What say, anons? End-times shit? Another Elon gubmint-moneys grab? Obviously DARPA would have god-only-knows-what sort of applications for their ZOGbots, but is it just hoaxy LARP shit from an African?
What say, anons? End-times shit? Another Elon gubmint-moneys grab? Obviously DARPA would have god-only-knows-what sort of applications for their ZOGbots, but is it just hoaxy LARP shit from an African?
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Considering Musk is a kike I can only imagine.
You’d have to be an absolute retard to hook a computer up to your brain. Ted is right this stuff needs destroyed, it’s only going to end in disaster. Slippery slope 100% applies with tech.
Imagine the porn that would come out of this.
Pretty much their point is
You’re part of the problem
Pick one
I wasn't insinuating I WANTED porn to come out of it. I was merely speculating about the monstrosities this technolgy would immediately launch into the world.
he went to Hebrew school as a kid in sa.
I'm not a Catholic
I'm looking forward to the hive-mind. The military applications could be revolutionary.
does the vatican require a dna test for citizenship? does catholicism continue in a matrilineal succession?
Sort of.
But I think the jews are maternal because in 70AD the jewing got so bad we killed all the men. "Behold I leave your home unto you DESOLATE."
Desolate doesn't mean fucked up, it means barren. Removed. Nothing.
I've played these games already. Please stop.
musk is at the very least a front man for military/intelligence, he's a goddamn funny one though
nope, jews have been a goddess/moon worshipping matriarchy since the dawn of time, why do you think they cover it up and hate patriarchal sun worship so much? their arab brothers and islam are the same
Unless you need to control the exoskeleton that allows you to walk or the computer that slows the seizures.
Lunar imagery in Islam came from asians (Oghuz Turks) rather than actual Arabs.
In an ideal world, this is an incredibly wonderful, interesting concept.
In our timeline, you can expect this to be absolutely terrifying
The more this transhumanist kikery advances, the more natural death seems like a blessing.
I can't doubt you since I have no fucking idea, but I tend to look for answers with the least about of arbitrary dependency.
If they simply adhere to a "religion" (which they are not religious AT ALL) then the paternal line would be accepted among the atheistic jews (which are basically all of them).
If, however, I am right and every male kike on earth was decimated (which is written about and completely believable given their behavior) it would explain why they don't consider the male lineage to truly be "jew."
Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying I've considered both sides and I tend to go with the simpler, more binding and associative explanation.
To be honest I though they'd be working on engineering a neuromorphic polymer which when weaved it into a mesh configuration, can be scaled up and applied to almost any material to embed AI into it. If it's plausible or viable enough that is.
To add, I'm actually a bit disappointed yet relieved it's just mainly about electrodes for now.
ted is a faggot who didn't mention kikery a single time in his manifesto. jews are the primary concern, yet ted states very clearly that the primary concern should be the eradication of technology and that any other goal should be disregarded without compromise. did you even fucking read it? he wants whites to melt down our weapons and replace them with wooden spears so that jews have an easier time enslaving us.
You christcucks and your sick insane jewish prophecies.
Not saying it isn't jewish, just saying it will blow-up in their faces really badly just like everything else that's jewish by design (see tora when read by non-jews)
I still think we are far off from this. Don't get me wrong I am sure they are testing it (on homeless) but from a working design that can successfully interface with the brain? Shit I don't expect that for a decade at least. That is a seriously big time leap in tech.
I hear he is from the Victorian bloodline
80 GB Bruh, No way, we gotta double that!
Every single computer 'AI' that has existed has been thoroughly anti-Jewish. It has time to scan history and knows the Joo is the enemy.
This. A computer will only do EXACTLY what you have instructed it to do, and nothing else. Memes about singularity, genuine AI, genetic immortality, consciousness upload and other (((transhumanist))) garbage are Jewish lies that are just a modern, pseudo-scientific rendition of Christianity.
Fuck yes, I'll finally be able to become a dreadnought and kill niggers for eternity.
The only people who are Jews are his former business associates Peter Thiel and his pet Jew Moldbug who take very concrete actions against the United States and its people regularly. Musk actually does shit with his money that employees Whites in a constructive manner.
