They are a couple of years out from being able to make blonde babies too.
From their website.
They are a couple of years out from being able to make blonde babies too.
From their website.
Other urls found in this thread:
No offence brah but you haven't even seen one actual piece of evidence of any alteration of human features made deliberately by these programs. Not one image. I would not count the chickens before they hatch.
Blonde hair doesn't change everything else.
Genestealers back at it again.
This is just another example of the destructive and corrosive nature of the jew and his mentality. It just adds even more credence to the idea that the only real solution to the JQ is total annihilation. Anything less than that and the world will never be free.
You appear to be too stupid to even understand what he is doing. He's not giving anyone any genes they don't already have. He's talking about activating weaker genes (like blue/green eyes) that are dormant in their DNA.
kill yourself paco you will never be white
warhammer is woke asf
this is the future you chose
I didn't 'choose' anything
All of this was in motion before I was born
anime is for faggots
Shut up, faggot
are you sure…?
Catgirls for domestic ownership!
fuck forgot the pic
He’s not exactly wrong though since the overwhelming majority of anime is shitty and full of faggotry.
*honk honk*
Kek this solves so many problems. Every shitskin will want a white baby (genotype and phenotype) and in one generation Euros will be the most human on the planet again.
white is more than eye color, though. But, it sounds like they already have to have euro genetics, and if only the wealthy ones (who generally have more euro genetics) can afford the operation, then this might not be so bad for white PR. If the whole of the ruling class ones again at least "looks" euro, then it might be way more difficult to push for white replacement… kind of like when jews let rich goyim "into the club"… perhaps without the stigma of being a "brown person," more hispanics will come to identify with white issues on things like, for instance, 3rd world immigration. This assumes we aren't swamped with shitskins first, of course…
I'd say its got a snowball's chance in hell of working out, but a man's gotta hope, right?
Well, if the Chinese have improved the cognitive capabilities of chimps with in vivo genetic alteration using Human genes, then why can't sub species be genetically altered? New generations of Whites can finally be the stars of, and Blacks can start to actually create Wakanda.
In reality kikes will create disgusting abominations that can't pass the uncanny valley and that will end up looking even worse than original shitskins, with the added benefit of being very sick and needing treatment to survive.
so how far off are the to making niggers smart, and what effects will this have? Can they improve time preference and prevalence for impulsivity and violence as well, or will we just be plagued with superniggers, so of like what says?
I firmly believe that matter does not make mind. Rather, mind makes matter. And the more mind, or the higher caliber mind, the more organized it makes matter. Brains accommodate minds which are on average capable of utilizing them. They accommodate "souls" if you will. Further, the souls evolve those brains by their conduct as they steward bodies through time.
Therefore, simply making a brain more efficient in some way or other will not strategically alter the long term trajectory. They have not "earned" their capabilities, but are metabiologically plagiarizing off of other races' capabilities. It is the sheerest sort of cannibalism that I can imagine. So in fact, I am joking. There will be no Wakanda as a result. There will be super-niggers. But merely physical alterations are karmically permissible since they actually threaten to reduce the progress of the race by causing vain fixations on lesser aspects of sexually dimorphous bodily existence, instead of the more important psychospiritual developments. If they outstrip their moral capacity, intellectually or physically, it leads to a doomed outcome.
I think first world countries are already able to "bake" white babies, but they don't want to introduce it to us.
Race is a metaphysical concept, these robotic insects will ruin all the races with their attempt at genetic communism. Kikes are so obsessed with cheating nature that they want to take away the opportunity to gradually evolve and advance from the lesser species, turning them into giga-niggas 9000 , but with the psycho-spiritual development of a gorilla. In the end, they will just reduce everyone back into the primordial goo, which is their actual agenda, and the equality that they seek.
Let's extrapolate this a bit, once you make giga-niggas, why stop there? Why not start turning animals into furries, plants into plant-people, insect and viruses into virus-people (homunuculus judaica), even dead matter itself? Their deranged goal is to make entire universe self-conscious, which is the very thing that kills consciousness and resets everything since consciousness is defined by differentiation. Luckily for us, there are mathematical barriers that they will never get through, but the amount of damage that they will cause before their dumb kike brains realize this is tremendous.
lol like why be racist when we're entering le transhumanist era where gene editing is as popular as using social media xD be scared of cosmic horrors not black people lol
t. cosmopolitan, utopian, tech cultist
The strong form of these statements is pure reality-denying imagination fit only for schizos like smiley, and the weak form is banal, as far as I can tell… Do you literally mean that essentially everything the Bell Curve etc talks about being genetic is actually passed "spiritually" through some sort of soul-spawning that occurs between a male and a female around the time of conception? Why isn't it easier to just say, "evolution took us this far, so why take a step back just so niggers can have blue eyes and decent IQs?"
