Most of you were still pissing in diapers the last time a program like this existed, but do to the hard work of 30yr old boomers like myself, you already know what to do.
New JIDF App
Other urls found in this thread:
I smell desperation. They're trying to get the kike public to do what they used to pay the JDIF for. Too bad for them there's not nearly enough kikes to make this work. The truthiness on Gab is a firehose, and it's been sperging all over Twatter. This will have as much impact as a queef in a hurricane.
I agree with most of what you said, but…
iirc, the JIDF actually had a program like this for desktop users that it distributed freely back in liek 2007ish. It got the fuck trolled out of it by 4gaggers back sometime after the Jenkem prank but well before Project Chanology. iirc, that's why JIDF went more paid-professional and had vetted "members only" sections to their website.
I mean think about that: the last app of this type was so much more effective at creating targetted "anti-israel" and "anti-semitic" content that it took them ten years before releasing another.
Be careful since its on your cell phone, lads. No telling what info they're collecting
This is why you need to leave Zig Forums occasionally and call Bull Shit on Zionist Bull Shit.
This is why we should occasionally organize a raid or two .
Mass attack
Tell me where.
Let's find something zionist and fuck it up.
We need to copy these tactics and start doing this same kind of thing ourselves with people that bring up Charolletsville.
God you people humiliate yourselves obsessively. It’s too hard to live a joyous life in honesty, apparently, so you have to be lying antisemites instead.
Mostly this place is slammed with fake hatred so that bought-and-paid-for corporate leftists don’t have to fight any battles real enough to require raising taxes.
Shut the fuck up, kike.
Her accent is sexy and she should be choked.
(a) this already basically happens
(b) insurgencies work best on the negative. your most efficient use of resources against overwhelming force is disrupting the enemy, not trying to assert dominance
somebody get the app on a burner phone and gibs mission
she a jewess, so you know she'd like that
The world where people are just honestly interested in truth is unacceptably socialist and intolerably prone to change, so the incompetent semicapitalists who have parasitized the nation’s wealth - hint, many of them aren’t jews, the unifying element is that they’re fucking stagnant shit in the pond of modernity - keep society fighting stupid lie-battles against antisemitism and other Africa-tier tribal BS.
Even though if they risked their wealth changing society instead, they might live forever
Rich sociopaths get bored. Constantly. Just like poor sociopaths. They don’t want to live forever. Their concept of forever is the boredom in which they live. Living forever is a peasant dream. The hated nobodies so narcissistic as to be happy without ruling the world - how dare they want to live forever, when life is agony to the worthy souls who lead them?
Earth is the wrong kind of comical. The information rapists and their brutal darkness never has and never will make them happy, but if they stop projecting and learn to give and get forgiveness, they’ll understand eventually… even if it ends up requiring brain patches to give them an internal nature that doesn’t bore them to death.
Maya Zarmon
Sociopaths see themselves as change elements, but they aren’t.
This could be awesome.. get in there and support Israel with rabid racist stuff about arabs and Islam.
Okay nigger, maybe oonga boonga somewhere else?
The absolute raw weakness in this place. Weakass death cultists whining about the unacceptable sanity of others.
this is the most fun. I used to love going into Jewish/Israeli IRC and subtely making more and more racist statements against the goyim. You could usually get quite a few yids to go along with you before they realized you were either bad optics or playing the "agree and amplify" game with them. tbh, i got the feeling most of them, when they would eventually back off, actually just thought what I was saying was bad optics, not that I was a goy trolling them
"How dare those sandnigger faggot fucks think they can look in the direction of Israel! My Rabbi said to spit on them like the christian scum they are!"
Women like to be choked you faggot. Have sex.
well we've got the dialogue down. Let's take this show on the road.
Someone give us a target.
take this OP to 4gag. I'm OP but I can't bc those niggers blocked all proxies like the faggots they are
Zig Forumstards in charge of not being buttfuck retarded
Who knows how to use reddit?
I'm up for a good old saturday night raid, (not like I have shit else going on) but have no idea how to use that disgusting site.
you're right, shlomo, OP is a fag and this is a bad idea, right my fellow whites?
stop speaking gibberish, torboomer
go to 4gag. there's such a huge mass of users that even if a small percentage jump on at first, the whole thing will snowball. maybe /b/ will take a break from tranny pron to have a good ole raid?
on 4gag entitle thread, "Jewish Chick Gets Naked 4 U 2 Help Israel" or something like that
It's the kind of tired sleep doesn't fix.