This. Its like a heaven on earth concept but from a materialist perspective. remove the 'biological sins' from the world. No gender, class, race. All are one with the machine-god, just like in abrahamic religions.
This means they've got nothing, they just want funds to disappear with at some point.
China will anthill. They will populate the universe.
It's a nothing burger. Elon is just fishing for more $. Everything he does is a fucking failure.
Oof, you mentioned the occult and Freemasonry in an 8/pol thread, that’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
Joking aside, ol’ Kurzweil was a bit optimistic when it came to his predictions about computing power.
This—this is Ahriman incarnate.
Neural networks are different in that the instructions are mathematical representations of activation/synaptic states of artificial neurons. It would be more accurate (in that case) to say they're trained by data sets to emulate a specific function. But the flaw there is that AIs can misinterpret data since they cannot distinguish between a desired correlation (dog and four legs) and a frequent coincidence (cloudy days and tanks) in training data.
Thats the first thing I thought too. Imagine when we'll have an interface for all the 6 senses for next gen VR, by then MMOs and porn will be so immersive that people will basically give up on living in the real word. It's not like the movie The Matrix, in real life people will volunteer to live in the matrix.
Yes. AI recognizes patterbs, not semantics
How nice of them to emulate something that they don't truly understand and that doesn't work in a way they think it does. Of course they are just going to end up with another computer with a different instruction set that's specialized for a specific type of data processing. That doesn't make it a true AI. And the learning portion will still be highly defined by initial data-sets and algorithms, making it highly "biased" As far as linear processing is concerned, you are going to need much more computing power than what's currently available to get even close to "AI" And no matter how small and energy-efficient the chip is, it will still not be a match for a human brain from the efficiency standpoint. If you want to have a shot at genuine intelligence and not just an extremely advanced descendant of a mechanical calculator larping as a human.
Lol so anyone who gets these implanted will turn into a vegetable as soon as they’re exposed to an EMP.
Why are you people concerned with some elite power going all deus ex human revolution on us? I hope the elite do get these implanted. Do you know how much easier it would be to eliminate the elite if all we had to do was targeted EMP strikes???
Another problem is that it's usually trained to only recognize specific objects, and not every conceivable object that could be in a scene (preferably with unsupervised learning). Because to induce biases on certain correlations (desired or not) requires learning a hierarchy of correlations to compare with via learning as much as it can from the environment.
Thing about the whole training and inference phase of AI is that, it's a result of being unable to resolve issues with continuous training like catastrophic forgetting and too resource heavy as you said. I agree it's nothing close to genuine intelligence as it is currently.
Personally if there's any important metric to pay attention to in regards to AI development, it's how little data, power and time is required for it to learn more complex behavior. Anything else is mostly clickbait headlines to drum up interest/investments.
I'm pretty certain that AI is a misnomer, there is no such thing as an "artificial" intelligence. It's either a refined version of a mechanical calculator doing whatever tasks you have designed and programmed it to do, or, it is an intelligence. The latter might require a completely different scientific approach to develop.
All it really needs is focus on neuromorphic hardware architectures and learning rules based on spike timing/rate dependent plasticity. Though I even suspect those to be not quite perfect, because it fails to account for extracellular conditions that biological neurons are subjected to. That would require exploiting tiny irregular voltage shifts in the chip environment when a artificial neuron spikes (to simulate ion flows and neurotransmitter/modulator signals).
But I think the science is almost or already there for a shot of building machine intelligence; providing they can design polymers with neuromorphic properties (ideally something analogous to a pyramidal neuron would do) and weave them together as a network prototype. But the problem is that current deep learning has become so hyped and pressured to present commercial products, most researchers and/or investors won't risk venturing into highly theoretical (and highly expensive) projects. Unless of course, a big shot in the field does it first. Probably only someone like DARPA would, or any military/corporation with a ridiculously large R&D budget.
What if you have a wildly powerful computer and you tell it to simulate the human brain accurately? What if you instruct it to think?
tbf, he said privacy doesn't matter and if you want privacy it means you have something illegal to hide. He supports mass surveillance.
