If he were to run for president in 2024, would you vote for him? He seems to have traditional values and is a pretty based dude. Also I saw in a Cenk v Tucker debate at Politicon he was saying how every American should speak English, and that we should atleast have something in common in our culture. He also recognizes that tech companies that silence users is pretty fucking dangerous to have in this day and age. I'd vote for him.
Tucker Carlson
Would his election be more or less likely to trigger a civil war?
There's your answer.
No, Pence will run in 2024 and 2028, then Carlson can run in 2032 and 2036 and then Barron gets elected in 2040 and 2044
If Tucker Carlson was a news anchor just 10 years ago, he'd be seen as a normal guy. It's just the political environment that makes him seem edgy and "baste"… If he was president, he'd likely just be a typical neocon kike lover with latent traditional values like Bush Sr.
I rather not have a zionist. Back to cuckchan.
Fuck you and please neck yourself
Weird spam bot??
he will like Trump be taking a pay cut, that may not be choice without Trump's level of Fuck You Money
Tucker has Swanson tv dinner money.
t. person who doesn't actually watch tucker at all
Tucker has promoted both white advocacy and national socialism in a low key manner so as not to be fired.
He wants all Americans to atleast speak english, he said it at Politicon. Plus he calls out the elites and neocons.
Mike Pence can MIGA even better than GEOTUS can.
Knew it.
I'm glad he's popular. But besides Israel, one of his weak points is economics. He can be more sentimental than a leader should be. If trucking was made obsolete by technology, Tucker said he'd want the govt to make sure truckers kept their jobs anyway. That's like how the Soviets wouldn't buy Caterpillars because digging with shovels employed more men.
Atleast Pence hates gays
You're right, what was I thinking? He's the next GLR. Keep watching FOX Jews, fucking redditor.
While literally worshiping the #1 force behind the promotion of sodomy. It's a popular leftist trope, but I really wouldn't be surprised if Pence's "hatred" of faggots wasn't just a cover for his own proclivities, probably the kind that tends to be popular amongst republikikes.
I don't buy for second that his devotion to the jews is simply because he's an evangelicuck.
I agree with Tucker though, if somewhere around 15 million people, mostly white men, have their jobs threatened by automation with no replacement jobs whatsoever just fuck automation over. I’d rather pay a bit more if it meant that several of my extended family members keep their jobs. We dont need to make better technology because “the markets goy”
This shit was going on last night too. Is it a bot screaming at everyone that they are a spic mod or something?
No. He's a zionist and isn't shy about it.
Fair point, didnt think of that
Sometimes good culture critiques do not make for very good leaders. Tucker is good at pointing out many of the wrong of the country, he may even have solutions for them, but he has zero experience in governing. He's make a fantastic National Security advisor though.
*culture critics
Clearly I had a certain book on my mind.
I hope not
I've been dogging this fucker for over a month, and this is the newest tactic.
Copypasting the shit I've used to point out it's shilling, and then regurgitating it on every thread, gaslighting anons on more of the
White Nationalists kill Whitey
bullshit spam. Now it's
Jews are our Aryan brothers
It's all so fucking tiresome.
I don't understand how this is even supposed to work? It all glows to shit. This one also hops up to 6 IPs, agreeing with itself.
Don't let this nigger get out from the glow paint tattooed all over it's spicspamming ass.
Fucking fedkikes.
spicspam. What do you think you're doing?
He's a dog of ZOG until proven otherwise.
Let's find out. . .
Contributor Total Individuals PACs
Club for Growth $90,762 $68,396 $22,366
Cummins Inc $83,000 $67,000 $16,000
Eli Lilly & Co $65,350 $15,150 $50,200
Klipsch Audio Technologies $65,237 $65,237 $0
Associated Builders $63,450 $5,950 $57,500
Industry Total Individuals PACs
Retired (Old People) $668,539 $668,539 $0
Securities & Investment (Jews) $384,711 $309,211 $75,500
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $345,933 $298,433 $47,500
Lawyers/Law Firms (More Jews) $333,464 $279,167 $54,297
Health Professionals $328,804 $216,008 $112,796
It's pretty funny tbh.
I have been calling my mailing list members cis-gendered nazi bigots for unironically using it to label everything they don't like.
When I worked in local gov I would respond to every racial question with the accusation that they and/or their question was racist and I refused to continue with them. It is the best tactic sometimes. Shuts them the fuck up.
Is this the same one posting the "white nationalists are killing white people" shit? Is it multiple CIA niggers working in tandem or just one spaztic bot or jew? There was a weird one a month or two back on that WALK meetup thread that seemed to be almost kind of co-managed, like it would bot spam autistically but as soon as people accused it of being a bot it would quickly post a more cohesive response, then back to spam bot posting. I theorized it may have been some fag in Langley or Tel Aviv that is sitting at a computer station monitoring one or multiple spam bots, maybe even all over the web at once, in case he needed to step in directly to post something to throw the readers off the trail. That or maybe it's just some schizo kikes idea of shouting and derailing like a complete sperg in a bizarre way that makes it super obvious.