I'm bored and I would love to fuck up something zionist for the good of all mankind.
Where do we go?
I don't think I have any VPNs left for half
nah not going to use the batcave.
Fukk it, I'll download the app and see where they're headed.
Even the name is obvious:
Maya Zarmon
Dude do you have any idea who controls everything incl all our elected reps?
Rubio and the other traitors have modified their "Never Again" bill. It went from being funded by donations to being funded by the federal govt.
site no workie
watch out goyim, i'm coming to eat your semen
Yea keep voting Republican, that'll teach those libs.
i think this group may also be controlled by jews
"Symbols" the thread should make another run.
Reeducation of the language hidden in plain sight.
Typical kike shit. Expecting people to work for them without any monetary compensation.
How very strange. Is that ^^^ the spicspam bot trying to mimic my bloody lion test?
What the fuck?
It sticks out like herpes.
hey, wow josh, you are so good at this. have a goypoint™
That's what I thought
This is simply one instance of a whole series of intelligence operative-style apps that exist. It can be passive, such as "Pokemon" and "Easter Egg Hunt"-type games, which have a basic level and then "more advanced" levels that cause you to end up in somebody's flowerbed whistling the tune that reminds them of their recently deceased loved one; they have versions that resemble "Mystery Shopper"-type activities, go here, check this out, do "some action", etc. It is theoretically possible to arrange rather large caravans of people going around "doing stuff" with apps that offer rewards (sort of like "puzzle solving" competitions for hackers etc), and many of them not even realize they are involved in the SAME PROGRAM. It is possible to have some insiders, acting as plants to lead the herd, or take advantage of situations which "happen to arise". There are always intel handlers skulking in the background with at least a few active henchmen who know how to capitalize on situations which "just arise" from these "innocent" apps. There are many games involving "challenges" or "dares", and there has even been a movie which showed this as an entertaining plot about the dangers and thrills of this "risky behavior". It amounts to a semi-sentient programmable swarm in some cases, which can ascend to the level of overt and aggressive "flash mobbing". This is a VERY Jew sort of operation through and through, and goes in line with aggressive "social engineering" ideas that actively alter the social landscape, both on and offline. You all need to double think this and meta think it. I lived in very pozzed Blue City in a Red State when this shit was first uncanned on me, and it has EVERYTHING to do with cell phones, private contracting, databases, profiling, algorithms, you name it. I started running into it back in 2012, although I had seen less aggressive forms deployed in Asia as far back as 2009. It is insidious and is basically an advanced, semi-covert mob manipulation tool. It is very illegal, especially for many of its intended uses (harassment, stalking, sabotage, subversion, surveillance, criminal mischief, misdemeanors, felonies, treason, etc), but since its floats in a grey zone of plausible deniability and disposable micro assets it is hard to for people to even realize exists, unless they are deeply involved, that is….
if you keep at this, you're going to be the kind of crazy only schizophrenia can fix. Not everything that sort of looks alike is connected in a conspiracy. Read Robert Anton Wilson's "The Spaghetti Theory of Conspiracy"
he was a part of every secret club he could get into. Also, freemasonry probably isn't Judaism so much as many sects of Judaism and freemasonry have the same origins, and that freemasonic lore borrows the fuck out of biblical kike mumbo-jumbo fables. the core of freemasonry and its basic symbology were prevalent in many esoteric traditions all across the world, as far as i can tell
there are VPNs they still haven't b&?
most of them aren't actually educating anyone on the language itself, just pointing out similarities and going "do you see" like the wierdo rapist murderer on South Park
Yeeaaah right, kid.
you troubled me with your confidence assurance and lost me at "SAME PROGRAM." It is an interesting question, though. I've often wondered if many of these apps where you do things like throw coins at moving targets aren't part of what the gangstalking crowd calls "DEW" activity, especially if it is actually coordinated through cell phone towers and such. I, personally, doubt this. But, it does seem to be within the realm of possibility.
I see you've found a more succinct way of saying, "You're basically correct and so therefore I cannot think of any response." kudos
'member dat?
