He is the least type of democrat of the choices of the democrat nominees. I'm socially conservative but economic hardcore socialist and I want Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic nomination but he won't for some reason, he's in a good lead though. If Biden becomes the nominee I can bet it'll be an automatic Trump victory, maybe even a landslide.
Why do democrats support biden and not Sanders?
Other urls found in this thread:
Democrats don't support Biden. They skew the polls.
People mentally associate him with Obama, and media shilling for Obama really worked with liberals. Biden is polling far ahead of Harris or Booker with blacks funnily enough..
If that is true, most people are no better than dogs.
Nothing is real, user.
This board is one of the last places on the internet with any truth, and it's totally fucked with shills too.
they probably support who the media cheerleads. media supports him because he is their (((globalist))) insider. lefty npc's support him because of his association with obongo, and his staunch anti-gun stance as far as i can tell.
it is odd they pick a White man though. that is unless it's really the jesuits calling the shots here. zion don is jesuit trained, and jerome powell, current fed head was as well. they always want more loyal roman catholics and just who happens to be bum rushing america right now? south americans who are largely romcats. not trying to take away from the kikes or anything, but they have been working hand in glove since vatican 2 afaik.
Then go over to Zig Forums you low IQ nigger. We're not a marxist socialist board. We don't support bolshevik Bernie over here.
Elites like antiwhite warmongering neocons.
Bernie is a antiwhite communist.
Just learning that now?
Why is this shit here? Why is this allowed? Why is this beyond entry level bullshit on fucking Zig Forums? This isn't even QTDDTOT. This is fucking "40 year old that listens to infowars finds out for the first time the left are hypocrites" garbage. What the fuck happened to this fucking board?
Shills took it over about a year ago and have since zapped the fun out of every thread by starting arguments with everyone and being little bullshit caricatures of what they think a Zig Forums user is like. They're the ones who spam trumpwall.jpg and muttmerica.jpg and they're the ones who go all ass-blasted when the mosque got shot up and acted like they were leaving Zig Forums.
Every president is the same. Having a jew in office at the (supposedly, but not really) highest level would be terrible for the jewish narrative. Goddamn right I want Bernie.
I'm beginning to think it's a new AI/bot tech they're using here. The same glowing bullshit, day in, day out, and even though they get BTFO, they just continue on, no shame.
It's simply static to destroy EVERY conversation.
God I wish we could just drop a lightning bolt through the lines, and zap these faggots to Hades.
Oh yeah, I'm sure, shill.
You're a fucking retard.
It could be bots. I blatantly tell them I'm filtering them and they continue to tag me as if I haven't. When someone tells me they filter me, I just say fuck 'em and stop wasting my time. They just patrol threads until the thread dies, especially threads regarding Trump. They patrol that shit like only someone being paid, or a bot would. No person spending their free time here is going to patrol threads on Zig Forums for hours on end the way they do.
Dumb-fuck, you can't come to Zig Forums and try to use the "uhhurr jews bad" line to try to manipulate people into supporting a jew. How fucking retarded are you? Go back to Zig Forums.
You're not electing anyone anyway, you dumb fuck.
It's because it's not trying to convince you of anything, it's using you as a springboard to hook others.
The voters want Sanders. The Jewish Donors want anyone who will lose to Trump.
You need to look at progressive Twitter. They want Sanders. Period.
This term is used by altkike who are funded by real BOLSHEVIKS.
Israel is Bolsheviks. Ashkenazis like Netanyahu- that's not even his real last name his grandfather changed it - moved to Israel.
Israel is BACKED by Trump and the GOP. The Bolsheviks are the fucking GOP.
Wake up.
The what of the Marxist “progressives” in academia and the like? They often are Jewish (I know a bunch)
The readily apparent (at least at the surface level) dichotomy is that there are two camps, the blatantly pro-Zionist “right”, propped up by evangelical Christians, and the anti-Zionist, Marxist “left” (often composed heavily of Jews). This game isn’t simple, which is why 3rd position is so important. But just because a Jew is left wing and anti Zionist doesn’t mean that Jew isn’t still a Jew. Just means he wants to turn your country into an authoritarian slave state for a Jewish overclass, no Israel needed
jews jewing jews jewing jews itt
Twitter doesn't reflect the average person at all. You know that, there have even been studies confirming that.
The early frontrunner is there to take slings and arrows so the actual, planned, candidate can then emerge without much dirt on them. Trump was different because he represented vested interests less than the others (keyword: LESS). Biden is there to take the worst attacks and the clowns he stands with are there to distract.
I don't even think it's a conscious desire for most of them. I think they actually believe everyone else is just backward for not doing exactly what they want but are so disconnected from reality they can't get past the solipsism.
They're doing what they've been told to do. I can't stand Sanders either he is a lying pos fake race baiter too.
this fag believes the polls about democrats. democrats know theyre going to fucking lose so might as well embrace the theatrics
Came here from Voat to tell you that you are a fucking moron for being a socialist. Kys immediately. Or learn about human behavior and supply and demand, idiot.
The system is rigged and the Dems are going throw a second election to Trump.
most democrats are boomers, not millennial. hes the perfect choice for boomers
When the jews have more control, gentiles win!
Everybody loves a white man, they just can't admit it
Realy? WHY?? I dont know, but I bet you $5000 S3TH knows!!
Socialists want to live in white neighborhoods, but with no white people.
Because the purpose of Communism is not to impliment Communism. The purpose of Communism is to get away with killing off a shitload of European Christians and having the Jews in power at the end of it.
It's why the Democrats are unironically afraid of that dumb slut Cortez. She's a Stage 3 True Believer, she's a Communist Thunder Warrior. Her purpose is to be a violent street advocate and die a martyr. Anyone like her who somehow survives the revolution is invariably taken around back and shot for knowing too much and being of the mindset that they would attempt to overthrow the Jews if they broke their own arbitrary commie laws.
