Iran Threatens to Destroy Israel in 30 Minutes: Does this Confirm Prophecy of a Speedy Gog and Magog
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Stopped reading there.
This is old news. Also, the Bible verses don't apply since these are fake Jews anyway.
But Iran doesn't have ICBMs or nukes to put on them.
Jerusalem Post Article - July 7, 2019
Tehran Imam threatens missile attack on Dimona nuclear power plant
Using a conventional warhead - no nukes
the Bible verses don't apply since these are fake jews.. but the bible verse are about fake jews.
Revelation 2:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Won't do the job.
None of what's going on now has to do with Gog and Magog.
Look - I posted the faggy kikebook quotes because they were in the article. okay?
personally, I think the whole jew religious book quote shit is ridiculous.
regardless what anyone on here thinks, there really ARE a bunch of deluded hooknoses who seriously BELIEVE that their "messiah" will arrive after this war, it is those few RATS, who have bolt holes in countries like new zealand, that are prepared to make this happen in their lifetimes!!!
This has been a plan in operation for nearly 100 YEARS people, they get their "3rd temple" they get their war, they get their "messiah" then all the goys will be their slaves and they can openly practice their pedophilia. And you wonder why they are pushing for this?!
the ones pushing for this are the ones who are ensuring THEY survive
they believe this with the same ZEAL that PATRIOTIC americans feel about the bible, mum and apple pie and the might of the united snakes military
iran can't and won't do anything. russia won't allow iran to do anything anway. iran is lashing out like a rabid dog because it's weak and is playing to the strengths of unpredictability. it's the same stategy the usa used against the soviet union when the soviets had the military advantage in the 60s and 70s. israel is far more advanced militarily and has a lot more experience than iran. the only reason israel hasn't even dealt with iran is because the usa won't allow them to
it's still funny to me how you retarded shit heads can't actually see what's going in the middle east. look at the usa's bases in iraq and afghanistan. most of the bases in afghanistan border pakistan. the majority of bases in iraq aren't even on the border of iran. the biggest threat to world stability right now is a nuclear conflict between pakistan and india which is far more likely than anyone wants to admit
I'll bite. Why should I care about that? Just dead pakis and wogs. It's not like the call centers can't replace them.
Kek Evangelical prophesy demands Israel and Jews be completely killed and destroyed by Gog and Magog for Jesus to come back.
pants on head backwards
Nazis was just a taste of what God thinks of jews.
So the clown world being allowed by God is basically too weed out the White guilt race traitors, faggots and kikes but, the kikes don't realize that they are the parasites God is testing White people in the rabbis own words. Since he said himself jews can't predict or know the plan and the results because they are a stepping stone for the Whites.
So jews self fulling Talmud prophecy is actually them fulfilling their role in Gods prophecy as the enemies, confirming that Whites are the chosen people.
God said White people are his chosen people in these Rabbis own words.
l like the cut of that man's jib
God bless the Christians of Iran.
I have no reason to believe any of this but it's still funny anyway.
Great post. One of the things I've noticed of late is that evil is better defined as corruption. Evil in every instance has been taking what was good and natural, and twisting it into something it was never supposed to be. This seems in line with what we know of God; that what He created (Nature) is good, and that the devil itself was once good too; until it stopped following its purpose. The good Man Adam was good until he stopped following his purpose (accepting hierarchy, obeying God, maintaining the Created), which is when he ate the fruit. He knew 'evil' because he suddenly stopped doing his purpose; he stopped doing what he was created to do, which was good. We see this again with the angels who fall later on, when they decide to stop doing what they had been appointed (the grigori/watchers were supposed to watch over man, instead they decided they would defile woman); this made them evil. The corruption of what we are supposed to do is what is evil.
Look at the jews. At one point they had the same ancestors as us; but they are corrupted beyond measure, their bodies twisted and their minds broken. They are hollow and hateful creatures intent only on defiling what is right and natural. They try to inverse the functions of the body; the sexual is no longer about reproduction; it is now for fornicators and sodomites. The doctor is no longer for healing, but instead seeks to prolong our suffering with 'treatment' as opposed to cures. The schools and teachers make us foolish, instilling lies and falsehoods in our minds. The mother does not cherish and love her child; she murders it when it is most vulnerable. Men do not protect society; they are encouraged to be passive and weak. Adults are infantilised with comic book heroes. Money is no longer a stand-in for trade that allows us more freedom and possibilities (where previously we were limited by only being to trade if the other party wanted exactly what we had); now rather than expanding our options, debt-currency makes us slaves that cannot escape it. Children are taught to dictate to adults with perverse new voting laws and the fomentation of them in supposed systems of academia. Food does not nourish the body but poisons us. Even our designations as Man and Woman are under attack with confused freaks purporting to be both of neither.This is what evil is; it is corruption, taking what was good and twisting it into something evil.
Man was made as a steward of Creation. It is our purpose to maintain what is Good, that is the Created, Nature. We are supposed to fight off corruption. This is why themes of gardeners fighting off weeds and the locust, shepherds fighting off wolves, soldiers fighting off monsters, doctors fighting off disease; are so prevalent. We are to protect what is good. We are to destroy the corrupt.
All things can be corrupted. We have seen politics corrupted, and many here obsess over it; but we must not think our only principles cannot be corrupted. The corruption works its way in with seemingly good ideas; why shouldn't women be allowed to vote? How can it be fair that blacks have to sit at the back of the bus? But behind these seemingly 'fair' mutations to what is natural are that sinister cancer that seeks to completely pervert what we have. It sought to destroy man by elevating woman; to destroy the nation by weaponising the foreigner. We must be ever on guard against corruption and know that nothing is safe from it. We must exterminate the corrupt where we find them. This is God's will.
