Does overt surveillance of a population with CCTV and license plate readers foster compliance? Is this going on in your city?
These are examples in California which turning into a hopeless dump anyway. Is it at least worth it to reduce crime?
Does overt surveillance of a population with CCTV and license plate readers foster compliance? Is this going on in your city?
These are examples in California which turning into a hopeless dump anyway. Is it at least worth it to reduce crime?
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Of course it fosters compliance and control, that’s why they put them up. Look up the “panoptic effect”. I’ve gotten pretty blackpilled on statism honestly. I have nothing against authoritarianism but after reading Kaczynski I realized that the state is only going to get more and more tyrannical (in a true sense) and controlling as technology advances. This is only the start, the surveillance society will not be stopped.
Some new hardware has been installed at traffic signals recently.
My girlfriend works part time in a gas station, today they got shortchanged so the police came. The manager and the officer went into the back, and when they came back they said that the facial recognition software tagged the guy. This is just an average Marathon gas station, nothing fancy. The shit is in Walmart’s too, self checkout screens have little cameras above them. I was a dumb kid who went to jail a few times, they have my biometrics on file. If it came time to roll out the party vans they would have no problem tracking me down. Just food for thought
Go back to Mexico, criminal! ✡🕎🔯🇮🇱
some mechanic Maker Jewtuber ought to invent a digital license plate cover that changes your plate numbers and detects cop car flashing lights and goes transparent.
does the law require your plate to be visible at all times or only when a cop is looking at your plates?
i am a firm believer in hacking back against the Surveillance State and abusing any and all loopholes with new technology to meet and match the escalating mass surveillance attacking all of us.
spicspam glows
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself, spicspam
Sleep well
So are police audio and video recordings without your consent.
Do not become a servant to your gov they serve you.
This is unlawful and should be.
To cover or hide it for privacy and security is not unlawful even if laws exist that assert otherwise.
I do it all the time.
Licensed, plated, and tagged.
Do not display plates.
Get pulled over a few times a year.
Say "for security and privacy" from "state and corporate surveillance".
Then I explain that I cannot be compelled to share my whereabouts to the gov or private networked traffic cameras, or treated as "guilty until innocent" by police license plate scanners, or "turned into cattle" by the corporate cameras on all new cars. All law enforcement has refused to give me a ticket thus far. I am trying to get one though because a judge might throw out my suit without one as "imaginary".
I want security not surveillance
Networking is the defining feature.
Really not that hard to do.
the staff of kosher skynet ^^^
maps of stoplight cameras
That's a jew dumbshit.
Some people are gullible enough to think this is only in china / chinese software.
Some people are gullible enough to think that the China and the USA don't serve the same fucking kike god cabal.
This is interesting. I'm going to have to double check my area and see if this is correct.
Why don't you just break them?
Do you think they are going away by themselves?
Yes. But she spams "DACAryan" dipshittery as her D&C.
Give these fuckers NAMES according to their patterns and tactics, and they lose their "anonymity" on an anonymous board.
Anons, you MUST step up your understanding of this Wizardry if you're going to righteously play the game, and survive it.
You mean go up there and hit it with a rock like some kind of monkey?
You know sometimes people see patterns that aren't there.
And then there's (You), nigger.
Nice try, yid. You're still going to die. You're only pissing us off now, so it will not be a quick feath for you now. If ANY of your vile blood slips through our clutches, your blood will remember this point in History for eternity.
You think we don't all see right through your failed 'magic' now?
You're fucked, yid.
And this is precisely why the founders put the 2nd amendment into the Constitution, it's the insurance policy against tyrannical government. Anyone opposed to having an insurance policy against tyranny is an enemy of the people.
Is the average traffic signal control box internet connected? A lot of these surveillance upgrades have antennas. I'll bet there is a wireless link.
you are so doxxed my friend, enjoy a years worth of dildos mailed to your house
Public-facing addresses for communication are public. The IP and the communication packets can legally be recorded by anybody.
Thanks feds !
Now, if you change the settings you are "breaking law".
The meme gods have spoken.
Oh no! The frightened kike called my "crazy"!
