House bill targets use of Pentagon networks for child pornography
Epstein is just a convenient distraction. This is the important story you haven't seen on mainstream (((media))).
House bill targets use of Pentagon networks for child pornography
Epstein is just a convenient distraction. This is the important story you haven't seen on mainstream (((media))).
Cianiggers are all kidfucking kikes. More news at 11.
you realize they host most cp distribution networks as honeypots, no?
cmon opie this is day 1 shit
Huh, no more DODniggers shitting up Zig Forums? One down.
was it tasteful art?
Do even the most basic background check. One of the Reps proposing this is a former CIAnigger, what does that tell you about this?
IC civil war?
This (50%)
i guess half is "most", so long as no one other entity holds more, right?
my bad tho
50% of the cp comes from honeypots
That would be the job of the FBI (domestic kiddie porn) and CIA (international kiddie porn) not the Pentagon.
This thread is complete fucking garbage.I feel like I'm losing IQ points reading any of the responses. Good on OP for at least archiving.
LOL at only 50 percent.
The alphabet soups are the world's leading producers of child torture and snuff rape porn, are they not?
Tax dollars at work
Also from the OP article:
>The National Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the groups that has thrown its weight behind the bill, reported in 2018 that DOD's network was ranked 19th out of almost 3,000 nationwide networks on the amount of peer-to-peer child pornography sharing.
That's 19th out of 3,000 likely "legit" sites trading these images and videos. What the actual fuck
This was on mainstream media last week
This already was in the news some 10 years ago (>80% of the CIA niggers had CP on their computer), but it was scrubbed from the web.
It was for research.
I want off this ride.
And they distribute far more CP than would happen otherwise because they have the infrastructure for it unlike shady virus ridden deep web sites and shadier forums.
Particularly for the purpose of smearing enemies of their state.
finally a kike free first post. Lord knows it's been awhile since I saw one of those.
It will be VERY interesting to see who votes against this bill and what their party affiliation is. I have my predictions…
BTW, Alex Jones was called crazy for talking about this years ago…
I remember this. Funny how they got away with it but it would explain why the military and DoD is so ZOG with all that pedo mossad blackmail.
by virtue of its scale, the Pentagon is the biggest consumer of oil in the world, the biggest landlord too, with over 500,000 properties worth $3.5 TRILLION dollars, 50% of which are vacant. what ever it is you name it, the Pentagon will be the biggest perpetrator of it in the world.
therefore, without question, the Pentagon houses the biggest gangs of pedophiles in the world. you know how the Pentagon's annual budget is bigger than the combined budgets of the top 10 militaries in the world?
without question it is a fact the pedo gangs inside the Pentagon are bigger than all the pedo gangs outside combined. bigger than the Catholic church even, as umbelievable as that sounds.
i call this the Tower of Babel Syndrome. when ever you build an org to be bigger and bigger, even if your intention was for it to achieve some great good in the world, its size also scales out to include a bunch of bad shit you dont want to cause which will eclipse your noble goals, making it better if you hadnt grown out the org in the first place.
QAnon is coming for every last Pedo Jew on the face of the earth
pretty sure pentagon do intelligence as well
So the glowniggers will just purchase cloud contracts with Amazon, Google, or Facebook to host their glownigger faggotry.
Scratch Google from that list, their employees fucked up those prospects after freaking out over Project Maven. From what I see though it'll actually be Amazon v.s Microsoft in a race for defense cloud contracts.
Found the government shill.