I know it's the threat that is held over the heads of goykind at all times.
But, who would really be at risk of losing their luxurious and parasitic lifestyle if war broke out?
Would OUR women become even MORE slutty?
Would OUR daughters be even MORE indoctrinated to eagerly seek out gang-rape by subhumans for fun?
Would our boys be MORE convinced of the need to simultaneously service multiple AIDS-tainted dicks before they turned six?
What downsides are there, in reality? And for whom?
Would men be MORE subjugated by lesbian judges?
Would women be awarded even MORE alimony so they can pay filth to inseminate them?
Would MORE poor people be arrested and railroaded into long prison terms for minor and non-crimes?
What the fuck are you actually fucking afraid of?
What the actual fuck?
Give me liberty or give me death.
What do YOU choose? Evidently, so far, it's paying tax to the McFed while your overlords choose your best and brightest to die in wars and/or be sodomized on camera.
When will it change? What will be the tipping point? When your online gaming subscription is canceled? When porn costs money?
What will be the first sulfur hailstone to fall on Sodom and Gomorrah?
What if they let slip the dogs of war. It sure beats our children being raped by Cultural Marxism.