Should we straighten out the Incels, Zig Forums?

The right-wing through 4chan and other such places has a slight connection with the Incels. Sometimes they are even in our midst, but their foreign presence makes themselves known, when they sperg out about women. Say they are all whores, prefer niggers anyway, even though that is demonstrably untrue.
They talk about how unfair it is that women can get sex easier than men, despite men and women being different, so they can't be compared. (Which makes me think Incels are secret disappointed Feminists, who think the world would be better, if there was perfect gender quality)

I have been with them for some time. I ignored their sperg outs and gave advice and insightful comments, wherever I could. But I almost got banned. There is an extreme self-humiliating, defeatist culture in the Incel community. They literally get angry at you, if you try to say anything positive to them. They revel in misery. They don't want you to give any agency to them. They want to be affirmed as subhuman trash.

They are also not very right-wing. They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles. They make themselves into the villains of society by hating women. Our society is still based very much on tribal morality and one of the worst things you can do in tribal societies was to basically murder or abuse women. After all this is still to this day the difference between a knight or some sort of violent murdering monster. The latter kills women and children, while the knight protects them.

Whati is your opinion on Incels, Zig Forums?

I created this thread on their forum to give them some advice and the replies speak for themselves. I think I am pretty much done there and I am going to end my pet project there. They don't even want our help, but maybe there is hope for a select few of them.

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it's a pity they've succumbed to demoralizer shills

I wouldn't even call it that, because imo they aren't part of our side.

Why waste time on failures? Lots of truth in the incel community about the way sexuality works and how being "attractive" either male or female is a extreme benefit. But if you aren't willing to keep getting back up when pushed down, you have no spirit left in you to save. I suppose its good to offer a helping hand up, but don't be surprised when 90% don't want even smack it away. You have to want to get up before doing so.
I went volcel for over a year now in my mission to become an ubermensch, one of the smartest things I've done

But user, modern Western society has raised the current crop of women into exactly that. Told them it's good, admirable behavior. Enabled it with things like Tinder. Shamed men for wanting traditional relationships. And told her that men who think her high 'count' is disgusting are worthless garbage.
Most don't prefer niggers. Even the ones who date niggers would rather date a white man, deep down. The problem here is social signaling. They get good goy points for showing how not racist they are by fucking niggers. Again, rewards by the same system that tells them to be whores.
Women literally can get sex easier than men. For women, it is as simple as walking into a public place such as a bar and declaring in a loud, clear voice, "I am looking to get laid tonight. Men, please form a single file line if you're interested." and she will have her choice. If a man does this, he's a pervert, womanizer, etc while if a woman does it, she's a strong, sexually liberated, empowered, stunning and brave grrl.
And it is unfair.
Men and women are different, but they aren't apples and oranges. They can be compared.
Jesus, what I wouldn't give for traditional gender roles and the support system behind them, where young women are raised early on to respect men and be dutiful, kind, loving wives to their husbands and provide them children, and in return men provide shelter, protection, and security.
But with the state acting as daddy and husband to women who fuck and pop out children outside of wedlock, that is impossible. They are no longer dependent on men for support.
With employers forced to hire women, and women's natural tendency to go with the flow or not rock the boat (and never, ever negotiate for higher pay or a raise), men are forced to compete against an entire gender of employees who will accept lower pay and are easier on the eyes.

TL;DR, my point here is this:
Not all 'incels' are actually 'incels.'
Some are very right wing and the only thing really keeping them from getting laid is
and so on.
I cannot begin to express how difficult it is to find a woman over 20 who hasn't burned the coal, doesn't have kids, actually wants children, and who isn't some kind of degenerate whore depending on where you live.

This user is on point, I agree with everything you said until the very end.
Yes, incel is incel, you are mixing volcel with incel. Really is just a matter of perspective, but rejecting the (((modern))) pozzed woman is not incel. rejecting all women for being women, is incel. You can recover damaged women from the abyss, and if we are serious about saving our race, we will have to.

Many of them are, but many aren't. We are as much part of this degenerate system as our women are. Our women as a whole are not irredeemable.
The average sexual partners per lifetime is 4-6. We just put the sluts on a pedastal and worship them, but that doesn't mean everyone is like that.

And most never racemix. Even the ones that say it's okay. Womens' words =/= their actions

I know. And I don't care. They are women. We are men.
They face different challenges. It's not unfair, because women aren't men and men aren't women.
Don't be a feminist.