I mean, one could try to argue that perhaps niggers have SOME gene SOMEWHERE that could be useful, so taking a step back is okay so long as we allow evolution proceed (thus shaking out all the nigger genes over time except a few good ones) in the long run. But, I don't see anyone making that argument or taking the idea that evolution is continuing seriously
We could probably hijack it, like try making regenerative foreskins or something.
As much as wave-particle duality is.
Even from a strictly materialist perspective, why bother unniggering niggers when you can just sterilize or kill them and let only whites reproduce. From a purely efficiency-derived, utilitarian standpoint it makes perfect sense as well.
particle-wave duality isn't really all that mystical if you proceed with the interpretation that electrons "move as waves but interact as particles." At any rate, pointing to something that sounds spooky in physics then claiming that this is evidence for some sort of metaphysics, or "spiritual" concept, would be a great fallacy
yes, as I said I think this is the better argument, when I said
Not at all, but I'd need to explain the fundamentally mathematical nature of reality to a fedora tipper, as well as hidden variables, field theories, non-locality, wave-sequences and which portion of them is physically observable once collapsed, etc. Then we'd go into the information theory, holography, and proceed to some philosophical concepts. Which I'm not particularly interested in doing at the moment, especially since we can both agree that what these kikes are doing is utterly idiotic from whatever angle you look at it.
That guy has a PhD, but I guess his theories are not (((peer reviewed))) enough.
Let's identify all the genes responsible for European mental and moral genius and sell that plus green eyes and blonde hair to hispanics. +1billions aryans in one generation.
I'm willing to make that evidence before your very eyes.
yes it would.
…and here I've been going through all this work to sell my semen all across the world, and I could have just donated some blood or whatnot
Not gonna lie, lads, I wish I had been born a bit later in order to enjoy this. I've got great things in the head, but not much anywhere else. People don't really care about your IQ or creativity when you're a frail, ugly, manlet.
This shit will unleash lovecraftian horrors of untold account.
People will start giving shit if you bulk up and take care your appearance.
Based oldfag. I don't see anything wrong with this. No one should be surprised that everyone is going to be White in the future.
100% Aryan future
Aryan catgirls for domestic ownership
Men that serve their people faithfully will earn themselves their aryan waifu, not some disgusting gene edited monstrosity. Surprised I haven't seen the amerimut posted itt since when I was reading it all I could think of was that meme plus clown world wig.
Posts an image of a Spanish woman living in Mexico as prove as genetic engineering is plausible and already exists. Get real mestizo, you'll always be a 56%er. Race goes beyond eye colour anyway, if it did then some of the Iranians & Afghans would be.
Bioengineer nigs to have 30 more IQ points and they won't be nigs anymore
Let's talk about scope, benefits, and threats.
I can grasp disliking giving white features to inferior people without including a superior mind in the package, it's just lowering the IQ of the "white" population, the average today the median tomorrow.
But do you honestly think that if we can select for aesthetic features we cannot select for things under the hood?
Green eyes and blond hair wont be the end of it, do you think spics like looking like weird mongoloids? They, just like all none white people on earth, are envious of european beauty, so then also do you think they like being among the lower IQs in the world? The highest IQs are white, asian, and jewish, the highest IQ is a mixed guy who is something like 1/8th or 1/4th jewish, looks completely white and rejects kikery from all we can tell but may still be somewhat cucked.
Here's the scoop on scope, if spics are digging up the burred genetics of their superior spanish ancestors out of the swamps of their own genetic code then aesthitics alone isn't really so bad, they will eventually be digging up those old IQ related genes which are obviously going to be european genes Kikes playing the game will try to stop this because it's a threat to them but how successful do you think they will be at reaching 100% prevention? If test tube babies are any indication we're talking about a small margin of sabotage but still enough to be worrisome, especially if they can change laws to get away with it.
Part two of scope is that we are reaching out toward 3+ parent children, this is essentially 40 generations of eugenics in 1 generation, I don't see how Zig Forums isn't behind this in principle but should be in watchdog mode in execution.
The benefit is obvious, we white wash india in a few short generations, east asia takes our genes on to create anime characters out of their future children who will be 90% white genetics, the latin world gets as white they can probably making the procedure mandatory in a few countries eastern europe and parts of the Mediterranean unsprog their genes.
