Lights out in Manhatten: Possible happening
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rolling for dead cops and nigger shootings
we get this shit every heat wave, it's nothing new. kikes are just kvetching as usual. It's hilariously depressing how shit NYC infrastructure is.
t. user trapped behind enemy lines
who cares, hopefully more niggers will die
Yeah, this is kind of a nothing. Maybe it should inspire new building codes - inagine if the NY power grid was buttressed by mandatory basement capacitors.
Third world population, third world problems.
Bonus points: a society with ubiquitous capacitors reinforcing its power grid no longer has readily sabotaged single points of failure.
our power network is 100 years old, and most lines are buried underground where street salt seeps in during heavy rainfall and rot out the wires. we had rain not too long ago.
checked and true
Bee Tee Dubba-U, I’ve been trying to push tech for years after actual politicians revolted me out of their company but never out of my idealism.
This is as close as I’m getting to one of the times I said a thing in a place that made some poor sap I’ve never met have a panic attack. I usually feel bad about those, but the relevant one this time… Yeah, I still think that one was necessary.
Yeah, I remember when the municipality I grew up in did some long belated grid repairs, too. A lot of city governments look at infrastructure work and choke on the tax bills, so it ends up being done late. There are only ever a few voters who get pissed seeing potholes filled, but there are also only ever a few voters who like taxes. Makes governing a PITA.
Non-Transplant Jew Yorker reporting.
Rolling blackouts and brown outs are fucking common in NYC.
Eventually, the entire thing is going to blow up or fall over. Whatever happens first. If we're lucky, the islands will be washed off the face of the earth with the great quake finally happens.
I wonder if it'll be like back in 2002 when there was a cascade failure that took out the grid it'll probably be more chaotic because there are fewer whites
That's like three blocks probably.
Rolling for blackouts.
According to unconfirmed reports, the outage was caused by a transformer failure at this location.
40.7692, -73.9948
Unlikely. You'd need to have a serious failure in order to overload the grid.
Where the fuck is Jewstein being held at?
praying for cyber attack.
It's probably nothing but either way it's fun to see urban fags disrupted like this. I hope it stays out for a good while.
So is it just revenge, or is it an escape attempt?
ruh roh
I'm thinking Jepstein ends up dead by midnight.
they already got him.
Bastille Day IS tomorrow…
(just sayin)
You think the deep state is making its move to assassinate him? If that's the case, I can only hope he has a dead man switch on leaks.
7 + 7 = 14
Don't you enjoy diversity m'goyim??!?!
I think the kikke fuckers have no choice.
They're going to throw everything they have at it.
I'm anticipating the ISIS sleeper cells any day now. I haven't heard shit about those since 2015.
Well fuck, is the dirty kike sonofabitch gonna run?
Time square 20 minutes ago
Here's a thought, Epstein has some super powerful friends or blackmailed people who are powerful.
These niggers trigger a war somehow by trying to break out Epstein and being of an ally or a foe in origin.
Chimpout soon, fellow Stalker.
trips confirm
but is he being busted out or assassinated?
I'm embarrassed for the both of us.
why is pole always so mean :(
Rolling for this
It’s gonna be a jungle out there soon
Choke on a nigger turd you newfago'licious niggerfaggot!
i wonder if they know that if they start fires they'll be able to see better?
also fuck niggers
We're going from Mild to Major once darkness fully spreads.
Urban fags btfo
lmao jew york btfo
that isn't the chimpout advisory guide
and neither is that, actually, but its better
if only i'd sorted my pictures better in my chan folder
up to 90,000 lads
live feed
The National Guard has been called up by the governor.
This may be due to ICE raids commencing in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Wowsers that schnoz
Rolling for begins of major shit hurricane
Yep ( ( (lookner) ) )
He’s admitted to being a yid
Happening cancelled.
Checked for wrong thread dubs
Unless a large blue light explodes from the middle of the area I won't consider it a happening but that would never happen… oh wait…
they do these interviews for their own amusement, right?
