Secrets and real mechanics of the financial world

Have you see then Ronald Bernard interviews? this is part 2.

In this one he says the BIS's territory is a sovereign state and that they even have their own police force.

He said the Nazis and Allies used to trade gold there when WWII happened

In the part 1, he says Panama Papers were just a tiny fraction of what really goes on and also, he said that most people at the highest levels considered themselves Luciferians.

Have you seen them?

If so, what are your thoughts on the information he gives?

Attached: RonaldBernardImage.jpg (1280x720, 137.29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's an interesting story. He didn't give names or much hard evidence for anything in the videos I saw.

He said he was tortured to ensure he wouldn't give out any crucial information, when he left.

IDK man, how many different kinds of evil do you want to know about? Their rabbit holes are endless. And of course he doesn't name names. Fuck him.

Show the torture scars.

Are you saying these sort of stories are just rabbit holes with no ends so people.go on a wild chase that leads nowhere?

He could've been electrocuted, perhaps, so there wouldn't be any scars.

I don't know of they asked him to show them.

here is how it works

Holy shit, OP.

Nazi gold is a Jewish fiction, and a Jewish obsession. National Socialist economics was explicitly set up to operate with no gold whatsoever, since that was in (((international hands))). Anywhere you hear someone kvetching about amber rooms and gold bullion stamped with swastikas and shit, they're probably bullshitting you with yid lies.

Attached: Made_From_Teeth_For_Sure.jpg (300x370, 41.16K)

Their rabbit holes are distracting, aren't they? How long have you been down this one? Or numerous other ones? Evil is evil, no matter which hole you go DOWN.

What0s the truth then? who's setting up these "rabbit holes"?

The archon inhabiting the jew

He is right in saying the banks and the multinationals are what rule the world now.

Archon as in Cobra's information?

The Gnostics?

Checked. Nice quads
Archon as in the worm that is the dick of the fourth dimensional kike thing that infects 3D kikes in this dimension. It resides deep in the brain under the amygdala
Fucking disgusting trash

You're fucking with me or do you genuinely believe that?

in this day and age, I got to ask.

Lmao and you redditors bite this shit. Rhetoric to ez fool christcucks, just say they are satanic or something and you don't even have to make any other argument.

The people who control the world are occultists

You know one of the documents he recommends to understand the world? The protocols of the learned elders of zion.

Thank you for posting this nigga

Seriously consider killing yourself you fucking glowing nigger.

Explain yourself and illuminate me or just stay quiet and leave me in ignorance because I have no idea what is up your butt.

No problem, man

Spread the knowledge without being invasive.

Because they're fuckin' jews.
Article written by Ron Unz (former jew)

>"And while religious Judaism has a decidedly negative view towards all non-Jews, Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth."

>" but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians."

>"Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethleham, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination."

>"Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. "

No, fuck off boomer. Boomers rely on youtube videos of other people to explain their POV. Its weak

Give good sources of information then or gtfo

There reason he is good to be listened to is not because he creates an opinion for you, but because he was a high liver insider in the financial system.

(((shills))) are spam screaming "boomer" "KYS".
We are RIGHT over the strike zone.
Ronald Bernard, or St. Bernard of Amsterdam as we call him, is a hero. He cannot hope to spill the beans on names and stay alive, but this guy definitely had his experience of working in the gray/black world filled with spooks and all the financial + psychological schemes of the elite circles.
Listen to all five of his interviews.

I'm watching number 4 right now

his reaction in part 1 about the "kinder" was really genuine, but also in part 3 I think you can really notice his anger at things and how he really is human like the rest of us

he does tend to go off on the "kumbaya" side a little, which right now is way to fucking early. Not a matter of right or wrong atm.
But he is on target on everything. The fifth part surprised me since I thought he would have been more aware than to try something of the sort in such a haphazard manner, but then this WAS early 2000s.
As a side note, this guy called panama papers of 2014, which had financial info and secrets of amounts leading into 2 trillions, as "chump change".
Yes, he's the real deal.

ronald bernard actually goes into this a bit in the other video, the one titled "ronald bernard interview the important bits" etc.
search his youtube channel + that of "friends of ronald bernard"
all the lizard, shape shifters, alien, archon etc stories = metaphor for (((themselves))).
also great way to discredit opposition etc.
this guy knows what he's on about. The reason why he sounds so vague + evasive or not crystal clear is he is not obviously used to this (who is), and is trying to describe/send the message as well as he can under (still) extreme duress. He took a good deal of damage getting out of that circle, and it takes a lot from him to talk about this shit.
Again, the guy is the real deal.

Yeah but I think that lends him credence.

Like, he spoke so well in the first part because he was telling the truth, he was speaking from the heart about what he felt and also about his previous life's themes, in which he was very knowledgable.

Know he is like the rest of us, trying to do. good in this world, and it's obvious he's been studying different philosophies and spiritual ideas.

So, in the end of that 3rd part he does sound somewhat "cliche" but I just think it lends to his credibility. He didn't have a particular script and also the interviewer didn't know how to conduct the interview at that moemnt. there was no particular aim. He was ranting, basically, but he is a good guy.

I've heard about the archons, but it's how the owner of that comment phrased it that mad eme think that he was mocking the idea.

Zig Forums had this thread a year or two ago.

STFU kike. Digest.

Another meeting with Ronald.

Poor guy his body collapsed and stop functioning eventually due to the revelations. That saved him.


what's the benefit of hooktube against youtube? first time I hear of it.

Sorry to Bother You has a great bit for this.

"woah woah woah dude…. I dont want you to think I'm Evil… I'm just doing this for money"

Which illustrates that these people don't worship satan. they're just greedy jews or under a jewish spell. The spell is tangible and mAterialistic. They wear robes and push the satanist angle so kids who talk about it aren't believed.

They have no sense of spirituality in them. They are neanderthals

a few months ago, the benefit was to be able to watch videos without google/youtube being aware you were being a bad goy learning about nazi stuff or having to login in your account to see shit not for well-behaved kiddies
it stopped working when youtube changed some shit in their distribution method, and was replaced by
it changed again recently, when you had to enable media download from * to see the videos, but you still can download the video or audio without saying who you are

if I could ask again (nice dubs) how do you keep up with all of those changes and alternatives for youtube and basically new technology?

simply keeping an eye on surveillance-related news in the *chans
most of the time, H8/pol/ and consorts have prime news of the battlefront from disgruntled insiders and Zig Forumsacks everywhere

Checked. I’m not mocking it friend , that’s what I was able to gather from the shit I’ve read and heard about them

Oh I just assumed it.

I've heard different versions about the archons, but basically that they're interdimensional beings or parasites that feed on negative energy and that manipulate humans to choose the negative path

Checking those dubs

That isn't what the user you're replying to was saying.