You don't have to search far to see the future as history always repeats itself. In 1804 Haiti a black named Dessalines ordered the genocide of the remained 5,000 white population. Think it couldn't happen again? We all know what is happening now in South Africa. Governments sat idly by in 1804 just as they do today. The tribe of the international clique always seems to be spared of these atrocities and are always found as the agitators.
Today, the multicult tribe of chosenites openly call for genocide using such dog whistles as "ending the legacy of whiteness." Many are even proclaiming that there isn't even a white race, that there never was, already denying even our very existence. While at the same time claiming White Genocide is fantasy conspiracy theory.
You have only to look at the US Census data to see it is happening right before our very eyes.
Maybe you're thinking we'll have peace once we go over the half way mark and become a minority on our own land. No, that's when the real nightmare will unfold.
What can you do? I don't have a GD clue, but someone better figure it out quick, the sun is setting on the white race all over the world. Will we go out with a whimper or like men?
The Final Chapter
Dessalines created a kingdom that did not last very long, he was killed by his own people too, in fact it did not last at all, since niggers cannot create on their own, like Jews they are destroyers, we are the creators.
Just protect yourself and your relatives, fight them if necessary, but either way the outcome will be the same, Niggers and Arabs will perish on their own.
Nice reddit platitude
If you're American, over the age of 18, and not doing shit to pack up and leave you're retarded.
The only change that will ever happen in this shithole is that whites become a definite minority. Even if we had an army of Tarrants it wouldn't do shit because there's still a government in place that is actively pursuing the replacement of whites. No matter how much you retards on this board bicker about how memes are "waking people up" nothing will get accomplished until there is anarchy. If you're really a white nationalist and you care about your people, move to Europe (excluding the more prominent countries such as Germany and France).
Why any of the Americans on this board continue to fight for this shithole is beyond me. No matter how many people it seems that Zig Forums has "redpilled," there is still a majority of people who have been taught to label anything they were taught was an unacceptable opinion that and a conspiracy theory.
Dessalines did not massacre all whites, kiddo. Read a book.
He and his army of niggers and mutts killed all of the White men and forced White women to marry non-white men, but they massacred most of the population.
I guess because America is bigger, but not big enough for Yellowstone, America is doomed in my opinion.
I just want to clarify that America is doomed because of Yellowstone and i think that if niggers are in America that's a good thing because they could get wiped out
Dessalines didn't order all the white people in Haiti killed, only the French.
The French either were Jews or only behaving as such. They repeatedly sought the re-enslavement of the Haitians so they could be rich without risks and without effort. Dessalines knew that as long as there were French on the island their freedom would be imperiled, so he got rid of them.
Meanwhile, the Germans in Haiti were respected because they sought to profit out of their OWN labor. They continued to live there until the United States invaded and forced them out in 1917.
Haitians do not deserve comparison with American niggers.
Haiti rebelled against the Jews and they are sore about it and have been punishing Haiti to this day.
I would like to buy 5 nigger slaves, please.
Look at all these fucking shabbat slides. See this newfags? This is the bullshit we have been dealing with every fucking shabbat, for years.
dub dubs checked
Well I know I don't have to look far to see a kike shitting on the board.
There is no "White™".
There are only the great races of Europe.
Which excludes jews and turks and arabs btw.
I wish there was dna or art that depicted the "french" so we could know if they were actual Fancs or judeo-arabs.
I'm sure the whites in haiti were sure that muh acceleration would solve everything.
Only if you live in the immediate area. Live west near the coast or the cascades and you will be fine with some halfmasks and pink filters.
So will Jews. Jews need a host. Shit Jews csnt even do manual labor.
There is no hope left in saving Whites
Whites refuse to move one inch to defend themselves. No one has made any effort to create anything normal in real life while the albatross of White Nationalism/Alt.Right continues unabated.
I think by now one can clearly see nothing will ever change under any circumstances. Most Whites will never publicly defend other Whites suffering from the planned ethnic cleansing. As long as they get their scraps of meat.
Bye bye White people
Hesketh Prichard, Where Black Rules White (1900)
To fight we have to regroup - and any talk of regrouping somewhere defensible is shilled down here as retreat.
A memeshoot every five years isn't going to cut it.
You think they will spare Europe? They are already beginning to pozz Eastern Europe. The American ZOG is the great Satan, if it is not brought down nowhere will be safe. The best chance for our race is to cut our way out of the belly of the beast.
WG is pretty much in full effect at this point.
Learn hacking, learn making home made guns. Collect knives, learn to make poisons. Learn to make explosives. Fight back, resist. There is still hope for white power.
You jerk yourself off when typing that Schlomo?
hahaha you fuckin getile pieces of shit will need it it. I can't wait to see the last white baby die off, it will be the greatest day of my life.
Hesketh Prichard, Where Black Rules White (1900).
Keep voting faggot.
