can't even see how fucking silly you look. Everyone else does.
Found the boomer
Are blumpf boomers just as bad as kikes, if not worse? Day of pillow soon gramps
Projecting like your Talmudic master would have you do in creating more of a dog eat dog world where no one has a true purpose in life? Of being part of a cohesive group with pride, understanding & solidarity in a true community spirit that can only happen through a biologically & culturally intact people. Not people within certain groups at each others throats through a constant barrage of disinfo & distractions that you pass the buck kind do so well.
We at least not by you, you inconsiderate fool.
Ip hopping spicspam nigger.
Run around fucking up every thread. You suck at life, faggot. I can tell you're a very miserable person. I'm so glad I can contribute to your anxiety.
You really should kill yourself already. You know you want to.
Go for it. Use a shotgun. Quick and easy.
No pain.
Kill yourself, spicspam.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Well done, you arrogant kike you exposed yourself.
Exposed myself as your bulldog, chasing you around this board as you shit up every thread with your blatant glowing patterns of idiocy?
Felate Dotard Chump harder faggot
Damn right, you're a bulldog or some pitbull just look at you. I can see that drool coming out your mouth from here from foaming at your mouth, Dave. I thought you maybe was Maximus at first but now I see you're way too animated to be him. Remember the time you started yelling at yourself in the park waking everyone up 6am for being kicked out at a certain place for people seeing your true colours, hahaha. Now that was funny.
You felt hard done by for being deprived of aiming to character assassinate someone with who has more integrity in his finger than you have in your entire body.
I love how he only drew white people.
If Trump didn't win in 2016 a Civil War would have been gauranteed for any number of reasons – The economy (or at least the perception of the economy) being one.
Trump wasn't elected to save you or "your country", or to reaffirm your "rights", he was elected to save the government and restablize it before it brought about it's own destruction. Very little has changed behind the curtain. The only thing that has been righted is how the citizenry perceives its government. And again, thanks to Trump, the perception is adequately favorable.
You guys are so bad I'm strating to cringe every time I see POTUS written
The only people that Trump cares about are zionists. If you think otherwise then you are going to be perpetually dissapointed by his actions in reality.
its because its more or less true, apply for section 8 as a nigger with muh children and you pretty much get streamlined
i like how they are still fairly well dressed despite being homeless
lets say the next democrat president decides to do a 2008 bailout, would you rather have boomer stocks or deflationary "meme" money?
Who are you trying fool, fool? You are an errand boy for the status quo, you've no sympathies for us WN traditionalists you abhor such an idea. Your ideal world is bossing, partying, taking all types of class A drugs, being a menace to society by being loud & obnoxious for someone having a difference of an opinion & lounging at them with such aggressive like you belong in a zoo.
Remember that time, you sent me that message 5yrs ago of waiting to chainsaw me, stamp on my head, stab me until I beg for mercy (I wouldn't give you the satisfaction punk)? 40 lines of the most intelligible gibberish packed with should bile & hatred of your betters I've ever read but what I expect nothing less from antifa scum like you. Every line packed with death threats & infantile insults. How many bottles was you drinking out of?