/AUSPOL/ Meme the Red Ensign

G'day Cobs,
I need not go into the fact that a Multicultural 'Nation' is a grotesque oxymoron. Few of you probably know that up until 1953, the true and original Australian people, white Australians adopted for themselves the red ensign as their flag over the official Union Jack for civilian use. It was not until 1953 that the government legislated the use of the blue Australian flag, apparently in reaction the the red peril. The blue ensign had be in use on official buildings since soon after the federation, however the troops fighting zogs battles in WW1 and WW2 flew the red ensign above the trenches.
I suggest we as nationalist reject the blue flag of shopping mall capitalism Australia and meme the red ensign into notoriety, as a stark statement of White Australia against the backdrop of disgusting brown and grey modernity.

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Why not

I can't format, I rarely don't start threads. Don't @ me, I will take a photo of the flag on my ceiling if I have to prove my authenticity.

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This is actually a good idea, don't let this die you skippy fags.

I don't have any social media but I'll by flying it from now on. The links were a good read.

This is a jew trying to sow discord with normal whites and strayans.

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op here.

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shit flaf tbh.
has the corporate uk shipping logo on it
what was before this ?

No it's not.
Strayan user is just doing Godan's work.
You wouldn't know anything about work though.

Before 1901 Australia was separate British colonies, there was no nation, much less a national flag. So I guess the Union Jack or the corporate uk shipping logo as you say.
Tbh the idea of Australia cannot be separated from its modern capitalist manifestation. I would be far happier with a variation of the svastika flag and you can call us what ever the fuck we want.

Cheers cob.

Freud would like a word.

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What's a bundle of flags called? Flaggots?
Bring back the Southern, it's way sexier.

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Has it not been adopted by too many groups? The libertarians have a yellow one, the unions use the blue and a black one, I have seen greenies use a green one and nationalists use a black one I think.

Do what we do in America. Take the US flag down, put up a Confederate or other triggering flag up, then fly the US flag upside down below it. It's simple and it makes the globalhomos triggered enough that they piss and moan and do all of the propaganda work for you on their filthy TV stations.

Looks like you have it already. Get more of them and fly em' high where all leftist traitors will see it.

Can you find these flags online, or what?

Fucking petrol sniffers aren't human.

Yeh mate, I got a proper outside sewn one off ebay for $100 odd but there are cheap ones too. The red ensign is still used as the nautical merchant flag.

We don't really have a triggering flag, our Lambing Flats flag would be perfect but regular strayan anons hardly know about our red ensign let alone the Lambing flag.


Attached: 220px-LambingFlatRollUpBanner_reworked.jpg (220x226, 13.57K)


Always loved the red ensign, it's a great flag. But the Eureka flag is already associated with Australian nationalism. Why not use that instead?

Yeh fair enough, I personally feel like it's been grabbed at my nearly every activist group from the right to the left to the third position.

Bumping from burgerland for our true greatest ally.

Interesting stuff OP, never knew about this flag.

As an owner of the red flag I endorse this sentiment and stand with you.

Remind NPCs WHY the flag was changed to blue.
NPCs are pre-programmed to reject the Red menace which is what the multi-culti / political correctness / -isms / -obias agendas are part and parcel of, and the Red menace is part of another (((agenda))).

Hope you got a good contract with Telstra for your S8 m8

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good idea

Splendid idea matey. I'm aboard.

How about fixing the country first before worrying about what colour the flag is?
These useless symbolism debates aren't helpful.

Probably just as likely it was a reaction to the German Reich flag, use your brain retard. What ever it was it was Jewish reactionary politics and WE don't capitulate to the massed ranks of reaction.

If you were worth your salt you'd see that it's on Optus. I've already been visited by the glowies so I'm not too worried.

Don't reclaim your flag and discover the history of your country that isn't taught at school, goy. Focus ALL your efforts on the depressingly slow march of modernity.

useless niggerbrain
kill yourself

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How do you find the service? Better or worse than Telstra? Interesting that Optus are supporters of the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce.

They all use Telstra infrastructure, unfortunately there is no Reich mobile provider.

simpler version of this would probably do well with anzac going normalcunts

Is anyone a member of the LadSoc in Brisbane here?

Your shekels might go to Optus, but not much else. The botnet you installed on your phone after April is a Telstra backdoor.

Which botnet are you referring to?

Is that you Sug?

Best we have. Unfortunately it can easily be seen as a pro democracy flag

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You aussies should unironically adopt this flag and call it "fuck off we're full".

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Help me out lads, i'm in desperate need of a history book about the broad strokes of Australian history, a synopsis of sorts. obviously google will only offer me suggestion of books that harp on about Abos & white colonist being the devil. Would really love some help to connect to our history, iv'e focused to much on Europe and not enough here. also I can't see any of the images on Zig Forums anymore wtf is going on there

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It be Terra.

I'm not actually sure mate, all my knowledge is from school and this fucking huge book my father gave me, it's legit 30cm by 30cm by 30cm thick, an encyclopedia of Australia. Once I have worked my way through the New Awakening reading list, I'd think I shall focus back on Australiana.