i have been putting alot of thought into the idea of creating a ethnostate in svalbard, and it is apparent that svalbard is the IDEAL location for a white ethnostate.
this is nothing more than a tactic used by shills and kikes to prevent whites from creating a realistic attainable base of operations for pro-white GLOBAL efforts. the absolute LAST thing the kikes want is for whites everywhere in the world to start pointing at how safe and successful a white ethnonation is and start wanting to do the same in their countries. Dont fall for their tricks ! preventing whites from forming a unified source of resistance to their globohomo agenda in the form of a shining WHITE light showing the way to white disapora in their own countries.
Svalbard Ethnostate Continued
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we need to make this a priority asap while it still remains basically untainted
I unironically have $80,000 cash to put towards something like this.
keep and eye out for future threads, a few ten thousand dollar buy in would likely be the way we would go about funding the operation. 2700 isnt that many people
Good idea OP.
Out of curiousity but how strong is the Norwegian military? If they came with troops would it be possible to launch guerilla war against them? Clandestine naval war with possible rapid raids against Norwegian coastal centers?
Would be like a reverse modern Viking scenario
Yeah no seriously. I'm going. I'm wintering in Svalbard. I've been looking for somewhere to go, and this is it. I rented a farm in Norway for a month a couple of years ago, and I need very little reason to get back. Call it hippy shit, but I felt the fjords in my fucking bones.
I am not LARPing. Mid-August. Looking at plane tickets now.
Doesn't look like there's any reason to fight.
OP, do me the great favor of doing a data-dump on anything you've got.
How self-sustainable could Svalbard become?
Being an Arctic archipelago, it doesn't look like the location could produce enough food to be self-sustainable.
In-door coal-powered hydroponics, my friend.
We need Europe and America to sign an Aryan Balfour declaration to declare Svalbard a new white ethnostate.
It would be smart to get the military backing of two world powers.
Just say it's a Climate Research and Genetics project to see how climate change is affecting birds and making them dark.
and we would just have a meat dominant diet
the norwegian military isnt that strong but they have a pretty strong navy tbh but thankfully they arent part of the eu so at least we have that going for us plus they are pretty cucked and russia would likely support ANY secession of Norwegian territory in the arctic with either weapons or maybe some troups
Thread Theme
Until you are declared a white ethnostate. Do you really think international Jewry is gonna let that stand
thats why one of our first efforts will be coloniszing reindalen valley because its basically switzerland but with a fjord that naturally have a island closing it off entirely except for 3 small openings
Fishing & Hunting:
Respectfully, how about we get the food and lodging worked out before we try to declare war on worldwide jewry.
If what you say is true this could actual work. You'd need some sort of export business to buy fuel for power plants and other necessities. A fiberoptic internet line could let you work remote online doing coding or whatnot. That might be sufficient.
The most logical export business aside from knowledge work via a highspeed internet link would be fishing. How much does a fishing boat cost. Can we get a few fisherman anons to relocate and start the basis for the local economy?
Thai fuckshack in ethnostate? How are memes real?
Russia should supply Longyearbyen with new MS-21-300's that fly in whites from major airports like New York Stewart, Dresden Airport, and Christchurch, New Zealand. The flights would cost $250 dollars one-way and it would bring much needed infrastructure to Longyearbyen such as ashpalt for roads and horses to ride on those roads.
It would also give Russia a chance to demonstrate their new jet to competitors Boeing and Airbus.
Honestly we need to meme Russia into recruiting whites to colonize it's massively underpopulated regions. Whites are eager for a new frontier and it could easily secure Russia's existence far into the 2200s if done right.
did u miss the bit where i stated its sitting on MASSIVE coal reserves ahah we would be coal power and hydropower fren, we could make clothing, sell glacial water in glass bottles like iceland and norway (icelandic and voss) because its cold we can house servers and maybe crypto mining we can expand coal export business and in the long run we could be the Singapore of the arctic when the north pole is ice free during summer if global warming is correct
This is good to hear. Terrain is very important
Not war, defense against. Since they likely would see an explicitly declared white ethnostate as a threat and immediately cry “SHUT IT DOWN”.
Do agree that infrastructure and sustainability should be immediate focuses but one always needs to consider defense/security when setting down roots somewhere.
It’s the same priciniple applied to the prepping/homesteading movement. Security is one sphere to be considered when planning for SHTF, not the only thing but a part of it. Was my only point
I need three more people. Mid-August through the spring.
we would support ourselves? hydroponics ect and if theys till tell us off we tell them to fuck off we are exercising our universal human right to self- determination and if they want a fight we ask big daddy putin for help and if not we go make a bunch of sten guns and make it too costly to fight us
Goddamnit. Already rented.
If one doesn't have the ability to fend for themselves, the Governor can kick them out. That seems to be the only administrative hurdle. Fishing seems to be a very real option.
What about fishing as well? Wouldn’t be a massive industry but Norwegian cod is a pretty big market here in my part of the US
Also another question: is there enough arable land for some level of livestock cultivation?