I think there may be a connection with blackouts and blacks looting. Call me crazy but it feels like they loot a lot. I know, I know… what evidence is there to back this up…. but hey… just feels like the may be into that type of shit.
thank you
If Atomwaffen did pull this off I’d be pretty impressed, not that I think they did
Checked. Lügenpresse
Nah , I meant shitticane of something happening for once
You know , pee pee poo poo pisssssssssssss and shit
Checked trips
Maybe ice deporting some beaners finally?
Antifa trying to interrupt ICE raids
Well, were in for a long night, if this keeps up for more then one day much chaos will ensure.
Too much demand for AC. Shit is humid as fuck.
oh pls oh pls i wish a nigga would
I'd ejaculate so hard I'd probably die. fuck, I'd volunteer to be #97,059 just so I could see the first 97,058
5 of 6 networks already restored. full power restoration scheduled for 12AM EST.
Not caused by excessive load.
Anybody checked on Epstein yet?
< Metropolitan Correctional Center
An attorney said it was "worse than Guantanamo."
> New York attorney (((Joshua Dratel))), who has defended terrorism suspects housed at the Center, did not mince words with the Times: "It is worse than Guantanamo. It is about as soul-negating existence as there is in this country in the federal system."
> We turn our attention to a federal penitentiary with some of the harshest of these pre-trial conditions – the treatment of suspects at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan. Within that facility, people accused of terrorism are often held in the highly restrictive “10 South” wing of the prison; there is also a “Special Housing Unit” where detainees are also held in solitary confinement.
so all of them pretty much
give sauce faggot
they pay insane taxes and pay through the nose for a home smaller than a trailer, but drive expensive cars and pay through the nose to park them. once they hit the road its all tolls, traffic, and potholes.
this is what a 6 figure (minimum) job gets them.
they also live near niggers and need private school to avoid niggers ruining their kids.
they get overeducated and take high paying jobs living a quality of life below hillbillies.
city dwellers are subhuman.
yes, for sure. but, remember, it said niggers and cops, not just cops. I know it can be difficult to discern between the two much of the time, but my understanding of demographics is that you'd have to add something like 13 million non-cop niggers to the totals on that graph, making 100k not really a huge dent in the total.
Governor calling the National Guard in for "traffic control". Yeah something is definitely fucking up.
ny cops keep the whites safe. i grew up in the bronx. reported crimes directly to patrolling police by saying "those niggers took his bike!" without hesitation theyd speed off after them. they also are aware of the court system and compensate by disciplining them accordingly. i used to work in the nyc legal office as a paralegal, youd think a murder took place based on the pictures of the aftermath of said discipline.
cops tell druggie white kids to step on their weed, niggers get the axe.
between neighborhoods cops camp bridges and roads at night to keep the peace
diversity hires changed alot but most niggers dont want to be cops. and the ones that do typically dont care about the way niggers get treated. or are afraid to speak out.
you fags sound like antifa.
> (((Rita Katz))) (born in Basra, Iraq, 1963) is a terrorism analyst and the co-founder of the Search International Terrorist Entities (SITE) Intelligence Group, a private intelligence firm based in Washington, DC.
< Alma mater: Tel Aviv University
God it’s hot as an oven in here
42 years ago on this exact day I was born and today on my 42nd it happens again. As was foretold by the soothsayer my Mother went to see before she was even pregnant with me, "you will have a son born on a day that begins with a storm and he will have a star following over his head".
I have returned dear anons… I have returned… you may call me Enki.
It seems sensible to call in the guard if they don’t have the manpower or resources to keep traffic flowing smoothly otherwise. Do you think the National Guard helping in disaster relief is a conspiracy too?
Nice ID
not even in 1970 when you were growing up retard boomer. Timothy Leary got 50yrs for a roach.
bootlicking boomer, pls go
You sound like a lefty activist but I want to believe.
Checked. Correct
Tanks in 28 minutes , blackhawks em route now