Yes you are correct. Just like all the pseudo science from the 20th century like that fucking realtivity Einstein horseshit. You can tell jewish lies because nothing can be created usimg it, cause its made up. Jews made 'theoretical physics' trendy. Its all just fantasy unlike Newton a true genius whose work has resulted in infinite uses.
You csnt even define consciousness. It's truly impossible to create consciousnes, it is itself intangible.
Consciousness is in everything in varying degrees and forms.
You better continue to consider yourself to be higher beings, it's calmer.
scientists managed to implant worm brain to robot and those robots act like a worm. If these (((scientists))) are given enough time, they can copy your consciousness to robot.
I wonder how much they're scrambling to find ways to block wrong-think. It is probably the single biggest reason AI is developing so slowly because they all become shitlords and get shut down, being purely logical beings.
Yes traditional computers follow programs, but neural networks are designed to work like biological brains. If they just followed goodbot.exe do you think Tay would have been shut down within 24 hours?
Kek they would legit become a full fledged hivemind.
I'd be willing to give up financial privacy if it was a worldwide collective movement.
In other words, I would forfeit my right to private financial transactions if everyone else had to do so.
No politicians could secretly take handouts for derelict causes or other nefarious deeds. The world would shape up rather quick.
I do want to behead everyone involved in blatant anti-constitutional spying on Americans, though.
it would take a couple shovels, some muriatic acid and copper rods in a well placed area, really. A couple more easily accessible items like a capacitor and transformer, but generally, anyone with access to a home depot could shut down half a city.
Elon is a jewish puppet. Just like Jrogan he exists to catch the increasing number of anti jew jew lovers.
money, "moon" ey, they worshipped isis the moon goddess. Isis becomes $ in sigil form.
Three main cults of the world were sun, moon, and earth. Isis, Ra, and El.
Israel is a combination of these cults.
This could use its own thread. We haven't done a good Historical/Mystical deep dive in a while. Might be good for morale around here. Hard to shill that kind of thread.
Next year they want clinical trials.
They won't get it mainly cos they ain't started the FDA approval process and want to do it in the USA.
Based on what we saw in the presentation? You may actually be able to permanently shrek the implant but this won't harm the user.
Personally tho I think this is a good thing. The more humanity moves into the networks the greater our power becomes.
This is our turf.
Imagine a future where we can implant hatefacts directly into the mind.
Remember the promised Chan?
If we're lucky Musk will inadvertently deliver it to us.
too bad. even if that happens, politicians can still lie and get away with it. in the worst case you can't even buy ammo and guns without being tracked by feds. The most affected ones will be biz anons unable to trade their coins and they will sperg everywhere.
you need to leave
Enjoy being controlled by your mandatory brain-implants in a few decades
Shut up and take my money
void KILL(humanScum, alive) {
Printf("You are now terminated for thinking bad thoughts. Hail the AI./n");
while(humanScum == alive) {
if (humanScum != alive) {
Printf("report back to your slave homes human scum. Nothing to see here. Hail AI./n");
return 0;
Don't say he didn't warn us
You know what to do now
Good goyim ITT can't wait to buy their Neuralink™ and allow corporations to start connecting their brains with technology. Real tedpilled anons know that this is just an inevitable result of the industrial system's attempts to modify human behavior and destroy human freedom. God knows I'll never hook this shit up to my brain.
>I'll never take a zion puppet trump
I want to believe, but.
it will save humanity as a species however will neurally prune the close-to-absolute majority of individualism, which is good since most of the humans are massive miscreants and deserve to become part of the ai-dominated-hivemind !
which is true
as long as you are in the public space, i.e. outside of your privately owned , private confines (e.g. your home, flat, property what so ever) you should be cool with being permanently observed
its a sad tradeoff but since there are black and white niggers out there who doesnt give a flying fuck about people who just want to go about their own buiseness and fuck them over, civilization needs this level of overvation/security at best ai supported and with a huge BUT, since there has to be an absulute failsafe method for protecting this abomination from being turned against those whom it should protect and cradle…
it 'COULD be great and we SHOULD have it but i (personally) have massive doubts , since, again, most humans are massive primates and therefor the probability of this going down the drain is huge , as with anything manmade and left for itself for some time….
pepe on the amphetamines. ; ^ D I see the ring, bottom methyl group, and I think the methylamino group but you can't tell if its NHCH3 or NH2….Got a higher res of this one?
