Hurricane Barry could "change the course of American history" with nigger migration
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Rolling for dead niggers.
Niggers don't have the agency to migrate in response to weather.
And like Obongo, it's going to send niggers to ruin white lives just like with Katrina.
Let's try that again.
you can't make this shit up
they don't have agency, but there is probably a government agency that will do it for them.
I'm so fucking glad nu/pol/ falls for the same fearmongering bullshit that tricks normalfags. What happened to this board?
no it wont. as usual it will be nothing but media alarmism to sell more bottled water and plywood. this happens literally every year up and down the east coast, this is nothing new.
also, niggers rarely move. niggers in the south are there because that's were they were brought by jews. then they just stayed until now. OP is a faggot.
user, if nothing happens it is due to dumb luck.
eh, not really. i think they just moved them into a football stadium last time. after unconstitutionally disarming a bunch of old White people outside of the flood zone of course.
I guess it's just like when Hurricane Harvey came to Texas many panicked and thought about the gas in their cars. So many bought so much gas that many gas stations were out of gas. Or when Dickinson, Texas was coerced by Greg Abbott into supporting Israel or they wouldn't get their relief funds to rebuild their town.
tl;dr The government uses natural disasters to abuse Joe Average.
Rolling for divine retribution because of the divine curse on Ham and a repeat of the great biblical flood.
Happy Friday. I'm relaxing posting on my phone at a brewery. No niggers. Hope Louisiana gets royally fucked again. Even moreso if the hurricane is nicknamed Barry. Fuck up the nigs please.
Yellow journalism. This is utterly ridiculous.
They'll end up in tornado zones and the twisters will fling the monkeys out of their trees.
Rolling for dead niggers.
AAAANNNNNNDDDD it is heading right into the productive heartland of Americas cropland. No sooner did the ground finally dry out than this bastard rolls in to dump more rain on the heartland.
You should all have at least 6 months worth of food and water stored.
Absolutely kill yourself.
I am preparing to survive faggot. I know you haven't a fucking clue but farmers in the heartland haven't been able to plant crops this entire year. That is a 100% loss on food crops in the heartland of America.
I am glad that you will die because you won't be prepared.
Fuck off, spic. I'm onto you, so remember me ✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎✡🕎
We're coming to eradicate ALL PARASITICAL VERMIN from our Soil, and far from our Blood.
Did you reply to the wrong person?
it's a bot, unlike me
Oh look it's a nigger who has no idea of what's going on down here.
I live right by Nig Orleans, and these people are really fucked. This year houses have been getting flooded severely just from random thunderstorms because the nigger-run government is too incompetent to get a few drainage pumps working properly.
Plus there's the whole thing with the Mississippi river being much higher than usual, which doesn't combine well with a slow moving hurricane.
Yeah but look at the path of that thing. It is going to dump a shit ton of water on the already saturated croplands of America. PEOPLE JUST STARTED TO PLANT in the slim hope that the could get a crop in. It is already too late to get a number of things sown according to your latitude. And now it is going to flood again? We don't care as much about niggers as we do about FOOD…niggers without food is not a good situation.
Checking those esoteric quads!
Man this is bad user. The growing season is closing this week and next week and that is it for the year. If the crops flood again while they are babies or if people whose land just dried out can't sew in this week and next, it is all over for many people. This is NOT GOOD. Niggers are already wild as fuck/biological weapon against civilization and now there isn't going to be enough food. I hope you are armed.
Nice tractor bought with subsidies.
learn to irrigate then, no excuse in the 21st century
Of course…that is the way they destroyed farming in the USA.
Sieg Heil
irrigate the already flooded cropland?
There ought to be a way that these farmers could pump the water off the fields into big holding tanks. Or maybe inject it underground with a big series of injection wells to store for future use.
If only DACAmnesty could be subsidized… *sighs*
Kill yourself nigger spic
Fuck you motherfucker, my phone ((( autocorrect))) for some reason. It's not my fault, beannigger!!!!!!
Your whole subhuman life is already subsidized off the work of HUMANs. You could never living in our nation without it.
I actually universally filter all his keywords and never look back. If, he somehow manages to show up in a thread, not using his keywords, I filter him there as well.
The price of food will go up, but as it stands the united states produces more than enough food for mass export already.
T'was ever thus
Niggers without food is the best situation.
No, its managed by the US Army Core of Engineers who designed, built, and maintain the new levies.
