Kike Puppets Fight At The White House

Jewish Owned "journalists" get into an angry brawl at the White House today, at the "Social Media Censorship Summit"

Kike puppet and ultra-Christian Zionist good Goy Seb Gorka is caught on film arguing with a mainstream journalist as based nigger Scientologist whore in a MAGA dress and Yarmukle-wearing Jew cheer him on.

This is probably the most cringe-worthy thing I've ever seen and reminds me why this fucking Zionist owned movement is a laughingstock and an embarrassment.

Reminder that Ben "Gas The Kikes" Garrison was banned from this "summit" but this subhuman trash was invited.

Someone end this nightmare.

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Bumping because mods are kikes

wtf I hate Trump now

Trumpniggers need to neck themselves

Jews jewing jews.
Im ok with this.

What a fucking shitshow. Not really surprising though, when you invite a bunch of narcissistic attention whores who rarely leave their houses out in public a couple of them will make a scene.

This is the summit BG was uninvited to. Many of these people will likely get shutdown for supporting T. Free speech? Some are more free than others.

Who's O'Keefe shaking hands with?
Is that Tony Podesta?!

So where's the fight? Where's the anger?

what a clown world

I think that's my new favorite sentence.

The fuck? There NEEDS to be a scene to be made.

You'll never be Aryan spicnigger. Get off the board foreigner.

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You must be gay, jewish, Mexican, or saudi.

Real clown world shit here.
Everything is a pathetic joke now, I'm saving up to buy a cabin in the woods like Ted so I can leave this retarded world behind.

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Did anyone steal Tim Pool’s stupid hat?

Fuck Trump

Wtf I'm voting for a marxist socialist jewish bolshevik like Bernie Sanders! Bolshevism and jewish leadership will fix this!

If you don't hate Trump at this point then I don't know what to tell you, you're brainwashed. Fag does nothing but break promises and lie and then does a complete 180 while everything is still going to shit

What's clownish about that?


Jew owned Propagandists shitting on other jew owned propagandists

Are you fucking retarded?

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Yeah, furthering the normalization of shitting on propagandists who hide behind the guise of "journalism" is good. You can go back to Zig Forums now.

This is ridiculous.

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I'm talking about you replying to your own fucking post faggot as if I didn't notice you retarded ramblings of "DUR HUR if you don't vote for our LE BASED jew-in-chief you must be some kind of leftyfag!"

Tim stayed for 10 minutes then left rather than having any balls to actually try and q&a. Hes gonna end up lynched by antifa while screaming "but I'm the good guy like soros" anyways.

Are you 12 years old?

Every single one invited is absolutely ZOG controlled opposition. This isn't even remotely about free speech, just a message everyone has to be a pack of kosher clowns.