Raid Buzzfeed, CNN or Fox News for a change, burn the studios and the presses. Send them pipe bombs that actually work, I don't know, at least try, maybe? It would be hilarious and send the right message. Hiding on an image board nobody outside of Langley and your mom's basement never heard of isn't really productive when it comes to that. Propaganda always should be combined with action to give the pamphletes, memes and whatelse there is some ground to stand on.
You want to educate people that have the intention of mass murdering you and everyone you love? I mean you can try, but perhaps you look around and observe what's happening. Nobody cares about what the right has to say or offer. Normies don't care about race, demography and the implied destiny. They care about free shit and "justice", whatever that's supposed to mean this week (current trend: "climate justice"). The left has been better at this game for the past 60 years. Get real, man. If you think people like Spencer can talk to a mass of people in public without getting shot or making a fool out of himself you're delusional. But the antipode on the left can talk absolute nonsense - and get the approval of the masses. Ask yourself why that is. Not only because they control a huge chunk of the media. It's the message itself they have; don't tell me you don't want to have free shit…
If you want to do something: infiltrate the enviroment movement/climate change-crowd.
Yep, infiltrate climate change-groups. Seriously. A lot of people are there because it's hip and cool and they feel good about it. They're factual asleep, tho.
Yes, I want to drink your blood, rape your dog and impale your non-existent gf. Now, pay me some shekels for my services, goy.
Based on what? Hear-say? Corny low res images of 1920s Berlin? Remember, the people living in the Weimar Republic had enough balls to vote for Hitler in '32 and '33 in the tens of millions. Not because of "DeGeNeRaCy" but because they had no jobs, no income and no hope.
It is not relevant what's the left up to? Are you, I don't know, braindamaged? Perhaps you stop talking about "western civilization", for fuck's sake. The values of this civilization do not concern anybody right now because nobody wants to define what these values actually are. Perhaps that's because we have NO values that matter and never had. Sounds "degenerate"? Nihilistic? No, I am just sick and tired of these old, dead talking points. If any of this was so important everyone on the far right would agree on it. But there is no agreement, just a fucking circle jerk. Get real, man.
Yeah, you have 30% of the workforce unemployed, you have to pay massive reparations that exceed the capacity of the economy to actually make payments without borrowing foreign cash, a considerable chunk of the country is occupied by hostile forces, your military has been utterly slashed, you are unable to make sovereign foreign policies and you're an international pariah that can only do business with other international pariahs. On the other hand you're secretly rearming and have a national-socialist movement that will take over the country within two years because they're polling in the 20-30% range.
There is no "Weimerica" and repeating it constantly as part of a memetic warfare campaign doesn't make it more reasonable or true. It's just too far away from reality. You're just throwing words around but I don't know if you're aware of their meaning.