> ‘Absolutely Classified’
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> ‘Absolutely Classified’
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That they prevented the Jews from "Shutting it down" biggly. the hour grows near anons, repent and be ready for ZOG to go full anti chirst.
no underwater chernobyl. ocean ecosystem not facked
I think that they closed an inter-dimensional portal.
where are my flat-earthers?
Uh, Fukashima? The Pacific ocean at least is fucked for a long time. They just stop talking about most of the dead ocean life washing up on the shores now.
Meaning they kept a floating Chernobyl from happening by getting the fire out.
Fukushima is flushing 300,000 tones of radioactive water through the melted core every day and into the N. Pacific.
The solution to pollution is dilution. The U.S. has lost at least 2 nuclear powered subs at sea: the Thresher, and I forget the other one. Fuckall happened.
It was an esoteric metaphor that Russia decided not to fall for another of Mossad's sloppy jobs.
The other thing is all nuclear powered naval vessels with pressurized water reactors (pretty much all of them now), surface and sub, no matter what country they're from, frequently discharge reactor coolant (fancy term for pure H20) overboard directly into the ocean.
Ship or boat runs drill at sea (all navies love to drill), reactor gets SCRAMed to shut it down (because that's what you'd have to do IRL for all kinds of different casualties), power for propulsion gets shifted to the battery, diesel, or some other emergency propulsion source. When the reactor shuts down, it immediately starts to cool, so the H20 flowing through it starts to cool too, and begins to shrink. As it shrinks, the pressure drops, so more pure water has to be pumped into the reactor plant to maintain pressure, otherwise the water flowing through the reactor will flash to steam. If that happens, the reactor will overheat, because steam isn't dense enough to soak up even the decay heat from a shutdown reactor. So pure water gets pumped in to maintain pressure and keep the reactor cool. When the reactor is started up again, the water now expands, pressure rises, and all that extra water has to go somewhere or the pressure will rise so much it will break valves, pipes or other critical components, so it gets pumped overboard.
24/7/365. It's going on right now somewhere.
One day without Russian cunts clogging up Zig Forums with their inane shill bullshit. Just one.
Probably this or they killed
Some industrial-strength speculation here: gizadeathstar.com
Is someone really trying to nuke the ocean/sink California? Idk…
An active nuclear reactor exposed to the ocean which in effect would emit massive amounts of radiation for thousands of years. Given where the incident happened it would have effected millions considering the Barents Sea fishery is one of most productive in the entire world.
This story makes me wonder if ZOG lies about military incompetence. No doubt ever since they have too push DIEversity in EVERYTHING it has definitely taken a toll on the US military and probably one of the main reasons why the US can't even take out the Taliban or Assad
Animorphs memes are god tier.
The Jews rely on the (((system)) NOT being shut down… the best thing that we could do to fight them is to blow it all and shut it down, their surveillance, their financial apparatus, their propaganda… all of it RELIES on the internet.
We NEED someone to SHIT IT ALL DOWN!
Some anonsaid they were dismantling part of the Samson Option.
It’s actually a serious threat to have leftist shitskins in high positions of the military. Not to mention Chink spies.
Makes me wonder if the old white boomers ever complain about it.
Shut up glownigger.
There is one in the Norwegian sea from 89 as well that is actually leaking radiation but they don't give a fuck because of how deep it is.
Well the russians lost one in the Norweigian sea.
Some jew was larping you mean.
So they didn't blow up an enemy sub? I thought it was about a torpedo exchange.
Also why no oxygen masks for the crew?
why is this legal to use them? this literally is ending the planet with this pollution.
It's literally not, nigger.
Higher PP Oxygen and saturation at depth causes flash fires, nigger. Oxygen FEEDS fires, nigger. They don't want to add even more oxygen to the fire, nigger.
Just open a window mane!
I could have sworn the Sanford Option was either mostly bullshit, or small dirty bombs that embassies could deploy.
Cobalt bombs? That's a new wrinkle. But aren't all Tesla vehicles equipped with Cobalt-59 batteries that turn into Cobalt-60, or is that just another a Tim Tafir story from Jeff Rense?
Obvious. Both preventing nuclear disaster and preventing accusations from flying and starting wars.
And degenerates who will die early from cancer. Sweet.
Time equals dose, so therefore the sooner it was retrieved, the better for everyone, except the recovery teams, provided they're not robotic.
BTW anons, why don't we have the fucking Terminator or Robocop yet? I would perfect cybernetics before I would fuck with ionizing radiation. Make Data go in and fix the warp core, you know?
I should not have laughed as hard at this as I did.
Cobalt doesn't change the size of the bomb, just how dirty it is. You can make conventional explosives dirty bombs by packing xray radiation sources around it which is why they tend to keep track of the old equipment.
And no, your batteries aren't converting cobalt-59 into cobalt-60 without a god damned neutron source.
The russian sub spewing radiation into the Norweigian sea is spitting out radiation 800k times greater.
From the snownigger sub we have:
It's funny how they hand us the dilution line when it comes to government nuke fuckups but not more mundane shit.
A special forces guy I used to know once told me about how they would be tasked to collect such items like watches and medical equipment in cases where they would build a dirty bomb.
I grew up on the west coast. It's my home. When the reactor at Fukushima blew I immediately was overwhelmed with dread and knew I had to escape. It took several years to tie things up but I did and got out a year and a half ago. When I was a little boy the Pacific Ocean seemed to me to be the epitome of vast pristine purity. Now it's permafucked by humanity. I am so ashamed to be a human being.