They still are though. Have you ever encountered old women that ask you constantly to help them move stuff, because they don't have a husband that does it for them?
And women still get more ressources, when they are with a man. A life on social security isn't a good life.

It is a problem, but it's not absolute. The state cannot change this fundamental part of our nature.

It's easier, if you actually realize that she doesn't need to want children or live a trad lifestyle from the get go.
Women change for their men.

Then you both need to be straightened out too.
The only possibility for you to believe that a woman getting easier sex than men is "unfair", is if you are feminists or disappointed feminists. Like you know feminism is bullshit, but deep down you'd prefer to live in a world where gender equality actually existed.

Women have different challenges than men.

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Nah I'm on the same page as you bruda, doesn't change the fact that I agreed with him. Women like you said as well, can get sex "easier" then men, its just a truth, I'm not mad I can get it pretty easily myself in this pozzed out society as well. As you likely know, women follow men, if you aren't a man worth being followed, then you wont be. simple.

Zig Forums is a national socialist board, not a "right wing" board. please stop attempting to co-opt and frame Zig Forums around your kike narrative. thank you.

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lol classic, just abandon you're fellow brother and then wonder why things go to shit. This wasn't the way of the world till women got rights. Men would help their fellow brothers instead of just chasing pussy because in the end all you faggots have done is feminize the world by making pussy the only thing that matters when it isn't. You've lost sight of what civilization is all about and are claiming to be "men" when that's not what a man is

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you'd have to completely destroy everything that enables feminism to end the "incel" phenomenon

only when females have no rights, and men have meaningful work in a meaningful society can we then again reinforce the shaming mechanisms against being single, being a whore etc. personally i want women to be treated as livestock that are bought and sold. the highest female would still be lower than the lowest man. all transgression would only recieve corporal or capital punishment, and publicly in front of the other females. then females would be assigned to men depending on their contribution to the mannerbund. everyone wins.

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Which is never going to happen because the fags who call everyone an incel cause they can't get laid are usually the first ones to betray and just hand over everything to a woman cause the only thing they care about is pussy and not about civilization

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this is a false statement. enough of them are whores that fuck niggers to where they should be judged as a group. we now know exactly what happens when females are liberated. they systematically work against everything that men build and defend with their lives, just because they are whiny destructive children. it can be demonstrated that once women could vote they always vote left, and White men always vote right. we do know this.

we also know about the monkey branching, hypergamy, depravity, and trifling that bitches will express if not physically kept under boot. no matter who you are nowadays, any wench will divorce you, take your children, half of what you own, and get a monthly check out of you because they are simply appealing to the stronger power: the state. they would do the same in the dark ages, siding with the warlord and leaving you in an instant.

take your white knighting faggot shit out of here. enslave the females = civilization thrives. free the females = civilization crumbles.

I'm not alienating shit, fuck I've tried everything besides outright buying a woman for some of my incel brothers/friends. Your people can help you as much as we can, and we will, I love my brothers even the incels, but eventually the man himself has to make the decision whether he will change his fate, while being mindful that not every outcome is available for every man in any given time.
wtf you suggest we do user? these 2 arent genetic incel (which while cruel does exist, but severly small % of incel population) they just pozzed out like the general female. A man changes himself, and a woman will follow.
I will always love my bruders, and consider it a duty to help, actually a joy, but I can't force them to change, they have to.

I am, by definition, and incel, so I may be a biased party here, but starting an internet slap fight with incels seems like a waste of time. The white race has been getting ripped to shreds for at least a century, and you want to start an internet feud with with people who have no power, no reproductive capability, no influence, and no ambition? I should think this calls into question your priorities.

As an aside, incels have better memes than Zig Forums.

I welcome the incels. They are mostly red-pilled already anyway. Welcome aboard, read the SIG thread and get to work. May we all have white wives and many children.

You're a fucking insane cuck if you think I'm going to settle for anything less than a trad virgin for a wife. You can't turn a ho into a housewife, if you marry a damaged woman she will provide you a damaged marriage, if she doesn't divorce you, and damaged children.

