what the fuck went wrong with 8/pol/?
this board is fucked and completely subverted
What the fuck went wrong with 8/pol/?
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Increase of JIDF shills. Don’t let it demoralize you bud. Keep up the good fight.
this is exactly what i mean. it was never the fucking jidf on 4/pol/. it was always r/shitredditsays that was doing the shilling just like now it's not fucking israel like the shit head muslim faggot shills want to pretend. it's all Zig Forums bullshit that's made worse by russian and muslim shills. 8/pol/ is so fucked
thats been going on since the beginning but the rest is due to the massive immigration from 4cuck
and all blatant well poisoning was shut down by imkampfy. the reason this board went to shit is because it went global. also the only immigration from 4/pol/ is muslims and russian shills from /sg/ which none of you faggots can even admit
You must be new
I haven't been on here since Trump won, and I honestly regret every second of it. I'm seeing Minecraft and Reddit posts in at least every other thread, and essentially every thread/OC is complete lies with no sourcing, or hysteria poisoning, ALL with literally no replies or calls for concern. I don't know if everyone dedicated to principles and a cause migrated to yet another imageboard, but this is absolutely exhausting.
I've found imageboards to be a contradiction in ideology, anyways, as the notion of anonymity is fundamentally leftist in it's equality of opportunity and outcome in posts, making every thread to ever exist a giant pile of unintelligible spam.
This is not to say anonymity is a bad thing, or misunderstood and lost on me as to it's utility, but I've never seen this notion mentioned.
The moderation staff.
you're right they are real and we have direct evidence of russian ones since /sg/ literally gave coordinates to fucking russian military. that action alone attracted more glowniggers to 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ than any other action
Oh sweety…
You’re gross
Women kinda are
This could easily be fixed by making another board and leaving there, but seems like Zig Forums is too retarded to browse anything that isn't a legacy board.
Do something more productive then complaining. Dont be a jew. Your nose is showing.
This. That's the main problem in this board, volunteers have become so incompetent.
your grammar is embarrassing, but expected
you're a bit late.
like over 2 years late.
I'm pretty sure there's ALOT of things that attracted them here.
But it was our sphere of influence during 2016 that brought the paid-shill groups (and then just bots) with the intention of board-level derailment
Because board-switching is a D&C tactic attempted before and not just on us so Zig Forums is weary
Take your pick.
Hah. no. They're very competent. They're just also subversive faggots who hate the user-base and don't share their views.
That's the problem.
Faggots like this are pure cancer. Anyone talking about 'stormniggers' on Zig Forums should have been permabanned long before they had the courage to make such a post.
Here's another example of absolute bottom-of-the-barrel shitposting that NEVER gets fucking imposed upon.
This kinda shit, "ITS NOT THE ISRAELIS SHILLING AND IF YOU SAY IT IS YOU'RE A MUSLIM!" is the kinda shit that, when its not moderated, gradually kills a board, because it lets everyone know the people running the board aren't serious people.
Ya gonna call them "stormweenies" next?
yeah you're full of shit
And further, this shit?
This is why there's no mechanism to fix it, and that's the shield the moderation staff can and does hide behind.
Let's ask /baph/ to dox them for us, I'll even fucking donate to /baph/ if they can deliver their heads on a silver platter.
no, you're the cancer. stormniggers have always been a blight on 4/pol/. like i said in a previous post those same retards sperged about jidf when 4/pol/ had actual proof it was r/srs organizing raids on 4/pol/, not the fucking jidf. the whole reason r/the_donald was created by Zig Forums was a way to get back at redditfags for their years of raiding. stormniggers have and always will be subhuman trash who are always throwing monkey wrenches in everything
give it a rest you stupid fuck head. it's not jidf or israel, we know for a fact muslims and russian intel shills here and other boards. the shills are Zig Forums and various other groups. jidf only has operations on places like youtube and yahoo comments and reddit
You're not getting your job back Kamphy
The minute Zig Forums became a global board, it was game-over.
Which in essence, means its still reddit, since their board owner recruited from that shithole to swell their user count.
Motherfucker what do you call SPLC, ADL, CTR, Shareblue, Mediamatters, etc???
I would support this.
This is the kind of thing that deserves a permaban, yet, this is probably a moderator. Its ridiculous.
This board is not serious and everyone can tell, and THAT is the #1 factor destroying this place over time: The people running it aren't serious and don't hold any sort of ideals. Its just politically-themed /b/ and that is imposed from the top down.
Dude, he's crying about 'stormniggers'. Why are you engaging that person as though they aren't a total and complete faggot and your enemy? Because that's exactly what that faggot is.
point taken
Its probably a bot.
