its easy ,a 101 how-to derailing a thread by insult, ( instill off-topic conversations/verbal fights through accusation), and or switching the topic by brining up unrelated stuff.
i hope i do not have to remind you not to reply to shills since this is clotting the thread even further;
The Extension. — (>>13498586)
This consists in carrying your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; in giving it as general a signification and as wide a sense as possible, so as to exaggerate it; and, on the other hand, in giving your own proposition as restricted a sense and as narrow limits as you can, because the more general a statement becomes, the more numerous are the objections to which it is open. The defence consists in an accurate statement of the point or essential question at issue.
The Homonymy. — (>>13498587)
This trick is to extend a proposition to something which has little or nothing in common with the matter in question but the similarity of the word; then to refute it triumphantly, and so claim credit for having refuted the original statement.
It may be noted here that synonyms are two words for the same conception; homonyms, two conceptions which are covered by the same word. (See Aristotle, Topica, bk. i., c. 13.) "Deep," "cutting," "high," used at one moment of bodies, at another of tones, are homonyms; "honourable" and "honest" are synonyms.
This is a trick which may be regarded as identical with the sophism ex homonymia; although, if the sophism is obvious, it will deceive no one.
Every light can be extinguished.
The intellect is a light.
Therefore it can, be extinguished.
dont reply to shills, just report and filter them
Attached: speech.mp4 (640x360, 11.56M)