Also, don't D&C our race. Americans, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, and Slavs are white!
not much, we would would be pretty limited to reindeer and musk ox and whale and seal for red meat. we can import other meats but these are sufficient for the time being
spics arent white
an american isnt an ethnicity
Thread derailment
yeah see this is what i was talking about, the kike fears the white man coming together and solving shit
Mediterraneans and Slavs are White because they are Europeans, but that's it, the other races you listed are not White you fucking idiot, you know that's not even true but you said it anyway because you are probably a mongrel.
"White" is a skin-colour, not a race, and absolutely no one but mongrel Americans uses it for self-identification
> sysselmannen.no
How do we deal with this?
I have faith that an intelligent and strong person can find utility there to the pre-existing order. I will learn Norwegian and do my best. I am not going there because I think Hyperborean Domes are anything I can create in the short-term. In the short-term, I'm mostly concerned with getting OUT. It is not militant reactionary stuff. I just want peace. The fjords are peaceful. Death in the arctic winter is preferable to living in this nightmare world. And who knows? Maybe other like-minded folks will eventually show up. /shrug
Seriously omw, anons. OP, you did me a great service today.
Wouldn't going to some Latin American resort tier acreage be easier?
Ahh.. that was a Jewish tactic, thank you user, the kikes are truly the scum of the Earth.
But who will provide shekels to start it?
All my bros do, we already bought good property in Bolivia.
Don't forget about the Aryan Hispanics… all 700 million of them
Holy fucking shit Zig Forums is compromised.
I thought Russia were already offering Americans of Russian ancestry free land in the Siberian far East. And they were looking at taking the Afrikaaners in to farm their vast wilderness, but not many of them have taken up the offer.
start a discord so we can atleast stay in touch and organize, if your serious oh baby am I in. I've got a car a decent bit of arms and some okay funding I'm serious man let's do this.
As far as I was aware a lot of chinks were settling under that program, if so it is contaminated
disgusting. Imagine not wanting to feel the cold and breathe the arctic wind.
inb4 someone reminds us that discord sells logs from nationalist servers
I would begin by simply forming a construction Union where the Asians could get better salaries building for us. By having an Asian workforce and Russian backing we could have Svalbard secede from Norway faster than fuck.
Ontop of that the next Soopa Gathering of the Juggalos could take place in Svalbard. It would be part of a $500 package. Russia can fly in Americans using thier new jets.
Asians in the meantime could build a metro network with trains imported from China that could bring attendees to the town.
It's a gold mine the eastern world has yet to tap, a large concert fueled by air and rail industry.
I think you might be in the wrong thread.
That term is too nebulous.
Are you fucking retarded or trying to bait?
Bump for this awesome idea. I hope we have many ethnostates, but this is a perfect location for one of them. See you Zig Forumsacks in Svalbard!
I've spent three hours with Norwegian so far this morning. Ordered hard copies of a dictionary, a grammar, and a primer, alongside a 1919 copy of Growth of the Soil.
The iOS language-learning options are pretty run-of-the-mill from what I've seen. Clozemaster is my favorite language app, and the guy who develops it is a dude; their Norsk implementation seems great so far.
I've figured out how to get there, where to stay, and I have started making my itinerary for ~15AUG.
Thank you for that post. The shills always say "x isn't white" and usually target one of these 4 Aryan group.
We might also have to gain support of a country like China if Russia doesn't want to fan tensions with the Europeans. That means we should prepare to tolerate Chinese workers, military and political advisors and Chinese military.
If I may, I can offer my services as a powerful businessman in the import-exports market in Singapore, LA and Seattle and serve as the first Foreign Minister of Svalbard
If this works out, I'd like to conduct some business with your ethnostate.
Knut Hamsun resources. If any of you faggots move to Svalbard, you better learn Norwegian. Besides being extremely easy for English speakers to pick up, it's easily one of the most beautiful languages to listen to. Deracinated immigrants shuffling around willynilly just to fuck with the native inhabitants is precisely the problem we are fighting against.
(checked and once again)
My only exposure to Norwegian was from the very little time I had spent there, but I'll be doggone'd if it isn't melodic. Youtube'd random "norsk foredrag" and wound up spending an hour listening to some feller talk about bees. Just lovely!
Are you all forgetting that NATO is a thing?
If you have power (coal in this case) then you can grow a massive amount of food in green houses. Plus fish and arctic suited sheep would make you self sufficient.Your dependency would be upon repair parts and machinery. In any case, if you have some good export industries like fish, bottled water, server farms, etc you could easily make it work. The issue is start up capital would probably runs into millions of dollars for generators, green houses, renovating habitats, initial food stocks, fishing equipment, mining equipment etc.
This will go absolutely nowhere like namibia.
If you want to start a nation, realistically you need 3 things.
1. The means to keep your population alive, that is food / water / shelter.
2. The means to defend your population, an army or well regulated militia
3. Some kind of industry that allows foreign trade.
You'd be better off locating to somewhere rural in your own nation, build yourself a farm and become self sufficient, build a large, strong family and community and start from the ground up in developed nations.