Threats: Sand niggers all look white in a hundred years and try to convert whites, this makes them a genuine threat I think, Jews fuck with the tech and dumb down all the goyim, and slowly make us uglier out of spite. Cultural voids and conflicts crop up between regional traditionalists and splicers the world over. Cucked kike run countries make state enforced niggerdom and homosexuality a thing, insane lesbian feminazi kike colonies popping up that intentionally create a new species of intersex humans that can reproduce asexually, lesbians make sure that if they do have boys they have kleinfelters syndrome and babydicks. Kikes resurrect "pure" neanderthals and demand europe give them their land back.
The real question is when the tech is available how would you feel about your grand kids taking the genetics for muscle and cardio tone selected for in american slaves that keep a subsection of niggers in great physical shape with almost no effort being introduced into the global population, are you big enough men to take the one contribution niggers have ever made to humanity and share it if it really is the best gene for the job? obviously I'd prefer a white gene but I wouldn't be surprised if their are a few good physicality genes produced in american blacks and maybe even some modern africans which could be a boon for mankind if distributed. I'm not fine with it but I'd accept it so long as we are just talking about a few genes that play a role in muscle development/tone, metabolism and maybe the shape of some parts of the feet, My worry is that this gets out of control and becomes state enforced niggerdom, where the state recommends negro genes for fatty tissues like the butt and breast, skeletal genes that shape our skulls along with our joints stuff in that vein.
If this tech scares you ultimately this should motivate you that we need to win before this shit gets put in our way and so that we can use it to lift up humanity; the parts worth saving at least.
It's more likely to create a new caste system, as these designer baby technologies are unlikely to be within the price range of the average shitskin. Saudi arabs and kikes, sure.
The only way I can conceive of widespread gene modding is if some government starts long-term social engineering in order to pave the way for specialized groups, be they intellectuals, soldiers or neo-aristocratic elites.
I think we will see places like saudi arabia and other growth stalled brown countries push designer baby programs because they need higher IQs to compete and they know that, it will likely be a subsidy in most places and they would be smart to analyze the cost of the average IQ student and the general public yield from educating them, VS the general public yield from the same education going to a high IQ student, essentially the government would see it as reasonable as an investment in public education.
My understanding of IQ stats and accomplishment could lead to some weird shit though. As a percentage 140+ IQs have a higher rate of depression and lower rates of success than people in the 120-140 range, so we could see a walden pond/marx type thing happen where the elite have 220 IQ Sons and 140 IQ daughters and all of the drones get capped at about 125-130 on the publicly available IQ genes for subsidy so that they will be more driven workers. that IS awful but it's hard for me to say it is worse than our situation today. The big concern is parents who have 140IQ+ genes having those pinched out of their future generation's code.
You talkin about my man Bobby?
Death cultists obediently hate medical progress, check.
I'm sorry, who's the death cult, again?
Bleaching mezito squat goblins because artificial white people scare you less than the real thing is hardly a great leap forward in human achievement.
Why don't you fuck off to cuckchan with all of the other faggots like yourself hang out
… that is just suppressing the sud-amerasian genes.
Anime is for faggots and fucking weirdos. I always thought it was some sort ofnscat shit fetish. Fucking neck yourself, cartoons are for Jews and children.
The Samurai fear the Jew.
This is a bit of an exaggeration isnt it? I bet he is doing this in central america because 1 it would probably would not pass ethics/law in the US and 2 he has a cheap supply of lab humans.
Lighten up folks, this is a good thing.
Get it? LIghten up.
Ba, dum, tsss!
on one hand this is good to help mixed people who want to clean their bloodline and reawaken their white genes.
on the other, this could be used by kikes for nefarious purposes.
They want to turn non-active whites genes into active ones.
Aren't non-expressed genes unlikely to be transmitted?
Wouldn't that actually grow our numbers, generation after generation?
If yes, then I welcome the new generations of Vat Whites.
Why is that a bad thing?
Charging her phone while sitting on a possibly wet sink? This stupid thot has no idea how many pains white men have go through, to stop her form dying from her own stupidity.
shes not white user, she cant know any better.
shes also a trap
She looks like an abomination, you filthy mongrel nigger.
You know what, i suggest completely destroy that shithole that is Latin america so that there is no bad surprise afterward.
Fuck you filthy kike, that's not how it was meant to be, you abominations will perish in the end.
Dumb fucking spaniards, you should have killed every single nigger you had come across, dumb fucking Semite-Caucasians.