This retard is addicted to losing chunks of his base every time he tweets
Even worse, his smooth brain base will actually and unironically rationalize and even justify stuff like this, all to "make le liberals cry"
This retard is addicted to losing chunks of his base every time he tweets
Even worse, his smooth brain base will actually and unironically rationalize and even justify stuff like this, all to "make le liberals cry"
It's a fascinating disparity between the bulk/core of Trump's base and the disaffected margins that actually put him over the top. They have literally no overlap in agenda whatsoever.
I don't say this often, but he's right
imagine thinking hash power is thin air.
god i fucking hate boomers, thats like saying 1990s internet was all pedo trading
The whole point of cryptocurrency is to keep it from being regulated. He isn't right, he just wants to regulate and tax the only non-Jewed currency available right now
I can GUARANTEE you that it was 100% a Jew that filled his head with anti-crypto propaganda
speaking of kikes, i recall seeing an article on coinbase about israel deeming cryptocurrency as not physical property, thus untaxable
go figure right?
Crypto-jews BTFO
They’re just fucking numbers. People are burning real electricity and using real natural resources and spending real cash on hardware so they can find imaginary currency.
And crypto that’s issues by a corporation is even worse. It eliminates the only thing real crypto has going for it. And Facebook couldn’t keep its severs secure before they tried getting into crypto. Now do we assume our Facebook wallets are going to be safe?
He is 100% correct. END FIAT CURRENCY.
What do you expect from a fucking jew
Someone else wrote those tweets, although Trump probably agrees with them. The dude is a tech-impaired boomer, I'll give him a pass on this.
Facebook's cryptocurrency may be bad, but that doesn't mean every other coin is bad
Israel might not tax it directly, but they will tax it indirectly via the U.S. to find aid going to Israel
I've paid off $50,000 (51 actually) in student loans from buying and selling Bitcoin and altcoins.
Fuck you.
Un(((regulated))) is what the horse's ass meant to type I'm sure.
hang the entire courtroom after every violent case, they might turn into copycats
I honestly feel a bit stupid even typing this as we literally have 4,000 years of recorded history of jews fucking over the west. Again and again and again and again and again…. 9/11, Pollard, USS Liberty, and on and on and on and on…
However, what if Israel and the US are one in the same? It may be that there are 2 halves to the world (literally an us vs them argument. I know) but the reality is when israel falls, Russia and China take over everything that isn't the US and make the entire world dependent upon BRICs. They take over all the worlds oil reserves.
If that happens, the US is gone.
If that happens, Europe is gone.
If that happens, whites are gone.
What if we're married to the kikes whether we like it or not?
he's a boomer
He can't help it
Then we gotta hang the hangmen because they hanged people and hanging people is bad.
I said people user
crypto currency IS fiat currency retard, only difference is the USD ultimately defended by the US Armed Forces
Fucking tweet is cucking for the Rothschilds so hard, why not die like a man, be remembered like JFK instead of a trifling trick? Pathetic.
Bitcoin is decentralized money which is a major difference from central banking. It's like Freedom vs Kingdom, the Kingdom\Empire will crumble if we all use bitcoin, which has mathematical certainty in the limit on its supply and guarantee of its transactions.
Its worse, its wasted CPU cycles, wasted energy, to encode transactions for absolutely no reason.
The QTards will claim the Deep State is behind cryptocurrencies now….
Despite Iran, Russia, AND Venezuela able to sidestep US Sanctions with Bitcoin.
This Boomer fuck stick has to go. I'd rather vote for the Jew Bernie Sanders than this fucking kike cock sucking fraud and that's saying a fucking lot.
Protip: invest in privacy tokens.
yes, but there is no limit to fractionalization. People can still get poor as fuck if bitcoin becomes the world currency.
I do have a solution, though. I'm actually looking for a crypto-fag to work with on my idea.
Centralization offers less costly transactions, and decentralization offers no tangible utility beyond useless platitudes. Crypto can be stopped by a single regulation, is too volatile to be used in real business, and is relegated to drug traffickers and other criminals.
you know they PWN your country when they no longer require passports, visa's or permission to enter the united snakes, but citizens of the united snakes must still apply for visa's and can be refused entry to Israel for any reason deemed applicable by the Israeli's. That pretty much tells you who PWNS the united snakes, huh?!
