This innocent thread will simply be a discussion of the tidbits of History, and interesting facts about the failing infrastructures of your respective collapsing Aryan Nations. A discussion for posterity. Just a simple curiosity of things built by our Ancestors to now feed and sustain the shitskin horde, who is WHOLLY dependent upon such things without any knowledge or understanding of how they function. It would be a shame if these things really started to fall apart. Poor society. ex: >The rocky mountains divide the west and east so well that the only efficient passage of goods flows via train over very concentrated system of railways going through and over those mountains They certainly were courageous!
This seems like poor planning though.
It seems Mulholland was very ambitious! Almost spreading too thin, one could say?
Now THIS SHIT is very interesting. I never knew these things about my Great Nation. What other fascinating factoids can be discovered about our factory human farming system I wonder?
another thing you may have forgot (or are aware of but didnt include) is most of the architects are old dying white men, thanks to muh diversity there will eventually come a time where no one knows how to maintain them (unless kikes decide to pay a lot of shekels)
And you can only blame the crumbling of infrastructure on the Jews, just like almost everything else, dear OP. Since the debt-based monetary system is the root of poverty and economic inequality, the Jews are to blame for all of the poverty in the world since the Jews control this debt-based monetary system. And the lack of money to help build maintain and build infrastructure is due to the Jews being able to magically add or subtract money from a city, province/state, a nation's or the entire world's money supply from just a few strokes of a keyboard. Who would guess that being able to type a few digits on a balance sheet can allow the Jews to wield so much power over whether you are rich or poor? It is funny that something as simple being able to control a balance sheet on a computer could give Jews so much power.
Cooper Carter
what did i say that was wrong? any huwhite male with knowledge in the trade isnt going to be cheap, can you picture jesus or jamaal fixing powerlines?
drink water, like from the toilet? get a load of this faggot
Benjamin Robinson
Anons, I have a simple request to keep the focus of this OP on the targets, er, I mean sites, and functions of our eroding infrastructure that have such curiosities about them that they could warrant a closer perusal for Historical posterity by the White Man. Seeing as so many worthless people today, who hardly have the skill and knowledge to put meatballs in the microwave, are so very dependent on this dangerously eroding infrastructure, it would be a real shame if something bad happened to them. Aryan Men should focus on potential "fixes" for such issues. What are the weakest, most fragile points in our connected and dependent systems. I can't imagine what would happen to poor Society if we failed to stay on top of this. Poor Society.
It was the concept of jewish oligarchs being willing to spend large sums of money to restore infrastructure to the benefit of their host nation that was specifically responsible for my current spate of cynical mirth, if you're really that curious.
Cowardposter. I'm merely concerned for our failing infrastructure, and the most fragile, weakened, and exposed aspects of it, user. For it would be a shame if they failed, and the poor people of the Society we live in were to suffer. Poor, poor Society. If you're having other ideas, I suggest you quell them. /pol is a board of peace and it's crawling with glowniggers.
like this nigger here
What is the weakest fail point in your working knowledge of your Nation?
There's only a handful of natural gas pipelines that provide all the natural gas for all of Canada and a large portion of America.
I walked over one of them. It's endless miles of unguarded pipeline, trees cleared by agent orange decades ago, and you can just walk along it. I was walking over one of them before.
I could easily destroy it myself. I could even go to each one, place some kind of device that could be remote-detonated, and whenever I feel like it from the comfort of a well-prepped and stockpiled bunker, detonate them at a time when the natural gas is most needed.
Forests are also all very vulnerable. Anyone can just start a fire, especially during dry season, and they're gone.
The electrical grid is very vulnerable.
So much of this could all be destroyed simultaneously through remote detonation charges. So much chaos could be created that the governments forces will be all over the place trying to contain it and you could then use strike teams to cause even more chaos and take over.
Soon you'll have situations where people have no air conditioning, no electricity, no heat, and are just burning whatever wood they can find in decaying buildings like in a typical war zone.
It could all be initiated by one man the only problem is that you need much more than one man to then take over afterwards. You'd need a group of a few hundred Zig Forumsacks to create their own government.
