Interesting facts about our eroding infrastructure

This innocent thread will simply be a discussion of the tidbits of History, and interesting facts about the failing infrastructures of your respective collapsing Aryan Nations.
A discussion for posterity.
Just a simple curiosity of things built by our Ancestors to now feed and sustain the shitskin horde, who is WHOLLY dependent upon such things without any knowledge or understanding of how they function. It would be a shame if these things really started to fall apart.
Poor society.
>The rocky mountains divide the west and east so well that the only efficient passage of goods flows via train over very concentrated system of railways going through and over those mountains
They certainly were courageous!

This seems like poor planning though.

It seems Mulholland was very ambitious! Almost spreading too thin, one could say?

Now THIS SHIT is very interesting. I never knew these things about my Great Nation. What other fascinating factoids can be discovered about our factory human farming system I wonder?

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another thing you may have forgot (or are aware of but didnt include) is most of the architects are old dying white men, thanks to muh diversity there will eventually come a time where no one knows how to maintain them (unless kikes decide to pay a lot of shekels)

Oh user, you're such a card.

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And you can only blame the crumbling of infrastructure on the Jews, just like almost everything else, dear OP. Since the debt-based monetary system is the root of poverty and economic inequality, the Jews are to blame for all of the poverty in the world since the Jews control this debt-based monetary system. And the lack of money to help build maintain and build infrastructure is due to the Jews being able to magically add or subtract money from a city, province/state, a nation's or the entire world's money supply from just a few strokes of a keyboard. Who would guess that being able to type a few digits on a balance sheet can allow the Jews to wield so much power over whether you are rich or poor? It is funny that something as simple being able to control a balance sheet on a computer could give Jews so much power.

what did i say that was wrong? any huwhite male with knowledge in the trade isnt going to be cheap, can you picture jesus or jamaal fixing powerlines?

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drink water, like from the toilet? get a load of this faggot

Anons, I have a simple request to keep the focus of this OP on the targets, er, I mean sites, and functions of our eroding infrastructure that have such curiosities about them that they could warrant a closer perusal for Historical posterity by the White Man.
Seeing as so many worthless people today, who hardly have the skill and knowledge to put meatballs in the microwave, are so very dependent on this dangerously eroding infrastructure, it would be a real shame if something bad happened to them.
Aryan Men should focus on potential "fixes" for such issues. What are the weakest, most fragile points in our connected and dependent systems.
I can't imagine what would happen to poor Society if we failed to stay on top of this.
Poor Society.

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