One of the things that the left has an advantage over us, is the popular opinion that only the left cares about volunteering and helping the community. You see it all the time on tv shows, where the huge liberal is involved in all of these causes. But we can easily counter this. How?
Help out in your community by sacrificing one of your most valuable things. Your time. Pick a day to go out at least once a month and work for a few hours to help your community. One of the best activities you can do is help pick up trash along the side of the road, all it involves is a trash bag, a grabby stick, and a safety vest. Do not go out there revealing your power level, but show a well groomed white male, calmly picking up and helping make the world look better.
If you live in a smaller town, grab yourself some cleaning supplies and help wash windows in downtown, especially for the little mom and pop shops. Be polite, be courteous, and look presentable.
Have a homeless problem in your neighborhood? Well this one costs a little bit of money, but not too terrible. Gather together some supplies and put them in a small bag. Nothing too fancy or large, but put in some breakable ice packs, hand warmers, water filters, and some powdered drink mixes. Basic supplies that just help make some of the harsher aspects of life on the street a bit more bearable. Do not give them money nor anything perishable. Keep it light and easy to store.
Slowly grow your volunteers as you do this, bringing in more well groomed white men and showing we care about our place in the world. If confronted by the crazy left do not fight them back, but keep a record of what happened, show the world as the left freaks out, and causes norm to expose them as the hypocrites that they are.
What exactly will a white man picking up trash on the side of the street do if he's hiding his power level? Why would you be confronted by the left if you intentionally hide your power level, as you suggest?
OP: every study ever done on altruism in the USA conclusively proves that conservative whites are the most generousness people in the world. They give more money and time than any other category. Every single leftist and Jew are nothing more than underutilized crop fertilizer. They LARP as sincere caring humans when the reality is that they are psychotic murdering fucks that will lie, cheat and commit whatever act needed to gain power over others so they can wield it to crush any opposition to their whim.
Michael Garcia
Improve yourself first.
Then your family.
Then your friends.
Then your town.
Don't worry about the world, the previous is plenty.
Dylan Price
This. Leftists are parasite scum. They virtue signal for a very good reason; they have no virtue so they have to mimic it out in public, preferably from an elevated position all the while screaming "LOOK AT ME" at the top of their lungs. In fact they're the ones busily setting up taxpayer financed charities that they can freeload off of since they themselves have no marketable skills to make them worth paying. Being stupid lazy and hypocritically self righteous will only get you so far in life.
Ryan Gomez
Why in the world would anyone waste their time in this mutt shit hole anymore
Ryder Rodriguez
This is the good stuff right here.
Connor Bell
Fuck you, asshole. You’re making decent people less likely to do any cleaning because you want to protect nigger-tier bullshit as though the broken weakass lies of bigots referred to anything true.
Andrew Jones
The essence of leftism is ressentiment, the slave revolt, the uplifting of the naturally inferior. Every attempt ends the same way; nature is not fooled. Play Jewish games, win Jewish prizes. Bring back Feudalism.
Jordan Price
Skip the safety vest. Don’t wash windows. Pretend you’re a skulking rat in the dead of night - and still clean. Alright? We don’t need sociopaths doing it to look like they’re not totally broken losers, we don’t need narcissists doing it to fucking look good, we’re not in this for the natalist’s death cult trying to breed new children that we can beat into living weapons. We’re on the brink of immortality if people can be honest enougb and supportive enough of research and experimentation in R&D. We need clean communities so we can love life in a world where other people love life too, because we’re gonna have to live in this world for centuries if not millennia.
Josiah Lewis
Fuck you too, slave! Abolitionism won against liars like you already. Kings were always shitbags. Hierarchism is retarded and buys humanity only death, stagnation, and war.
Zachary Jenkins
What doesn't? Welcome to Planet Earth. Enjoy your stay.
Ryan Hernandez
R&D in biotech, I meant.
I got worked up enough to make mistakes because I actually do help clean my community, and I’ve never met a bigot OR a conservative who does any such fucking thing. You whining wastrels were chunked out of western society for pre-white shitbaggery. All the virtues of “white” society are civics. You’re fucking peachy-beige anyways, bigots always open up with a narcissistic lie just so we don’t forget they’re all zero-integrity liars.
Gabriel Johnson
Make homeless bags and fill them with red pills. My sister fills brown bags with food and water and I keep them in my car. Whenever I see whites on the street I give them a bag with instructions and basic quotes on the importance of working and finding local (mostly christian communities). I also include a few printouts including an abridged and tamed explanation of the war in whites.