See this is the right kind of attitude

there are no incels idiot it it just a broad brush stroke dismissal tactic that came into vogue when racist lost its shine.

fair enough and I dont disagree with your sentiment, I share it in fact. trad virgin cuties are a rare commodity in ZOG, your gonna have to "make it" to score this likely if you didnt luck out and grab her in high school/college. Saving from the abyss =/= turning into housewife, individuals will have to account for behavior, and be judged accordingly, but tossing white women who are still fertile into the dumpster is not a rational policy if your concerned about our people.

I didn't mean it literally but the point stands, a whore is not gonna suddenly go monogamous.
How are you arguing for anything outside of marrying her? You either marry her and have kids or you knock her up and abandon her and the kids like a nigger. How else do you not wife her up while also judging her for her behavior without throwing her out?

Incels are a symptom of feminism, same with MGTOW. Fighting the symptoms and not the disease sounds like a teriffic idea, go for it.

Like my friend did
While this isn't ideal, and I don't know if i could do the same, I would hope i can/will if I dont secure my own goals tho. His sons are great boys and even under his care the ward is getting better. (I think he even will call her is daughther someday, but a title like that is EARNED not given)
To put it bluntly, enough of our women have been pozzed, were either going to have to be ok with massive demographic loss, or making the best of shit that we can.

Your friend is the most pathetic fucking cuck on the planet holy shit lol

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No you didn't. You gave out meaningless platitudes like "man up" and "just be yourself" or useless suggestions like "go to (((church)))" (full of old people and shitskins). You never gave advice or uttered a single insightful word.

Incel communities are filled with non-whites, I wouldn't waste too much time on them as in poos, chinks, hapas,beaners fill most of their ranks. You are more likely to convert normie White bible thumper kids because you have at least a commonality on what normal generally is. Then waste your time with someone that self defeats and already dsygenic who fell for jew leftist propaganda but, now revels in it like a cuck.

Also if you read most of the incels complain about not getting White girls because well they are mutant shitskins that do act creepy towards White women regardless of age.

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there is no true incel
No so-called "incel" is celibate "involuntarily". It's bullshit.

Firstly: negresses will fuck anybody, and the majority are choosing not to pursue bottom-tier pussy like nigger pussy. This is a rational thing to do, and it means your celibacy is VOLUNTARY. You are not a victim, you are a chooser.

the ultimate cuck raises children who are not their own without knowing it.

Knowingly adopting another guy's kid (even a nigger's) doesn't make you a cuck so long as you are non-generous with resources, make them pull their weight doing chores. Ultimately this guy kicked out the guy's offspring so that's non-cucked.

Are you a retard? It's the very definition of it and your friend is just a race-mixing kike you flaming faggot. Goddamn reddit needs to fucking leave this place

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In these dark times, with the hour so late, you want to play with fag boys, OP? I wonder why… don't make another thread until you've unfucked your mind.


I bet your faggot ass doesn't even have any kids and your shitting on my friend for bringing two aryan sons into the world. The real cucks are all us paying fucking tax in this country, he doesnt really spend much for money on her (thats all us taxpayers, you think his girl isn't getting state money for the bastard?) Hes trying to make the best of shit situation(raised by single mom, no father in life, adopted wigger culture as a teen, prison, from prison got race woke, doing best he can while being felon), settle is not a dirty word if you actually want to have white children.
ahh your just a retard who can't read

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lol, jesus christ go fucking blog post on reddit cuckboy, this boards supposed to be for news and politics not your friends faggot cuckolding lifestyle haha

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Inceldom has nothing to do with that. It's just about being unable to get real sex (i.e. not paid for or rape).

In original Zig Forums MGTOW was important as it was the first step in awakening to major societal problems. In many regards I still think it's functional in this. They don't injure anything either; one could argue Incel's wouldn't reproduce anyway, or are unworthy of reproduction, so it hardly matters. People on nu-Zig Forums only care about MGTOW or Incels because they commit the unforgivable crime of pointing out that outside of the 14 words, the white woman is not that great, and that it is the men of our Race who are the true exceptions.

I myself have stopped concerning myself with the "white baby" meme, no amount of birth rate can literally compare to the flood of the third world and their are more white people alive now than their have ever been. The fight is now in controlling borders, expelling mud's in mass and creating common volk with strong and like minded men.