Don't necessarily believe prophecies shit like this literally but things like this sometimes become self fulfilling. Sure as hell makes for cool lore though.
At the ends of the earth
where the sun rises from the treacherous fetid sea
Iskander built the gates
With blocks of stone and iron
Poured over with molten lead
Enclosing the nations of Gog and Magog
The hosts of Gog and Magog
Hordes of the fiercest of creatures shall be unchained
And allowed to go forth and ravage the earth
At the hour of doom when the moon is buried in darkness
Evil will rain down upon the wicked
Hell will be unleashed upon the disbelievers
And all the earth shall be laid to waste
I thought Israel and Iran were on the same continent
What if Aryans had an ultimate civilisation hight once securing their existance across the universe through multiple dimensions, so basically becoming gods themselves, but some of them got bored and wanted to create a hard game so they created earth and populated it with niggers and kikes to overcome. To have a real challenge, to have a struggle that is not easy to overcome, one that they might even lose.
Come back when they actually do this
Actually, understanding what is happening today is as simple as looking at nature. The jews would be better described as a virus then a stepping stone. The white race is the body and we are the white blood cells. We are nature. Do you think we would operate any differently? Whats happening right now is an ideological war of implosion vs explosion. Creation vs destruction. Working with nature vs againts. Service to others vs service to self. There is no reason to get angry at jews because jews do what jews do. I am not saying that we should not get up angry, but that it would be like getting mad at a virus for doing what a virus does.
One distinction I want to make is that perspective is important. When you say 'God', do you mean the god of the bible? You see, what people describe as god is a valid, but incorrect understanding of reality. What 'god' really is that all is ONE. We are all nature, we are all energy, we are all the same and yet different at the same time.
One last thing, believe it or not, what you attribute as to being 'god', we already can do. We are god. All you have to do is write something down and put your intent and will behind it. What do you think all those company symbols are? They are sigils. Why do you think all those jews worship satan or whatever? Just look at meme magic. That's why shilling symbols with the intent of empowering ourselves and our race is so powerful.
This is the way we will win.
Pornography is white.
Pedophilia is white.
This guy is a conservative catholic D&C shill. Cathofags are trying hard to hijack all this and get you user idiofags to D&C.
I don't think niggers are inherently evil, I think they are just animals that we were supposed to take care of. Not take care of as in kill, or seek to uplift; but help them to maintain their natural state, in the same way we seek to maintain our bodies in a healthy state, or keep the sea clear of pollution. What we have done to niggers is akin to spoiling a child; by giving the unworthy access to all sorts of things they are not entitled to, by making them immune to consequences, and by bowing to their every whim; we have created tyrannical monsters. They are hardly unique in having squandered-gifts corrupt them; look at the common white man with access to all the knowledge of the internet; does he seek to render himself a philosopher king, or does he jerk his gherkin until it bleeds?
I also think that the kike is just a more 'whole' form of corruption than those within other groups. There are traitors and deviants in every nation, those who would defile themselves and inverse nature for their own twisted ends. They are really no different to the jews; the jews only notable because they seem to be an entire race of corrupt people. According to the stories of the Bible this was not always so though, and I find it quite fitting that they were 'chosen' to be the greatest example of corruption. They are a 'light unto other nations', a blazing warning beacon showing us what not to do and what can happen if we tread the same path. Already many of our people are treading that path, and the disastrous effects are obvious. All things can be corrupted.
I more or less agree, though I would argue that the white man was created specifically as the 'steward of Creation'. We are a part of nature as we were created, and we too have our intended purpose just like the birds and plants and insects, and we too can be corrupted; but the white man seems imbued with the ability to look at nature from the 'outside' as well, in a way that no other animal or race seems able. Hence our obsession with moral codes and social order. This would be in line with God creating the Adamites/Whites separately from others.
I also think that the idea of us all being 'one' is rather nonsensical. I've found that most ideas pertaining to 'morality', which is an echo of the 'unseen reality', can be directly seen in nature and understood by all the physical manifestations that surround us. The idea of everything being 'one' is not there, although the idea of hierarchy is heavily emphasised. Thus I would think we were Created by a God as His subordinate. The rest of your ideas I more or less agree with, just that I see them as fitting into reality in a slightly different way. Great post though.
AMEN. You fake kike khazarians are only mentioned in NT by Jesus as the Synagogue of Satan.
>I will cut off Israel from the land I have given them and will reject this temple I have consecrated for my Name. Israel will then become a byword and an object of ridicule among all peoples.
1 Kings 9:7
Iran wouldn't touch Israel when they're backed by America.
Who said this and how is this person Iran?
That chimp was not brought back alive.
During WWII, Wernher von Braun used Russian POWs for high altitude experiments. But when he worked for the USA he used chimps.
If it had been legal to use niggers, he would have used niggers. Chimps are expensive.
Iran Threatens to Destroy Israel in 30 Minutes
Where's the kaboom?
sounds like a FAVOR to me.
All for the nuclear war.
This stupid shit is why Zionism even exists in the first place. Why is it necessary to buy jew fairy tales in order to hate jews? Why is it impossible to have a hatred for jews rooted in rational reasons instead of mythology that they fabricated? Why can't we simply wish to expel or exterminate them while simultaneously recognizing semitic belief systems as fiction contrived by a race predisposed to mental illness? If anything, the christcuckery element softens any real anti-semitism and kosherizes it.
If we are not God's children, but his slaves, surely we are to be expended and our souls are meaningless, that's not what I believe, I believe the soul is infinite and I am child of God.
Destroy Israel in thirty minutes.
less talk, more missile launches
The value of ballistic imams is set to soar.
uh… weren't the Khazars in like 700AD, and the dead kike on a stick died around 30AD, iirc, so…