Lynch. Lashana Lynch. C00N7 is not what Ian Fleming wrote
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Oh well. The bongs allowed their empire to be stolen from them. Now they allow nonwhites to exterminate them on their home island. They deserve it, as do we all. Not a single fucking person fights back.
In case you haven't noticed, movies are nothing more than money laundering devices now. They shit out cheap crap that they know no one wants to watch so they can claim inflated losses on fake budgets. Insulting the audience seems to be something of a competition lately, with the Star Wars movies, Disney remakes of Lion King, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast all being horrible imitations of the originals.
They are set up to fail in order to move dirty money around for wealthy jews behind the scenes, with bankster kikes arranging the details for them.
Here's a better article:
First post, kike post, right post.
You don't deserve it if you're German, Italian, Hungarian or Croatian.
How can something I gave to the Jews for shekels be considered 'stolen'?
What fans are those? This movie is going to fucking bomb, hahahaha.
There are at best three or four James Bond movies.
From Russia With Love (arguably the best of all)
Dr. No
One could argue that You Only Live Twice is acceptable as a fifth as Sean Connery came back for one last go at it but I don't know.
Why do I care? Make the entire Mainstream Media Black and Jewish, all the more reason for normalfags to seek outside of it. What would be worse is a bunch of White Characters with Neo-Liberal values being celebrated in the MSM while the country is browning.
I'm OK with this. The more they destroy the franchises overtly the less shekels and convert propaganda they'll be able to push through the masses.
Oi m8 you got a loiscense for this post?
cinema is the greatest haram
These Jews are accelerating themselves out of existence.
Jew found.
WAS Cromwell himself a jew?
I was under the impression that they were going to go with Idris Elba. All things considered, probably the only nigger that could come close to the role, but still a nigger. What, did they can that because he was male?
Who's going to be M? Man?
faggot spy fantasy LARP doesn't work when 95% of your audience can't recognize themselves in the fantasy.
sage for cuckchan tier thread kill yourself OP
So wrong.
Typical kike rhetoric.
lol, kikes these days cannot even make up thier own shit anymore. If you think anyone here is mad instead of laughing you are just another dumb /tv/ nigger.
This sure sounds organic. Don't they always use these words when they report on casting decisions?
Or only when it's a zika baby?
"…The latest attempt of which is (((Disney)))'s The Little Mermaid…"
Stronk, 98lb, Womyn 007, how realistic, SPECTRE Henchman for her to defeat, pics related…
The other shit thing is they went straight straight to sheboon and skipped the black dudes that were posting up in the line. This is going to be a wreck.
The name's Nood…Bix Nood
I dont give a single fuck for jew movies, vydias and products. I just like to laugh about it when you Zig Forumstards chimpout about things you should not care, but since a manchild you cry as a baby.
Double ook seven
Imagine if they make Captain America Mexican.
Yeah, I am betting money on that one.
Infinity doubles of a redpill
Give a pickaninny wench a gun…
After all James Bond 007 License to Kill is an agent of MI6 that is to say he's a paid killer for the Rothschilds, the Bank of England and international Jewry.
Why do people adore this shit? Imagine rooting for the hired thug of your slavemasters?
Same with pro basketball.
CGI actors and voices work for even less than scale!
That's what HMTQ Inc. is all about, user. Leglized murder and piracy.
Checked. We have a winner!
The Spy Who Loved Me is a good book but nothing like the movie, and this movie looks like it may be the Casino Royale (the one with Niven and Pedo Woody Allen in the 60's) until they can get someone like, hell David Capaldi would be just fanservice, but he could pull it off.
I used to smoke cigarettes too user.
>>Zig Forums
It hurts?
>>>Zig Forums
Sure it isn't picatinny ratchet?
if you told me this was a dude wearing makeup, i would believe you. i think that's just the thing people want to see in an action spy movie with a history of hot babes
did he suffer loss of vision at the end of the last one?
By being a whiteknight?
It won't be fully liberal degeneracy until she "finds herself" being a lesbian, or at least bisexual, while being hit on by the evil blonde top model serving the bad guys and trying to recruit her
they will fuck
Jade in Twin Peaks Season 3 is 1000x more fuckworthy than that thing and I'm not really up to fucking even Jade.
when will hollywood make a new fucking franchise from scratch????????????????