The more incoherent ones, or the ones that never stop responding no matter how much you btfo of them. Yeah those are bots.
I will take a moment to point out the hilarity of suggesting JIDF have operation on jewtube, yajew and (((reddit)))…
… While claiming they don't touch the chans. Its just fucking laughable, and if the people running this place were AT ALL SERIOUS or ideological, this kind of shit wouldn't be tolerated to such a degree that nobody would even bother making a post like that, because they'd know it'd just get beleted and land them a long-term ban.
But things are so bad now, these fags are courageous – they know they won't get a ban and their post will sit for weeks.
They know because we have shills like the guy who always cries about Poland when any talk of Nat Soc comes up.
They know because we have shills like the guy who spams "kill all white nationalists! muh shitler!" in red-text.
They know because "DACAryans are legit!" has NEVER been banned, and posts basically daily, in damn never every thread.
This board is a joke, and its because the people who are running it aren't serious at all and don't believe in anything, so they don't impose upon anyone, hence board culture disintegrates, and here we are.
The botspam has also gotten incredibly ubiquitous, yes.
Double lel
Do you know how the internet works?
Second exodus happend after after shekelshoa threads were banned and stormniggers is an entirely appropriate name for the low IQ, low effort meme spouters that became more and more common afterwards.
Sure, forgot about those. The whole "don't do anything bro the jew system controls everything bro just pick up a gun and shoot up the nearest synagoge" is an entirely natural phenomenon.
sounding like a Zig Forums faggot. to anyone who has a brain this poster and posters like him are your enemy. 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ didn't rise to prominence because of subhuman stormniggers. they have always been trash and most likely the real feds
This is what they always revert to, and I'm basically certain this is a moderator now.
Anybody suggesting maintenance of board culture through the most basic level of moderation is a 'hugbox'.
Yeah, I do.
Thank you for demonstrating that I am 100% correct in that you fags try to hide behind this shit to justify taking no action in myriad situations wherein action is warranted.
Pathetic and deserving of a permanent ban.
And of course this narrative too, I always forget how you faggots have started using this.
Any acknowledgement that the system is totally fucked?
what's your game shit head?
are you honestly this retarded, who are you fooling.? i'm telling you the actual history of 4/pol/ and 8/pol/. arguing against anything other than that only outs yourself as a newfag. we have long called stormniggers feds and they have always sperged about jidf while ignoring the actual and verifiable threats
What is yours (8)?
lellypool literally permabans daily you faggot. But Zig Forums is 'better' than that, huh? Yeah, sure thing. I'm sure that really REALLY benefits us.
Truly I am.
Now tell me more about how its totally not the jews, its the russians and muslims.
Blame the faggot tarrant for this. He brought them all here.
I almost posted earlier laughing about niggers like this kvetching about Tarrant. Its hilarious.
These niggers will cry about a guy like Brenton out one side of their mouths, calling him mossad, and out the other side they'll cry to blame anyone, anything, besides the jews.
And the moderation does nothing.
Speaks for itself. This place is compromised.
just again for anyone lurking this guy is your enemy. he's a retarded shit head that doesn't know about cripplechan's non existent vpn ban list. he complains about 8/pol/, but make no mistake him and posters like him are the problem. notice how he tried hijacking the thread and switching it around
We were too good at what we did
muh russian interference
lel fuck off you pathetic kike faggot
Pic related:
1. How lellypool deals with shilling.
2/3. How nu/pol/ deals with shilling.
Speaks for itself.
- t. stormnigger reminding you once again that its not the russians, its not the muslims, its not lellypool or (((leddit))), its the fucking jews.
you might actually be a mentally ill shabbat goyim though
christchurch happened
inb4 this thread gets banned and the mods call it a meta thread
this is what happened to 8/pol/. mods are killing it.
oh hey all you state agencies trying to make our home unuseable - you haven't even seen the dark yet
you might actually be
Hello persecution complex.
Ah yes the wonderful board culture of calling everybody a kike shill, what would we lose if that wasn't enforced.
Wonderful dichotomy you got there: "Either you believe my deperation narrative or you are a votecuck who wants people to vote straight ticket R and do nothing else."
If it divides the cancer from the quality posts I don't see any issue
Sigh…This fellow white! We white nationalists have to support our friends in Israel. A Jew living in Israel is no enemy of ours, etc.
Happy now?
Show me this jew, or shut the fuck up.
C'mon guy, was I not sarcastic enough? Should I have thrown in a Deus Vult or something? A little Trump/MAGA beel waw?
Today alone on Zig Forums I’ve seen militant potheads, vegans, pedo-apologists, and boomers. This place is rotten. We need a new home.
My point still stands. I want anyone making that argument to show me that jew, or shut the fuck up.