Even if women flocked to the hard right (LMAO MY 4 POINT SQUARE SAYS HITLER IS CENTRAL FAG XD WRECTD) what could they even contribute? A mast head or puppet like Soph? The problem with movements is they are all too quick to irregardless put up women in place where there should be a man. GamerGate did it with Vivian, Weebs do it with literally everything right down to making ships MOE ANIME GIRLS, companies are all fighting for MOST WOMEN. The right isn't about women, it's about men. It's mindset itself is masculine, just as the week and groveling hand me outs are feminine. Check the masculine difference between any party anywhere in the world separated by this dichotomy.

You can go anywhere and find women, you can repeat the same tripe easy and get laid with even dykes. The spaces of men, or ability for men to be a MAN amongst men is growing smaller. That's good for the hard Right, be it Monarchism, Fascism, Nat Soc, Anarcho Capitalist, Anarch Fascism. They will only benifit by this monopoly, provided they are smart enough to Recognize the value of what they have:

In Dark Souls, the forgotten God, the Furtive Pygmy, was the last to collect his prize from ashes which had already been picked over for quick and easy treasures by the Gods, a treasure forgotten beyond measure which could overturn fate itself and make Gods bleed: Man.

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we really need to admit though that the incels probably see the world the clearest and most stoic and without blinders of anyone on this board.

Know the one that's really annoying? The "Nazis and Fascists are Feminists" spammer. Because traditional roles are apparently too good for women, it should be a big rape dungeon. I'm thinking it's a disaffected hapa of some sort, it has that schizoid, self-hating but not not quite jewish feel to it.

user, this problem will address itself once the 4th Reich is implemented across the west. Polite sage.

I think it's a bit of a touchy subject. Disaffected young men are the cream of the crop for any would-be revolutionaries. So I don't think an elitist view is effective. "Rehabilitation" would be ideal. A big problem with trying to incorporate them into the Movement is that they suffer from the same disease most right-wingers suffer today: actionitis. They love to complain, but hate to actually do something about it. They'll invent the most ridiculous principles - typically based on enlightenment philosophy - and try to make inaction seem like the proper, moral thing to do. The libertarians, for instance, have built an entire movement based on bitching, but refusing to do anything about it. I remember during my early red-pill days I was occasionally a bit put off by the intense pragmatism offered by National Socialism. It's a mindset that really needs to be nurtured in the long-term due to the triumph of slave-morality. This gives us the old Rockwell vs Pierce ultimatum: do you want a lot of men of questionable quality or do you want a small but amazing group of men? Quantity or quality? We're talking about a group of people that takes the phrase "man up" as a joke. We're talking about people who understand many problems facing the world, the destruction of the family, etc, but look at their response to it. It's not a zealous desire to fight. Their "answer" is to play video games and masturbate.

It takes a lot of work, but these people are reformable. They're very susceptible to group-think and father-figures, which may prove useful. But Zig Forums certainly isn't in a position to undertake such a task. Have you seen Zig Forums lately? All you have to do to destroy Zig Forums is mention Christianity or Paganism, or the word "Trump."

Another thing I want to mention is that I was basically your run of the mill "incel" until I stopped masturbating. I want to point out that this is a mindset that men are actually being pushed into, it's made as the only alternative to being a "soy boy" that acts like a slave to women. It's hard for young, mostly ignored men to not grow resentful towards women. Look at how they get so much attention and good-treatment. They get so much attention that they actually get annoyed by it. Can you imagine that? I can't. It's typical envy.

Another issue is "love." It's a mantra nowadays to say "Don't believe what everyone else says, Disney love isn't real." As if everyone was talking about love as if it were real. The problem with this is that virtually no one actually talks about love these days. Virtually any higher-ideal or non-materialistic desire is ridiculed these days. More than anyone else, National Socialists must be the most fervent preachers of love.

Most women are bitches and whores, what makes the difference is what are you going to do about it. Incels mostly give up after realizing what kind of evil, shallow, lying, worthless, rotten garbage most women are, chads overcome it. In modern societies, the investment is simply not worth the return from a rational perspective, but men are still biologically programmed to need women which causes them to rage and suffer, especially the more intelligent ones who realize how disadvantaged they are and how uneven the playing field is.

I've seen his threads a few times and he actually has good arguments. You're just insulting him because you have none.

Yeah, women aren't the sweet little angels your mother told you they were.
No one wants to hear you cry about it though.

When I say 'man up' I don't mean become Hercules through willpower. I mean stop moaning like a whore and sort out your own problems. Be bitter and resentful if you like, but be bitter and resentful like a man instead of a toddler throwing a tantrum.