Lied. As always. LKGBT/FSB never changes.
t. russian-slavian
The Losharik being a experimental sub, it used a weird hybrid dual nuclear/Li-Ion power generator, the Li-Ion battery caught fire, the crew did what they could and succeed in completely shutting down the reactor, but the smoke in the sub still killed them before they could surface.
That's why everyone flips the fuck out like when mexicans make off with a truck full of xray equipment being salvaged. They're dumb and will likely just melt a hole in their ass when they put the pretty blue marble in their back pocket but shitskins are always looking to buy the crap.
Since Fukushima (which was a result of an offshore nuke, there was no "earthquake") was part of that option, I think it is likely Russia found and disarmed a dirty bomb as someone said in an earlier thread.
If Chernobyl was not a "Planetery catastrophe" and Fukushima was not a "Planetary catastrophe" then "Planetary catastrophe" has to be something that is not just a lump of nuclear anger belting out beta cucks, er, I mean beta particles.
Thus, the logic that it was a large, but particularly dirty bomb courtesy of the Synagogue of Satan. The people that died got killed by the radiation poisoning while disarming the bomb.
THAT would be a "Planetary catastrophe."
Hey, the Bikini Atoll H-bombs were not "Planetery catastrophes." This was geopolitical, not radioactive as the basis of its hazard.
Just some conjecture. If you are not a shill or a bot, then begin any response to this post with "The synagogue of Satan was revealed by Jesus himself."
You're a right queer, aren't ya? That's plains madness for ya.
Come out to the coast, you'll find some motherfuckers that really know how to disappear themselves or anyone in general.
So basically, operational nuclear submarines, are already an ecological disaster that never stops.
Such as?
So far what the news said, it was possibly about the internet cables.
It's a shame really. The West Coast is absolutely fucking beautiful, especially California for the most unworthy assholes to live there and shit it up with their degeneracy. If the entire place was purged the real tragedy would be the loss of ecosystem not the human populace which can easily be replaced.
Neutrons produced in the fusion reaction of the nuke transmutes it to 60 and the dust would be spread far and fucking wide.
KYS Faggot
There's no measurable radiation in the pacific from the jap's hottub overflowing.
Anyway, eyes on the san fran bridge or diablo canyon power plant next month or two.
How's the weather in your prefecture, user-san?
Banker Crack Arc (7/10/19):
"The MSC Gayane – the world's second-largest container ship – owned by (((JP Morgan,))) has been seized by US authorities with $1.3 billion (20 tons) of cocaine. The ship is operated by Switzerland-based Mediterranean Shipping Co, MSC., registered in Monrovia, Liberia."
West Coast Drug Submarine Seizure (7/12/19)
"The drugs represent 14 separate suspected drug smuggling vessel interdictions and disruptions off the coasts of Mexico, Central and South America by three Coast Guard cutters between May and July 2019,"
Vice president [sic.] Pence to participate in $569 million cocaine offload in San Diego (7/11/19)
–Same Pence recalled from speaking engagements in New Hampshie by POTUS on an emergency basis during the deep water 'research vessel' fire in the Arctic [in shallow water w/ max dive of 3.7 miles – or (((3333.33333 fathoms)))], occurring at a mere 300 meters?
Speculation On Mission/Causes:
– 1. The Planetary Catastrophe Story; 2. The "Internet Cable Cutting Mission" Hypothesis; 3. The "U.S.-Russian submarines in secret fire-fight" Theory; 4. The Doomsday Cobalt-Bomb Theory . . . [5. Rogue 5th column agents'' disposal/secret extradition, or disruption of an operation thereof]
"Families of the 14 dead Russian servicemen who were killed on a nuclear submarine were eulogized by "a high-ranking military official" that their relatives averted a “planetary catastrophe” by their actions during this "military operation" in St Petersburgh, days after the 'accident' in the Barents Sea earlier this week. Seven of those who died held the rank of first rank captain [this is like having 7 Vice Admirals flag officers on a tiny ship, extremely suspect.] One of the survivors on this 'military operation' was a civilian.
The incident remains shrouded in mystery after the Russian government refused to reveal the submarine’s name and its mission, claiming them as state secrets."
Closer to Norway, non-related wreck (7/10/19)
~between elites fascination with the polar regions an these submarine incients cropping up, maybe some connection with the flurry of seismic activity in CA?
Fossil fuels release more radiation you dumb nigger.
It would enhance both yield & dirtiness in combination with the water (think thermobarics on land); apropos Nazi red mercury research, the mercury leaking U-boat (an Soviet sub firing up radiation all of the sudden) in tandem with this is highly sus
That's not a thing. Fukushima is a meme, not a threat.
You don't realize how massive the ocean is.
This was probably an incident that could have triggered MAD.
Ding Ding! what do we have for Johnny!?!
Here we go, finally a straight forward answer.
Just like the whitbey island (((launch))), there was a massive false flag in motion.
because seawater actually helps isolate and cleanse irradiated material due to saltwaters properties and the sheer volume of the sea, check out stuff on bikini atoll, the problem would lie in overburdening the ability to preform such causing the average radiation of the sea to rise to harmful levels. Not to mention the larger stuff will need time to break down or else you may as well swim in liquid polonium at the local beach.
Location plays a big role.
That, or it could have triggered their very own doomsday mechanisms. Perimeter is still active, as far as I remember.