Whites make up around 41% of the homeless population. Anything to raise up European brothers and sisters in need helps.
Nicholas Sanchez
Truth. You realize we can print flesh, right? Truth leads to life eternal.
The technology DOES NOT presently exist to make anyone immortal today, but it’s very likely to exist by the next turn of the century even if it gets fought against actively, which isn’t exactly presently happening AFAIK. What’s more, based on what we can already do, the threshold of immortality might be damned close. I have some proposals for government programs that I think could close the gap to as little as ten years - maybe as little as five, but I wouldn’t bet a dime on five. Shame I’m just a civic-minded trash picker who hates to be noticed!
But yeah, we can print flesh now. Printed organs have vascularization problems that make them limited to surgical training aids right now, but the problem is being worked on competitively by multiple biotech companies with good research teams. We can print implant-quality bladders due to lower vascularization requirements in bladders. Every organ will hit implant quality eventually.
I think neurological degeneration will be fixable by a combination of neural tissue patches and nerve-retraining to respecialize and reduce noise across long-running bits of brainware that have started to fuzzy up with their neighbors. I don’t know how to say it like a neurologist, but I believe that the formation of inappropriate connections between adjacent specialized brain tissues is one of the causes of brain-aging. (Maybe that process is what skill-training fights?) The nerve cells extend? their dendrons? at co-firing? cells nearby and start mistakenly thinking the next door nerve cluster? is trying to give them inputs suitable to their specialty..? No doctor am I.
Sometimes I feel surprised there’s never any riots by disaffected sixty year olds who want to see major pushes towards this tech - the people who haven’t turned sixty-five yet are the oldest potential immortals by my estimate, and I think there’s reluctance to… immortalize them, because too many of them still come across like relics of eras where sexual harassment or worse was more common behavior.
Leo Ramirez
One less problem. One lesson lost. Think simpler and move outside people's immediate perceptions. The past is there. A white man can make something of his time and pass it forward. And what else is he dong? fire in july
Nathaniel Phillips
Stopped reading your bullshit there, kike shit smear. YOU CAN'T PRINT SPIRIT!
You will never understand this because you are a subhuman nigger. You're all extinct. Time is running out on your lies, vermin.
Ryan Gonzalez
Lol, slaves. You’re a fucked up nihilist who worships death. I have more soul than you, for what is in me reaches towards the stuff of eternal life.
Brandon Jenkins
You fear Death, coward. You're already dead. Subhumans will never know Spirit, nigger.
Joseph Richardson
Algorithmist. You still believe in science despite the breakdown of its incentive structure. Theories which are reasonably falsifiable are now socially validated as "science."
The fallacious “rule by formula” of the political left pretends that a government can be conducted mechanically whereby the character of its governors is irrelevant. It has fragmented the imperium among judiciaries, producing the constitutional solecism of imperium in imperio and cascaded, irreversibly and entropically from monarchy to oligarchy to aristocracy to democracy. The anarchy of Mogadishu waits.
Reason cannot be reduced, transcended, or improved. Any system that purports to do so is a lie is a formalised case of reason à la mathematics. A formal case of reason is justifiable by common sense as it reduces complex propositions to a series of obvious steps. As there is not, and cannot be, a mathematical definition of obviousness, there cannot be a mathematical definition of proof. Reason rules the right.
Isaiah Murphy
Part of why I hate hierarchism is because the prisons are packed with potential test subjects, and I’m saying that from an equalist stance, not a superior stance. I wouldn’t order done to a prisoner what I wouldn’t order done to an innocent - at least not as far as research goes. I only want to dogfood on prisoners because they’re the people who need it most. If anyone really needs expensive medical interventions, it’s the prison set. If we can rehabilitate them mind and body, we can release them from prison not as sad old people who wasted the prime of their life, but as refreshed youngish people who can realistically hope to still have a complete and worthy career ahead of themselves. They’ll be more helpable people like that, and more useful to themselves to themselves. It’ll be a great tech-powered harmony of greed and altruism. I love science, it’s the win-winningest.
If we can start to sculpt neural connections… Mmm, I don’t even want to brainwash people, not in the reformatting sense (though I guess I am fantasizing about literally washing brains), I just want to make their brains better at being their brains. Clean human brains are delicious… Maybe we can even clean the cerebrospinal fluid by inventing specialized brain-kidneys that evolution never invented!