Mormons have basically soveign states in Mexican drug cartel territory because of massive contiguous ranches defended by mormon militias. Same with large mennonite colonies in central canada. You can colonize the inside of the country.
nato isnt very powerful and as i said russia would likely support us
we have 1 and 3 easy and 2 will likely be supported by russia or we will go Hezbollah style and make our own make shift missiles and sten guns
Running away is what your enemies want.
There's no way around it. We need to start killing.
The most logical place to start here is building a small fishing fleet and using downtime to build up habitats and greenhouses and power. Fishing fleet acts both as transportation, ferry service, and export industry.
You have 3.
Not 1 or 2
The locals aren't going to give you food for free, maybe housing if there is a surplus (likely it will be shit and barely able to keep you warm), so you will need to sustain yourself via fishing and importing food.
To import food you will need money, how are you going to earn money?
Sure there are natural resources, but does anyone here have any experience mining, anyone willing to put up the upfront cost of equipment, is it even going to be economically viable? are there any deposits not already claimed by companies. etc etc.
None of you faggots are going to do anything, if you haven't already started buying land, growing food, and training for self defense in your own country in which its likely much easier to do all of those things, then moving across the planet to some permafrost shit hole isn't going to change you being a dumb lazy fuck.
Feel free to doompost. I just bought my plane ticket. Next year at this time I will at the very least be fluent in Norsk, and you will be…
I keep hoping OP doesn't drag a bunch of anons up here to die, but I guess that would just be natural selection at work as well.
Post proof then faggot
I'm not being a defeatist, I'm just saying all this pie in the sky shit is annoying me, Namibia went nowhere, there are real things anons could be doing right now, in their own homes to improve their situations, rather than filling their heads with fantasies about a frozen ethnostate.
If you really have no hope for the country you're in, find a group of locals and plan to migrate together, at least then you have a support group, and maybe you'll find you can do something more productive locally.
The population of Svalbard has already resorted to importing thai brides, so unless you're bringing 100% euro breeding stock, your ethnostate wont last a generation.
the kikes are out in force today bois
if this venture is successful whats to stop it from being demonized and invaded like libya or iran?
theres not even 100 thais u retard, most of thsoe will go to mainland norway because most of longbearyen will likely go back to longbearyen also
russia will support us, and even if they dont, due to the location and geography it makes it disgustingly expensive to invade use enough that we could probably hold out against nato if it came to that
at least it would be something
You can't mount an invasion to a place that doesn't require a passport. It is the ultimate 'open borders' nation where even OP despite not having skills or finances or a real plan is allowed in at any time.
heh .. captcha was pol bur
Your commitment to 'blood and soil' is exemplary.
My point was, if there are any thais, you know what that means, there are no single local women.
So who are you going to fuck in your ethnostate? Your hand wont give you a future generation, and you'll be too poor to entice white women there.
Also this
How are you going to stop gooks flooding in once they smell money? They did anytime there was a goldrush.
build the ethnostate somewhere more temperate where you get all 4 seasons. svalbaard is autistic escapism fantasy.
well what are you doing to preserve blood and soil?
would establishing a safe and secure home for your children not be securing their future?
I am preserving it and working every day to preserve it in my home nation.
mail order russian/ ukrainian wives and have u ever heard of Jamestown? itll be a sausage fest at first but once its reasonably safe women come once they hear their is a safe location free of nogs
hydroponics and a meat dominant diet nigger, the same as Alaska and Nunavut, thats why we manufacter nearly everything ourselves, and its not 12 x more expensive look at the faroe islands, its maybe double to triple the cost for food but not that much more expensve for clothing and consumer goods.
ill take polar bear over pack of nogs any day.
kill urself kike shill
I am trying to figure out what your 'agenda' is here. I guess if you want to go do this, go do it. I don't care if you go missing and die on Svalbard. It is not like you are influential or exemplary enough to make a difference in our home nations that you have to go do the most impossible thing you can think of…fly be free, bang some thai whores, enjoy your VD, don't procreate.
If this was possible the natives would already be doing it.
This LARP shall henceforth be called Arctic Sausage Fest: Broke and Stranded Edition.
You won’t be able to do any of that. Maybe if you got there 100 years ago, sure. The coal deposits belong to state-run companies. The fisheries are surveilled by Norwegian military, and you won’t get a permit, trust me. In fact, the whole place is intended for scientific research and is not interested in industrial development.
It’s not an unsettled frontier. It’s already populated throughout, to varying degrees by various nationalities. Anything you’re proposing requires land and access rights which you have zero chance of obtaining. Basically, you will move there and either: burn through your meager savings and return home, get a regular job on the island and stop LARPing, or build some sweaty dug-out on land you don’t own where few people (and zero women) will join you.
a single polar bear pelt goes for 20,000 us dollars
seal fur is also expensive. these are easy source of money and food
My agenda is to not blackpill any attempt to do literally anything that might benefit our race.
What can we do in our own country that would tangibly help the cause that you suggest as an alternative.
Hard Mode: explain it instead giving vague worthless browbeatings.
You’re going to poach furs like a literal African nigger and expect not to be booted out.