People like here aren't MEANT to gain positions of real power and authority in the party. But through chance or a quirk of fortune, she HAS.
Liberalism is not an ideology, it is a tactic. Accept that, and understand that Communism is merely a more extreme example of the same thing. The purpose of Communism is not to impliment Communism. The purpose of Communism is to genocide white people, destroy Christianity, and make sure a bunch of international banking Jews are in control at the end of the process.
"Why do dem slaves work da cone feel and not da shooga feel?"
"errrr, daz cuz massa say woke duh cone feelz!"
Don't talk shit about dogs
Chaim, we all know Bolsheviks are left wing neocohen RINOs
My vote is for President Kamela !!!
Biden is soooo last week.
This is the hardest thing for normalfags to accept.
This is it. Communists don't want Communism, they want you to have Communism: starvation, total control, secret police, and thought-crime. The Commissars themselves live like kings.
What we're seeing now is a push to import a massive population of low-IQ, third-world serfs. Overwhelm productive whites, and let the Nation Crushers rule over whatever's left.
But user, fuck the 10,000 men that struggled through life to get me here. I want to make a statement by electing the first gay, girl, jew, binary, drug recovered president!
No one here is defending bolchevism (yet), why have such a knee-jerk reaction?
Exactly! Plus I would say Bernie represents a totally controled oposition. He is the valve of scape to anti-capitalism (that turns it into anti-white sentiment instead of real socialist). Bernie is not meant to win, just to be a false ideologe that turns potential socialists into "woke" "anti-system" that don't really work for the betterment of the conditions of the volksgemeinschaft.
It's a new iteration of what leftism (marxist and utopic) alaways meant to do: create a subversive critic to a system that is, indeed, not perfect, but if put into action just accelerates the jewish interest, which is the source of the majority of the problems of the original system anyways.
Election year comming, it will probably be even worse in the future. I guess we can resist and try to drop the redpills in every and all posts.
I've saw pretty retarded O.P's turn into good conversations. I don't think they can really "normalize" this place if we stick to our natural ability of seeing through bullshit and pointing it out.
Agreed, this is a behaviour that is not proper to anyone that was really exposed to the deep truth this board contains. I guess this is why they glow in the dark…
Have you ever thought about how they manage to avoid the glowniggers to swallow the redpills on this board? I don't think that even agent boomer is not unsuficiently smart to figure out the chan culture in due time.
Or maybe they are all degenerates that don't care about the future, just like the mojority of the political leadership of all ZOG countryes.
Look, guys, we have an
Nhe, but seriously, I don't want Bernie. They would think that his electoral victory meant that we are woke enough so they can already sack and plunder whitey openly. He, along with all shitskin advocates, is a neo-bolchevist, and this must be faced with due seriousness.
I don't know if this is technically feasible yet, but I would say it looks like that sometimes…
Exactly! But I don't think O.P. meant that he should win the elections overall.
Am I being to optimistic with O.P's faggotry?
Shut up, scumbag! We KNOW the elections are an important moment for political discussion. Even if it's all symbolic (which it's not entirelly) it's important.
Partially right, user, the bolchevik forms of "revolt" are one manifestation of the ZOG-GOP. If you want to have a nuanced view of how this machinery works you can't say it's all the same (although, in the essence, it is).
I will just leave a brief hint of how it works:
Bolchevism - for us
Nationalism - for (((them)))
Hum… Yeah, I'm being too optimistic about O.P….
Sorry for samefaging (and for the sloppy english on the other post) but I had to say…
Jk, I just want to say that, although you are right about the true nature of bolchevism, the Cortez slut is not that radicall.
Don't dive into boomerwaffen stuff, it's just retarded…
Fucking boomers of first position!
Who cares it's just vote cuckery anyway
The rank and file democrats want Bernie and socialized medicine.
But the party elites are beholden to the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical companies. So Biden is the nominee.
Biden has literally promised "nothing will change if he becomes president.
Nice IP swapping faggot!
As everybody has already pointed out, elections are indeed important in a way or another.
They let the cat out of the back and they can't put it back.
You better unite against this communist mentality, in 1-2 election cycle, if the situation continue, communist will be elected.
Have you seen the photos of him with little girls? He'd be very easy to control as I'm sure theres video or photos of him doing more than just sniffing children.
Just lol at anyone who takes any polls or ANYTHING the media says as being true these days.
Its all LIES
People have short memories. CNN literally said Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. People barely mention it today, even Trump himself or his legion Trumpniggers who still believe the polls. No wonder the kikes rule these sheep.
Nobody supports Biden, the media is rigging the election.
Here's proof that the media bosses get together and decide elections thru biased coverage. Controlling opinion thru control of the media is a verified scientific fact.
This is what they're doing to Bernie.
People forget Biden and Trump will sign us onto the TPP, that is game over for America. It's literally the same people who robbed the former Soviet Union putting forward the privatization scheme to rob America.
The Jew banker who gave Obama the list of people he should appoint to his cabinet also negotiated the TPP in secret.
In the former Soviet Union the Jews had to get Yeltsin re elected and he only had a 10% approval. The bought up tyhe media and pumped a bunch of money into propaganda and rigged the election. People don't understand the magnitude of that theft that is still felt today.
Isn't it obvious that Biden is compromised like Trump and many others with underage sex.
The Jews even made a comedy based on the real story. Here's the trailer.
Be sure to read the second pic, it's a pretty accurate description of whites in America.
Bernie is no longer a novelty, ten other candidates stole his positions, he was never a great speaker in the first place.
he's provably more racist than donald trump
mfw Ron Paul isn't on the tail end of his second term