You're already extinct, and too fucking demoralized to even see it.
Good riddance, traitor.
It will never happen, however the last Jewish kid will probably die within this century.
Stay mad nigger.
Lol these gentile pieces of shit actually think they can talk to a SUPERHUMAN jewish gentleman like me. You gentile pieces of shit are nothing but filth under my shoe. I can't wait to get to work later on to fuck my "aryan" assistant anally and then fire her for not being jewish. Enjoy dying off slowly gentile shit.
Peace out
Your fellow AgitJew
nigger get on my propaganda level.
You've been surpassed. Again.
We are the Wizards now, juden.
Prepare you grave.
One nuke in the nest of the kikes, it's all it takes, the Jewish race will probably be annihilated within this century.
As if white men, living gods walking the Earth, would be eliminated by apes and parasites. The jews are the ones that will be all killed by us, and after them, every other non-white race will be genocided. The world is for the white race only.
This atomized individualist bullshit is a large part of why we're in this fucking mess.
Is that some sort of consolation to you? Whether they'll die out or not without us is utterly irrelevant, we need to focus on our own survival.
You say that like it's an easy thing to do. Name a white country that will take us. The sad reality is that there's no where left to run to.
Not to mention that ceding every country with nuclear weaponry is one of the dumbest plans I've ever read.
We survived for 2000 years without a state. You think your little firecracker is going to wipe us out? Don't you see that our demographics are growing year after year no matter what happens. If your precious roman empire couldn't kill us off then nothing can. We are literally gods among men, immortal and looking down on you gentile insects under our feet. Enjoy your limited fate as it ends. Europe and USA will soon become Africa B and Africa C. And then the world is ours, bend the knee now, and I promise i will kill your entire family without much pain. KEK
Not sure if hyper LARP or legit kike
Kill yourself kike.
None of you believe this.
You're going to die, horrible and slow.
You can't stop what you've created.
We're coming.
The entire kike identity and narrative is a hyper LARP. They aren't real people.
Feed them to the lions.
Is it possible to use demoralization as a weapon against the enemy?
It's my latest invention. I call this type of posting "Agitjewing". You LARP as a totally psychotic psychoparanoid jew, and thereby ruin their reputation by proxy.
Belarus, Czech, Ukraine, Poland
What's the process like to get accepted into these countries? How much money does one need? Do they need a degree? How long does it take to be granted citizenship?
All of them require language tests for citizenship, but Belarus and Ukraine you can take them in Russian. Learning the language will be the hardest requirement.
And yes you will need to get a job, do you have any skills?
Are you part nog?
naaa, just bored
whites should make friends with hispanics and asians so that its harder for jews to convince people of color to genocide whites
Or we simply convince everyone to genocide jews
Asians, ok because they are a peaceful and intelligent race, hispanics on the other hands are mutt and degenerates so absolutely not.
Jews don't like your reply.
Jews will die out long before whites do.
wtf i love white genocide now?
Are you saying that the whites are somehow incapable of destruction, compared to the giganiggaboons?
p-please delet this
You have a book to recommend?
So it's more than just Bill and Hillary involved. Figured.
Asians + whites vs. hispanics + jews (or marranos)
No really, now that Israel is here, most of the Jews are going to go there anyway, once Israel is weakened, the Jews will also be weakened as well since Jews are counting on her.
You Jews are not going to last the century.
You Jews are also parasites that cannot survive without a host.
I also come from the ghetto and i can tell you that we used to beat Jews on sight, not a single person liked Jews here, we absolutely despise you and rightfully so.
And yes we jumped a lot of Jews, i really enjoyed hahahahaha, stay mad nigger
Ah. The Demiurgos.
I wish there were more paintings to look at about these "French" people.
Wikipedia has an article about Jews in Haiti. They do admit that Jews were murdered there in 1804. Some of the Jews there were cryptos, so it might not be straightforward to find out the truth without pictures.
The last time that the Jews tried to be their own Messiah, around the year 130, God destroyed it, killing the vast majority of the Jews in the world.
It was such a horrific defeat that the survivors had to abandon 2nd Temple Judaism and invent a new one in order to continue their defiance of God.
I wonder if God will allow any Jews to survive this time around.
Dud we are literally gonna be rounding you up any month now. Do you not feel this tension you jewish retard. What are you some soyboy whose relatives have never faught in their lives? Wait…
I'll be damned if subhumans take us down with them.
You must be new around here.
wtf i love hilary now
This, honestly. Had a conversation today about Epstein. Got the "muh tinfoil hat huhuhuh" shit from coworkers, despite it being literal front page news. Open evidence that the whole "Satanic pedo jew" thing is correct & still they bleat about whatever shit is on the TV news, virtue signalling about whatever shit is on Facebook. Fuck em, they aren't worth thinking about. Go, live your life, find a small community of other Whites and just prepare. Become self sufficient & watch the West burn from a distance.