No. You're lying. You don't warrant a response.
link archive of proof of lies
tell me this is some bullshit Zig Forums whipped up and not actually real.
Because we have strength in numbers, they have strength in money. One killed jew is a big loss to them, when they stand against 7bln goyim. At the same time they own all the media and can manipulate that 7bln. We can burn thr media down.
sure it is.
like I said, this is actually version 2. they had one for desktop over 10 yrs ago and everyone trolled the fuck out of it by finding out where they were targetting and then saying even moar anti-israel shit. JIDF then closed the program, and made their strategic initiatives for "members only," but infiltrators started posting screenshots of how 4chan was being targetted and the JIDF meme was born.
well, that and jews love stabbing people in the back, even each other. the early infiltrators of JIDF and spreaders of that program and info were undoubtedly jews themselves
learn2argument, newfag
Yep. It's a fuckin kike.
stop fighting
letz bee fren :-)
Freemason in denial that he got played in doing the leg work for his Talmudic masters. Masonry is Judaism for the goyim. Virtually everything they do is beneficial to the Talmudic Jew.
Virtually all the politicians are masons and look at all the laws they implement: crack down on hate-speech, banning of memes, holocaust promotion, mandatory teaching of Holocaust myths in schools, mandatory teaching of transgender studies, unprecedented immigration figures, giving Stephen Lawrence mom a place in the house of Lords, backing off of the Pakistani pedophile scandal, spiting on the White working class that they see as potential disgusting fascists, etc.
You masons are the ones who give the Jews so much power in the first place, you should lined up & shot with them by your side.
I recommend those of you doing this disable or spoof your location.
Told you punk
this may have had quite a bit of truth to it when the catholics and the aristocracy first invented this "myth" several hundred years ago.
don't waste my time user. You don't need to convince me that society is on the wrong track, but you'll never convince me of anything with "arguments" like that. outside the confines of the concerns of (((the Vatican))) the ~17th Century aristocracy, I really don't see anything useful in the freemasons-as-boogeymen narrative. there are much more analytically valuable and politically useful models of reality that I prefer to work with
that's retardation, though, not actually teaching you symbolic language, you fucking dipshit. back in the day I created a few CG Jung / Joseph Campbell threads, but other than that its just freemason user doing his usual sperging like the internet version of a nigger
or at least don't look up a mission then immediately post it online, so they can't correlate. I'm more worried about what sort of data they're collecting from your phone. probably be pretty easy to distinguish between a tried and true supporter of israeli and a Zig Forums troll… probably similar amounts of naked jewish women, but assuredly more BBC on the real jew's phone
Awesome. Israelis supporting their own country. Why don't you lefty cunts start doing the same thing, you dickless mongs?
Tell me again, you inspiration for half wits, how the Jews own the world when a bunch of autists can shut them down.
i never said a bunch of autists shut "the jews" down. I said a bunch of autists made one particular strategy using one particular program not work. as we all know, JIDF modified their strategy and were, at least for a time, quite successful. using tor doesn't give you permission to be a retard, faggot
Nice use of logic you lizard-brained commie. Here's an idea. Why don't you stop eating crayons and learn how to think. Or would that make your tiny brain ache?
you sure are stupid
What a great comeback, you motherless chimp.
The dank meme at 1:10 had me crying with lulz.
Pretty funny. Only problem is they specifically say Zionist. This is bad because Zionism is a great solution; it gives Jews their own homeland while simultaneously stopping them from wrecking other people's nations.
That doesnt stop anything, go read their bible and i dont mean the torah.
Torah is Zionist Judaism. Talmud is exile Judaism.
Torah is very much the same as Christianity's old testament. Talmud is written by those who killed Christ.
I prefer the Torah.
Torah is prior to judaism. Its Els religion when we sacrificed to the lord of twilight in Shalem. Talmud is ORTHODOX Judaism. New testament is christian. All false books without the messiah.
I prefer you all dead.
It's afraid …
Oh look, a nihilistic glownigger who was the pretege of le ironic reddit le debunkers. Just because there is nothing mythical in Judaism and Freemasonry doesn't mean that they are not the greatest mafia on the planet working on the same deranged goals which include total slavery of non-Jews and white genocide.