The only incels are men that can't physically restrain a woman.

lol, did you run out of ideas for typo covered horribly copyedited "news" articles kike?

The only advice they need, the incel thing is literally just an excuse for broken men to continue being useless fucks.

Its kinda a religious belief 'i was born this way' or that its some external will that they are unable to effect, its all wrong and most likely stems from consuming too much (((clown media)))

I am a chad and also an incel. Fucks me lads, too Natsoc for my own good.

Underrated post

curses, a NUDE hand, dost alert dost alert

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Do incels really exist? Or are they just another made up distraction like the flat earthers and moon hoaxers and 9/11 troofers? My bullshit meter says no.

click on the link in the OP, user

This is inspiring stuff. You can do everything possible to help someone but it is they who must take the first step for themselves. Perhaps Inceldom is like Communism: it is easier to tear down what someone else has built than to build yourself up.

True. The wedding vows from a millennium ago were different for men and women. Men love and cherish. Women honor and obey. Women were never meant to be independent. Every society that has independent women gets taken over by those that don't.

Fucking underrated words. The moment you do something because of a woman she loses all interest. We are heading towards war and a clash of civilizations. The next few years will be the difference between conquering the stars and being confined to this planet forever. If we pander to women instead of believe in ourselves we will lose this war. Deus Vult.

Thanks user.
I am glad that I even reached some people on there and had me send thank yous to what I wrote.
Any type of positive message is not regarded well with Incels generally. They like to just have their blackpill den and feel enlightened in their own suffering.

This board really has declined.

Although your argument defeats the claim that there is no incel desperate enough to jump on a negress, that does not bear relevance to the notion which is implied, namely that an attractive White woman would want something to do with you or not, and if not, then you are either a rapist or an incel.

Cock carousel theory has also been debunked for years. According to studies by the CDC and Kinsey report the average number of lifetime sex partners for women is 4, not hundreds. University of Ohio did a study involving polygraph tests and even women who fudged their numbers still had the estate average number of 4.4.

its impossible for a leftist to think its impossible for a leftist to meme its impossible for leftists to exist they simply are demons

You might as well fuck goats and dogs then, that's not how evolution works. White women fuck niggers because they are on the same level mentally and those women have their instincts fucked up (and are thus genetic trash themselves), but white men actually have their selection mechanisms working (for the most part)


They will make excellent drones.

I don't associate with or share any common ground with incels, weebs, edgelords or any such group. None of them are our friends, none of them will be spared.

They don't want help. I can't even remember how many times I've tried to help and I always end up disappointed. It might still be worth it but know your not gonna save 9/10 of them and what you will get will be of dubious quality.

men are not born, they are made

Victim blaming again. It's never going to work.

Here's the coward to round on his fellow incels.

Incels are cowards and losers, you don't want to be associated with that.

it isn't even a question when it comes to helping your european blooded brothers to better themselves.
red pill is all part of that.
tihs was common knowledge on chans ten years ago

I'm no incel, cretin.

No, they're not. They expect rationality from women, no more. When that doesn't come forth then the social contract is broken.

That's what I said. You are anti-incel, victim blaming. That is neoliberal. Kikes want incels persecuted as do their neoliberal collaborators..


I'm simply stating they will not be spared. Nothing more, nothing less. Now go stick that pointing finger elsewhere.

So you would rather everyone kill themselves than admit they are victims of White neoliberals and kikes?

Neoliberals made this mess, with deliberate intent. Now you think everyone should kill each other as your solution, not have the situation studied honestly and call them victims.

I filtered him, so should you, user. He will just keep spamming the thread.

Ah yes, the infiltrating scum makes itself known! Behold, the enemy! No different than the ruling establishment of Jews and traitors, or the nonwhite masses in our midst. This is a more insidious enemy, the one that claims to be in our ranks! People ask why the Movement never gets anywhere, never does anything, it is because these vermin pollute it, they warp it with their degenerate and resentment fueled bile. The old saying “they would be the first to go” truly rings true for these subhumans. They come to this
Movement, not for any principle or higher purpose, they come only to vent their own personal and often sexual frustrations, and like moths to the flame, they see the Right, National Socialism or whatever, as a place to reject society and feel somewhat validated. But they are not National Socialists, they are broken men who did not have the quality to resist ZOG internally. They need to be done away with, ostracised, and one day purged, as they hold values opposite to what National Socialists, or Good Men in general, should have. They are the worst scum. Similar to O9A and Satanists, who come to this ideology for similar reasons. Truly, there is no way forward until we purge these creatures from within our own ranks. This is not ‘infighting’, you would not fight alongside a Rabbi, would you? Whenever a Jew sees incel behaviour in this presently God forsaken movement, he is no doubt assured that everything is fine, and the goyim are doing a good job destroying themselves. GOOD JOB FOLKS