Otherwise all the damage you do will be repaired and life will just go on like before, some inconvenience caused, but that's it.
Julian Morgan
They are 100% responsible for it. If all those billions didn't keep going to Israel and various other shitskin countries they could go towards America's infrastructure.
Poverty and inequality are caused by the inherent inequality of the races. Literally everyone would be wealthy and well off if everyone had the right genetic traits.
They cause this by changing the demography and by taking all of the wealth of America to fund Israel and fund stupid wars.
They also control the media and legislation and so much more you faggot.
Ian Walker
user, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, I fear you've gotten the wrong idea. This is simply a discussion of SPECIFIC places, with interesting DETAILS, that would be pertinent to an Historical account for posterity, and possible "repairs" in the future. I, in no way, am advocating for CAUSING any hardship in this Society in which we live. That would be such a shame. Poor society.
That being said, got the deets and dox, on that gasline, fag?!
Other people's money that is. That's how all these billionaire jews stay rich, they never spend their own money.
Blake Turner
ya the part that confused me is he said jews spend money to help the host nation
Luis Perez
Maybe we should stop giving people and women gibs me dats and start putting men to work to fix it? Naw fuck that, lets just keep giving women jobs and sending israel billions of dollars
Justin Torres
I just want to know, specifically, where the weakest points of our infrastructure are. So I can, um, avoid the danger. I think we should ALL know this vital information. For our, um, safety.
You can do it faggots! I read about someone in Sweden who went around and unscrewed bolts to different antennas and towers then he just waited for the wind and they fell over. TV's, radios and even the military was affected and nobody ever found out who it was
Never underestimate how much power a single individual has to bring great damage to the system. Specially with this whole global warming thing going on. Phew. Imagine what a couple of disgruntled men could do?
When Trump was running for president he said we needed to renew the aging electrical grid urgently. This would cost $15 trillion. Thanks to JOOZE we've wasted $7 trillion now on the wars of 911 that was staged by Mossad.
All the energy grids of the USA. Powerplants, power lines, oil lines, natural gas lines, and railways.
Jonathan Cruz
Ah. I remember you. I still disagree with your thesis. A year ago or so you posted this idea on Zig Forums and I stand with the general response; This would not cause significant damage anywhere outside of California and even in California, it would harm White people more than any other group. If you want to use fire, use it in cities. Not forests.
Nathaniel Lewis
I'm talking about a book, btw. A novel about some communist-hellenic-nationalist terrorists who attack America.
Sebastian Gomez
You seem to be forgetting that white people are a main problem.sure the end goal is for bybye shitskins, but the cucked whites in cali are ruining our race.
Elijah Turner
Those cucked Whites are not in the mountains, user. They're in the cities. White California outside of the cities are nearly White Nationalists in all but name.
Justin Green
That's a bit of a strawman. The point is "FIRE". The example is the California forest. Application is ultimately up to you. I like to keep it contained to my fire ring, myself.
Joseph Watson
Found the glownigger/trannypol
Levi Adams
Adam Lopez
I agree with you that fire would be an effective weapon for the terrorists in my novel to use. However, (assuming you're the OP of this idea) originally you (he) were adamant in its use on forests rather than cities. This has coloured my criticism. Beyond this, I do agree with you/him. Though I always caveat this with the fact that the communist-Pan-Hellenic-nationalists in my novel would probably cause more damage if the arson attack coincided with a general strike on the electric grid and communications network.
Austin Nelson
Alright i guess. Fires around cities would stop alot of transport though.
Liam Rogers
I understand you, but I believe that the costs far outweigh the benefits. The insurgent must win the hearts and minds of the aggrieved people (Whites) and being seen as the starter of fires that destroy entire White neighborhoods will cause so much ideological damage that it would outweigh the benefits. I'm not saying that collateral damage must always be avoided. I'm saying that the costs here outweigh the benefits.
Henry Young
It certainly would be a shame for poor Society if ALL the screws were to fall out at once, wouldn't it?