This, masons are the executive branch of the international Jewry, the rabbinical court being the lawmaking body. Freemasons follow the noahide laws and hope to be kept by their Jewish masters as pets if they behave.
The events in the Torah are prior to Judaism - at least up to about halfway through exodus and the making of the covenant - but it forms the basis of Judaism.
All Abrahamists belong in the oven, no exceptions.
Its the basis of all semitic religions and quite likely overwritten by the hebrews as Abrams god is not the same as Yahweh hint hint nudge nudge. An example traditional Judaism favors the matriarchal line as the basis of who is a Jew. However religious law states the messiah to be of patriarchal lineage of Abram and David. Abram is important as he establishes the covenant of pieces.
Zoroaster and Gilgamesh predate all that shit, faggots. It's all about roosters and shit!
YES YES YES, Zarathustra is important in this too as the first unofficial messiah was zoroastrian.
My bible just calls all of them LORD.
This sounds like they got taken over by whatever SJWs and feminists were a few millennia ago. Genesis and Exodus are very patriarchal. There is very little role for women except as the wives of the protagonists.
the kikes even till you to shill on places such as reddit, jewtube, quora, basically every normalfag platform so normies shall praise our greatest ally Israel kek
Hello Newfriend.
They've always done it for free.
The Social Media App approach is nothing new either.
This pic is from 2010 ffs.
Is there a single race or group in history more embarrassing than the jews? Their constant whining and undignified parasitic insect ways for millennia were bad enough but all this butthurt kike shilling.
They're legit nigger-tier
no nation ever built
no religion ever abided by
no art
a culture of whining and bickering
Money is their god and their sole pupose
don't spend money on anything other than attaining more money
create a lie and buy as much of the lie as you possibly can.
this is the existence of juden
Notice all the shills that try to change subjects in this tread, we need an user with a burner phone. Post some screenshots of the app
I tried to get an idea for a similar app like this one made for myself last year, and i was asking around to see if i could get someone to program an app that aggregates all of the social media feeds (facebook,twitter,insta,snapchat…etc…all into one app and displays them all together in to one single chronological feed
The estimates i got from programmers a year ago for about 250k$ on this project… Can anyone with skills comment on the feasibility or cost of attempting a basic multi social media combination type app like this?
I figure an easy way to do this can be done via collecting a log of all notifications . or maybe something that in the backround refreshes each social media newsfeeds and screenshots posts to archive them
All these social media companies have fucked up and sold out to surveillance capitalism. They are trying to sell us our own little bubble. the next step is finding the a way to shift their power and piviledge as middlemen of disseminating our own info . if we could somehow replicate all the social media posts into one giant global conglomerate newsfeed of all these media corporations, trolls could have their own p2p social network and we could effectively save posts even after. They get banned . this is about history. There also needs to be a dislike button on everything
So what you mean like pulling the feeds from all the other sites into a single app?
It couldn't be done in either of the ways you suggested.
You'd essentially need to copy paste a lot of text and download images. Then reformat it all for display in the app.
250K for a professional job?
Yeah I'd say that's reasonable since this would be a bitch to get right and if any of the social media sites changed a few things around the app would shit itself and break.
@ Ye shall recieve
Use an Android emulator on your desktop?
*death camps. Its a rats nest, that you need to kill off too so no more rats.
I have been on their app all morning screen shotting and informing the targeted profiles of ✡ jewish subversion
Also, write scripts which forward the "missions" descriptions to /pol or twitter.
Excellent work user.
I'm not sure this is true, though. I'm saying that the goals of those two groups (and a number of others) are historical artifacts (eg. anti-rome, anti-aristocracy), and that most of what you're claiming is an effect of this hidden conspiracy doesn't need a conspiracy to move its "agenda" forward – its socially driven. Some would evem say this is a predictable effect of the whole "philosophical liberal" or "liberal-republican" project altogether. But, I'm just saying you don't need a grand conspiracy to predict 50 yrs ago much of what is going on today was a likely outcome of already-moving social forces. You already had Ivy-League rich kids getting together and saying they were going to legalize faggotry. Once an idea like that is embedded at that level, it travels as a meme, like a contagious virus, through social networks of rich people until, by hook or by crook, they get the average folks to acceed to it
that's a porno for these people. that jewess in the vid probably likes her face being shit on
oh that would be ripe
you, sir, are a champion!
any more?