Stop whining you little faggot, no one wants to hear it.
You got a raw deal, boo hoo. Complaining isn't going to change things.
Make the best of your circumstances and stop asking mommy to kiss it better.

get out loser. only smart people may post.


You even throw insults like a woman.

That guy is just upset user. Yes it's crudely, put but he is only lashing out because he doesn't know better. He sees no way out.

All of civilization, all major technological innovations were the result of 1 or 2 man incel squads with access to a basement/garage or barn, you impotent cowards have no idea what a highly motivated white man can come up with in a basement, with no pussy and a bugman job you cant get fired from no matter how hard you chimp out, you fakey faggot internet kikes

I despise people who use their sexuality as the sole identifying factor. This is the case with homosexuals, who use their homosexual preference as a definition for themselves. Not nationality, not ethnicity or race. They are homos first, everything else is sidelined, thus unimportant. Same is the case with so called "incels". They don't care about things that are truly valuable in life, they don't care about their race and nationality, they only care about the fact they can't get pussy so easily and readily as other, more well-endowed men. It's all that matters - pussy. Their entire lives revolve around the fact that they cannot engage in consensual degenerate acts with women without effort; something that always was a means to an end (the end being procreation and having kids) grows to be the only reason to do absolutely anything. That's the whole fucking thing. And that's disgusting.

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Incels are men who have had bad experiences with women and have negative feelings and opinions towards them. Maybe they were abused by their mom or bullied by girls in school, anyway there is a reason they are like this. And like any mental problem it can be fixed.
Don't leave your fellow man to dwell in negativity and self pity

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As an addition, most "incels" are non-white, often of mixed race. Giving them attention and calling them "allies" is a waste of time and should be reconsidered. Bloating the ranks with freeloaders and such pathetic individuals who "muh dick" like niggers is a senseless mistake.

And so that creature deserves sympathy? I’m sure there are many psychological factors which led to him becoming this fucked, that doesn’t excuse his rotten beliefs. It’s a fucking tragedy that these guys have become almost synonymous with the Right, and plays right into the hands of the Enemy. Gotta admit, their method of controlled opposition is masterful.

Yeah, big improvement.

No. I've given you a proper definition in the post above. I've personally had bad experiences with women and I don't loathe them senselessly because they don't run over themselves to jump on my dick. Women's lives are inherently more valuable than men, and I refuse to pity a mangina who expects to fuck a woman putting in absolutely zero effort or having zero integrity.

It's the Marxist kikes that have continually pushed for woman's "rights and equality" knowing very well that all throughout history, every host country that they have invaded was easily weakened and destroyed once woman was (((liberated)) and given authority over men.
Wanting to put the emotional, passive, and feeble minded woman back in her proper place is only the natural order. However, the parasitic jew knows how to play the generational long con. Thus this clown world of infinite spics, niggers, trannies, sluts, kikes, and emasculated self-hating men is a result of 100 years of woman having power to dictate policies. It has allowed them to vote more women, niggers and kikes into power and therefore implement the current gynocentric, social justice faggotry, rape culture, anti-gun, anti-racist, anti-borders and merit-less egalitarianism you see today. The jewdicial system that prevents men from subjugating (and therefore protecting) woman from their own destructive behavior will be the destruction of our European and American cultures. Hitler also knew this.
The kikes wanted us to continue to focus of them as the boogeyman so they can continue to play the victim while we and ignore our fundamental problem: that the weaker of our species rules over us. As long as woman has a vote (or any rights) and other legal (((protections))) we will never be able to eliminate the joo or any of the millions of shitskins from our lands. There's no going back at this point. Not without a civil war or a stronger country (without kike controlled feminism) actually defeating us.