Poor Society
Ayden Perez
If a certain group had this intent,(terrible intent that would be inconvenient to society) they would probably fail to rejuvinate society in their ideal way without organizing online before said collapse happened. This would be good if they were unorganized because society would be sad without order and electricity. Poor society
Connor Green
Wipe your White fingerprints off the flames before you leave.
I didn't even use this site a year ago. There's truly a great army of (you)s out there, huh. Anyway, I really recommend anons to read up on the Napoleonic wars. Most specifically, the invasion of Russia. It's such a fascinating story. The Russian army was completely overwhelmed by the Napoleonic forces. For months they retreated, harassing the invaders, burning their own cities, releasing criminals, everything to make the live of the invaders a living hell. Even Moscow was torched by its own people. In the end, hundreds of thousands of invaders had their lives claimed or deserted due to enviromnental conditions alone, and Napoleon was forced to withdraw. It was one the greatest military defeats of all time. And it teaches a great lesson: it's always better to destroy your own cities than to let the enemy capture them.
Ryder Clark
Understood. Would be Better areas to focus on with less colateral.
Jacob Collins
Yeah. On a completely unrelated note, here's a list of Minecraft servers that a friend gave me.
My mistake. I used to make threads about the IRA and that's where I first encountered fire-user. Yes, Napoleon, master of tactics, Alexander I, supreme strategist. Who always wins when these two masters meet? It is always the strategist who plays the long game.
Certainly, certainly.
Dominic Howard
Excellent History bump, user.
Jordan Perry
Everything, if unmaintained, will erode and be forgotten.
About a decade ago I talked to an old engineer and he told me that knowledge on how to make an aerodynamic wing for airplane is lost. The youngest one only rely on software without knowing if it make sense, and you better pray that no discrete change in some algorithm would fuck the whole calculation without anybody knowing.
Case in point: Did you see how the F35 flew? Like a brick with strapped on engine, and this needed custom aerodynamic. IMO, rather than lose time destroying other things; keep, maintain, improve what's existing, be it knowledge, family, belongings. This already take time and energy just to do it.
Michael Nelson
The same spamming faggot that doesn't know what aryan means made a thread about what, how rust exists? How maintenance is important? What a waste of a thread.
Nathaniel Smith
you clearly haven't read it history and architecture are important things to know and remember
Adrian Perry
You still haven't cleaned your desk, you fucking slob. Shameful.
Oh my goodness! You know the prospect of a wild fire starting up is no laughing matter! I'm glad OP made this thread because it really does need to be addressed… just imagine DAMAGE that could be caused if someone's camp fire was to get out of hand? With all the homeless people in California uts a serious possibility..all it would take is for a homeless junkie to drop his drug smoking paraphernalia and the whole state could go up in smoke..heavens.. that'd sure be awful..
Water is certainly an interesting problem. The cleansing power of water can only be exceeded by the cleansing power of no water.
Without water a human will die in about 3-4 days. Virtually no one in cities has more than a 1 or 2 day supply. We've all seen the chimpouts when EBT was down for a few hours. I wonder what would happen if there was no water for weeks?
We all know that California has been having massive issues with overuse and misuse of water. Texas and Arizona are having similar issues. Most of Atlanta is fed by a single lake that it shares and people are pissed because they are using it all up.
In their evil genocidal history jews are famous for poisoning wells . How do we prevent jews from killing entire cities with their murderous machinations? I know most municipalities filter the water for poisons and microbes, but how effective is this? The quantities of water we're talking about are vast, but how many PPM of arsenic would render an entire aquifer useless?
I Agree user..poor homeless, poor society..what if someone actually thought that it WAS the homeless who started it.. "it" being a hypothetical Forrest (or uban) fire that spread out of control. What if the source was one of the MANY MANY MANY campsites they have set up all over? Only thing I can imagine that would be worse than that would be if it was a campsite primarily used by minority homeless know.. the non white ones..seeing as how homelessness is still ONE thing the whites can claim they are the majority of.
