Moonman thread!

Who is ready for round two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moonman will never die so let's keep this going! Moonman will thrive in the underground, no nigger, no Jew will take that away.

This is the sicker than your average nigger killer edition!

Remember to vote 5 or you're a fucking faggot!

Attached: Moon Man - Choices(2).mp4 (854x480, 6.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Moonman_straight_pride_month_2019(1).mp4 (640x360, 2.94M)

Attached: 26f90141e4e5ef2a5ffeba090c2bd47eb81dfc08fc7e47b7b9afa569b79e63f5 (1).mp4 (640x360, 9.83M)

Attached: Moon Man - 9mm.mp4 (854x480, 3.32M)

doesn't moonman have a whole board?

phone posting, hope it uploads properly

Attached: bf81a13ba72691f1a8a93842714601e0e976080c76fb0c3392bdb88ae9597f89.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Attached: Moonman_islam.webm (1280x720, 4.97M)

Attached: GovDead.webm (1280x720, 10.59M)

Attached: moonman_btfo_niggers.webm (640x360, 3.88M)

off-topic kind of - this disturbs normies


Attached: Moon Man - Crossbones & Chicken Wings.mp4 (854x480, 2.75M)

The syntheic voices make it cringey. Make a actual voice recording with same lyrics otherwise it sounds retarded and ear grating to hear synthetic voices. nazi gang is catchy and is a good example of how to get normies to listen to your music.

Attached: nazi girls.jpg (902x1127, 143.23K)

Normalfags don't listen to Mr.Bond. They listen to music like Halsey/T.Swift/Niggerkike trash.

Attached: hitler_wat.jpg (248x186, 9.06K)

Good. Get off my board REEEEEEEEE

Lurk more, newfag

The synthetic voice is what makes it great you normalfaggot dumbass

imagine saging moonman on Zig Forums and thinking that the robot voice is cringe. what a kike.

Attached: a0c3712a800ccbb209b2b61a662eb5bbf3c949ed805849d911cf2dedf9db69e3.webm (854x480, 5.97M)

Her belt isn't straight, delet.

Unrelated, can some one name every character on the video.

I just wannaaa be with the KKK, Kiiiillllnnggg minnnooorities. KKK, KKK.

Attached: 1485234440292-moon_man_feat1.jpg (620x412, 187.39K)

Attached: Moonman - Black Lives (Don't)

best moonman song.accompanied with the best music video. The full song is over 4 minutes.

I hope we will see Angry Goy 3 one day.

can you link it bruv? i reckon that is the funniest by far i reckon. seeing that nog react when moon tells him he only gets half the bullets cause his only half black. fucking kek.

Sorry m8. I had it on an old computer that got fucked so I lost it forever.

You autistic retard. Don’t mess with our memes.

Fuck off nigger you'll never be white.

Attached: 14.jpg (688x837, 65.61K)

found the jew


Attached: Layer-14.gif (990x1050, 167.47K)

Uncer unce unce
*Cabbage patch's internally*

Attached: Aw Jeah.jpg (202x250, 6.4K)

I'd snatch that crop from her and spank her with it.

The guy is right. I love the content Moonman comes out with but it's fucking gay with the voice.
Mr. Bond is infinity better and I bump his shit every time I am in the car. I wish more than anything that I could meet the man.

Attached: Cover.png (1244x1244, 2.32M)

Attached: hell yeah fuck you kike shills.jpg (1111x694, 83.32K)

Holy fuck, you're a faggot.

Attached: goaway.jpg (960x741, 90.22K)

Opticscuck get out.

Attached: 27vnpi.jpg (202x318, 26.58K)

Attached: 1u2ut4.jpg (380x651, 55.56K)

The audacity of this newfag


Being a friend of Moonman, I can say I am glad he will keep making his sick music.

It's a vocoder. As in, his real voice being altered with a filter.

Also the rumors that Moonman is not White are false.

I know this.
Calling it ear gratingly painful is a bit harsh.
It's better than rap most Gen-Zers listen to…

He's basically showing that there's not much talent involved. He is an actual musician.


Attached: Screenshot_20190127-231726.png (2048x1536, 2.22M)

Attached: I'm a nazi - Moonman.webm (640x360, 6.31M)

fuck off jews

left to right / top to bottom
ben shapiro
young wojak
conan obrian sidekick
based nigress
steve buscemi
lead singer from disturbed
george w bush
the guy from american history x
emo santa
jax from sons of anarchy
hulk hogan
jim carrey
steven colbert
that pirate villain from pirates of the caribbean
charlie chaplin
lead singer from system of a down
max payne
british tom selleck

No one wants to listen to a white guy talking like a nigger. (well some do)

i don't have an MP4 and i'm too lazy to ffmpeg it so

Death Squad

So while killing blacks the real issue is spoiled

9.74 GB torrent of Moonman.


Attached: moon.png (680x958, 516.85K) KKK

Attached: moonmen.jpg (738x1141, 710.18K)

You clearly don't know how a vocoder sounds or works. He is using a text to speech synthesizer.

We manage the only complete and regularly updated discography. and if you're interested in chillin with producers and more, check out our Bitchute:

Attached: 1532847600195.jpg (500x500, 30.89K)

Well, the moonman image is nice. Also the music. But actually starting to kill niggers will contaminate my real integrity. And there is a risk of being caught.

One day they may also be in want of a piece of moonman meat. What will they call it? Black sun? Or under the black sun while they run you over with a truck.

How does it go when they come to take revenge?

Roof did nothing wrong.

Attached: kkk-mfw.jpeg (1242x1593, 108.6K)

Ill make you government dead

Attached: siege-race-war-what-women-want.jpg (1276x1818, 416.72K)

Srsly whoever keeps adding lines about raping non-whites needs to fucking off themselves. Quickest way to ruin an otherwise quality meme.

moon man is good