We are dependant on the heartland for grain crops, corn, wheat, soy. This is the beginning of a cascade effect. Remember there is no hay for fodder and animal feed either. Something similar started in AU last year but with drought and they have had to slaughter millions of animals becasue there is no feed and no fodder. Once the animal are slaughtered down to 'prime stock' it will take many years to raise enough again to support a nation on animal feed, even if the weather does nothing but continue getting better'…which does not look likely. There are many scientists who believe that geoengineering was a huge error with vast consequences in terms of the climate stability. Many of the problems are not just with staple crops but with the destruction of an entire orchard or half an orchard (15-30 years to regain full production). All grain exporting is ceasing and the Chinese are going to cease this year exporting to Africa (they are feeding the niggers now) because they have sustained too much environmental damage and things like the armyworms are eating all their crops and there is no known pesticide for armyworms. Globally it is devastation after devastation. This is why they are importing all the subhumans to our nation's, because FOOD IS A WEAPON, when there isn't enough for the subhuman trash to get their government gibs me dat handout! Even if this wasn't a 'real problem' they will withhold food, destroy it and waste it to provoke food scarcity.
Yeah, isolated IN AFRICA…not here on our soil.
How else are you planning to end the nigger problem?
LMAO…you can actually see the cameraman thinking in that video.
Biochem. I want them to drop dead where they are standing, not chasing down the last White man woman and child to make a cannibal stew out of them. Fuck, I would be FINE if they staved in Africa because they are lazy subhuman parasites. But I have NO FAITH that you guys are ready and willing to kill them here in our nation if things go South.
That's why I believe every person should have two or more animals for meat or milk.
I didn't ask about your fantasy, I asked how it's going to be solved.
We can call the cops from outside of USA on the niggers to increase violence rate.
Is that possible?
hi alex jones, i bought 12 of your 1 year supply kit just to be safe
get a load of this no-fooder
choke on it faggot
Is it because they neglected their soils?
bullet to the head, I suppose
i know what you mean (rioting, blaming whitey, more gibs) but your post sounds like you feel bad for starving niggers
daaawwww, does somebody need a hug? *wubs*
No, the rain wouldn't stop all spring and they had a very late winter so there was still tons of snow on the ground during normal planting season. There was no way for them to plant. #noplant19 if you want to see what the farmers themselves are saying
No user. I want to use biological weapons against all subhumans. What I don't want is fucking starving packs of subhuman trash running around our nation, pillaging like it was South Africa.
Great, now do you see that happening any time soon? I don't. What I do see is t he potential for massive chimping and unrest, and I welcome it. If whites fail to defend themselves then that's no loss. Those will no will to survive don't deserve life anyway.
That is so shit. How about the drones with turrents loaded with posioned rice bullets? You need to sharpen your creativity user.
kek, it was pretty much for nothing. The levees, like the rest of the city are sinking. New Orleans should be deserted.
So you believe in fittest survival ideology. I don't have a problem with that.
This stuff corrects itself eventually.
Mother nature is busy trying to kill people to preserve herself.
jews, niggers both are totally and completely incompetent.
Wrong, after the flood the government also relocated many of them to white areas in neighboring states.
Niggers aren't known for their acumen. Don't hold your breath.
Is Moloch getting hungry for more souls? With no war in Iran, the jews may feel a sacrifice is necessary.
They would have create the cooperated small indoor farms cluttered across the states but they are not thinking smart so that's that.
I'll compliment the nigger on one thing, she's managed to keep that dress quite clean given the circumstances.
Situation looks correct to me. They're living in the situation they are capable of maintaining.
Not entirely. They are on an island they were never meant to reach. These idiots eat dirt cookies while rich Americans head to Haitian waters on fishing trips.
No doubt the photographer gave it to her, maybe for sex, who knows.
I think it is funny that Americans are eating Haiti's raw sewage by fishing in Haiti's waters. You kind of couldn't pay me to eat anything that came out of those coastal waters.
Don't say that till you'e smelled it.
Lotta Quebec guys go down there for winter tan holidays. They bang those coon bitches really cheap. *shudder*
We shouldn't enable the bleeding hearted people helping the niggers alive.
Holy fuck, that is NASTY…
The bestiality is bad enough but imagine the POZ they bring back with them. Niggers have diseases that medical science has not classified.
Will Kanye blame Trump?
Fuck it, I'll roll.
Rollio bros
The masons agree, the levees are guaranteed to fall.
We should all try it…rolling for dead subhumans on the entire planet.
Subhuman extinction?
Subhuman EXTINCTION!!!
Serious now.
Sure, why not? The world is overpopulated by the dirty subhumans and they are destroying Earth.