I worked on a project to design a system of sensors to measure stress in bridges relative to traffic loads and temp/weather variation so they could keep tabs on when they had no choice left but to repair the failing bridge. Long story short, most bridges are in horrendous condition in this country and the respective managing government responsible for them doesn't have the money to keep up the maintenance, let alone repair them. I'm not sure if such solutions were ever implemented outside of grant proposals, but I doubt it. Crossing a bridge at peak traffic is putting your life at risk.
Isaac Rivera
see that shit? that's antithetical to the world that should be ours the homeless, crazies, druggies and hobos are the final victims of ((( society ))), they're where they are because of the almost complete destruction of the care and health system, of an honest job market, of moral values and of the family by the ((( usual suspects ))) wanting to cause them additional harm because you've swallowed the "just world fallacy" hook, line and sinker is fundamentally immoral
it's rich liberals who should become wary of losing everything they have stolen, not those from whom it was taken
Dominic Perry
Do you actually hope that people will attempt to poison municipal water?
Or are you just trying to frame a “threat from the alt-right” to create hysteria about poisoned water?
Dominic Smith
There have been no threats. We're trying to address potential threats to our infrastructure. How will we ever prevent an attack if we don't know where an attack might take place?
Aaron Sullivan
We're beyond "helping" the rat herd, user. I used to be you. I'd love nothing more than to buy the whole world a Coke. However, there is far too much rot for one small group of Noble Men with a single mop to be able to make a single dent. Especially when we've demonized as the monsters of the world. Only a purge will fix anything. A purge by fire. Dehumanize yourself, and face to bloodshed. Your's, or theirs' is up to you.
EXACTLY! This thread is all about our own personal safety in a dangerous world, filled with loose screws. /pol is a board of peace
Jeremiah Miller
dude, it's 8/pol/, there's a 99% chance it's a fed fishing for a gullible teen he can morph into a preventive victory of the forces of state-surveillance against evil cis-straight-white-male gnatzee scum
Austin Richardson
Probably the power grid because it's unguarded, basically held together with duct tape and hope in some areas, and if the wrong spot breaks, it can trigger a cascade failure. A good example of a cascade failure would be the blackout New York had to deal with in 2002. another major problem caused by the electrical grid was the wildfires in California a few years back We really need to update and harden the grid, but the government is too busy giving niggers and spics free shit.
Considering a MAJORITY if not ALL of the homeles are drug addicts who are beyond any hope of rehabilitation I'm failing to see the problem if they were to suffer erroneously from some spontaneous fire…but I'm pretty much unconcerned with others in society in general so I suppose I might could possibly see how there COULD be someone who would consider their loss anything more significant than just minor collateral damage…but, since I'm not without reason and can easily alter the narrative in such a way as to hopefully please your bleeding heart..I think if…say…some (((jootweb))) prankster was to decide its be a real "hoot" to larp as a homeless and set up a REALISTIC shanty camp in some Woodlands devoid of any actual homeless and then he was to accidentally cause a forest fire.. so long as its source is traced to what Appears to be a homeless encampment would have the desired impact.. hypothetically speaking.. I mean it COULD actually have the effect of causing the government to actually address the homeless population and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT… either by putting them in rehabilitation centers or shelters.. whatever they do.. but I'll be honest.. while I can't really predict what would happen especially in this thought experiment.. it is not going to be nearly as effective as it would be were there to be some deaths involved..
Is it really not worth sacrificing a few poor destitute individuals if a possible outcome is that it finally makes people address the problem? Just asking as a follow up to the initial thought experiment
Parker Brown
Just to add to your hypothetical thought Im afraid at this point, death is inevitable. Its just a matter of how and how soon. We will have to clean the closet at some point. But this is strictly to entertain the idea, we wouldnt want anyone to be hurt..poor society
Joseph Martin
Wait until they design nuclear reactors, water treatment plants, dams, flood walls, airports, cars, planes, space ships, weapons, etc.
It will be hilarious. And the right people will be kille by all of this shit.