He's right though. You still can't buy anything in real life with bitcoin. It's literal only use is for drugs. Not only that but the mining warehouses are accelerating global warming/climate change from all the electricity they use. Unless they literally move them off-planet there is no way bitcoin mining isn't going to boil the oceans within a few decades.
another house on Mayfair
well he's not wrong that's what I use it for
Yes, because history has shown that laws stop activity.
I'm not talking about the obvious.
Beyond that, what if the option is either sleep with the jews or world-wide communism and a Holodomor2.0 which wipes out 100 million whites?
israel has to know that their existence depends on the US. They aren't stupid.
Legitimate businesses, which account for most currency transactions are certainly beholden to the law. If you're talking about drug and human trafficking, sure, you're right, bitcoin is used for that sort of thing.
So you're argument against me saying/implying laws don't stop activity is to say that laws stop legal activity?
Please tell me you're smarter than that. Please.
You did not just somehow think that saying making things illegal makes the legal aspect of them discontinue, did you?
Because that's literally what you wrote.
So is cash.
American's don't use Twitter.
Even thinking so means your a poo.
His base is not so shallow.
Trump is such a fucking dumbass. I can’t tell if Jared isn’t operating his twitter account.
Ignoring the fact that any (((regulation))) or (((law))) against cryptocurrencies will only ruin the (((dollar))) economy more as people more and more need to leave that economy. It will cause the value of cryptos to sink greatly which will cause more people to buy into them.
Anything can be money. Money is just a concept developed in the iron age by jews to enslave everybody.
which ones and why?
Monero $87.74
Dash $144.42
Verge $0.006459
Zcash $87.67
Bytecoin $0.000790
Bitcoin Private $0.507836
PIVX $0.519653
Zcoin $10.11
NavCoin $0.164867
Enigma $0.573166
Bitcoin is a giant ponzi scheme! We already have a cryptocurrency… its called the USD!
bitcoin is a waste of electricity thats right
and yea thin air is what federal reserve debts notes worth is
Smooth talking OP
shocked that jesuit trained zion don wants us using the federal reserve usury system the kikes made and that jesuit trained jerome powell now runs.
Nuke the planet from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
This Tweet really pissed me off probably more than his Anti-Gun bullshit. Seems like he just now today learned about Bitcoin from one of his Jewish advisers who told him it's only used for illegal (not CIA) drug trafficking . Entirely seems like it came out of no where and is ill-informed.
The only people I've seen be anti-Bitcoin who were not from a government were old people who didn't understand it. Everyone else is blown away by it and think anyone who has it is rich if they are naive about the subject.
The jews laid China low with their opium trade. Thanks Sassoons. Then the jews sucked all the money and industry and technology out of the USA and sent it all to China to build it up. It's called arbitrage. It's what they do. Learning to live with tapeworms in your guts is not a good long term plan for your good health.
I hate the big banks and the kike dons as much as the next person…. but crypto is just as scam and makes profits for Kikes and shitskins… if someone wants to create a Aryan currency backed by a gold or silver standard then I would be interested!
Enigma because it’s a Jew coin, and only things allowed to get big in modern clown world are things that advance world Jewry by either giving jews more money and power or things that weaken us goyim.
And what are those unregulated goods you are exchanging foe your unregulated coin?
Child pornography? Assessinations? Drugs?
Can I buy some tomatoes with dogecoin?
Regardless of whether he was genuine in his aspirations or simply playing the people for his own benefit, it's beyond dispute that Trump is being heavily influenced, if not controlled, by the enemy; who are all around him and by far the closest. His statement about crypto-currencies could be applied to conventional money. The damning thing about his tweets isn't the generalisations or vagueness often exhibited, but the uncertainty as to whether he will have the same view next week. Tell tale sign that he is being led by the collar and has disconnected from reason.
How many of "OMG, Trump tweeted this" threads are you going to spew on daily basis, OP?