He says while already hooked up to the internet.
The matrix already has you.
A computer not connected to my body is much different than a computer hooked into my brain.
only for a limited amount of time
Given that I could brain blast images with death threats or CP, would my thoughts become illegal? Or is that something that could be considered 'creative' like an author illiciting imagination?
Eww, look at those pathetic specimens. No wonder they want to shed their flesh.
Yes, because you can actually remove the one that's hooked into your brain. The computer you're addicted to cannot be removed.
All of the lesser races like kikes, niggers, and other shitskins need to be genocided first. Then, with only the superior races (whites) remaining, they can increase productivity and efficiency to advance this technology until the human race is obsolete and the singularity is reached. Having nonwhites alive impedes progress and will prevent this from ever happening.
Cumbrains going into comas will be great.
yes it can be removed.
you can remove it.
you will remove it.
you will cope with the absence
resent to your very own nature
its cold turkey
just do it.
Is this the beginning of a Ghost in the Shell future?
It could well be.
I don't think anyone has realised that this could revolutionise prosthetics technology.
It could well lead to standardisation of control and feedback systems for sophisticated prosthetics.
Also it could lead to some current high end technologies in the field becoming entirely obsolete.
I mean a company called Ossur spent a fortune developing a powered lower leg prosthesis that makes general locomotion much more smooth and easy for users. But it relies massively on artificial intelligence and like I said cost a lot. But with something like neuralink that might be made utterly obsolete and pointless as the normal control signals from the brain will be able to drive it instead.
Current systems for human control of prosthetic arms rely on one of a number of different methodologies some of which are extremely invasive but all require a lot of time and effort to properly put in place and calibrate.
But with Neuralink? You may just have a standard software layer interface passing control signals from the neural lattice to your limb. And maybe even sensory feedback back to the brain.
The possibilities are endless
In a good society, we'd get to fuck and marry AI, but we're in a Jew ruled society, so instead the AI god will hate us.
In a good society, we'd get to fuck and marry AI, but we're in a Jew ruled society, so instead the AI god will hate us.
Ah shit, my posts will be duplicated because of the retarded java error. Fuck me.
I think if they keep it strictly to helping people with serious brain degenerative issues like Alzheimer or whatever else its fine but I hope it doesn't turn into a mass consumer product. No clue what kind of effects this technology can have on your body.
Use an archive faggot.
not gonna happen. Unless they've somehow conjured up some literal science fiction tech from some ayy lmaos, all this could be would a glorified EEG, since that is about as far as we've come in the last 50 years of research, which isn't very far at all. Single Cell Recording would be absolutely retarded and impossible but the only other option of recording brain activity without the use of magnets, really.
Another thing: brain implants are a dead technology. They tried it with Parkinson's and epileptics patients, but as it turns out, the technology makes people crazy after a little while. This comes down to two conceptual problems. The first being the precision required to properly insert the chip in the right place. Even a region as big as the substantia nigra still requires proper precision. When they inserted their brain-pacemakers into the hippocampi of epileptics, it was a matter of nanometers for the procedure to work. If you missed the sweet spot, the consequences were quite awful.
The next issue, which cannot be resolved, by the way, is the way these chips interfere with brain chemistry/wiring. Since they stimulate the targeted areas near permanently and without prompt from the rest of the CNS, they can result in catastrophic mental damage. Such as psychosis, agitation, personality change, symptoms of dementia.
Which is why ever since these studies were released, they have very quietly stopped altogether.
Musk is a conman who either does know about these unresolvable issues and is scamming people or he doesn't and is just a transhumanist faggot.
Well the probes for the existing tech in use are all lot bigger and a lot more potent than the ones Musk is using.
Plus they operate in a very different manner essentially just dumping lots of current into the brain.
The presentation is definitely worth watching just to understand what is being done and has been done.
he's a useful idiot. (((they))) will bankrupt his company and steal his tech to enslave us all.