People will die. That's guaranteed. They're nonchalant about the details and stand on the backs of far more intelligent men, with no shame. I work in a major metro area construction industry, so I know personally. They're being shoehorned into every role imaginable.
Dylan Roberts
Don't worry user, the feds have been adding fucking rpg fencing around key points on electric lines. Since they are trying to keep it on the downlow they didn't do all of those lesser points people might think of, so if you are perceptive, you might be able to notice which points are critical. We should protect them first after all, wouldn't want some random homeless crackhead to go drain some things for his cooking oil.
Josiah Nguyen
Yeah no, that would be men adding the artistic touches
Austin Cruz
Ahahaha, I can't wait for the screams of agony coming from the urban elites, kikes and liberal cockroaches when their infrastructure has been completely fucked by diversity quotas. Cities will literally become death traps, even without niggers.
Jason Cooper
History, a small detail. A trifle.
Charles Rogers
The only reason why the infrastructure is hanging on by a thread nowadays is because it was generally built so well by the massive legions of unknown european white men who soldiered through the ages to get to this point. Nuclear engineering has been particularly handicapped. Dams and hydro power are also dangerously understaffed by capable engineers.
From my perspective… dams are the biggest ticking time bombs, together with most bridges and tunnels. The reason why so far no big disasters happened is due to the incredible effort of the people who are manning them. However, these are mostly boomers and they will retire soon. The systems will fall apart in 15+ years. That's what you get when you push an entire generation into liberal arts, humanities and gender studies. Kike sophistry ain't maintain your highways, power plants and other shit you need in your comfy inner city apartment…
It will be absolutely incredible how fast the infrastructure will collapse, to the point the kike sockpuppet sitting in the WH will claim it's terrorists that are doing this. From then on the collapse will be the new norm. If some anons blow up high voltage power lines with thermite will be small blimps on the bigger picture.
I'd say nuclear facilities are a bit higher on my list, only because the nuclear loop could have been closed back in the carter years, and now we've got tons of radioactive material unused sitting in cooling pools… but dams and tunnels are in bad shape.
The kikes don't care about infrastructure failing because each one that fails is another hegelian dialectic point to institute another control scheme to "fix" it.
Levi Baker
Those bridges are highly susceptible to minecraftian sabatage as well. I used to do concrete work a few years ago, master finisher who trained me would talk about all the ways you can fuck concrete to make it fail. He said these bridge designs in particular could have tiny "problems" either designed, built into, or sabataged, to make them fail, days/weeks/months later so no one would be able to pin blame. Pre stressed concrete is the key! a little chemical reaction, or saw damage i suppose if you got balls, and the "tendons" on it are super fucked, and unless major repair is underwent TIMELY (aka sooner then any of this boomer monstrosity shit we do nowadays)…boom
Nathan Wilson
Definitely, the design itself is as -bare minimum- as it can be to support the desired load. The margins of error are comparatively minuscule to that of older designs
Christian Scott
Yeah I know right, obviously it was a sassy woman who designed this
Well, there are ~100 nuclear reactors in the US, and the institutions operating them will (hopefully) hire the right people to man and maintain them. It is correct that nuclear waste is an issue. But that is very, very localized (compared to a meltdown which may or may render several tens of thousands of km² uninhabitable for generations).
But there are well over 80,000 dams in the US, of all shapes, sizes, water volume. That number alone makes a disaster a very real prospect for the near to mid-term future. And there are secondary consequences of failing dams. It will affect water supply and water regulation, obviously. To the point that other parts of the infrastructure fail or have to be shut down. It's just insane and horrifying to even think about it.
Jayden Long
Here's the entirety of the damage from a B-25 crashing into the side of the empire state building. Did they design the building to withstand that? Nope. Just overbuilt.
but if I don't design it to the bare minimum, where am I gonna get my extra budget to do whats really important? make it look pretty, tee hee. (seriously had a "project manager" do that on a job site when we were pouring a parkinglot, just about the most basic fucking project you can get with concrete imo lol)
Josiah Baker
Could the money be spent on military items instead of infrastructure and healthcare? Hmmm.