That's been my tactic for a decade. I do not back down, or allow myself to be put on the defensive. Ignore their bullshit, anf turn it right around, using their own bullshit. Mutter anything about "privilege", or some shit
You wanna stun a nigger…?
Very same nigger. Just one, but others use the shitty momentum. IP hops multiple times, agreeing with itself to manufacture "majority" consent, for asinine ideas that no one here would promote.
There must be a broader purpose. Besides the obvious just shitting up conversation.
It won't last.
WE win. We always win.
He has gay jews on twice a week and supports circumcision and Israel.
No, I'm not voting for him.
And definitely not this faggot.
2024 will be interesting. I think Crenshaw will get a lot of support looking at the current parties, up and coming types, etc. Democrats are in utter ruins though, they have terrible elder members and their up and coming members are literally anti American.
It will be interesting to see how 2024 pans out.
Carlson/Whittaker 2024
"Your 5 minutes is UP."
Circumcision is normal for 2 week old boys in White counties. No cheeze, pleez!
Only if Ann Coulter is his VP
Hannity/Carlson 2024.
Or Gowdy/Little
If you let your eyes relax, you can SEE the puppet strings!
I would get tipsy and Seriously get that extra skin caught in my zipper!
If Crenshaw runs, which I actually never thought about, that'd be interesting. The Democrat party might as well rebrand itself as the Democratic Socialist party pr some shit.
I don't know who's jewing who anymore
Not yet, I already have my dream-team put together. Tucker's still young, he can run in 2028 if they lose or 2032 if they win.
There really is no hope for you moronic boomers.
Go away kike. Swarthies, although not white, have more right to fight by our side than you ever will.
No thanks.
Lol trump faggot hang yourself
What a fucking faggot.
Out of all the responses to this obvious mook
Is the other half of this IP hopping, spicspamming niggers game.
Do you see the blatant patterns, and what these tactics are attempting to achieve.
This shit is pitiful.
Shame on you, spicspam.
You will be dragged from your hole, cunt.
Careful, normies havent researched John Titor or Dr. John Trump who had the very first access to Teslas papers & projects the day after he died
Yeah looking at the current cycle and five years from now I personally think Crenshaw will be a front runner. He has a lot of support, good history, liked by a lot. I think he may follow Trump.
Meant to respond to you.
He's the only one on Fox worth watching. As the other user said, he's basically a national socialist even though he can't outright say it.
I like Rand Paul but I wouldn't want a lolbert president.
If he was elected he'd be crippled and subversives would flood into his administration to destroy anything he tried to change. He's better as a voice on television to shake up the people who still watch fox news.
Tucker has been on TV for 20 years
Yeah, he's far more /ourguy/ than Trump ever was. Has he got that special new Fuhrer magic? Not sure, let's see if he can whip up a crowd first. 2024 would be interesting if he did run.
He's pushing the boundaries though, "National Conservative", but also getting rid of toxic Capitalism? Bold. Very bold.
I wouldn't, everything he says is because he's allowed to and i'd bet you could always count on him supporting the entrenched power structure when it comes down to it
he's the kind of crypto 'national socialist' that will start calling you a racist and telling you to shut up the second his owners' interests don't align with yours. Like the zionist shills on this board he's perfect example of how 'national socialism' or 'facism' or any 'ism' means nothing and the only time they'll ever appear to be on your side is so you can be 'more productive' for them.
Would definitely vote for Tucker. Some of his segments are typical neo-con spam, but he generally brings awareness to issues that have redpill potential. He is surely redpilled in private. I'd be interested to see what sorts of events he would cover if he left FoxNews and started his own show.
Yes, I'd vote for him and kill his enemies without a second thought
Same thing said about Trump, user. Same thing said about Trump
Would I vote for him? Of course. Would I believe that he is le god emperor and will singlehandedly save the country like trumpniggers did? Fuck no. We aren't going to vote our way out of this mess, but that also doesn't mean that voting is pointless. The best way to accelerate is to piss off leftists enough to the point of everyday political violence. The brown shirts were a response to socialist violence in the Weimar republic, which is why they were welcomed by much of the population.
I don't recall any neocon anchors 10 years ago talking shit about the Iraq war, usury, white birthrates, immigration, and the Koch brothers.
No, never. He literally has no backbone for his own Morales. No more pussy, dick sucker dictator loving Government officials. Execute Maria Butina and the rest of the foreign espionage agents. Than declare war on those countries.
TC is just not honest enough to deal with the JQ, and all of its attendant subversions. He's eye candy for obstinate zombies who must know that the world is okay so that they go back to their jobs in the morning. Unless something changes with TC, he's would just give more time for the (((problems))) to grow more entrenched.
The time for safe spaces is over. We should have taken that route a long time ago. Now, what's ahead of us is conflict, brought to us by the race-mixing, culture-mixing, morally-superior Jew.
Reminder that Tucker was a Comet Ping Pong regular in 2008.