It would be good if Roseanne Barr was the villainess of the next Bond movie and she has the negress lashed down spread eagle and then Crisco fist fucks her to the elbow. Talk about "elbow grease".
the purpose for this is obvious. when this fails financially, they will be able to take a step back, and put in the black man bond. They will frame it as if they are conceding on the female angle, when in fact, the whole game was to just get the goyim to accept black man bond.
Cromwell himself was not a jew, Cromwell serves as a significant example of a jew-enabling white traitor.
For all of the names of jews and schemes that can be pointed to, rarely if ever does anyone actually name white traitors and jewish servants. Everyone on this board knows the phrase, "Always kill a traitor before an enemy." Everyone should memorize this mantra: Jews would not have left the desert if it wasn't for traitors.
Jews are powerless without traitors and servants. In theory, jews should be eliminated first. In practice, their servants -our traitors- should be eliminated swiftly. Jews put all of the protection on themselves. Traitors are this vulnerable and therefore represent their most important and yet vulnerable asset.
Oh come on. It's so absurd I can't even be angry. I know it's a vile and subversive move, but it's just too stupid to even take seriously. This makes that girl power ghostbusters remake look like a Leni Riefenstahl film. Good lord, how much coke and adrenochrome were the producers on when they greenlit this catastrophe?.
no it's convert propaganda cause it converts em into mindless faggots UWU
the name is Bond, Bail Bond
I be habbin a Malt Liquor, taken not paid fer
got this list from over at cuck chan. here's the list of newly blacked bond movie names.
It's was probably arranged like this;
Oh, that's a keeper.
lol yeah, unlike us in the US. we stood our ground in 1950 when they tried to flood us with third worlders, and now we're back to 99% european.
wait, hang on, am I in the 49% dimension where europeans are a minority in the US and where we had a black muslim president?
Can I get a comprehensive list on white characters being [BLACKED] ?
But I know there have been dozens.
It will bomb just like the Ghostbuster and Oceans 8 reboot.
Mary Jane in Spiderman.
Heimdall in Thor. Also the nigger valkrie in the same movies.
Human Torch in that last horrible Fantastic Four movie.
Pretty much the entire MCU is going to be niggers and trannies within 10 years.
Reminder that blacks are 4.5% of the population of the UK.
Black females are therefore 2.25%, and somehow the other 97.75% don't need (((representation))).
Why isn't bond a black chinese tranny muslim member of ISIS in a wheelchair, deaf and blind and with priapism and spontaneous premature ejaculation?
- and that's a good thing.
Now we're talking. I like your style user.
Idris Elba
Nick Fury was white in the actual comics and in his forgettable movie over a decade ago.
three generations of propaganda layered on top has brainwashed 99% of people completely.
even if they are capable of being aware of the problems, they are too deathly afraid of being labelled a heretic, i mean 'racist' to ever do anything about it.
original nick fury has been memory holed forever.
22 marvel liquid-shit delivery capsules has ensured that.
that is the fate of all our history, culture, legends, myths, people, achievements, stories if we sit around waiting for long enough.
Bond 2020
Little Mermaid
Mary Jane - Spiderman
Heimdall in Thor
Human torch, Cantastic 4
Nick Fury
Clark Duncan - Daredevil
Manchurian Candidate
Charlie's Angels
Morgan Freeman as Red in Shawhank
Hermoine Granger
CINDERELLA with Brandy Norwood
Will Smith in WILD WILD WEST as Jim West
David Oyelowo as King Henry VI
Mos Def as Ford PRefect
Plenty of subversions. The ones I'm pissed about hte most are the ones from mythology or history.
That's what I thought too. My expectations have been thoroughly subverted. Bravo!
Washu want, cracka
Listen to the Irish If you want to know who will stab you in the back at first chance.
We have spent our entire existence secluded from you all, only reaching out for information or trade, and yet we managed to make an eternal enemy across the sea because of a judeo-christian conspiracy to destroy the archives of ireland.
You are not shaded from their lies either, you people all believe that catholics are in charge of a damn thing on this planet. We arent. We havent been since the so called "glorious revolution"
We are your best ally, Pagan, Athiest too. We know who works against us and against you.
Find the Church Militant, we are gathering allies.
Dia duit agus Tiocfaidh ar la
>(((They're))) killing off Bond and replacing him with a different agent
The Bond franchise died after Brosnan was sacked IMO
While I liked Craig as a cold hearted bond, I have to agree, Brosnan was pretty much the last bond actor.
why would they when they can milk le soyboy marvel shit for the next 500 years
As a Croat I agree but we're being slowly but surely overrun