Golem Culturally Enriches jew shillionaire with Torture and Stabbings

Dutch millionaire & Jewish community leader ‘stabbed & waterboarded’ by robbers

A Jewish community leader has been tortured by four assailants who attacked the millionaire businessman at his home in Maastricht, Netherlands. Police have not ruled out anti-Semitic motive behind the brutal robbery.


Every fucking time.


Progress is being made. We must accelerate these. DIE JUDEN

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The only silver lining to this dieversity agenda is that some of the Jews will get a taste of their own medicine.

it won't be long until the houses of all jews in europe are guarded by white policemen and private security personel while niggers and arabs start raiding the homes of whites.

They wanted money. You think people have standards these days?


How can anyone trust anything that comes out of a Jews mouth?
It was probably set up. No doubt his valuables were insured.

There is a real lack of wealthy white individuals in Europe. The poor willing to rob to get gains have to turn to people rich enough to survive the insane European taxes. People that made deals with the EU and post-war Democratic Germany in it's infancy.
Lawyers in Europe can barely go to Aldi's and buy Ramen noodles because they have to maintain their business on what should be free spending money. That is if the Lawyer isn't lucky enough to get a government grant by specializing in Refugee resettlement or something useful to globalism.

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I wouldn't be so merciful.

It is a move to encourage euro jews to migrate to Israel.

The jews goal is more ashkenazi in Israel and more muslims in Europe.

Conveniently, water boarding is a torture method that doesn't leave an verifiable evidence on a person. No shitskin group is organized enough to waterboard a person instead of just violently beating them to within an inch of his life, and no 'antisemetic' white person would leave the yid alive or have 3 friends to work with.

Sounds like some gay shit gone wrong.

Get rekt kike.

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Basically this is Jewish lightning. No chance of it being real and he gets the insurance money, and he still has whatever he removed from the safe.

Maybe what they wanted wasn't money but whatever was in the safe.

Disgusting news, as Knight Commander Breivik told us, we need to stand together with our Zionist brothers. If Saint Tarrant was there, he would have shot the assailants (probably white traitors) and helped this elderly brother.

He was supposedly tortured in a way that leaves no marks, and there are no signs in the story that there was any other evidence.

(sand)niggers would not be particularly careful about not leaving any discernible injuries. If it was the Mossad or the CIA etc who wanted what was in the safe, he would have been too afraid to talk about it.

This is a farce. Just another Jewish scheme to get some insurance money, get attention, pretend to be a victim.

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Must have been the wood up the ass.

Comments at the site are great…'the goym know.'

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That will be amazing. Please let this happen sooner.

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"it was real in my mind!!"

Guaranteed. Even had to paint himself as both victim and hero in his lie, by valiantly freeing himself.



Oy vey I was ~gassed~ stabbed
It… it was anti-semitism. I had to drive to the police station to report it immediately.

He was taken to the hospital with no life threatening injuries.

I wonder how much his six gorillion cubic zirconiums diamonds were insured for.

They did not finish. Probably niggers. No ‘antisemitism’ If he is still alive.

Lol…no life threatening injuries? This man pissed himself and gave up the combo to his safe. He had to make one of his typical ‘jewstories’ To cover his insurance fraud (most likely).



Waterboarding is like that. It is so totally overwhelming that you will do/say ANYTHING to make it stop. If you have not experienced it, you LITERALLY cannot imagine.

If I was in the middle of such a job and had a kike tied to a chair, no way would he be walking away.

Just saying.

Assuming it wasn't family, security, staff or the guys that installed the safe, it's a safe bet that it was self inflicted.

Is it like drowning? I've sucked in a lungful of water before. Burns.

Good. Everyone must torture and kill jews, until they all go extinct.