Your Gaslighting is weak and pathetic, vermin.
You have no power here. You're going to die a nightmarish death, pedo faggot.
We're coming.
Sounds like bad optics to me
just accelerate it.
Make the degeneracy go to higher levels. Make the jewry intensified. Make everything 10000x worse.
I've been trying to get a closer look. One device is a TP-Link chinese made wifi switch of some kind.
Shoot em down and request a jury of 12 like pic related.
they finally gave up wasting the money trying and shut down the camera program.
I think a lot of this data will find its way to the FBI. Imagine you give the police a alibi. All they have to do is see if you car passed the license plate scanners during the time in question.
all it is for is mailing speeding tickets and red light tickets to people. im sure its mostly white people that even consider paying them. the point is to generate money for the departments and to keep you oppressed. they also sell your data to NGO's.
it was in mine
i fucking hate you solipsistic niggers. no one knows what the fuck you are referring to retard, you need to post details. fucking mung
Wrong. They are saving all the data.
As of 10 years ago already this technology could set off a alarm at the police department when a wanted vehicle drove into the city.
All the traffic signal cabinets in my city have a antenna on the outside. Not sure if this is how the LPR gets its connectivity.
Not necessarily. Everyone knows where the speed cameras are around here and where you can safely drive a little faster.
A lot of people don't seem to understand how average speed cameras work though…
This entire control paradigm is jews. The constitution had provisions to prevent this stuff, ie. The militia function, but the intelligence of humans is below the requisite to operate the constitution as its mechanically intended. Now its just gone full-retard, with the executive branch overlapping all of the constitutional functions and slowly outcompeting them with international funding. So some retard at the state level says, "oh wow look, we can get fed grant for camera funding on our highways". Then the state dot buys the cameras, installs them along highways, people complain so nearly every dot website says something about the cameras being used to monitor the weather and how they are low res. Its bullshit. They will switch out the cameras in a year or two to high res, see through your soul capable systems, there's no legal provision to prevent them upgrading or changing their stated purpose. Honestly, the only thing that can possibly fix this world is massive death and destruction. People are just so programmable to become like cattle it is a detriment to all of creation for there to be so many humans in this close of proximity. Highly destructive and far beyond natural.
To think, license plates started as a service convenience to identify your own model t parked on a street of model ts. The drivers license began as a way to tell who was formally experienced at driving automobiles for hiring as delivery and transport trucks. Now there are non drivers licenses. Ccws. You have to pay recurring tax on your vehicle, you have to be licensed to drive on the roads you own. The only thing that keeps me optimistic is the knowledge of how chaotic and out of control things got in iraq, simply trying to fight illiterate people with AKs. The world gov is completely fucked when this whole ww3 thing breaks out. They will have no choice but to just try to stay away from combat and just attempt to loan-capture every militia that has a point of contact. Its going to be total chaos. The speed at which a competent american can change an entire situation is lightning fast. Just think about how much resource is drained when a municipality responds to a single active shooter. Imagine if they tried to respond to a threat situation with 3 to 12 men, imagine trying to respond to one man but multiple times a day. Thats going to be a showstopper pretty quick. The only people who will be able to influence the public after that are killers and people who are natural and authentic leaders by their genes.
It's not going to stop niggers from killing you, but it will ensure that they are caught and put in the cotton fields as free labour for the state; the same state (or rather government) that is not there for you, but for itself.
Basically it's not in your interest to be surveiled
The FBI found me from a Snapchat screenshot
How vulnerable are such boxes to 5.56 or 7.62? Just thinking about what might happen if a random driveby from some gangbanger were to happen and hit one with a round or a dozen.
Thank god people already drive like shit the last think you want to do is make it easier to get behind the wheel
Don't be loud, all you need is an old tyre and a flammable liquid…
Is it possible to be for traffic signals without the surveillance bullshit?
Resist surveillance.
Can anyone identify this network hardware? It looks like a wifi router but the short black antenna on top looks like a 4G antenna.
Google, Facebook, DARPA, USAF and others have an integrated infrastructure for mass surveillance and cellphones (including their activities in social networks) are a big part of it (Facebook began as DARPA's Lifelog)