Attached: 1930sWoman_vs_ModernWoman.jpeg (800x450 558.52 KB, 68.3K)

The degeneracy of the modern West has little to do with the ‘liberation’, (ie, degeneration) of women, and their influence on society. It is simply yet another SYMPTOM of the fundamental, ideological filth, filtered down from the highest levels of society, that affects men and women, fairly equally. This whole narrative which places undue blame on women makes no sense, and falls apart under any scrutiny.
Yes, the gender roles for women are fucked up, femininity has been warped beyond recognition, many women are whorish, women should not encouraged to adopt traditionally masculine societal roles, etc etc.
But the exact same critique can be levelled against the modern male, in fact, it’s a lot more damning, because as men, we should embody that active masculine force, which has the capacity to strongly resist such things, but we don’t…

The current state of affairs is not the result of women having power for the last 100 years. Plain and simple, get that shit out of your judeafied mind.
Hitler thought nothing of the sort regarding women, he had a high ideal of women and the feminine archetype. They were not "feeble, emotional and passive", that's what they have become under this Jewish system, that is not how Hitler viewed them, and that is not what the archetype of Aryan women inherently is. You can't change history to make it fit your rape fantasies or whatever else your repressed mind has shat out, Hitler never had this fucking dystopian attitude towards women, and none of the NS back then did either.
You're literally saying that Aryan white women are a more fundamental problem than the Jews. This is exactly the kind of subversive and resentful shit that needs to be confronted by whatever decent men are left on our side.

If you read what I said, I clearly place the blame on JEWS. Women are feeble minded and are only acting and voting according to their nature. Jews used them (along with niggers) as a tactical weapon against the goyim.
Before the 19th amendment, woman's suffrage was severely mocked, and feminist cunt SB Anthony was actually jailed for voting illegally. It was the kiked shabbos goy Wilson that forced the 19th amendment through the Senate (ending a fillibuster). He was also responsible for the Balfour Declaration. My point was that apologist thirsty cucks like you, that think woman is equal to man, gave the Jews what they want (like woman and nigger rights) are the cause our current state. Hitler never had an egalitarian view of woman and did not believe they should have the right to vote. Learn sum history niggers. Also you ad hom about "rape fantasies" is not an argument you faggot cuck. I'd put you in an armbar and break your shit you little pussy.

incels are a product of porn, egirls, whores. you cannot fix incel problem without first fixing civilization.

just make them read SIEGE and release them into the wild

Spouting a bunch of random historical anecdotes doesn't help move this bullshit along.

Women are not equal to man, Hitler did not think this, I do not think this. Does this mean women are are wretched, feeble minded, inferior (in the universal sense), or anything equally negative? No. Thinking like this is exactly what the Jews want, they have made this crystal clear.

So here's the point of ideological difference my fellow 'white man'. You believe that women are inherently wretched and feeble minded, and the Jews take advantage of this. I believe that the archetype of the Aryan women is inherently noble, pure, and wise. The Jews have simply polluted women to such an extent that they are now very far from this ideal indeed. This is what Adolf Hitler believed, this is what I believe, this is what all decent folk should believe.

You are polluted, you are broken, your ranting is a clear indication. You have already claimed that women are a more fundamental threat then the Jews. Your resentment blinds you. And if one believes anything different, if anyone dares have a noble view of feminine archetypes, or the Idea of women, you know, like the national socialists actually did, you are a 'faggot cuck'.

Get the fuck out of this movement, stop masquerading as a National Socialist or whatever rightwing ideology you claim to be, just be honest with yourself and go rot with the MGTOW crowd. You're not fooling anyone, you or the rest of you degenerates. You're a disease, a poison rotting this movement from its core.

Threadly reminder to all newfags that this is a shill thread and to lurk more to gain useful information rather than fling shit.

"Incel" is just a feminist buzzword. They used "virgin" before, now they use "incel".
There are men who avoid women because they don't care or because they don't want to be divorce-raped and falsely accused of domestic violence or rape. Women don't want to lose their abused slaves, so they use this kind of shaming tactics.
But we don't need to ruin our lives to become fathers. We can just use surrogacy.

that's what neoliberals and ancaps rightists want. for the people they neolibbed, to fight on their behalf. don't be stupid anons. take the neolibs down right and left who did this to everyone.

It's be best for incels if they adopted the MGTOW ideology. Until the current western governments/societies are replaced, women will continue to be poison. After the government/welfare state collapses, women will need return to traditionalism in order to survive. After that, hopefully western men will remember to keep their women in line, and certainly never give them voting rights.