Trust the plan
So Trump is a jew for pointing out the flaws in crypto currency and everyone starts calling him a Jewish shill? Guess we just gonna ignore the fact that libra is proposed by Facebook owned by Mark Cuckerborg..I'm SURE (((HE))) is absolutely trustworthy and we should all invest in (((libra))) immediately. Stoopid smoof bain Trumph gud ting we 2 smrt 4 tht twick
Cryptocurrency is a scam. Once the electricity gets knocked out how are you supposed to mine for your precious coins? The only thing cryptocurrency is good for his conditioning the human populace for a One World Currency
Because his "bulk/core" you refer to are cuckservative normies that were ready to vote Jeb! until Trump clearly was the leader during primaries.
They have no agenda other than voting for whatever their brainwashing device (phone or tv) tells them to.
If this guy wins re-election, I will be convinced that the US is a completely lost cause and move back to my ancestor's homeland in Switzerland.
No, I wrote that myself.
You dumb shekel nigger, a law-abiding business by definition won’t illegally use internet money if it’s illegal. Only a small minority of people will knowingly and willingly break the law to trade shitcoins in that scenario.
Yes people are going to rush to purchase invisible shitcoins which have just been criminalized and are rapidly declining in value. Makes sense.
Can't have anything competing with fiat currency goy
You should do so regardless and rid Switzerland of the Albanians, Kosovans, Turks and other mongrels that infest it.
Fuck you #MAGAwithDACA
Boomers universally don’t understand crypto
go ahead ask your parents user
holy shit we have a successor to the throne of king retard.
Perhpas you want to work on your reading comprehension instead of calling me a dummb shekel nigger and proceeding to regurgitate exactly what I said?
bro ur Id is hexes
nice and checked
Seeming more realistic than reclaiming the North American continent with each passing day.
Is that all you've got, gimp? It's like a daily routine to attack the noble & righteous as something to be seen as just in your eyes. Total sly fuck with such cowardice might I add.
>(((")))huhuh good thing theres no such thing as gold(((")))
Lindt Nationalism
Oh jesus… people like you are why the West was enslaved by jews.
Remember when I said that his smooth brain base was gonna rationalize this?
Well you can tell who supports him ITT by seeing how cryptocurrency is useless
The whole point of it was to work as an investment. You buy low and then sell high. After a while, some companies began to adopt it for practical purposes because of how much money is behind cryptocurrency. The whole purpose of crypto was to start the framework for a decentralized currency that could be used practically while also being used for investment purposes
The only "regulations" that can come out of this are heavy taxes on cryptocurrency. Jews HATE cryptocurrency because it cannot be taxed heavily and that means less money for ZOG.
explain what good purpose the niggers serve
explain this infallible depending on human man made concepts that will fly along with nature that you have invented in your illusions in your head of utopia with everyone else.
fuck you your the little nigger loser who sold out the country thinkjing you can get money to a bunch of would kill their own selves if noone ewas left jews
Oh so thats why it dropped…
What an absolute retard.
What trump says here does not matter. There is no move by the state that would delay hyperinflation. A ban would be a pretty clear admission of btcs superiority as a store of wealth (triggering capital flight from dollars into btc via intermediate channels) and the threat posed by btc to the state’s ability to fund itself. The two limiting cases available to the state: 1) do nothing and btc will inexorably engulf all global wealth; 2) ban btc in the West and watch its nominal value skyrocket in other currencies. Capital flight out of the US would accelerate through the usual channels and find its way to btc. Any option in between would accelerate the inexorable trend in proportion to its severity.
You are absolutely delusional.
kill yourself kike
it dropped because it doubled in price in the last month, only brainlet boomers let some faggot on twitter dictate price points
I'm not a fan of the American dollar and other fiat currencies, which are not money, and whose value is entirely manufactured and based on thin air.
Does this dude even think when he tweets?
Miss Harris and Butterbutt, what a team, ehh?
10 years ago it was delusional to think that this would reach a 200b market cap with billions in daily volume. But here we are
People made exchanges before there was electricity. Hope you can do the math on paper without too much difficulty.
No one is gonna carry around 20 fucking chicken eggs and a goat to trade ever again. They will find a way to make some form of promissory note just for fucking convenience until there is a complete global collapse and you're eating each other to stay alive.
Just get rid of the jews. The rest sorts itself out.
i hope you posted this ironically