I will never forgive my parents for putting me into this shit world. I've approached 15 women this summer and they all treated me like shit. My parents have no fucking clue what this is like, and yet they think they can judge me.
I will never forgive my parents for putting me into this shit world...
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We won't forgive them either, faggot
fuck off
Go back to cuckchan faggot, no one here cares about your shitty situation about how you can't get a gf. Eat shit and die nigger
no u
why should they not treat you like shit, op?
Yes you will.
No you haven't.
No they don't.
Stop making pretend posts on anonymous image board you big fat girl.
You know what to do, OP. You know you want it.
You parents merely provided an opportunity, a new zygote to inhabit for a lifetime. In every way, it was your choice to come here as you did. Your own soul made that choice.
Never blame others for your own actions.
forgot pic
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
-Adolf Hitler
I have approached 622 girls in the last 1/1/2 years. More than 552 treated me like shit. But it is not about the shitty girls (most of them are shit), it is about the rare gold nuggets who dig you (ar least as long as reward circuitry in their brain is activated)
When folk have set before them a true purpose and then pursue it unmoved with bravery and courage, when they withstand with a strong heart every trial which Heaven sends upon them, then one day at the last Almighty Providence will yet grant them the fruits of their struggle and of their sacrifices. For God has never abandoned any man upon this earth unless he has first abandoned himself.
-Adolf Hitler
that's 15 more than 90% of the miserable idiots on this board have approached.
Chin up
But he wanted to preserve the white race so how do you explain the fact autism rates are the highest among whites?
Sounds like he was a bit full of himself.
And why is this a Zig Forumsthread?
You are short, aren't you?
Wait till you're sixty five and see what kind of pool of cunts there are out there for you to fuck.
Maybe you are shit? idk.
Man up lad.
This is either slide thread or rampant faggotry.
Either way…
and kys OP
Jewish poisoning by vaccines.
It correlates.
By the way, jews have more than 40 specifically jewish genetic diseases. God hates jews!
Sounds like you are a jew
stop approaching women with pickup lines that you were instructed by youtubers to say.
learn how to speak to people, spend a few thousand hours speaking to men and women without your second line being "GIBS NUD FUG FUG FUG".
Rookie numbers
You probably are. Lift you fag, and go conquer something. Women respond to real confidence which you can only get by overcoming obstacles.
Or, better yet, don't improve yourself. If your genetic legacy isn't worth fighting for then just leave the women to me.
"Leave the women to me"
Welcome to life playdo skinned faggot, get fucked by women and complain about life… Never seen such a skewed OPcunt in my life.
Infact is that you moshie?? Cause masquerading as a white neet faggot is #6 on the IDF/JIDF list of internet comebacks aye kike?
Either way, you need reconditioning.
You are clearly beyond all help. Enjoy your Nintendo switch, cuckold.
15! WoW what a big boy.
Fren, if your not getting rejected 2 or 3 times a day your not putting in the effort required. Stop being a frustrated pussy and start enjoying the game. Once you start actually getting a kick out of the rejection, fuck'em, you'll start exuding that special something, a confidence, that women cant resist.
Try harder!
Lurk more!