Officials warned China, India could use communities in Canada to advance agendas
The report comes ahead of a federal election in which Canada's relations with the two countries and fears of foreign interference may figure prominently
Canadian Officials Warned: Shitskin Hordes May Be Security Risk
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this is why they had head count laws to begin with
See Confucius Institute and Huawei. You don't need to be in Hongcouver to know this is 100% happening and has been for years. Expect denouncing Winnie the Pooh and listing Taiwan as a country to be illegal within the next 10 years. Still, the fact that the cucks high up actually have the gall to say something about it shows how much the public is coming to distrust the Chinks. They're kinda like failed Jews if you think about it.
Interesting. Do East Asian countries like Japan see their white expat communities as spy camps too?
lol naive canadian whites
whites will be the first to perish in the canadian natural selection
OP, lingo slip, people from India and China aren’t shitskins. If you’re gonna try to be dumb in accordance with the local requirements of political correctness on this site, I applaud you for doing it wrong.
It's pathetic because everyone already knows this. If you're Chinese and have relatives in China, the secret police can lean on them to force you to do espionage. Everyone knows too that these communities isolate themselves and have for almost 100 years now, they're not assimilating and they don't belong. The only groups that have even remotely tried to assimilate into Canada are: the first wave of Chinese who weren't from the mainland, the Japanese who came to fish and the Sikhs who came to farm. And even that has been undone by race baiting politics over the past 20 years, to the point where this country exists as a piece of legal fiction and a corporate entity. It does not exist as a patriotic expression, a national identity or a point of reference for people to unite anymore. The Canadian government is a bunch of Niggers handing out gives to Chugs at a DMV.
Yes they are.
Omg they can behave like jews!
Chinese and Indians are useless and can be shut down with no problem. Jews however as the inventors of Christianity are much harder to stop and will make sure Israel comes out on top.
Kek mudslimes in canada sent fucking isis fighters and then we welcomed them home after they committed murder and terrorism here and aboard but they are worried about some chinks and pajeets who don't do shit? This isn't even including kikes who as a fact use their diaspora to spy, steal, sell national secrets to the chinks, and commit ZOG terrorism.
KEK whites dying off and getting replaced is a great thing TOP KEK
Indians are definitely shitskins
Just you wait for the last act. Oh wait. You won't be there.
Read more about this in this month's issue of "No Shit" magazine.
Mosques going up like suburban town homes with foreign saudinigger graft, and these faggots are finally worried about rapey poo rot and chankoro dog spycraft. Five Hundred Thousand dual citizen Kike civilization destroyers crawling up and down the walls of every organized institution and profession in our nation and these losers are politely fretting about a corporate globo-homo democratic election. These unique individuals think the sun and clouds do not affect the temperature; yet want to tax carbon, as if they are clever.
tl;dr – establishment neurotics fake grumble about the effects of their own doing.
canadian government is made out of low iq feminist niggers and poojets. You think they are capable of seeing reality for what it is? They are living in pink clouds and have no idea about the storm that is coming to canada. Once whites are wiped out, chinese is gonna go full force on cleansing out niggers, at that point, canada will probably change its official language to Mandarin and turn all street signs to mandarin or kantonese too.
The chinks don't have to do shit lmao the israelis have a BOGO sale on US and Canadian secrets.
Chankoro dogs never win in war. Your race is a five-hundred year clusterfuck of repeated losses and post-war rape. You have neither created nor accomplished anything in the last 1600 years that wasn't handed to you out of shameful pity, or stolen with the aid of kikes. You would be wise to beg Japs to rule you.
Just like Mexico will pay for it.
Canada is just an unclaimed wasteland of poz and dog fucking waiting to be captured by an intrepid warlord. The only reason nobody did it yet is because nobody would want to lord over such worthless faggots.
No because they aren't retarded enough to let them move in by the millions and then become members of the actual government.
WTF? You can't post that picture without explanation. WHY???
homeless user here, not that ive tried but i hear mud/shit is excellent mosquito repellent
that would be the ONLY reason i could think of this being a thing
I think india is enough of an explanation
Soap. They use dung as soap. You can even buy it.
Capital, human one too, has no nationality, dumbass, you don't know capitalism, you commie bastard.
Jews are shit compared to them, they actually have racial, ethnic, religious, national backing, and aren't secular mutt drifters barely united by faked victimhood.
Is that second pic for real? lmao
Oh and holy shit, that third pic, wow
Fuck india and fuck the poo-loos
This has been going on for at least 30 years. Last example I personally remember was Rob Ford (RIP) running Punjabi ads point out George Smitherman was a faggot in the 2010 Toronto mayor's race. Team Trudeau of course is the home of the busloads of Instant Liberals(tm) who automagically appear at certain nomination meetings too.
The cow is sacred, therefore anything that comes out of the cow is sacred.
They stole quantum entanglement technology from Nortel. In Kanata. Remember Nortel? My aunt's pension plan certainly did.
Don't mock them. Look at all the white servants they'll have in 2030
the only one who will stop this is Mad Max
Its the same shit for islamics and jews all over europe and america, using imigration as a tool for political power over a foreginer country.
They have been doing it for a long time now and politics have been complacent for years.
And this shit starts in the crime underworld of the countries, just look at the growth of some heavy ethnic mafia groups, they try controlling the underworld and explore the law loopholes, at the same time they slowlly try to take security and other branchs of governmement.
Dont know how much is actually enforced by foreginer states as a plan, but they explore this weakness of uncontrolled of imigration to create a spy and influence network to subvert the country.
I always cringe when looking at a photo or video of the Canadian government press conferences. Inevitably there is at least one turban official and several generic Canadiasians.
Daily reminder Cucknada does not have such data.
They use selfreported census data were Pajeets often claim them self as "Canadian" or "British" because they all have a complex about wanting to be white
At least I am Canadian.
damit i was going to inb4 this
Well, golly gee, do you think? And you thought of this just now, after decades of these communities fortifying? We are governed by idiots.
The fucking chinks in my area can't even speak English half the time. There's so many chinks in Waterloo, Ontario that I have to deal with that can't speak a word of English. When they come buy stuff, we need to point at a dollar bill equivalent to what they need to give us, and they hand one over then and take what they need, all without even one word of English being spoken… and they're not visitors. They fucking live here.
Also there's all these Chinese places that open where some stuff isn't even in English and where the chinks all swarm in to shop there, and the various other ethnic groups too have their own places, and never shop at white places. They always try to siphon all the money into their own respective communities.
A statement that means nothing of value since Canaduh is a "post-nation state" according to the Prime Sodomite himself.
They ALL do this, all these shitskins with their ethnic lobbies and subversive actions. The kikes are the best example of this and why multikulti always fails. Why don't we learn from history?
Just wait till American hoards start rushing the Canadian broader cause there's 300m spic and African niggers in the us. Wonder if they'll open their borders?
Thats what you people get for printing blantan racist as fuck articles in the media incessantly. But simultaneously import tons of immigrants under capitalism, whites really can't strategize can they lol
Who would've guessed that spreading your legs to any immigrant is dangerous?
Wtf are you trying to say
I call them competitors, but failed jewish competitors works.
From what I have heard a good chunk want to go home to syria but turd wont let them leave. Not that any of the pm canidates would because muh poor brown people who are in the way of greater isreal.