Police are the thin blue line that is protecting normal Americans from Black crime being unleashed upon everyone in the nation. I am against police corruption.
The reason the jews and leftist media are going to hard against the police is because they are seeking to rob white Americans of the only protection they have against Black crime. Look at whats's going on.
1. Gangsta rap music
2. Make police afraid to arrest black people
3. Bus in blacks to non-black areas
4. Make non-blacks afraid to call cops on blacks
5. Teach history in a way that pisses blacks off at whites
6. Justify black aggression against whites
7. More gangsta rap music
See whats going on? They are priming blacks to exterminate whites, and they are removing the protection of law enforcement from whites.
Whites now are even afraid to call the police on blacks.
Since the 90's Jews have been filling the heads of Blacks with anti-white hostility by promoting gangsta rap to the public. This is called preparation. Next the jews and their leftist slaves started putting more and more restrictions on cops. Some of these restrictions are good, body cameras are important. But where does this all lead? What is the endgame.
The endgame is to make it so police feel unable to do their job and are no longer able to protect white americans from Black people. Not all black people have it out for whitie, but a large enough do where if whites lose their police protection. They are likely screwed.
Only a small amount of whites can defend themselves. Most whites are prey to Blacks. Not all Blacks. Its good to foster good relations with Black community and work to create healthy racially segregated communities of blacks and non-Blacks in America. But we have to be realistic. Jews have been training blacks to be their goonsquad to take out whites.
I have had bad experiences with police in past, I don't exactly like cops. But we have to be pragmatic here. Being anti-cop is not good. At this point our race may need cops to survive, without cops the blacks could just roam around taking whatever they want from whites.
I'm not a fan of cops. Some cops have worked against nationalists. But we have to see the big picture. Cops are a necessary evil.
We should not be anti-cop.