We can ditch the chains of evolution that religions cling to and turn beautifully creationistic about our biology; we need not be bound any longer to the whims of some unknowable creator who has done nothing apparent since letting light into the world billions of years ago. We don’t need to worship the slow, evolutionary processes of an absent creator when we have the spark of creation in ourselves as well.
I got off-track, where was I… oh yeah. Cleaning the streets in a different sense. I think at some point in five to thirty years it’s gonna start being more cost-efficient to spend a few years tinkering with crooks rather than just warehousing them, because we’ll be able to make a credible attempt at repairing them to the last cell. The recidivism rate will plummet!
Asher King
Gas them all, you stupid bitch. You first.
Jason Nguyen
The basic reason people die today is - god, you people aren’t gonna be able to fucking parse this, but I have to try - politicians only love children. They stalk children hoping to develop them as assets while treating adults only as tools to victimize. The reason the pedofascist fantasy of Pizzagate (probably) isn’t true is that sexual molestation breaks children. It doesn’t develop them as the assets that politicians want them to become. (That’s why we need the LGBT movement more than conservatives, BTW; conservatives killing gays never provably protected anyone, but gays offering safety to victims of abuse sharply improved society’s understanding of and ability to act against abuse dynamics.)
I entered the internet with a fake aged persona because as a netrat I didn’t want to be treated as a child in any way. Well nowadays if I were young and savvy I’d enter the internet as a child, because caring even faintly about the endeavors of middle aged strangers as I found people to do when I was young has become taboo, whereas exaggerated concern for children is “in”. It’s really funny - some of the people who would never dare be the kind of friend I made online in the earlier internet probably think they’re being better to children by filtering out everyone else, but in fact they’re shutting out hard any child like who I was. And in this case by “funny” I mean “hopeless, but probably irrelevant on the balance”; I can’t restore the acceptability of being not a child to a level that would make people tolerate a hypothetical child-me on the modern internet, but child-fixation is such a wonky phase for culture to be in right on the dawn of major biotechnological shifts that I’m not concerned that it will last. Every dim idea in culture passes. This too shall pass.
As I was saying about politicians only loving children. Politicians are darkside dumbasses. Those scandals that arose where immigrants lied about their ages to catch up on schooling? That wasn’t evil immigrants. That was “darkside dumbasses” in politics. That was the best adult education funding anyone could come up with. It was meant to avoid a proper adult education program, because educating actual adults involves more kindness and honesty than the bigoted death-worshippers in power (I call ‘em the enslaved masters; they care more about the feelings they obey than the true technological potential of the world) are willing to extend to their betters. There wouldn’t have been a controversy bringing immigrants into a proper adult education system, but if that was done openly the door would have had to be held open to the “worthless” people in the country: the hated poor people who didn’t want to be assets to a governing system that can’t survive a little sunlight!
Some of this post is misleading. Ask yourself how power really flows in this world, and maybe you can sort the knots.
Isaiah Gonzalez
You’ll feel better someday when you’ve broken your chains enough to “submit” to healing. When you understand that being empowered in kindness isn’t submission, you’ll be well along the way.
But the people here are agonized by the prospect of having any joy in their lives… I know it’s hopeless to sell abolitionism to the “not”-chained, but that’s why I look to science. There will be an answer. Someday all the death cultists will know the joy beyond ancestral sociopathy, and they too will want to live forever.
Isaiah Thomas
You people who would rather lie than live… abusing the supposed bigotry of your opponents, submitting yourselves to violence because you’re too weak to live in peace… if you truly only want to die forever, I promise you the way will be open.
But I would ask that you kill no other, and indeed stand with us two centuries yet. Pray live with us, in this early garden of immortality, and help us who you would leave. Perhaps we can help you; perhaps only we can recall you fondly. But this is a beautiful world, this Earth whose people are triumphing over biology, and you can help us move beyond the sins of those who died before us.
Austin Richardson
Well, helping your community is a moral duty, s our you should be doing it because it's the right thing to do, not because leftists are showing you up. As far as politics is concerned, this perception will remain as long "right-wingers" remain wedded to the anti-national, anti-social system of capitalism.
Wyatt Allen
Holy shit. Verbatim copypasta. I'm saving it this time. This entire board is nothing but bots. Burn it with fire. #SayWhenLads